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1、精選優(yōu)質(zhì)文檔-傾情為你奉上精選優(yōu)質(zhì)文檔-傾情為你奉上專心-專注-專業(yè)專心-專注-專業(yè)精選優(yōu)質(zhì)文檔-傾情為你奉上專心-專注-專業(yè)Unit1Phrases and ExpressionsTurn in上交 work on努力改善;努力完成 figure out弄懂;想清楚;弄明白 of course當(dāng)然 ;自然 depend on取決于 try out試用 settle on選定 keep track of跟上的進展;紀(jì)錄 on the go忙個不停 set aside留出(時間、錢) take a break休息一下 all at once同時;一起 at a time每次;一次 ready,

2、set, go各就各位,預(yù)備,跑! put off推遲,延遲 be set in stone不可改變的 take a back seat to處于次要地位;位于 pull out拉出;拔出 right away立刻 work through完成 check off在上打個 based on根據(jù) check out借出 make sense有道理,合乎情理Vocabularyaccomplish完成 advice建議 clue線索 create創(chuàng)造 divide分開 magical奇妙的 option選擇 priority優(yōu)先考慮的事 project課題 responsibility責(zé)任 sha

3、re分享 suggest暗示Noneofusareclosefriendsbutweallshareaninterestinsports.Wordshaveamagicalpower.Theycanbringeitherthegreatesthappinessordeepestdespair.In order to work more efficiently, you need to have a to-do list and after accomplishing your tasks, cross them off your list.Hebasicallyhastwooptions:he

4、cangotocollegeandplayfootball,orfindajobtosupporthisfamily.Hisfailuretofinishhisjobintimehas createdalotofproblems.Marydidnttelluswhysheleftschool,butherlettersprovidedacluetotheanswers.Shetookherparentsadviceandbecameascience major at Cambridge University.KnowingthatMaryalwayshashermealsontheuniver

5、sitycampus,Isuggestedtakingherouttodinnerforachange.Inordertobesuccessfulatsomethingyouwanttodo,youneed to get your priorities right.Theteacherwantedhisstudentstodoaprojectonlocaltraditionsandhowtheyhadchangedovertime.MyplanfortheprojectworkedafterIdividethetasksamongsmallgroupsofstudentsfromdiffere

6、ntdepartments.WhenIturnedeighteen,Idecidedtotakefullresponsibilityformyself.all at once同時 at a time每次 depend on依靠 figure out弄清 focus on集中于 of course當(dāng)然 on the go很忙 on time準(zhǔn)時 set aside留出 settle on決定 take a break休息 try out推出 turn in上交 turn off關(guān)掉 work on工作 write down寫下Jackwasworriedaboutwhetherhedbeable

7、tofinishhisworkontime.Johnwasntallowedtojointheschoolteam,butit tookhimacoupleofdaystofigureoutwhathadhappened.Inmyopinion,thisisthebestwaytogetthejobdone,ofcourse,thereareotherwaysofdoingit.Youmaytrythemonebyone.Thesuccessofthesystemdependsonthestudentsandtheirteachers.Theirlaboratoryhasproducedane

8、wtypeofmedicineforcoldsandhopestotryitoutinSeptember.Peter told me thatallsuccessfulpeopledofirstthings first andgenerallyonethingatatime.Thoughthecourse schedulelistsaduedateforthetermpaper, students mayturnitinearly.Youdidnt pronouncethesewords correctly,I thinkyouneedtoworkonyourpronunciation a b

9、itmore.As to the color of the car, Jane wanted white and I wanted black, so we settle on grey.If you want to keep fit, you should try to set aside some time each day for exercise.The flood damaged most of the power plants that summer. To save electricity, people turned off their air conditioners.I w

10、ork much better if I take a short break every hour or so.My kids always keep me on the go, so I am really tired.As they searched, they wrote down in a notebook details of all the things they found.He has always believed that its possible to do everything you want in life, except you cant do it all a

11、t once.If you want to win this game, I suggest that you focus on your strengths and set aside all else. StructureWhensheheardthenews,shefelttoohappytosleep. (感到太高興了以至于無法入睡). I think this problem is too complicated to solve in a few hours.(太復(fù)雜了,幾小時內(nèi)太難以解決了)TV makes you lazy most people become too lazy

