1、TheOneWithChandlersWorkWrittenby:AliciaSkyVarinaitis Transcribed by: Eric Aasen5125.12The One WithChandlers Work Racheltries to learnmoreabout Chandler and Monicas whenRachelconfrontsher,Monicamakesupsomeprettylameliestocoveritup. Ross finds out Emily is engaged to be married again;he goes outon the
2、 townand somehow hooks upwith Theirrelationshipstartsoutgreat,butsoonJanicecantstandRosss constant whining and she breaks it off.ChandlertakesMonicatoaworkparty,aswellassomeoutings(nwith Chandlers boss and his wife;Monicalearns thatWork Chandler isa suck-up withanexaggerated Phoebe and Joey race Sce
3、ne:MonicaandRachels,Rachelistryingtoprymoreinformation about Chandler and Monica from Joey whos sitting on the couch and busy downing a pizza.pry vi.Rachel: Come on Joey:Rach,ItoldyoueverythingIknewlastnight!Look,itsnot that big of a deal, so Monica and Chandler are doing it.Rachel: I cant believe y
4、ou would say that! Joey:Sorry.MonicaandChandleraremakinglove.Rachel:No!Imeancomeon!Thisisahugedeal!(Shesitsnextto him on the couch.) Fine I wantI need more details, who-who initiated the first kiss?Joey:(thinks)IdontRachel:God,justcannotimagineChandlerbeingromantic.Ishe romantic with her?Joey: I don
5、t know. Rachel:Aretheyinlove?Joey: (thinks) I dont know. Rachel:Youdontknowanything. Joey: Ohh, I know one thing!Rachel:Joey:Theydid itright there on the(He points to where shes sitting and she jumps up OpeningScene:CentralPerk,everyoneisthereasRossenters. Joey: Hey Ross!Phoebe:Ross:(disinterested)H
6、ey-yeah.(Hehurriesuptothecounter.)Hey Gunther,canIhaveasconeplease?(Tothegang.)Wannahearsome good news?disinterested adj.不感興趣的 不關(guān)心的 冷漠的/A scone:is a bread thicker than a bannockn.(英國北部的)一種薄麥餅. It is made of wheat, barley(n.大麥) or oatmeal(n.燕麥片), usually with baking powder(n.發(fā)酵粉) as a leavening(n.酵母
7、發(fā)酵物) agent劑 and usually goes well with fried sausage(n.油炸香腸) in a buttered roll(n.黃油涂層). The pronunciation in the United Kingdom is open to debate. Some sections of the population (nearly two thirds of the British population and 99% of the Scottish population, according to one academic study) pronou
8、nce it as /skn/ (to rhyme with gone), and the rest pronounce it /skn/ (to rhymewithcone).AccordingtoMerriam-Webster,thewordsconederivesperhapsfrom the Dutch schoonbrood (fine white bread), from schoon (pure, clean) and brood (bread). 烤餅 司康Chandler:Issomebodyelsegonnagiveittous?Becauseyoucertainly do
9、nt seem like you have any.Ross: NoNoNo, I do. Someone I know is getting married! Yeah! And weddingsarehappyoccasions!Oh,bytheby,itsmyex-wifeEmily!bythebyAnotherway ofsayingbythe All: What? Oh! Chandler:Sorryman.Gunther:HeresyourRoss:Oh,thanksGunther.(Hetakesit,handstheplateontoRachel, sets it down o
10、n the table, and proceeds to pound it into oblivion while saying.) STUPID BRITISH SNACK FOOD!pound vi.連續(xù)重?fù)?oblivion n.Chandler:DidtheyteachyouthatinyourangermanagementPhoebe:Hey,youknowwhatmighthelpyoudealwithit?Thinkofit this way, you and Emily are in the past and you cant be mad about the past. So
11、 are you still mad about the Louisiana Purchase?Louisiana Purchase:羅斯得知埃米莉馬上就要又結(jié)婚了非常難受,菲比等人就勸慰他說:一想說的.”/The Louisiana Purchase:was the acquisition by the United States of French claims to approximately 530,000,000 acres (828,000 sq mi or 2,100,000 km) of territory in 1803, at the cost of about 3 per
12、 acre (7 per ha); totaling $15 million or 80 million. Including interest, America finally paid $23,213,568 for theLouisianaterritory.Thelandpurchasedcontainedallofpresent-dayArkansasn.阿肯色州(美國中南部的州), Missouri, Iowa, Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, Minnesota south of Mississippi River, much of North Dakot
