1、.語法填空專項練習1a businessman lost his wallet. there was plenty of money in it. so he61(make) a promise,“ if someone62(find) my wallet and returns it to me, i ll give half the money to him.”a dustman found the wallet in the dustbin. he sent it back to the loser. but the businessman changed his63.“ there w
2、as still a diamond ring in the wallet,” said the loser,“ i won t give half the money64 in my wyou return it to me!”“ i ve never seen a diamond ring in the wallet, d the dustman.” saithey began to quarrel65(violent). the dustman became angry and took the businessman to see a judge.after the judge hea
3、rd what66(happen) to them, he said to the businessman,“ i m sure you are an honetrue that you have lost a wallet67there was a diamond ring. but it is also clear that there is68money in thiswallet. i don t think it69. waits for some time. perhaps someone will be able to return your wallet to you.then
4、 the judge turned to the dustman and said, “ takethe wallet home. if the loser doesn got to get it back70three days, it will belong to you.”2recently, a survey1(carry) out by a website about the common view on students who graduate2beijinguniversity. only 28% of the interviewed companies think that
5、they are3(satisfy) with the graduates from beijinguniversity. the graduates in their companies have a wide range of4(know) and they learn things very quickly andeasily.5, most of the companies donk t6thin(high) of graduates from beijing university. in their eyes, thegraduates always stick7their own
6、opinions and lack the teamwork spirit. besides, they may not be satisfied withtheir jobs even with big companies, and they usually have many8(complain). as a result, 34% of the companiesinsist that9is not necessary to employ graduates from beijing university.in brief, society and even the students t
7、hemselves expect too much from graduates from beijing university. that10a graduate claims that he himself is rubbish.371we all know, life is full of dreams and having a good dream is of great importance in our daily life.72a good dream, people can maket progress and countries can developt. and i hol
8、d the strong belief73everyone, whether he is old or young, poor or rich, junior or senior, does have a good dream! after all, dreaming is certainlya positive part of our life, and74(wish) for good things, however, costs nothing!what s more, itis important to fly our dreams, especially for those75are
9、 senior high school students. it ishigh time for them to fly their dreams. if they can let dreams fly, the dream would just be76dream, notreality!therefore,77is no wonder that so many people have a dream since their childhood. with a nice dream,china succeeded in hosting the 29th olympic games in 20
10、08; with a nice dream, hong kong78(come) back tothe motherland peacefully in 1997; with a nice dream, yuan longping rids the world of hunger; with a nice dream, michael jordon becomes the most popular basketball star; with a nice dream i can stand on this stage to compete in the final englishspeech
11、contest. and with an aim of achieving success, i must do the best!so my good friends, if you want to realize your dream, please do not be afraid in face of difficulties or give up in faceof failure79lose your dream in face of pains. you must keep going forward80(brave)! just fly yourdream highly abo
12、ve the sky!4there s no such thing as living alone. never mind if you61only personre in your house and have no dog, no cat,not even fish. you still have got several billion62(roommate) and so do we all. some of them are harmless, someare63(actual) helpful and some could even kill you. they are, of co
13、urse, bacteria, fungi(菌類 ) and viruses, and like itor not, they re on you, around you, and deeply within you. the fact that bacteria life is everywhere is not 64(surprise).it s something uyo65(learn) from your childhood when your mother told you not to drink water from someone else;.glass. there are
14、 lots of bacteria66are living in your tea kettle. there are bacteria67(sleep) with you on yourbed. scientists are beginning68(realize) the richness of the microbiome( 微生物群系 ) which is as complex as theones69(find) in oceans, rainforests, deserts and woodlands. your house has a microbiome and70do you
15、.5according to a recent survey, violence did exist in schools. students showed their fear and parents and teachers alsoexpressed their great concern about it. experts hope the whole1(social) pay more attention to themental health ofadolescents.nowadays, school violence is a hot issue. i think this i
16、s a phenomenon,2calls for our great concern. we shouldtry every effort3(prevent) violence happening at school for more and more students would drop out of school4their personal safety could not be guaranteed. in fact, violence can5(learn). children learn violent behavior fromadults or from6they see
17、on television or on7internet.if i meet with school violence, i willnot answer violence8violence,for it willresult in9(much)fighting. i will tell my teachers or parents about it. i think they will help me deal with it well and they will protect me fromthe bad guys. all in all, every student should be
18、have10(he) and keep away from violence.6things didn lookt good61charlie, the dog, was born at meriden humane society. charliemothers was62sick to nurse him, and workers struggled63(keep) the puppy healthy by bottle-feeding him every twohours.64(luck), satin, the cat, came to the rescue.65(exhaust) w
19、orkers hoped that satin, who was feeding her own kittens, might be willing to add one more toher family.“ sheloved it when we put them together,said” director dibianco. satin fed charlie for three and66half weeks. her kittens regarded the puppy67a brother. in the past 17 years, the director68(witnes
20、s)nothing like a cat69(nurse) a puppy at the shelter. “ satinstill mothered charlie even as he grew twice70size.” the director said.7decide81a day which is not stressful to quit smoking. make a list82all the benefits you will getfrom stopping smoking. throw away all your cigarettes at the endof the
21、day before you plan to quit. reread all the benefitsyou wrote on the list when you feel like83(smoke). develop some other habits like walking, drinking some water,84(clean) your house and so on to keep you busy. if you feel nervous or85(stress), try to do some relaxationexercises like deep breathing
22、. you can stop smoking with a friend or join a stop-smoking group. if you feel86(extreme)bad, ask a doctor or chemist for help. the most important thing is87(keep) trying. don t feel ashamed88youweaken and have a cigarette, because some people have to try several times 89 they finally stop smoking.
