1、on gangsy stem,14 staff post s be promote d.Strengtheni ngthe cultivati on of professi onalte chnical lea ders, selected coverage9 13factory-leve lprofessionalandtechni calleaders.Toenha nce staffskill straining ,8 stafftechnicia ns.Laborcontract law compli ance,contract s ofupto 100%.-Starteam-buil
2、dingtoa dvance further. Esta blisha hol ding systemimplementation,andpr omotingt he w holeteam -buil dinggoals, strengthe n groupmanagement.eam buildi ng intoa performance revie w, pr omotingt he constr ucti on ofthestarteamChi naspower of i nnovati on man agement, innova tion manageme nt ofelectri
3、c powerenter prise i n Jiangsu Province.-Party andthe i ndepende ntCommissi on agai nst corruption continuesto strengthe n.Was carried out to maintaimarketingstrict internalcost control,busine ss and innovati on performance.-Increasingele ctricitya cce ss, pricei ncrea se,ele ctricitysupply isg uara
4、ntee d.In 2012,t he compa nywith coal i nventor y,get rewards ofJiangsu provincial governme ntpowerto 266 millionkWh.T hroug h thesmalla nd bilateraltrade,a cce sstoel ectri city1.695 billion k Wh, seeki ng removalcompe nsationw hent he power50 milli on-kil owatt,116% market sharein Jiangsu Provi nc
5、eranked firstin t hesame capa city,t hesame ty peunits.Compa nycloselytracke d coallinkage policies on July 1 andAug ust 20 respectiv elyincrea se pri ces 2.08minutesa nd 2.5points, profitabilityi ncrea sed significa ntly. 公 .Job grading,remuneration oflabouragreement s into l ong -term contractw or
6、kerscompensationsystem,stimulating thee nthusiasmofthestaff.-Furtherstrengt heni ng of human resour ces management. Fullimpl ementation oftheperformance appraisalregulations, i nce ntive effect.Completethe reservecadre eval uation andsel ection,pr oduce d 10 primaryreservecadresa nd 11 se condary re
7、serve ca dres. Im plementationof operation staff inductidepth.Thisyear, respectivel y,1 track,4team fourstarratedfive-star by Data ng andt he team.Four,insi sts on six cult ural construction ofharmoniousdevelopme nt,reallygoodjob ofpartyconstructiona nd the indepe ndent Commission againstcorruption,
8、stre ngthe ningthe huma nisticcare a nd psychologi calcounseli ng,the enterpri se culture constructionto anew lev el. -Buil ding ofe nterprise cult ure isfruitful. Compa nies a dhere to theS henhua lea d ofcorporate culture,culture ofresponsibility atthe core,tosafetyculture,aculture oflearni ng,eth
9、i calculture ,cost cult ureculturesystem-assisted,thr oughvari ous cult uralintegration, ha s boosted busine ss ce ntre, thi s year has w on theChi nese culturalma nagement adva nced unit, NationalAdvancedUnitinthe buildingofenter priseculture ofreformand openi ng up30and otherhonorarytitles.T helia
10、 bility of the compa ny cult ure:solvingmanagementproblems of cor porateculture proje ctwasawar ded the CEC nationalelectri cpower enter prise culture achievementaward of excelle nce.The accidentearly war ning a nd preve ntion systemwasrated as附件三煙花爆竹經(jīng)營(yíng)企業(yè)安全生產(chǎn)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)化評(píng)審標(biāo)準(zhǔn)A 級(jí)要素權(quán)重和 B 級(jí)要素應(yīng)得分值A(chǔ) 級(jí)要素( 8 個(gè)) B 級(jí)要
11、素( 34 個(gè)) C 級(jí)要素( 81 個(gè))法律法規(guī)和安全管理制度(權(quán)重0.08 )法律法規(guī)和標(biāo)準(zhǔn)規(guī)范的獲取與符合性評(píng)價(jià)( 20 分)安全生產(chǎn)規(guī)章制度( 30 分)安全操作規(guī)程( 30 分) TOC o 1-5 h z 修訂完善(20 分)機(jī)構(gòu)和職責(zé)(權(quán)重0.1 )組織機(jī)構(gòu)(15分)主要負(fù)責(zé)人( 30分)安全生產(chǎn)目標(biāo)(10分)安全管理職責(zé)(30分)安全生產(chǎn)投入(15分)ecurit y,profit,maintain sta bilityand prom ote harmoniousdevelopmentasthe maincontent of thethreeguaranteestheme p
12、ra cticea ctivitiesa nd stressi ng partyspirit,toconduct,forexamplecampaign,party a ndfurtherimprovementofthe levelofw ork.Staffparticipating inthe honesta ndcl ean culture constructionseminars,staffssenseofprobityand enhanced.Founded by hone st inspe ctors team composedof12 employee sto br oade n t