12、 to make effort to go to the cinema. (太懶而不想花力氣)Nowhere is too far to travel if at journeys end the traveler can see someone he has loved all his life. (沒有什么地方是遠(yuǎn)得去不了的)Its too late to change anything now. You should have told me your opinion yesterday. (現(xiàn)在太遲了,一切都無法改變)For Jessie, this sudden turn of ev

13、ents seemed too good to be true. (顯得太好了,令人難以置信Vocabularyanticipate預(yù)期 based on依據(jù) check off在上打個 check out 借出 decision決定consequence結(jié)果 crucial至關(guān)重要的 establish確定 gather收集 rate評價 immediately立即 make sense有道理 over time過時 pull out拉出 put off推遲 ranking給排位 right away立刻 significant意義重大的 unique獨一無二 的 Mydecisiontol

14、eaveschoolwhenIwasonly15wastheworst mistake Ievermade.Thankstohardtraining,Georgehasimprovedhisrankingthisseasonfrom67thto30th.We should help Jane in every way possible because her work is crucial to the projects success.Mr. smith checked off the students names on the list as they got on the boat.Ba

15、sed on the information weve been given, were going to see a secret training center in forest ahead.The library allows you to check out six books at a time, but many students would like to borrow more.The classes run from 12:30-14:30,but it makes sense to arrive at least 30-45 minutes early as the ro

16、ads are often crowded.They joined the same company 20 years ago. Over time, their work relationship has developed into friendship.He visited many places over a 16-year period and gathered much information about the history and geography of the region.I think weve fixed everything, and I dont anticip

17、ate finding any more problems.The sports meet has been put off until tomorrow because of bad weather.There are more than 100 wild animal species unique to China, including such well-known rare animals as the giant panda, golden-haired monkey, South China tiger and so on.Eddie has established a close

18、 relationship with the local people since he came to this town three years ago.The match rate as one of their worst defeats and most of the team members felt disappointed.When he got the report, he decided to return immediately to London to solve the problem.At the close of the semester, we found th

19、at almost everyone in the class had made significant progress.Well, if you keep on eating so much, youll have to take the consequences!Mrs.lee asked the children to pull out the best picture from their collections and share them with their classmates.When he got into the room, he realized right away

20、 that there was something wrong.Translation約翰同時干許多事情,我覺得他應(yīng)當(dāng)休息一下。(work on,all at once,take a break.)John works on many things all at once. I think he should take a break.楊教授說的話有著神奇的力量。許多同學(xué)接受他的忠告,開始專注學(xué)業(yè)了。(what,magical,advice,focus on)What Prof. Yang said has magical power. On his advice, many students

21、 began to focus on their schoolwork.由于星期天晚上湯姆沒有提示他將做何種選擇,我無法弄清楚他會如何完成這項任務(wù)。(clue,option,figure out,accomplish)As Tom gave no clue Sunday night about which option he would choose, I cant figure out how he will accomplish the task.我的父親是極負(fù)責(zé)任的人。雖然他總是很忙,但他設(shè)法每天都給家庭留出一些時間。My father is a man of great respons

22、ibility. Though he is在計算機商店里,我的朋友建議我們先試一下光碟播放機再決定買哪個。(try out,settle on)At the computer store, my friend suggested that we try out the video players before we settle on any one of them.我覺得在確定輕重緩急前,把要做的事情全都寫下來,是有道理的。(make sense,write down,set)I think it makes sense to write down everything we need to

23、 do before we set priorities.如果我們不及時交論文,會有什么結(jié)果?(turn in,on time,consequence)If we do not turn in our papers on time, what will be the consequence?1) Although Magellan didnt live to celebrate, he is remembered today as the leader of the first around-the-world journey in history.雖然麥哲倫沒有活著回來慶祝,但今天人們?nèi)园阉?/p>

24、作為歷史上第一次環(huán)球航行的領(lǐng)袖記得他。2) Around 90% of scientific journals are written in English.約90%的科學(xué)期刊都是用英語出版的。3) How much will you be paid for delivering them(newspapers)?你送報紙得到多少錢的報酬?4) If a price is set too high,though,many people may refuse to buy a product.但如果價格定得太高,許多人也許就不肯購買產(chǎn)品了。5) In July 2005, London was