23、hold on 90 you will succeed.8europes busy seasons are in summer and winter. crowding is the main problem in the warmest months of june, julyand particularly august, so youd better not go in the busy61(month). in some countries, such as france and italy,many shops and restaurants close in august whil
24、e locals take their own holidays,62means that some cities can feelrather dead. december is always busy in paris, and any austrian or german city with63golden christmas market.easter is another busy time. you can find bargains by64( visit )traditional summer destinations , 65be awarethat public trans
25、port might be less frequent. in some northern locations such as scotland, and norway, it might not run at allbecause of heavy snow and ice. for all the above reasons, by far the best months to travel to europe66 ( be) may,september and october. apart67transport costs, you may need about 50 to 80 eur
26、os a day68( get) by inwestern europe. this might be less in smaller towns and in mediterranean europe. eastern europe is the69(cheap)region, costing a daily total of 30 to 40 euros, although ukraine and russia can be more expensive, about 40 to 50 euros aday. sweden, iceland and norway are70(slight)
27、 dearer than western europe.9when my friends ask me61(take) pictures of them, i will take a lot of pictures but they only keep a few of them;.because they are not62(satisfy) with most pictures, and they think they are not perfect.63fact, when i look atthe pictures, there is nothing different in my64
28、(eye). every picture i take looks almost the same.people run after the perfect side and thats65more and more people choose to take the plastic surgery(整形手術(shù)) take many stars for example. they look beautiful enough66in order to make themselves look perfect, most ofthem take the plastic surgery, which6
29、7(make) them look unnatural. many people would rather68(spend) toomuch on 69 (go) after the perfect side, but no one is perfect. if we accept our imperfect sides, we will live 70 (comfortable) and enjoy the life.10online shopping is coming into fashion in most cities , where people are able to make
30、full use of the rapidly developed internet technology nowadays , can we find a person _61_ hasnt experienced online shopping? definitelynotonline shopping62_ ( welcome) by most people due to various reasonsfrom the perspective(視角)of theconsumer, it can save some time for people who dont have much sp
31、are time just click the mouse, they can get _63_they want while staying at home for the retailers (零售商), it can cut some costs for those who dont have much circulating funds _64_( compare) with the traditional trade mode (風格), it saves them the need to rent ahouse _65_, there are still some_66_(adva
32、ntage) in online shopping first , a face to face deal makes onlineshopping less reliable and trustworthy second, people will lose the fun of bargain _67_ is undeniable(不可否認的) that shopping on the internet has become an irresistible (無法抗拒的) trend in modern _68_(social) its of great urgency that we ne
33、ed to make the relative laws with the rapid_69_ ( grow ) ofonline shopping only in this way can we enjoy the pleasure and convenience of online shopping without the concernof_70_( cheat)11yangshuo, chinait was raining lightly when i1(arrive) in yangshuo just before dawn.but i didnt care.a few hours2
34、 , idbeen at home in hong kong ,with3(it) choking smog.here , the air was clean and fresh, even with the rain.id skipped nearby guilin , a dream place for tourists seeking the limestone mountain tops and dark waters of the liriver4are pictured by artists in so many chinese5(painting).instead , id he
35、aded straight for yangshuo.forthose who fly to guilin , its only an hour away6car and offers all the scenery of the better known city.yangshuo7(be) reallybeautiful.astudyof travelers8(conduct) by the website tripadvisornamesyangshuo as one of the top 10 destinations in the world.and the town is fast
36、 becoming a popular weekend destination forpeople in asia. abercrombie & kent,a travel company in hong kong,says it9(regular) arranges quick getawayshere for people10(live) in shanghai and hong kong.12the adobe dwellings( 土坯房 ) 1(build) bythe puebloindians ofthe americansouthwest are admired by even
37、2most modern of architects and engineers.in addition to their simple beauty, what makes the adobe dwellings admirable istheir3(able) to “ aircondition”housea without4(use)electricequipment.walls made of adobe take inthe heatfrom the sun on hot days and give out that heat5(slow)during cool nights , t
