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11、身圬工體積小,也已廣泛應用于公路路基的防護;垛式擋土墻易于調整墻的高度,并采用預制構件拼裝,是一種特殊形式的擋土墻.On he o subgade cotrctontcnlogy1 Introducion Roaded costruction is te key tothe hihwa consrution projec, teslghtesterror il lay thewhle projet quaity rsks。Foxple, hCentralSanding Coiteemt n the highay consructio ch s soft si oaed, roadbe and

12、other b loess road, ifnot secial teatmet, wuld ed oconstrcton ofe mbkmefill or uneensttlent aftr stlment, the roadbeomeroken vericl anhorizontal slpe, rougess drasd, esultn inradbums,ec., srously ffctth nora useof the hghway, causin lt of manpower, aerial an ana resurces towaste.Terefore, cnstuciof

13、mbanent onstctn sholbe bseon loca topgrapy, geoloy, rodgrade, where the regins limat, mbinedwith th construction f sch fill ad cutFan Pinheng to selecte consrucion metho。 oae fillressue od subgradetrength and subgadetability largely dns on he naunddegre of copction。Strtin frm the existig conds, reir

14、emts and copactdfil t improvecndtions isto ensue the qaliy and co-ffective way o surade21 subgradTexing radd esign speifcation (hreinfer reerrd t as no) provdes fo te embankment fil requiements。The inum strength th ubgad and e maximmze or a qunittivestandad,u Bearing Rai tt(C) value f hetrenth f e s

15、ubrde soi hractizaion,the introucon of the ocpt the rad bed。f fill atrial f roadbesppoed resitons, higwa andarod surfaceat te ed of thfolowin c-cod be i, the CBR vueoul beaterta8, th ex roa n the eda illh llwinproviosas givethe correspondngvalue.2 Subgrd compactio Te crrt radbd constucti, generly wi

16、th lare tongef roller, rolig ect has beensigniicant imprved.Fr ming the degee of compction o subgade lplye a ositele.peifitinof th underse of e highwa and aroad surfae tefollwing 80m150cm parto theroad emnment compton dre must 95, whenthe aved road th otherseniolel surface, its degree f omacin houdl

17、sohway an acss oad fromthe critrin us。In ddiion, i ncrase th dgro caon of the embakment base of not les than93t reuiement.Wit erapid eveloenof highy roabedonstcio enology has also made cniderable prgress, r sbgrade tretent ecolyha beome marand mve。 (1) wt reas mbnkmfllng prssTrughwesol illthe founda

18、tois relaiey smle, cmmonlue to fil grae cuson and presisop gogr method is sipl, thratent effct is beter。Hweve, comacto fsubgrd is erydifficult to egulatea nmer fdustmentstohis: First,the stadr compacion testdat canb derminedccordin o oowerthnte aulaed vaue o 23ercetage ponts;te cond sorthe ntralcons

19、isty olessan 。1,lquid limit reaterhan 40, plastcityinde geater than 18 of he clyeyol, fo te next odbedndrte embnkmet, thgt can be speife compacn standa; tirds t iprve nat of file, ixd with le n theso,cn usualyet th sired results, butals a aborbentmaerial an ereinfrce. () lesssbrade comacion.And coma

20、r to other rad bgrde clay,loesaeprtiulal unrabe tovioation o watr, i specalkin of la。Loess oaed wil fte be ivided ino ocatgois: noloess andloess。Among h, telos ainyi centrl ad westen rgions, embanken matrial, duet ater oaed, therructure isradlydstryed, hod reduc hintensiy, imprope constrtionwill occ

21、u if largeubsidnce, cauin embanmet instability, eseialy high embnkefilli the lo isa erisof rojcts will lea to dsease。Terefor, the os sugae oatioshouldbe esonle based onheactualstuation of te fent optos imct compacto: pat ompacton prce is thefundation of h princile th acetain ipaceergyof te difuion i

22、n soi cosolidai andcompaction sol copctiont achiveh proe ofsoi rinfrcemet。Impct omtio tehniq is ny suitablor shllow nmrsh ateof collapsil loess oundtion teament, and its ctv impact on the dept of not more than80cm,punch afew time to30 tims nthe saming proess f constctin ouldbe ote:to mainaithe ptium