13、a, nearly all of South Dakota, northeastern New Mexico, northern Texas, the portions of Montana, Wyoming, and Colorado east of the Continental Divide, and Louisiana on both sides of the Mississippi River, including the city of New Orleans. (The Oklahoma Panhandlen.狹長的土地, and southwestern portions of
14、 Kansas and Louisiana were still claimed by Spain at the time of the Purchase.) In addition, the Purchase contained small portions of land that would eventually become part of the provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan. The land included in the purchase comprises around 23% of the territory of the mo
15、dern United States. The purchase was an important moment in the presidency of Thomas Jefferson. At the time, it faced domestic opposition as being possibly unconstitutional(adj.違反憲法的). Although he felt that the Constitution did not contain any provisions(n.規(guī)定) for acquiring territory, Jefferson deci
16、ded to purchase Louisiana because he felt uneasy about France and Spain having the power to block American traders access to the port of New Orleans.Rachel:Pheebs,IdontthinkanyonesmadaboutPhoebe:Exactly!BecauseitsintheJoey(eyeingtheflattenedscone)Anybodygonnaeatthat? eye vt.看 注視/flatten v.變平Scene:Ch
17、andlersoffice,Monicaandhimareatapartyhisoffice is throwing.throwMonica:Lookatusalldressedupforthebigofficeparty!Bythe way, what are we celebrating?Chandler:Oh,wehadalotofliquorleftoverfromtheChristmas Monica:Ithinkthisissocoolbecausenoneofourfriendsarehere and we can be a real couple. We dont have t
18、o hide.Chandler:Iknow,Icandothis.(HetakesherMonica:Ooh,andIcandothis.(Shekisseshimonthecheek.) (They both stand real close together.)Both:Wecantdothat.(Theyseparate.) (Chandlers boss (Doug) walks up.)Doug:HeyBing!(Slapshimonhisass.)(SeesMonica)Wo-ho-ho,whos the pretty lady and what the hell is she d
19、oing with you?Chandler: I asked myself that very question, sir. Uh, (Points to Monica)thisisMonica.(Pointstohisboss.)Thisismyboss,Doug. Doug this is Monica.Monica: Hi, nice to meet you! Doug:Hi!AndthisismywifeKara.Kara:Niceto meet you Monica.Bing! (Slaps Chandler on hisDoug:Sayuh,Bing,didyouhearabou
20、tthenewlawfirmwegot working for us?lawfirm法律事務(wù)所 Chandler: No, sir.Doug:Yeah,Dewey, Cheatum,and Howe.(Dickem,Stickem &Dewey,Cheatum,andHowe:錢德勒的上司經(jīng)常開些不著邊際的玩笑,這一回他又對(duì)著錢德勒和 (Chandler does a fake DougComeonhoney,letsgodrinkourbodyweight (這個(gè)不是習(xí)慣用語 是這位大師的俏皮話).(They walk off leaving Chandler and Monica alon
21、e.)Monica:Whatwasthat? Chandler: What?Monica: That noise you just made? Chandler:Oh,thatwasmyworklaugh. Monica: Really? Your work laugh?Chandler:Oh,believeme,tosurvivethisparty,youregonnahaveto come up with one too.Monica:Allright,checkmeout. Chandler: Okay.(ShewalksuptowhereDougisfinishinganotherjo
22、ketoanother Doug:says$30 Father;same asin(Monicadoesafakelaugh.Forthelaughs,youllhavetoseethe episode. I cant describe them.)Scene: Central Perk, Monica is buying a muffin as Chandler runs A muffin:is a bread- or cake-like baked good. Muffins resemble cupcakesn.(波 theyhavecylindrical(adjbases,rounde
23、dconical(adj.圓錐的) tops, and are usually sweet, although savory(adj.可口的) varieties (such as cornbread muffins) also exist. They generally fit in the palm(n.手掌) of an adult hand, and are intended to be consumed by an individual in a single sitting. Earlier in the history of the term, muffin was used b
24、y British English-speakers to refer to a different baked good, the smaller, disk-shaped English muffin, although in contemporary(adj.當(dāng)代的) usage, the principal meaning of muffin for most speakerson both sides of the Atlantic is the larger, cupcake-shaped baked good. In modern practice,muffinsoftenhav