25、chosen as the host city for the 2012 Olympic Games.2005年7月,倫敦被選為2012年奧運會主辦城市。6)Smoking is known to increase a persons risk of developing lung cancer.我們知道吸煙Unit2Assure確信 constantly始終 excellent卓越的 exclaim大聲說 require要求 reserve保留 respond回應(yīng) review復(fù)習(xí) struggle掙扎 unpleasant不高興的 whisper耳語 wrap包裝 1) There is

26、no secret to being a(n) excellent student. It is not just about working hard; it is much more about working effectively.2) There is a saying that good medicine may taste bitter to the mouth and good advice may sound unpleasant to the car.3) For many working parents, organizing childcare over the sum

27、mer holidays is a real struggle.4) Should college students be required to attend classes? Some say it should be up to the students to decide. What do you think?5) We constantly give presents all the time, for plenty of reasons; knowing how to wrap a present well is a useful skill to have - youll use

28、 it over and over again.6)When Jessica opened her birthday gift, she was overjoyed.How beautiful!she exclaimed.7) Amanda hasnt responded to my emails yet. I cant tell if she is just lazy or has never received them.8)The article lists three reasons why we should take the time to regularly review our

29、credit card statements(信用卡賬單).9)I want to write a letter addressed to the hotel, to reserve a room for my guest who will stay two nights there.10)The doctor assured me that my shortness of breath was nothing to worry about, that I was just overweight(超重的) and needed to exercise.11) As Rick prepared

30、to leave, Jenny whisper something in his car that we could not hear.12)Fashion(時尚) is constantly changing from one day to the next: what is in(時興的) one day may be out(不時興的) the next.at times有時候 be ashamed of oneself對感到羞愧 believe in信任 by now到現(xiàn)在為止 come alive活躍起來 go by時間流逝 make a difference有影響 make sur

31、e確認(rèn) pay attention to引起注意 show interest in在某方面表現(xiàn)出興趣 take delight in以為樂 take pains費力的做Haveyoueverwonderedwhytimeseemstogoesbysomuch fastereachyear?Thisisnotagoodweekendforoutdooractivities,asitwillrainheavilyattimes.He wont pay attention to what you say ,Iamafraidyourejustwastingyourbreath.Wereverygra

32、tefultoyoufortakingpainstomakeusfeelathomehere.Itisimportanttobelieveinyourselfifyouwanttosucceedinyourcareer.Trafficand public transportcancausedelays ,somakesureyouleaveplentyoftimetogethere.Theteachersroleissoimportant:evenasinglepositivewordfromateachercanmakeadifferencein the life of a childNan

33、cysetaboutcleaningthewindowsearlythismorning.Sheisprobablytiredbynow.With increasingcontact between China and Italy ,moreandmoreItaliansareshowinterestedinChineseculture.Steveadmittedthathewasdeeplyashamedofhimselfforoccasionallycheating on exams while in college.Theteacherinspiresandexcitesherstude

34、ntswithstoriesandrole playing that truly make historycomealive.Someteachersalwaysposedifficultquestionstogivestudentsahardtime. Sometimes itseemstheytakedelightinmakingthingsdifficultforstudents.1.Myfatherusedtosmoke,buthegaveitupacoupleofyearsago.(過去常常抽煙)2. Weareusedtothetrafficnow.(對交通噪音已感到習(xí)慣)3. D

35、ontworryyoullsoongetusedtohishadtemper.4. Iusedtoenjoygardening,butIdonthavetimeforitnow.(過去喜歡園藝)5. Wheredidyouusetolivebeforeyoumovedhere?(過去曾住哪里)6. IdidntthinkIcouldevergetusedtoafterlivinginthecountry,butIhave.(習(xí)慣在大城市生活)1) 文章交上來之前,務(wù)必仔細(xì)檢查一遍。(make sure, review,hand/turn in)Make sure you review your

36、 paper carefully before you hand/turn it in.2) 自從我最后一次見到他,5年過去了。他已長成一個高大的小伙子了(go by,grow into)Five years have gone by since I last saw him. He has grown into a tall young man.3) 老師要求學(xué)生們詳細(xì)描述他們在展覽會(exhibition)上看到的一切。(require,in detail)The teacher required the students to describe in detail what they s