13、he cha nnels ofsupervision.Adhere to esta blish fourg oodleadershipa ctivities,staffsatisfactionrateof98% to theteam.-Groupwork dynamic.Promoti ngtheope nness offactoryAffairs, proposalfora love letterbox,tothe vitalinterestsofthe staff TradeUnion delegation l eadermeetingofthe 26 systemtodiscussand
14、 safeguard theirdemocratic rights.Im provetheorganizati onal struct ureofthe mission,theworkofstrengt hening. Organize mai ntena ncela borem ulation and healthCup competiti on, enhancethe skillsofstaff. Organizeda varietyofcult uralactivities,physical andmentalhealth care staff,to createa harmonious
15、 atmosphere.DuringtheWenchuan earthquake,donated allthe compa ny employe es,tol ove,tosupportthe disasterarea s.Thi syear,t he company haswon theSu . Cuttingcostscan be controlle d, moneyshoul d not bewaste d management philosophy, management analysi s,toimprovemanagementqualit y,improve cost contro
16、lca pacitya nd marketcompetitiveness.Innovation ofscience andtechnology-scie ncea ndte chnol ogyinnovationis toplaythe roleofscie nceandtechnologyas theprimaryproductive force,a ctiveuse ofne wtechnologies, new materials,newprocesse s,new invesmet isce nc a nd st cad e Cnol og- tra nig see andtelnob
17、V ca aceveme cecm petivee ss. R-ouces- g enter -c ca ee.ic. a of- ma.- low efcencyr - epr o_cl on cSsSecnd st o Sies*”n.i, a trasa cin css Haeve ousd- uC a fregn XINGearna ma suesae efe.ve, hamonious.-Foregn c mens It. cord. wel get ” waienA B xx 201311. etepri- bui power k-.ca- oldi -rd- f.age rae
18、Npesona iuy nt, m-lad iment fie no apoiuot.erprse iteg d to aceve zeoca- sol .aln, ze o ac- nts, Q ga is-We ge .era” - pa-.5on gangsy stem,14 staff post s be promote d.Strengtheni ngthe cultivati on of professi onalte chnical lea ders, selected coverage9 13factory-leve lprofessionalandtechni callead
19、ers.Toenha nce staffskill straining ,8 stafftechnicia ns.Laborcontract law compli ance,contract s ofupto 100%.-Starteam-buildingtoa dvance further. Esta blisha hol ding systemimplementation,andpr omotingt he w holeteam-buil dinggoals, strengthe n groupmanagement.eam buildi ng intoa performance revie
20、 w, pr omotingt he constr ucti on ofthestarteamChi naspower of i nnovati on management, innovation manageme nt ofelectri c powerenter prise i n Jiangsu Province.-Party andthe i ndepende ntCommissi on agai nst corruption continuesto strengthe n.Was carried out to maintai nmarketingstrict internalcost
21、 control,busine ss and innovati on performance.-Increasingele ctricitya cce ss, pricei ncrea se,ele ctricitysupply isg uarantee d.In 2012,t he compa nywith coal i nventor y,get rewards ofJiangsu provincial governme ntpowerto 266 millionkWh.Throug h thesmalla nd bilateraltrade,a cce sstoel ectri city
22、1.695 billion k Wh, seeki ng removalcompe nsationw hent he power50 milli on-kil owatt,116% market sharein Jiangsu Provi nceranked firstin t hesame capa city,t hesame ty peunits.Compa nycloselytracke d coallinkage poli cies on July 1 andAug ust 20 respectiv elyincrea se pri ces 2.08minutesa nd 2.5poi
23、nts, profitabilityi ncreased significa ntly. 公 .Job grading,remuneration oflabouragreement s into l ong -term contractw orkerscompensationsystem,stimulating thee nthusiasmofthestaff.-Furtherstrengt heni ng of human resour ces management. Fullimpl ementation oftheperformance appraisalregulations, i n
24、centive effect.Completethe reservecadre eval uation andsel ection,pr oduce d 10 primaryreserve cadresa nd 11 se condary reserve ca dres. Im plementation of operation staffinductidepth.Thisyear, respectivel y,1 track,4team fourstarratedfive-star by Data ng andt he team.Four,insi sts on six cult ural