25、eatoppingbakedin,suchasblueberriesorchocolate Chandler:Hey!Everybodyatworklovedyoulastnight! Monica: Really?Chandler:And!TheylikememorejustbecauseIwaswithya!Ithink you repaired a lot of the damage from when they met Joey. And Doug wants us to play tennis with them. Hes never even talked to me outsid
26、eofwork.Exceptforthattimewhenwebumpedintoeachother at that strip club. (She glares at him.) Strip church. Anyway, Im gonna go try and find a racquet.racquet n.Monica:Hey,IthoughtyoualreadyhadChandler:OhIusedto,butthenJoeythoughtitwouldbefuntogo to Central Park and hit rocks atbigger rocks. (He start
27、s to andstops an entering Rachel.) Hey Rach, do you have a tennis Rachel:Ohumm,yknowIlentittoJoeyandIneveractuallygotit Chandler:Okay,goodluckwiththat.(Exits.) Rachel: (To Monica) Hey!Monica: Hi! Rachel:Whatsup?!Monica:Whatareyoudoinghere?Ithoughtyouhadtodoinventory all day.inventory n.Rachel:Wellye
28、ah,Ido,butIdecidedtotakealonglunchandspend some time with my friend Monica. Yknow I-I feel that we dont talk anymore. How are you? What is new with you?Monica:Uhh,notmuch.Uh,worksRachel: Ohyknow,we donthaveto talkaboutwork.We canabout anything! Monica:Okay.UmmRachel:Hey!Yknowwhat?Letstalkaboutrelati
29、onships! Monica: Okay, whats going on with you?Rachel:Nothing!YouMonica:Well,I-ItherewasthisguyatthebankthatIthoughtwas cute umm, but I dont anymore.Rachel:Wowthatsuh,juicy.Umm,(checkswatch)yknowwhatthough Mon, I actually do have a lot of work to do so if-ifare you sure theres just not anything else
30、?juicyMonica:Yes,Imsure!Rachel,istheresomethingthatyouwantto talk me about?Rachel:No!(Getsuptoleave.)(Underherbreath.)IftherewasI wouldnt tell you.underonesbreath:inlowtonesScene:Chandler,Joey,andRosss,Phoebeissettlingadispute between the chick and the duck.settleadisputev.調(diào)和爭(zhēng)吵 (The duck quacks.)Pho
31、ebe:Okay,thenwhat(The duck flaps its wings Phoebe:(gasps)Ohh.Uh-huh.Uh-huh.(Thechickclucks.)Youllget your turn!cluck v.Ross:(entering fromthe bathroom)Hey Pheebs,whats goingPhoebe:Nothing!(Picksupandsetsthechickdownonthefloor.)(To the chick.) This is not over!Ross:No!No!Phoebe:Ross:Iwasupallnightwri
32、tingthisreallynastylettertoEmily! It was perfect and now its all covered in-in (The duck quacks.) Actually, thanks!be up all night doing 熬夜做某事/nasty adj.Joey:(enteringfromhisroom)Allright!Everybodyreadytogoto the movies?Ross:Uhactually,IthinkImgonnaskipit. Joey: Really?Ross:Yeah,Imgonnastayandreadmy
33、book.Ijustwannabealone right now.Joey:Oh.Areyousureyoudontwanttocome?TomHanks,MegRyan, they get mail and stuff.Tom Hanks,Meg Ryan:?jiǎn)桃恋热巳ル娪?,邀?qǐng)羅斯同去,但羅斯心情不好,寧愿在家里待著。 喬伊說:“你真的不想去嗎?有湯姆漢克斯(Tom Hanks)、梅格瑞恩(Meg Ryan)和郵件什么 的?!边@顯然是在說由兩人主演的電子情書(Youve Got Mail)/Thomas Tom Jeffrey Hanks(born July 9, 1956) is a tw
34、o-time Academy Award-winning American film actor, Emmy winning director, voice-over artist and movie producer who starred in family- friendly and screwball(adj.怪癖的 精神有點(diǎn)怪的)comedies before achieving notable success as a dramatic actor in Philadelphia and Forrest Gump.As of September 24, 2006,Hanksisth
35、ehighest-grossing(adjleadactorofalltime, with a combined gross of over USD$3.3 billion and a worldwide gross(n.總額) of nearly $6 billion.MegRyan:(bornNovember19,1961)isanAmericanactresswhospecializesin romantic comedies, but has also worked in other film genres.YouveGotMail:isanAmericanromanticcomedy
36、releasedin1998byWarnerBrothers. It is a remake of the film, The Shop Around the Corner (1940), in which two letter- writing lovers are completely unaware that their sweetheart is in fact the co- worker with whom they share a certain degree of animosity(n.仇惡 憎恨). There was also a 1949 musical remake,
