1、r Z 2020-2021r Z 學年度九年級英語(人教版)第一次月考檢測題(滿分: 分,時間:IoO 分鐘)一、單項填空(本大題有 小題,每小題 1 ,共 20 ) 1. HOW do you StUdy _ a test?I StUdy _WOrking a groupA. foe ir B. for; by, Cby, for DOtir2. -When Were you WaS born 28,1999 A. in B. With C. at D. On3. -We WiIl a 8-day holiday from Oct.l to Oct.8 for ChineSe NatiOna
2、l Day?-WOw _ eciting news it is!A. What B. C. HOW D. HOW an4. _ you eat _ you WiIl be.A. The more; the fatter B. The more; the fater C. The most; the D. more; fatter5. The epressiOnS they USe might _ WhOm they are SPeaking to Or how WeIl they know each other. A. instead Of B IGad to C. because Of de
3、pend On6. When you dont know SOme WOrdS in reading, It is not a good idea _ in a dictiOnary at OnCe A. make UP them B. UP them C. to make them UP D. to IOOk them UP7. My father WantS to know _ next WeekA. When my UnCle IeaVeS When WiIl my UnCIe IeaVe C. When my Unde WiIl D 8. Can you teach me the CO
4、mPUter?When does my UnCIe IeaVeA. how USing Bhow to USe What D. What USing9. _ the English CIUb at SChOOl is the best Way to improve OUr EngliSh A. B. JOined C. JOining D. JOinS10. IZVe _ five POUndS because I ate much meat A. PUt UP B. PUt Off C PUt away D PUt On11. ItZS to SWim this river. Yes, yo
5、u are right. The go ver nrnent has _ PeOPIe to SWim it.A. trained Warned C. led DGnCOUraged12.1 WOnder _ you WOUld to COme to my birthday party. A. that B. Whether What D. that 13. What is matter? I have trouble WhO taken my book A. IOOking after B. finding OUt to find D. to IOOk UP 14.1 find _ diff
6、icult to my room CIean.A. it B. this C. that D. myself15. COUld you tell me POSt office?A. the Way B. is C. HOW Can I get to Dhow to get to16. The famous noVel Yan is interesting.A. Write B. Written WriteS D. WrOte17. The PhOtO Can _ me _ my ChineSe teacher, Mr. Green.A. remind; Of B. let; down C. w
7、ake; UP D. talk; about18. A Iearner Often thinks needs to PraCtiCe more A. that B. What C. how D. Wherez 19. -He dressed UP _a ghost IaSt nightz scary!-Take easy! He PIayed a trick A. in, On B. in, in C. as, On in 一DOeS my questiOn SOUnd enough?-I dont think so. YOU Can ask moreby USing could.A. POI
8、itely; POlitely B. POIitely; POIite C. polite; POliteIy D. polite; POlite二閱讀理解 (題共 分,每小題 2 分ABUtterfly ehibitiOnDate : 1 St- 31 St MayPlaCe : SUnShine TOWn Show: AIl kinds Of butterflies different PartS Of the WOrldTime : MOn Fri 10:0Oam- 4:00PmSat-SUn 一 5:00 PrnTiCketSAdUItS : StUdentS : Y15ChiIdre
9、n : 12 freeGrOUP booking :Can be made through the group (OlO) 74xxxx27AdUIt groups 10 Or more : Y15 each groups Of 10 Or more : Y 10 each giftCOme to the butterfly On ISt ,May and receive a free PiCtUre butterflies 1. We Can in butterfly exhibition.AV SOme paintings. B 、 PiCtUreS Of butterflies only
10、.CX SOme beautiful butterflies. DX SOme Ofthe towns all OVer the WOrld2. If you are to See the exhibition With your -year -Old daughter; you WiIl HaVe to _ A. 15 yuan B. 20 yuan C. 25 yuan D 35 yuan3. We Can book group tickets _A. by making a PhOne CaII by Sending an e -mail C. by Writing a Ietter D
11、 by filling in an applicatiOn form 4. There are 45 StUdents in OUr CIaSS HOW much WiIl they Pay if they ViSit the exhibitiOn ?A. 675 B. 450 C. D. 4005. If go to the exhibitiOn , May, you Can get _ A. a book B. ticket C. a butterfly D. a BLiStening test is One Of most important PartS Of English examH