37、aw at the exhibition.4) 坐在我前面的兩個學(xué)生竊竊私語,我很難把注意力集中在老師身上。(whisper, pay attention to)Its hard to pay attention to the teacher when the two students sitting of me are whispering to each other.5) 他對籃球的喜愛至少可以追溯到1970年代。在他十幾歲的時候,他就表現(xiàn)出對這項運動強烈的興趣。(go back to,show interest in)His love of basketball goes back at

38、 least to the 1970s, when he was a teenager, he showed intense interest in the sport.6) 杰克打定主意創(chuàng)辦自己的公司。然而,要籌集足夠的款項在某種意義上講是一件麻煩事。(make up ones mind,something of a,struggle,raise money for)Jack made up his mind to start his own business. However, it has been something of a struggle to raise enough mone

39、y for it.7) 小男孩費力地把禮品盒打開。當(dāng)他看到里面的玩具汽車時,興奮地大叫起來。(take pains,exclaim)The little boy took great pains to open his gift. When he saw the boy car inside, he exclaimed with excitement.8) 出色的老師能對學(xué)生的生活產(chǎn)生很大的影響,無論學(xué)生本身多么可厭。(excellent,make a difference,unpleasant)Excellent teachers can make a big difference in t

40、he lives of their students, no matter how unpleasant the student many stem.Unit3Allergic對過敏的 blame責(zé)備 carefully小心翼翼的 complaint抱怨 crazy瘋狂 data數(shù)據(jù) effort努力 executive經(jīng)理 latter后者 observe觀察 obviously顯然地 separate分開的 sincere真誠的 skeptical懷疑的 solution解決 sort種類 tradition傳統(tǒng) vary相異 vote投票 whenever無論何時We cannot ea

41、t the same food all the time . Our desire for food tends to vary from day to day .She speak with an almost childlike directness that wins over the most skeptical audienceOn that day thousands of people came to observe ship leaving the harbor .The taxi driver blamed the fog for his accident .He plans

42、 to continue the family tradition and seek a career in politics .I didnt win , but at least I have made the effort .We often hear bitter complaints about the citys water supply . Something should be done about it .We bought another car ; it was the solution to all our problems .As we cannot agree on

43、 the matter , lets vote on it .The poor just wanted a job , any sorts of a job .It is not unusual for a woman executive to have a man as her assistant .The man didnt dare to look at us when he said that . Obviously , he was telling a lie .If you had done it more carefully you could have avoided that

44、 mistake .He hasnt started his paper yet . He is still collecting data for it .Whenever the man came back from a business trip , he would buy his wife a present .Keep the onions separate from the bread or they will make it smell .I think she was crazy to drive after drinking so much beer .In America

45、 , some people are even allergic to eggs .On Mothers Day , I wrote a sincere thank-you letter to my dear mom .Peter studies in the same class as John . The former likes sports and the latter enjoys music .check out檢查 come up with想起來 cool down冷卻 jot down匆匆記下 sure enough果然 take notes做記錄In the wet seas

46、on , from the beginning of September onwards , the soil begins to cool down rapidly .Make it a habit always to go to a lecture or a meeting with a pen and paper and take notes .Jot down words and phrases , not whole sentences . You dont have time to record exactly whats said .She said that she would

47、 come , and sure enough she came at 8 oclock .Scientists are working hard to come up with a cure for this deadly disease .The mechanic(機械師)checked out the plane before it took off .be fed up with對厭倦的 confidence自信 contribute捐贈 deserve遭受 frequently頻繁的 evident清楚的 get rid of擺脫 illustrate說明 impact影響 nega

48、tive消極的 nothing but只有 positive積極樂觀的 rather than不是而是 remind提醒 set off使某人開始 trust信任 turn a deaf ear to對置之不理 warn警告 wake up醒來Rather than giving his son a hand when he was in trouble , the father walked away with a smile .The football team has not been properly trained . They certainly dont deserve to w

49、in .To illustrate this point further I would like to make the following points .Up to now , she has given me no reason to trust her .It was unwise of the general manager to turn a deaf ear to the complaints of his employees .The new washing machine I bought last week has given me nothing but trouble