37、 In the Good Old Summertime starring Judy Garland.YouveGotMailupdatesthatconcepttotheuseofe-mail(Thenameofthefilmis the greeting that American AOLAmerican On-Lineusers hear when they receive new e-mail.) The film received significant media coverage(n.覆蓋范圍) leading up to(adv.作為的準(zhǔn)備) its release in ant
38、icipation of the romantic couplingofTomHanksandMegRyan,whohadappearedtogetherpreviouslyinJoevs. The Volcano (1990) and Sleepless in Seattle (1993).Ross:Thatsokay,Joey:Allright,lets goRoss:(lickstheenvelopeandencountersaforeignsubstanceonthe glue.) Oh God!foreign substance n.Scene:Atenniscourtsomewhe
39、reinthecityofNewYork,itsthe doubles match-up of a century Chandler and Monica versus Doug and Doug:(Hits the ball towards Chandler who returns it back to him. He then hits the ball at Monica who slams it and it bounces off Karas Kara: Oww! Monica:Game!GameshortforGameDoug:Well,IgottatellyaBing;thatp
40、artnerofyoursisareal tiger. (To his wife.) Are you all right sweetheart?tiger n.Kara: (out of breath and mouths) Im not all right. Doug:Were,werejustgonnagetalittlesipofwater. (They both walk off the court.)Monica:AmIonfiretodayorwhat?!Thosebirdsarebrowned,basted, and ready to be carved!be on fireA
41、term that people use when someone is doing great and they are unabletobestopped(especiallyinagame)/brownvt.使變成褐色(或棕色)/baste vt. 潤以油脂 (在烤肉上)涂油/carve v.雕刻 切開Chandler:Okay,easyMartina.Ithinkweshouldletthemwinthenext 女將辛吉斯(Martina HingisMartina Hingis (pronounced: hing-GISS) (born September 30, 1980 in
42、Koice, Czechoslovakian.捷克斯洛伐克, now Slovakia) is aformerworldnumberoneSwisstennisplayer.KnownastheSwissMiss,shehaswon five Grand Slam singles titles (three Australian Open, one Wimbledon, and one US Open). She has also won nine Grand Slam womens doubles titles, winning a calendar year(n.歷年) Grand Sla
43、m in 1998, and one Grand Slam mixed doubles title. She set a series of youngest-ever records before ligament(n.韌帶) injuries in both of her ankles forced her to withdraw from professional tennis at the relatively early age of22.OnNovember29,2005,afterseveralsurgeriesandlongrecuperations(n.恢復(fù)), the 25
44、-year-old Hingis announced that she would return to the WTAWomens Tennis Association tour, starting her professional comeback at a low-key(adj.低調(diào)的) tournamentinGoldCoastAustraliainJanuary2006.Sincethen,Hingishasclimbed toNo.6intheworldrankingswonthreetitles(attheTierItournamentinRome, theTierIIItour
45、namentinKolkata,India,andtheTierItournamentinTokyowas the runner-up(n.亞軍) in three tournaments (Tier I tournaments in Tokyo and MontrealnandtheTierIIIinGoldCoast),andqualifiedforthe 2006 WTA Tour Championships in Madrid.She is currently engaged to fellow tennis playerRadektpnek.Shehasbeencoachedbyfo
46、rmerCzechprofessionalandmother, Melanie Molitor. However, she currently does not have a coach.Monica:Imsorry,Idontunderstandwhatyoujustsaid. Chandler: Let them win one.Monica:Areyoucrazy?!Weownthosetwo!Imeanlookatum,he cant breath and shes popping pills.own1.Tobeatsomeoneatagame(usuallyavideo/pcgame
47、)2.Tobebetterat someone/pop pill吞藥片Chandler:Yourenotevengivingthemachance! Monica: They have racquets dont they?!Doug:Uh Bing,I think weregonna make thisthe lastChandler: Oh yes, sir! Put me out of my misery. Are you sure you neverplayedpro?(Doeshisworklaugh.)(ToMonica)Pleaseletthem Putmeoutofmymise
48、ry/proaprofessionalMonica: Illtakeitdownto 95%butthatsthebest Ican(SheservestoDougwhoreturnsittoChandler.Asitbouncesover his head Chandler swings and misses.)serve n.v.發(fā)球/swing vt.Chandler:Oopsey,missedoops int.Monica:Igotit!(Shehitsaforehandsmashthatbouncesrightin between Doug and Kara and scores a
