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1、EMAKINA Buzz Marketing -),The Game, Basic arcade game,easy to understand, The more you make rebounds with penguins, the more you get points The more you save,penguins, the more you get big points,The Game, The game stops after,having let 4 penguins falling on the floor or if you send your car to wat

2、er,Design Approach, Cartoon design Fresh interface,Excite the Players,At the end of each part, the player will have the possibility to send by email a certificate (HTML format) attesting that he saved a certain amount of penguins,Excite the Players,At the bottom of the certificate the address of the

3、 game with an invitation: Defy your friends by sending them the address of the game!.,Excite the Players,A permanent table of high scores is posted on the first screen of the game in order to stimulate the challenge,Demo,A Few Figures, 5.000 monthly single visits on the mini site,before the game was

4、 launched, 130.000 single visits on the mini site,the month the game was launched, 12.000 monthly single visits,on the new beetle cabrio mini site today., 75.000 players have already registered,their email address !,Campaign Appreciation, Low cost promotion !, Email sent to the 40.000 registered use

5、rs,of the VW e-News (www.vw.be/enews/), Bannering on the www.vw.be home page Bannering on Play the Game site Emailing via Play the Game list, Word of mouth did the rest! What a buzz!,New Buzz Campaign in May 2005, Volkswagen launch new Polo Fox, 3 week prelaunch buzz Im at the top!,Im in super-form

6、and my artistic feeling has never been,better!,Could you ask the people you know if they have a job for,me? That would be super!,I also have a website http:/www.tonysheraton.be where,The first presence on MSN was with a simple,text link on the,homepage,Then, on the Hotmail site,Then, within the,Mess

7、enger window,On Skynet, there were,three different places, all,on the homepage,2. Teasing phase Creative concept Campaign map, ,Creatives Viral effort Results,2. Teasing phase: viral effort,Broadcast to different e-mailings lists:,“Brice site of the day” Other Emakina opt-in lists,.,.,2. Teasing pha

8、se: viral effort Research network: Find first echelon of target traffic sites: write the editorials & directly access the videos Forums: Studiant.be, Skynet forums, blogs Funny sites: pureesoiree.be, zattevrienden.be Find second echelon: sites that help people to find the promotional material & incr

9、ease references,FR (80-sites) drole-,NL (70-sites) 1001moppen.be bigfun.be ,EN (50-sites) ,zone-,unoriginal.co.uk workcanwait.co.uk, ,studiant.be supergame.be,2. Teasing phase: viral effort Create site accounts and start posting:,http:/www.zattevrienden.be http:/www.pureesoiree.be ,rademakd/* david_

10、 rademakd/* david_,http:/www.studiant.be/forum http:/www.lachspieren.be http:/www.prettig.be http:/www.flabber.nl http:/www.noodingang.be/ http:/www.bigfun.be/,rademakd/* rademakd/* rademakd/* rademakd/* rademakd/* rademakd/* rademakd/*,http:/www.dikkezever.be/dikkezever/index.aspx http:/www.wzl.be

11、,2. Teasing phase: viral effort Insertion & activation: forum posts We maintained a diary to keep track of what posts were when inserted (to avoid duplicates). Editorials and promotional texts were custom adapted to the style of the site in order to increase the changes of acceptance:,28/07/2005,www

12、.pureesoiree.be,NL,submit,griffe_nl.swf,Dude, dont pimp my car (link) Bald guys should NOT try to pick,form,up chicks,28/07/2005,http:/www.studiant.b,NL,submit,strip_nl.swf,Zoals ze in t Engels zeggen Is that a gun in your pocket or are,e/forum,form,you just happy to see me? - (link) - t Zal wel wee

13、r een of,andere reclame zijn maar toch goed gedaan Insertions of certain material were followed-up by insertions of other material. This allowed us to be present at many fronts with a variety of material,2. Teasing phase: viral effort, Insertion & activation: funny sites,2. Teasing phase: viral effo

14、rt, Emails to webmasters, Mails were sent to various webmasters to convince them to pick up,leads. Webmasters are always on the lookout for new original material and catchy headlines We assisted them in this,by suggesting headlines and matching captions Close to a hundred,webmasters were contacted l

15、ike that,2. Teasing phase: viral effort, See also appendix 1: mention/review of the teasing phase on,(e-)marketing sites/blogs,2. Teasing phase: viral effort,Even after the launch,2. Teasing phase: viral effort,Even after the launch,2. Teasing phase Creative concept Campaign map, ,Creatives Viral ef