50、 .My friend was fed up with preparing meals for her teenaged children who the often dont turn up to eat .The weatherman has warned us that it will be very cold tomorrow .Do you want me to remind you again of what you have promised us ?From his look , you can tell that he doesnt have much confidence

51、in himself .I got to know him ten years ago . And his life values have produced a strong impact on my career .He is jobless and frequently turns to his parents for help .I was still sleeping when the heavy knock on the door woke me up .Jenna stared at him in total surprise , and he smiled with evide

52、nt satisfaction that he had caught her unaware .The report says that many people in that country hold a negative opinion of their government .How many of us are willing to contribute part of our income to charity organizations every year ?Honesty , her lousy performance couldnt have left a positive

53、impression on the audience .Ha gave up smoking but still hasnt got rid of his rough .The slightest bit of dust would set the little boy off sneezing(打噴嚏) .就我看來,現(xiàn)在的房地產(chǎn)問題不會給該國的經(jīng)濟帶來太嚴(yán)重的影響。(as far as. , impact)As far as I am see, the current real estate problems wont have too large an impact on the coun

54、trys economy.每次我們隊遇到問題,我們的隊長都能很快想出解決的辦法。(every time , come up with , solution)Every time our team comes across a problem, it doesnt take our caption long to come up with a solution.他不但不覺得開心,反而說晚會上的喧鬧的人群讓他厭煩。(rather than , be fed up with)Rather than feeling happy, he said that he was fed up with the

55、partys noisy crowd.這些年他真心實意地做出了很多努力,現(xiàn)在當(dāng)然也應(yīng)該成功了。(sincere efforts , deserve)He has made a lot of sincere effort over the years and certainly deserves to succeed now.家族傳統(tǒng)教育他要客觀合理地看待人生,所以他很少感到沮喪。(traditional , in perspective , depress)Family tradition has taught him to put life in perspective and thus h

56、e seldom feels depressed.他已經(jīng)仔細(xì)地觀察了這兩個人,相信不能把問題責(zé)怪到他們?nèi)魏我粋€人頭上。(observe , carefully , blame)He has observed the two men carefully and believes that neither of them is to blame for the problems.當(dāng)史密斯(Smith)先生用我們?nèi)粘I钪械囊恍嵗齺黻U明他有多么正確后,我的疑惑也就沒有了。(dissipate , illustrate , evident)When Mr. Smith illustrated his

57、 point with examples from our daily life, which made evident just how right he was, all my doubt dissipated.并不是所有董事會(board)的成員都對羅切斯特(Rochester)先生的提議抱積極的態(tài)度。所以他們決定投票。(positive , proposition , vote on)Not all board members had a positive attitude towards Mr. Rochesters proposition. So they decided to v

58、ote on it.That doesnt mean you shouldnt have a credit card , but it does mean you should be careful .這并不是說你不該有一張行用卡,但這確實是說你應(yīng)該謹(jǐn)慎。They said it was because of my new physical condition that I would never work again .他們說正是因為It was my secretary who sent the bill to Mr. Harding(哈丁) yesterday是我的秘書昨天把賬單寄給了哈

59、丁先生。4)The only thing I remembered was that I was walking down the street , when I saw my friend George(喬治) approaching .我唯一記得的是我走在街上,看到我的朋友喬治正在向我走來。4)I did lock the dock . Im absolutely sure .我確確實實鎖了門,我絕對肯定。5)But , Herman(赫曼) , how on earth could you possibly know that ?可是,奇曼,這件事你究竟怎么會知道的呢?Unit4Phra

60、ses and Expressionsshape up進展(順序) quite a異常的;出眾的;相當(dāng)好(或大、多)的be about to do sth即將,行將 not feel oneself覺得身體不好;感到身體不舒服at first起先,開始時 be to blame該受責(zé)罰;應(yīng)負(fù)責(zé)任break down 破壞;使分解;使變化 keep sth.under contrl 控制住in addition另外;此外 such as例如;諸如 rely on依賴;依靠come a long way有很大改進;取得很大進步 slow down(使)減速;(使)松勁Vocabularybasic


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