25、construction ofharmoniousdevelopme nt,reallygoodjob ofpartyconstructiona nd the indepe ndent Commission againstcorruption,stre ngthe ningthe huma nisticcare a nd psychologi calcounseli ng,the enterpri se culture constructionto anew lev el. -Buil ding ofe nterprise cult ure isfruitful. Compa nies a d
26、here to theS henhua lea d ofcorporate culture,culture ofresponsibility atthe core,tosafetyculture,aculture oflearni ng,ethi calculture ,cost cult ureculturesystem-assisted,thr oughvari ous cult uralintegration, ha s boosted busine ss ce ntre, thi s year has w on theChi nese culturalma nagement adva
27、nced unit, NationalAdvancedUnitinthe buildingofenter priseculture ofreformand openi ng up30and otherhonorarytitles.T helia bility of the compa ny cult ure:solvingmanagementproblems of cor porateculture proje ctwasawar ded the CEC nationalelectri cpower enter prise culture achievementaward of excelle
28、 nce.The accidentearly war ning a nd preve ntion systemwasrated as人員和教育培訓(xùn)(權(quán)重0.08 ) TOC o 1-5 h z 教育培訓(xùn)管理(40分)人員教育培訓(xùn)(40分)安全文化建設(shè)(20分)儲(chǔ)存設(shè)施與運(yùn)輸車(chē)輛(權(quán)重0.25 )選址布局和規(guī)模(20分)庫(kù)房與建筑結(jié)構(gòu)(20分)安全設(shè)施( 20分)消防( 15分)電器設(shè)施(15分)運(yùn)輸車(chē)輛(10分)倉(cāng)儲(chǔ)管理(權(quán)重0.15 )庫(kù)區(qū)環(huán)境(15分)庫(kù)區(qū)安全管理(25分)裝卸與搬運(yùn)要求( 20分)產(chǎn)品儲(chǔ)存要求(20分)處置與銷(xiāo)毀( 20分)經(jīng)營(yíng)管理(權(quán)重0.2 )ecurit y,pro
29、fit,maintain sta bilityand prom ote harmoniousdevelopmentasthe maincontent of thethreeguaranteestheme pra cticea ctivitiesa nd stressi ng partyspirit,toconduct,forexamplecampaign,party a ndfurtherimprovementofthe levelofwork.Staffparticipating i nthe honesta ndcl ean culture constructionseminars,sta
30、ffssenseofprobityand enhanced.Founded by hone st inspectors team composedof12 employeesto br oade n the cha nnels ofsupervision.Adhere to esta blish fourg oodleadershipa ctivities,staffsatisfactionrateof98% to theteam.-Groupwork dynamic. Promoti ngtheopenness offactoryAffairs, proposalfora love lett
31、erbox,tothe vitalinterest softhe staff TradeUnion delegation l eadermeeti ngofthe 26 systemtodiscussand safeguard theirdemocratic rights.Im provetheorganizati onal struct ureofthe mission,theworkofstrengt hening. Organize mai ntena ncela borem ulation and healthCup compet ition, enhance thesk illsof
32、staff. Organize da varietyofcult uralactivities,physi cala ndmental health care staff,to createa harmonious atmosphere.DuringtheWenchuan eart hquake,donate d allthe compa ny employe es,tol ove,tosupportthedisasterarea s.Thi syear,t he company haswon theSu . Cuttingcostscan be controlle d, moneyshoul
33、 d not bewaste d management philosophy, management analysi s,toimpr ovemanagement qualit y,improve cost controlca pacitya nd marketcompetitiveness.Innovation ofscience andtechnology -scie ncea ndte chnol ogyinnovationis toplaythe roleofscie nceandtechnologyas the primaryproductive force,activeuse of
34、ne w technol ogies, new materials,new processe s,new invesmet isce nc a nd st c ad e Cnol og- tra nig see a ndtelnobV ca aceveme cecm petivee ss. R-ouces- g enter -c ca ee.ic. a of- ma.- low efcencyr - epr o_cl on cSsSecnd st o Sies*”n.i, a trasa cin css Haeve ousd- uC a fregn XINGearna ma sues ae e
35、fe.ve, hamonious.-Foregn c mens It. cord. wel get ” waienA B xx 201311. etepri- bui power k-.ca- oldi -rd- f. .age rae Npesona iuy nt, m-lad iment fie no apoiuot.erprse eve ze oca- sol .aln, ze o ac- nts zer - Q ga is-We ge .era” - pa-.5marketingstrict internalcost control,busine ss and innovati on
36、performance.-Increasingele ctricitya cce ss, pricei ncrea se,ele ctricitysupply isg uarantee d.In 2012,t he compa nywith coal i nventor y,get rewards ofJiangsu provincial governme ntpowerto 266 millionkWh.Throug h thesmalla nd bilateraltrade,a cce sstoel ectricity 1.695 billion k Wh, seeki ng remova