16、fort Results,2. Teasing phase: results Quick facts:,Total traffic: Before product launch: Highest day peak: Language ratio: Number of video views: Peak on number of links:,216,574 unique visitors 102,212 unique visitors 22,025 (Sunday, July 31) NL 57% - FR 43% +/- 275,000 (all videos) +/- 250,2. Tea

17、sing phase: results Comparison webvertising vs. viral: (*: see next slide) Overall figures:, Paid bannering: Viral traffic: Before product launch: Paid bannering: Viral traffic: Within identified top-5 referrers: MSN-Bannering: Skynet-bannering: Main posts & stimuli:,73,144 visits (33%)* 143,430 vis

18、its (66%) 73,144 visits (60%)* 47,843 visits (40%) 25% of referred traffic 10% 65% of referred traffic,2. Teasing phase: results, Note on accuracy:, Reported unique visitors/visits numbers are guaranteed minimums, In reality, one can add 10-20% to compensate for proxy caching effects (i.e. large cor

19、porations frequently surf from a single IP address and all employees count as 1 visitor), Missing referrer data, We can not independently confirm (via our referencing counter) the,numbers as reported by MSN/Skynet but we accept them, Normally we can confirm these numbers with an error range of about

20、 10% but here it seems to be more like 75% # can be result of counting scheme at media reps,2. Teasing phase: results, Cost efficiency report:, Classical bannering will always be necessary to support a campaign,but it does not make or break a campaign, Here, the quality of the viral campaign had a f

21、ar more important,effect than bannering, Some figures for costs per click, Bannering: 20K ! / 73K clicks # 0.27! / click, Viral promotion: 7.5K ! / 143K clicks # 0.05! / click Efficiency of viral vs. bannering: x5!,3. Reveal phase, by Emakina,3. Reveal phase Creative concept Campaign map, ,Creatives

22、 Results,3. Reveal phase: creative concept Message focusing on: Quality/reliability, ,Simplicity Fair price In the “ugly & bad” tone of voice of the brand All this is a 100% consistent design,3. Reveal phase Creative concept Campaign map, ,Creatives Results,3. Reveal phase: campaign map,Geentralala.

23、be: no content anymore, becomes a redirect to UglyDuck.be Opt-ins from teasing phase have been warned by e-mail Geentralala.be/pres: page for press,Bannering on Skynet & MSN,UglyDuck.be Page where to see/download the movies,3. Reveal phase Creative concept Campaign map, ,Creatives Results,3. Reveal

24、phase: creatives,The redirect page on Pasdechichi.be:,This e-mail was sent to opt-ins from the teasing,phase,The press had access to,this page (LG&F),On the homepage of UglyDuck, a link was,placed to see the movies,This time, the movies,were signed with,“UglyDuck.be”,3. Reveal phase Creative concept

25、 Campaign map, ,Creatives Results,2. Teasing phase: results Further role of viral in traffic generation (via teasing site):, Total traffic: Before product launch:,216,574 unique visitors 102,212 unique visitors,3. Reveal phase: results, E-mailing to opt-ins from teasing phase:,thanks to 1.547.153 3.

26、172,3. Reveal phase: results Webvertising (figures from DAD):,rgie MSN,site MSN HP MSN entertainment Messenger,Format IMU Leaderboard Leaderboard expandable Overlayer Skyscraper expandable Mini banner 18-34,Imp. Reues 1.038.756 524.266 714.161 160.605 192.057 2.915.647,Clicks 4.010 2.978 36.475 8.80

27、5 1.525 17.029,CTR benchmark 0,4% 0,16% 0,29% 2,18% 0,29% 0,5%,Best CTR DAD for Proximus 0,6% 0,4% 3,3% 13,8% 1,7% 1,2%,CTR real 0,4% 0,6% 5,1% 5,5% 0,8% 0,6%,MSN Total,5.545.492,70.822,1,3%,Skynet,Skynet HP,IMU Leaderboard Skyscraper Skyscraper expandable,414.260 114.234 175.581 628.949,2.459 603 3

28、42 1.533,0,4% 0,16% 0,23% 0,29%,0,6% 0,4% 0,4% 1,7%,0,6% 0,5% 0,2% 0,2%,=,Skynet ROS Skyscraper 190.036 380 Exceptional high resultsSkyscraper FREEEmakina creatives! Skynet Total 3.070.213 8.489 Grand Total 8.615.705 79.311,0,23% 0,23%,0,4% 0,4%,0,2% 0,2% 0,3% 0,9%,4. Emakinas conclusions,Via ourfig

29、ures tool,Prelaunch Teasing campaign Viral marketing ! Channel Visibility !# of visits to partner web sites !CTR (Click Through Rate) * !# of videos downloaded: +/- 275000 !# of videos forwarded via site +/- 2500 people did send video to friends via site (number of recipients: unknown) !# of inscrip

30、tions +/- 2000 people wanted to be informed of reveal/follow-up These trackingcould be answered via our tracking tool *Webvertising only with text link on Skynet, MSN, Messenger, Hotmail,Launch Internet website visits Contracts/sales ! Sales !Sales per gross-gain !Sales per swap !Sales per Port-in !