49、 point.)forehand smash n.Doug:Nice(Chandlerglaresatherandsheshrugshershoulders.Monicaserves again; and Kara returns it.)Monica:Igot(Chandlercutsinfrontofherandhitstheballhighandlong.) Chandler: Long! (Gives Monica the Work Laugh.)Scene:MonicaandRachels,MonicaandChandlerarereturningfrom the game.Moni
50、ca:IcantbelieveyouletthemChandler:Yeah,atleastyouhidyourfeelingswellaboutit. (Removes a smashed racquet from his bag.)smashedMonica: I was frustrated. Chandler: It was my racquet. Monica:Iwasfrustratedwithyou!Chandler:Ifwehadntlostthegametheyneverwouldveinvitedus to dinner tomorrow night.Monica:Ykno
51、wwhatreallybothersme?Isitshow-howdifferentyou act around them! I mean yknow the throwing the tennis games, the fake laugh, the Ill see you later, Bing! Not if I see you first, Doug! (Mocks the fake laugh.)throw v.Chandler:Listen,Idontsoundlikesomecrazed,drunkenpirate. crazed adj.瘋狂的 癲狂的drunkenChandl
52、er:Iknowyoudont,butworkChandIer does.Igottatellyou, I dont like Work Chandler. Okay? The guys a suck-up.suck-upSomeonewhocomplimentseverythingbecausetheywantsomethingfor themselves, for example friendship n.狗腿Chandler:Okayyknowwhat,becauseyousaidthat,Imnotputting out tonight.putout1.whenafemaledispe
53、nses(v.hersexualfavorssheissaidto put out.2.To voluntarily defer to(v.順從) anothers sexual desires to please ones own (e.g., allowing another freedom for anal/oral sex, etc)Scene:Chandler,Joey,andRosss,thenextmorningthegirlsare there with Joey.Monica:Imtellingyou,somethingswrong!Mybrotherdoesnotstay
54、out all nightJoeyMaybeweshouldcheckthetrashchute. chute n.瀉槽 導(dǎo)槽 滑運(yùn)道trashRachel:RosscouldntfitdownthetrashJoey:Thatsright,healmostcould.WhichisexactlyhowIgotstuck (Rossenters.) Phoebe: Hey!Rachel:ThereheMonica:OhmyGod!(Shegoestohughim,stopsshort,andhitshimon the shoulder.) Where the hell have you bee
55、n?!stop short v.Ross:Just,yknowRachel:Ohh,out,ohGod,Idontknowwhywedidntthinktocheck Phoebe:WhatwereyouRoss:Iuh,wenttoabar.AndthenIjustuh,justwalkedaroundfor a while.Rachel: You walked around all night in the city by yourself? Joey(snapshisfingers)Hehookedup!Hehookedupwithsomeone. hook upto have sex
56、with someoneRoss:Look,Idonthavetoansweryourquestions!Okay?Imabig boy, I can do whatever I want!Joey:Hehooked up!Tell usaboutSuddenly the door opens and Rosss mystery girl enters. Ill youahinttowhoitis:OHMYGAWD!Uh-huh,itsJanice. Gawd n.上帝Janice:(entering)Rossyouleftyouscarfin(seeseveryone.)you guys.
57、(Does the (TheyallturnandwithshockedlooksontheirfacesstareatRoss. Ross is at a loss for words at this moment.)CommercialScene: Chandler, Joey, and Rosss, continued from Janice:Uh-oh-okay.Uh-oh-okay.Iknowwhatyouallarethinking.But Chandler is in Yemen! Im a young woman! I have needs! I cant wait Rache
58、l:Yeah!NothatswhatIwasJanice:SoImaskingyouplease,takeamomentbeforeyoujudgeme. take a moment v.花一些時(shí)間/judge v.作評(píng)價(jià) 說三道四Phoebe: Oh,nobodysjudgingyou.(TheyallturnandlookatJanice: Oh!Okay!(ToRoss)You, Mister RightPlaceattheRightTime, call me! (Does her famous, or is that infamous, laugh and exits.)infamou
59、s adj.(They all turn and glare at Joey:SoIguessyoufinishedyourbook.Hadsometimeonourhands, did we?Ross:Okay, look,I-I know whatyou guys aregoing toPhoebe:Youtwowillhaveveryhairychildren. Ross: Okay, I didnt know you would say that. Rachel: Ross! Janice?!Joey:Allright,holdon!Holdon.Holdon.ThisisRoss,o
60、kay?Hes our friend. He obviously went crazy. He obviously lost his mind.Ross: Look,itsnot thatcrazy.Monica: ButitsJanice!Imean,shes.Janice!HowdrunkwereRoss:Okay,JaniceandIhavealotincommon!Weve-wevebothbeen divorced. We-we both have kids.Phoebe:Soareyouactuallygonnaseeheragain? Joey: Phoebe! Dont put
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