37、lcompe nsation w hent he power50 milli on-kil owatt,116% market sharein Jiangsu Provi nceranked firstin tdepth.Thisyear, respectivel y,1 track,4team fourstarratedfive-star by Data ng andt he team.Four,insi sts on six cult ural construction ofharmoniousdevelopme nt,reallygoodjob ofpartyconstructiupti
38、on,stre ngthe ningthe huma nisticcare a nd psychologi calcounseli ng,the enterpri se culture constructionto anew lev el. -Buil ding ofe nterprise cult ure isfruitful. Compa nies a dhere to theS henhua lea d ofcorporate culture,culture ofresponsibility atthe core,tosafetyculture,aculture oflearni ng,
39、ethi calculture ,cost cult ureculturesystem-assisted,thr oughvari ous cult uralintegration, ha s boosted busine ss ce ntre, thi s year has w on theChi nese culturalma nagement advanycloselytracke d coallinkage policies on July 1 andAug ust 20 respectiv elyincrea se pri ces 2.08minutesa nd 2.5points,
40、 profitabilityi ncreased significa ntly. 公 .Job grading,remuneration oflabouragreement s into l ong -term contractw orkerscompensationsystem,stimulating thee nthusiasmofthestaff.-Furtherstrengt heni ng of human resour ces management. Fullimpl ementation oftheperformance appraisalregulations, i nce n
41、tive effect.Completethe reservecadre eval uation andsel ection,pr oduce d 10 primaryreserve cadresa nd 11 se condary reserve ca dres. Im plementationof operation staff inductingofenter priseculture ofreformand openi ng up30and otherhonorarytitles.T helia bility of the compa ny cult ure:solvingmanage
42、mentproblems of cor porateculture proje ctwasawar ded the CECnationalelectri cpower enter prise culture achievementaward of excelle nce.The accidentearly waron gangsy stem,14 staff post s be promote d.Strengtheni ngthe cultivati on of professi onalte chnical lea ders, selected coverage9 13factory-le
43、ve lprofessionalandtechni calleaders.Toenha nce staffskill straining ,8 stafftechnicia ns.Chi naspower of i nnovati on management, innovation manageme nt ofelectri cpower enterprise i n Jiangsu Provi nce.-Party andthe independe ntCommissi on agai nst corruption continuesto strengthe n.Was carried ou
44、t to maintaiLaborcontract law compli ance,contract s ofupto 100%.-Starteam-buildingtoa dvance further. Esta blisha hol ding systemimplementation,andpr omotingt he w holeteam-buil dinggoals, strengthe n groupmanagement.eam buildi ng intoa performance revie w, pr omotingthe constr ucti on ofthestar te
45、am TOC o 1-5 h z 采購(gòu)管理(30分)銷(xiāo)售管理(20分)產(chǎn)品流向管理( 30分)配送管理(20分)隱患治理與應(yīng)急救援(權(quán)重0.1 )隱患排查治理( 50分)重大危險(xiǎn)源管理( 20分)應(yīng)急救援(20分)事故管理(10分)績(jī)效評(píng)定與持續(xù)改進(jìn)(權(quán)重0.04 )績(jī)效評(píng)定(50分)持續(xù)改進(jìn)(50分)ecurity,pr ofit, maintain stability andpromoteharmonious development as themaincontentofthe threeguaranteestheme practi ce activities and stressingp
46、arty spirit,t oconduct,for examplecampaign,partyandfurtherimprovementofthe levelofwork. Staffparticipating inthe honestandcle an culture constructionseminard by honest i nspect orsteamcompose d of 12employees t o broa denthe channels ofsupervision.Adhere to establish fourgood leaderhe team.-Groupwor
47、k dynamic.Promotii ngtheopenness offactoryAffairs, proposalfora loveletter box,tothe vitalinterestsofthestaffTrade Uniondelegati on leadermeeting ofthe26system to di scuss and safeguard their democraticrights.Improvetheorgani zational structure ofthemission,the workofstrengt hening. Organize mai nte
48、nancela borem ulation and healthCup competitictivities,physicaland mental health carestaff, to createa harmoni ousatmosphere.DuringtheWe nchuanearthquake,donated allthecompanyempl oyees,to love,tosupportthe di sasterareas. T his yea r,the compa ny haswon the Su . Cuttingcostscann becontrolled, money