31、 Channel visibility !External !# of people seeing banners !# people clicking on banner !# of visits (CTR*) !Internal !# of pages visited 194,680 visits !# of visits converted into contracts !% of French/Dutch/English visitors 57% NL vs. 43% FR *the CTR will only indicate the number of visits through

32、 the banners and not the direct click to the site,Post-Launch Calling behavior Customer profile !Consumer Behavior !Age !% of voice !% of SMS !Frequency of Reload !Amount of Reload !% of Free Minutes used Via our tracking tool,4. Emakinas conclusions: timeframe, Normal viral campaigns take 1-2 month

33、s & require carefully,planned multi-platform presence, The timeline was very challenging (2 weeks):, Effective time window for viral campaign was decreased, Action plan was adapted from “slow build” # “massive tam-tam” Was very challenging but we met traffic expectations and even,surpassed our own h

34、opes / wild dreams,4. Emakinas conclusions: comparison with the Sprite campaign,UglyDuck.be Ultra-high traffic in ultra-short time window (almost 200k / 2 weeks) High pick-up rate of high-quality creatives on other websites More visuals, videos Lower interaction model Less web links (250) but this i

35、s because campaign was shorter,Sprite Goblin High traffic in short period (150k / 1.5 month) Low pick-up rate of creatives but more word-of-mouse More content, story telling More interactive (custom images posted on site) Lots of online links (1000),4. Emakinas conclusions, Traffic: this must be a r

36、ecord on the Belgian web,(but we were a bit lucky since time was unrealistically short), Planning: time-window to be enlarged across different media (3,to 4 weeks is ideal), Brand awareness: to be improved: more text/captions to position,funnies,Appendix: Pasdechichi on buzz/viral,marketing sites,Ca

37、se Study,Jean Paul Gaultier,Campaign Results,2005-Q4,European campaign +160000 visitors +215000 visits Site even made it to official Apple QuickTime Guide,Case Study,Yes By Sodexho,Archive Online,Yes Gift Voucher, What Ticket Restaurant is for food, the Yes! will be as gift voucher for presents, spe

38、cial occasions, exchangeable in many prestigious outlets,Buzz Campaign, A certain Sam Lennov has returned from the future and is making various predictions on social, cultural and economic level. Highlights are the prediction of the YES,4,2,8,6,4,4,6,Designing a story development YES CURRENCY, and l

39、et the story evolve to more specific topics to build,geo-political changed world technological,economic,tim,e,a climax,changes,changes,3,scientific,environmental changes,changes,social,cultural changes,2,medical changes,1,time machine,changes,entertainment,changes,Well start here, talking from a hum

40、an interest level to get the story going,Sam Lennov,These numbers indicate the proposed number of topics / weight within the story,posts,Scheduling posts,Traffic picks up and becomes,exponential,mainstream July 2005 Story gets picked up by,10th planet is discovered but not predicted. However, this i

41、s the realisation that he knows and,Sam leads a quite life and is considering going public with his story but its the coming Tsunami that will kickstart it.,Sams friends March 2005,July 2005,July 2005,Press coverage,influences the future,June,Aug Sep Oct,Jan 2004,Oct 2004,Dec 2004,April 2005 2005,20

42、05 2005 2005,time,Blog is created,Starts additional posting,Campaign Figures,1.5 month campaign Budget 10K,+30000 unique visitors +42000 unique visits +184000 page views 4.5 page views / visit 13min average visit,21 highly creative posts,on a variety of human interest topics 1325 quality interactive

43、 comments,Morti,Campaign Appreciation School forums, class speeches, countless online forum discussions, Magazine and TV journalists seeking contact Geachte heer Lennov,Ik werk als journalist voor het maandblad Menzo, en in functie daarvan stel ik u graag volgende vraag: kan ik u ergens zien, interviewen? Ik begrijp dat u op uw privacy gesteld bent, maar ik kan u garanderen dat ind


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