38、hus warming the house.when a new daybreaks,the walls have given up their heat and are now cold enough6(cool) the house during the hot day :7thesame time,they warm up again for the night.this cycle8(go) day after day: the walls warm up during the day andcool off during the night and are thus always a
39、 timely offset(抵消 )for the outside temperatures.as9 (nature) architects,the pueblo indians figured out exactly10 thick the adobe walls needed to be to make the cycle work on most days.13sometimes we have disagreements with people. when this (1)h, the important thing is to try not to let a calmdiscus
40、sion turn into a heated argument. here (2)my tips for you.the (3)fthing i would say is that the way you begin the conversation is very important. imagine you are astudent and you share a flat (4)_another student who you think isnt doing her share of the housework. if;.you say, “ look, you never do y
41、our share of the housework.(5)are you going to do about it? ”, thediscussion will very soon turn into an argument. its much more (6)(有幫助 )to say something like,“ i think wehad(7)bhave another look about how we divide up the housework. maybe there is a better way of dealingwith it.”my second piece of
42、 (8)ais simple. if youre the person who is in the wrong, just admit it! this isthe easiest and best way to avoid an argument. just make an (9)(道歉 ), and move on. the other person will havemore respect for you (10) _the future if you do that.14.are you facing a situation that looks impossible to fix?
43、in 1969,the pollution was terrible along the cuyahoga river near cleveland,ohio.it1(be) unimaginable that itcould ever be cleaned up.the river was so polluted that it2(actual) caught fire and burned.now ,years later,this riveris one of3 most outstanding examples of environmental cleanup.butthe river
44、 wasnt changed ina fewdays4even a fewmonths.it tookyears ofwork5(reduce) theindustrial pollution and clean the water.finally ,that hard work paid off and now the water in the river is6(clean) thanever.maybe you are facing an impossible situation.maybe you have a habit7 is driving your family crazy.p
45、ossiblyyou drink too much or dont know how to control your credit card use.when you face such an impossible situation, dontyou want a quick fix and something to change immediately?while there are8 (amaze) stories of instant transformation,for most of us the9(change) are gradual andrequire a lot of e
46、ffort and work , like cleaning up a polluted river.just be10(patience).15last year,my brother and i went to miami for a vacation.some of my friends who had been there before said1was awonderful holiday destination.before we went , we had planned for months.when the day came , we were ready.after our
47、 plane landed ,we went to the hotel.we had made our reservation six months2(early) ,but the man at thefront desk said there had been a mistake.we3 (tell)that our rooms hadnt been reserved for that week,4for theweekafter.i didntunderstand5this would happen and mycredit card hadalready been charged6th
48、ereservation.whats worse ,the hotel had been fully booked.when we were wondering what to do ,the manager came out.shewas7(surprise)helpful.sheapologized for the mistakeand gave us a spare viproom on8top floor.wehadnever stayed in such an amazing room, and we werent charged extra.the next day,my brot
49、her and i went to the beach9we watched some people play volleyball.we got a little10(sunburn) , but the day had been so relaxing that we didnt mind.16many of us were raised with the saying“ waste not,want not.”none of us,(1)h,can completely avoidwaste in our lives.any kind of waste is thoughtless.wh
50、ether we waste our potential talents ,our own time , our limitednatural (2)(資源 ),our money,or other peoples time,each of us can become more aware andcareful.the smallest good habits can make a big (3)d.its a good feeling to know in our hearts we aredoing our (4)bin a world that is in serious trouble
51、.by focusing on (5)(節(jié)省 )oil , water,paper, food,and clothing,we are playing a part (6)cutting down on waste.we must keep reminding (7)(自己 )that it is easier to get into something (8)it is toget outof it.actually , severe damage (9)dto ourland isfairlyrecent in thehistoryofour;.evolution.its time for
52、 us to (10)no to waste so that our grandchildrens children will be able todevelop well.we cant solve all the problems of waste,but we can encourage mindfulness. waste not!參考答案161. made62. finds63. mind64. unless/until65. violently66. had happened67. where68. only69.yours70. in21. was carried2 from 3. satisfied4 knowledge5 however6 highly7 to8 complaints9 it10 why371. as72. without7
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