49、 shoul d not bewasted managementphil osophy, management analysis,toimprovemanagementquality,improve cost contr olca pacityand marketcompetitivene ss.Innovation ofscience andtechnology-science a ndte chnol ogyinnovationis to playtherole ofscie nce a ndte chnologya sthe primary productive force,active
50、 use ofnewtechnologies,ne w materials,ne w processes,new equipment,increasei nvestmentinscience a nd te chnol ogy,stre ngthe ning scientifi cand te chnol ogicaltrai ning, spee ding uptransformingscientific a ndtechnologi calachieveme nts,forming anumberof proprietaryte chnology,e nhanci ng corecom p
51、etitivene ss.Resource-savi ng-t he-re sources sa vingenterpri sewasto reducecoal consumption,waterconsumption, electri cityatthecore, enhance theoperationoflean managementto realize l ow consumption, high efficiency, reducepr oducti oncosts.Secondis t o strengthenthe business,fina ncial,material, in
52、formation andtheoptimization oforganization andmanagement,savingt he internaltransaction costs.Harmoni ousdevelopmentofharmonious devel opme nt-i s to constr uctaforeign envirnalsecurity firm andinternalma nagement ofthei nternalmanagement measuresare effective,harmonious.natingdevelopmentofhomeopat
53、hy,well,getalongwith the neighbors better.(B)XX2013five enterprisesbuilding intrinsic safetypowercompanygoal s are: unplanned outage 0times.Classofdi sorders 0,0 isequivale nt forcedoutage rate. Nopersonalinjury accident,materialand equipmentaccideEnterprise integrated to achievezerocase s ofviolati
54、on,zero accide nts,zer o.Qualitygoalis:whengeneat .marketing stric .a cS busiessavat on pfrma- Iceasig e-“y access, prce i ncease eec- supply is g uaantee d. I invetry get rewards of Jagsu pr to 266 miin IW. T a nd bea trade a toe -tic- 1695 W, g removal cmpen-in w we 116% make sae in Jags isit Ie s
55、ame caacy t Ie same y tacked caiikage pol on JuAug ust 20- p icea - pri- 208 miutes and 25 po- p-n-Hy i -eased i- nty * .Jb gradng, r_ueaton of _our temcntrct w o_s -.,“. ,-asm her-our ces ma.g_.eL Ful mpl pefma- aprasa regu* incentve fec. Cmplete the reserve- eval uain and sei ” d pr-ay r - re cadr
56、es - desIm -I bd-1on lang sysem, 4 I pos -aval essonal e CnC. lea des, ced cverage 9 3 fayeve l pro_n. a.tec.i cal eaes. saf1 st. - ns.Labor- cmpl a cntact s of _to 10%. Sta tem bui Esa ba a hoe e_ bn dig gas, embud a- - star teamdet.Ts yea, rrsppctve y 1 trck 4 e_ lu sa atd fiesar by laa .g ad t Ie
57、 tam. ss on X cut ua consulmonius n.et Cmmssin -e a ndppycolg - cun ng the etepr - culuue evel F_i dier cut ue s futul Cmpanis a die lado. crporae cutue 3e of esons tsaey -,re a-lue of la ,cs cul ure _luuesys_ ous cut ua b-ne - -nte ti s yar I_ w .nte -Ci ne_ cuutua ma nagmet ava nne. uni, ng ofeerp
58、rie -re . f eIrm ad opei ng uu ad .teay ties, Ie . _l ue: sovig mang-et pr -,e proje c -s awadidte C,C nainal - c po - r ete p-e _lue acev-et awado. exe.nceThe acient eay - nin tm-s r - d asCCinas po - onmang-et ino g removal wwe 116% make sae in Jags isit Ie same caacy tIe same y tacke d caiikagepo
59、licon JuAug ust20- p icea - pri- 208 miutes and 25 po- p-n-Hy i -eased i- nty * .Jb gradng, r_ueaton of _our temcntrct wo_s -.,“. ,-asm her-our ces ma.g_.eL Ful mpl pefma- aprasa regu* i nce ntve . Cmplee eval uain and sei ” . pr-ay r - re cadres ca desIm s.Iind_Ion lang sysem, 4 I pos -aval essonal
60、 e CnC. lea -s, ced cverage 9 3 fayeve l pro_n. a.tec.i cal eaes. saf1 st. - ns.Labor- cmpl a cntact s of _to 10%. Sta tem bui Esa ba a hoe e_ bn dig gas, embud a- - star teamdet.Ts yea, rrsppctve y 1 trck 4 e-Iu sa atd fiesar by laa .g ad t Ie tam. ss onX cutua consulmonius- ndet Cmmssin -e a ndppy
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