12、ere are SOme tips for you. you to IiSter you need to DOrt be out. And try to read the questions. TheSe questions USUaIIyhelp you UnderStand COnVerSatiOn Or the PaSSageThen IiSten CarefUIIy the first Sentence It USUaIly tells you main idea the PaSSage youre IiStening, try to do SOme thinking and take
13、 SOme notes, SUCh as: happened?z z Where and how?z z does the SPeaker Want tell us?In this way, you may the better.PIeaSe remember not to think about One Or two WOrdS for a IOng time When yo u hear SOme WOrdS you dort know, SPend too much time On them often, youll find OUt What they mean Iater When
14、you go With theIiSte ning.6. PaSSage mainly talks about _A. tips On IiStening B. tips On SPeaking C. tips On reading D. tips On Writing7. IfS better for you keep _ When you Start have a IiStening test A. excited B. relaxed C. StreSSeel OUt D. WOrried8. ShOUId IiSten to the first SGntence CarefUIly,
15、because it USUaIly tells US _A. the answers to the B. Where to Write the anSWerSC. the main idea Of the PaSSageD HOW much time (剩余) the IiStening test9. When yore IiStening, it,s important for you to _A. remember every WOrd B. take SOme notesC. UnderStand all the WOrdS Dthink about Or two WOrdS for
16、IOng time10. (S) US UnderStand the PaSSage betterA. B. first SentenCe C. notes A, B and CCMany teenagers feel that the most important PeOPle in their Iife are friendsThey believe that their family don,t know them asWell as their friends do. In families Jt is quite Often for brothers and SiSterS figh
17、t (丁架 ),and then they Can go totheir frlends for SOme ideasIt S Very important for teenagers to have One good friend a group Of friends EVen When they are not With their friends, theyUSUaIIy SPend much time On the PhOnQ ThiS (交流)is important children growing UP because friendsCan be the right One to
18、 talk abOUt With .These are difficult to Say the family.HOWeVeG Often to ChOOSe their ChildrenzS friends for them SOme Parents even ask their Children not to meet theirgood friends.根據短文內容,選擇正確答案11. Many teenagers think thatcan UnderStand them better. A. friends B. brother C. SlSterS D Parents12.is i
19、mportant teenagersA. TO make friends B. TO fight With brothers TO StOP meeting friends PhOne Parents13. When teenagers have SOmething difficult to Say to their Parents, they usually.A. Stay alone at home B. fight their Parents C. talk their friends D. go to their brothers and SiSterS for help 14. AC
20、COrding to(據 )the ,which Ofthe SentenCe is A. ShOUld ChOOSe everything they IikeB. Children ShOUld ChOOSe everything they IikeC. ShOUld their children better. D Teenagers ShOUId OnIy go to their friends for HeIPz j Z Z z Z 15. What does the PaSSage mainly talk about?z j Z Z z Z A. HOw to make friend
21、sB. The COmmUnication is ImPOrtant ChildrenZ growing up.C. Parents their ChiIdren meet then friends. 三綜合填空(40 分)A.根據漢語提示寫出相應的英語單詞( 分)。1. EVeryOne is _(天生的)With the ability learn.2. After this PeOPIe Stared the tradition (欣賞)the moon.3. all that SePtember 10 the is _(教師)4. _ he now treats With kindne
22、ss and 5Can t _ (發(fā)音) Of the words.(溫曖)。B.從方框中選擇合適的詞組或單詞,并用其適當形式填空(10 分)。(Clean inCreaSe be , not PIanWatCh )1. I think there more PeOPIe in 2050.2. - Where are you going On VaCatiOn this summer? it yet.3. She Often foot ball games On TV.4. Iook! The IittIe boy his bedroom5. I dont know how _ my read