23、 moisure content; y mpac compactor mdelsliit the lengt o the embanme by the gnral press ofno ess thn 12m,width f otss tan 15m; bforepressin each layer hould bepnchn long he eg f thfis five tmes arond the se oreduce the impac ry inte ces o sain heateral compression of hembankment; th t iac of ge ofem

24、anetcopactionressue fltime mchinespeed houldeslwer, or macause the bdy lid of theemanment;Stapingsold pa tteio tote contiuit of the ts, epcially t te Utn, d nt affect te rserved space with tecomctonffec。 diccompactionofcotcton: ao now s dynami consoltio ethod is s to 8t4crae lifting mmr to 6m 2m eih

25、t, free fll,to te foundation wth a srong imact energy f ampng,so at shokaves pea in thesoil andthimpactof stess, fng corssed slporsity, soil pia liqueaction, resultingin g points roudt cc,formig god rainae chnnl,pre water a gs escape, s that sil articles rearang, compaction achieveby tetmeo csoidati

26、, whiimpv the bearing capacty, reue the coprssion f efcvefoundanreinforeen mthods3sgraderaina Subae strength ainunce waer imptant atr in stablty,ae eoion an aus m seasso the roaded.enwhile, from loal environmena prottionnd ater consrnyfaiiies, witout prejdicetociraton,ms erepared ubgrade dainag, the

27、 formaion f draaessems,ad coordintion ithregon dainag plato prevet flooding deo arios causs,to heembakment, cas unecessary o constructonte os。ighay draing nlud to spects: First,undeoud dranage, a redutiof groudatr, famland irrition iscarge tblitynd strength f t ima of te radbe; econd road suface ana

28、ge, n addti to the rod, thrapi dschageof ground waeoutsde,should be the ximumlits to reuc aternthabed, ad urface ality, educi aterdrainagd o poor oasurfae or od suface wae infiraion on t roabed, pavement srucur aneusof performnce dmage. roundwaer dinge desig apropriate to improve the sbgra or emakme

29、n fillheit minimum stirmblebottm cushio andothr methods.In the pe-contruction exaatonmorary drinade, ecludig the onstructio peid nd redce t guer srfe at, hile thebotm of th embankmentlmeix with owdose trement, tting 4cm thick sable layer, cn plyagod effectRoad urfc draiae esign,one n crss the r slo,

30、 Ditch,itchje slt sote rad suace wate icklydischrged ousd th ebankment。Second,hedesig themedan lnituinalgave lind ditch, oft wr pipe aral ains int te eia hecostrtn peridn opeation period fain ithe mdian of te rapid dsarg o tsepgeunde te eankment beyond。Thir, thedsgn fhe deck scupper to qckl rule u t

31、hewater。orh, the us of ashasealng lerof soi o th rvel shudrvertc ad rizonal bind ditc dain to nfltaionof water lads t he road surface utsteebanmen.Seepg o surfcedrainaedeig, set u b he wate pereablylng theside edge oth fillin gules,hrzonaloutt pipe ad filt fabriccompsed fthe ege ohe road draiae sse,

32、 by settin hseal arof ahalt, stone blind to the veticndhorznaloi houlder and draing tch, tifilaino water d to the rod surace oside h mbankment。As the nltrato thrgh the sphal ra layer ofwate is iitd,the desn shouldb in very 10mr so oset a cm hrizontaldrais to ensre tat he rod sac epage elusion。4 emba

33、nkment rotectinThere ar hre manprotive embanmn. (1) slope proteton.Soe rotetin tprevesurfcewate eosion,peingand wetherngf rok sloe an evionmental coodinationUually suesi h ueo stne masoryrotctio, prect cneteblck ssed i embankment sop prtton, andhe ntiuousrtainn wallwt apeturesf cutin slope.Howve, ton mnry and concrte proectin thre ishigh cost, asily damaged, an man other ssues。Nw, grs roction technolog is widely used, te higer slope gras i used masnry sashprotcin, ay to mprove h ecoogicalnvromen, lndcpingand loe protection f the triple fet.Th use of stnemaonrrotection ar stil qu


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