23、ing SPeedC.選適當的詞填空(20分)。(IiStening ,to ask, SO spoke, is, understanding, PrOnUnCiatiOn, serves, CalIed JeaIiZed ) year; did not Iike my English EVery ClaSS WaS Iike a bad dream The teacher_1 _ quickly that did notUnderStand her most Of the timeI WaS afraid 2 questions because Of POOr I just hid behi
24、nd my textbookand SaiCI anythingThen One day I WatChed English movie 4 TOV StOryI fell in IOVe With this exciting and funny movie! SO I began WatChOther English movies, too. AlthOUgh I COUld not UnderStand everything the CharaCterS Said their body Ianguage and the expressions On their faces helped m
25、e to get the I also 5 I COUld get the meaning by_6 for just the WOrdS My PrOnUnCiatiOn 7 as WeIl IiStening the COnVerSatiOnS in EngIiSh movie I CIiSCOVered that IiSten to SOmethinginteresting 8 the to IangUage Iearning. also Iearned USefUl SentenCeS IikezzIfs a PieCe Of cakel did not Understand thes
26、eSentences at first. BUt because I Wanted to UnderStand the story, IOOked UP in a CliCtionary. I really enjoy my English I Want to new WOrdS and more grammar I have a better 10 Of EngIiSh movie 四任務型閱讀(15 分)A (分)Dear Xia YUDO you know that there are two A_ days for in AmeriCa? OnG is Mothers Day On _
27、B_ SUnday May and the Other isFathers Day On third SUnday Of JUneOn these two days, AmeriCan Children Often give gifts to their ParentSC_ take themOUt for IUnCh Or dinner. COmrnOn gifts are flowers and CardS and ShirtS Or ties forfathersI heard that is becoming more and POPUlar CeIebrate Mothers Day
28、 and Fathers Day in China. I WOnder ifChiIdren OVer there also give SimiIar gifts to _D _ I believe there are many WayS to ShOW z z z IOVe ACtUally, We have a IOt Of money is also a idea _ E to do SOmething inSteadz z z 1.將短文中 ABCDE 處擇正確詞匯的適當形式填空。ABCDE2.翻譯短語:父親節(jié)越來越受歡迎 _3.從短文中選擇適當的詞填空。We _too much ti
29、me doing OUr homework every day.書寫下列問題的答語:4 WhGn is Mothers Day? _ 5 WhGn is Fathers B(5分)請閱讀下而這篇文章,根據所提供的信息,完成信息卡。A d iff ere nt Way Of teachi ng is WideIy in OUr En glish study. BefOre CIaSSZWe make StUdy PIanS first. Then We IOOk UPthe new words, IiSten the recording read the text. When We meet P
30、rOblemS We cant SOlVe by OUrSeIVeS We always Writethem down in OUr notebooksIn class, We Sit in groups to discuss the PrObIemS freely. The teacher always OfferS help When We need After discussion, itstime for US to give a report to the ClaSSWe also make COnVerSatiOnS in PairS and PraCtiCe a lot. Itl
31、S really good for OUrIiStening and SPeakingAfter ClaSS We have homework now SO We Can go to the Iibrary to read EngIiSh books, magazines and newspapers We Can also SUrfthe Internet for USefUl information.In a WOrd We GnjOy the new Way Of StUdyingWe Can make more PrOgreSS OUr StUdyInfOrmatiOn CardMai
32、n idea A Clifferent Way Of Ieaming is 6_ USed in OUr English StUdyChangeS BefOre CIaSS We make StUdy first8_ We in groups 9 _ the PrObIem freely. After ClaSS We have 10 _ homework SO We Can go to the library.COnClUSiOn(結論)In a WOrCI, We Can make more PrOgreSS in the new 五書而表達(15)我們是九年級學生,我們已學習了六年英語,寫寫我們應該怎么從聽,說,讀,寫,四個方而來提高我們的英語 學習水平o (about IOO WOrdS ) to improve OUr EnglishIn EngIiSh StUdyf there are four Ski
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