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1、UNITED NATIONSDistr. GENERALFCCC/KP/AWG/2008/3 10 July 2008Original: ENGLISHAD HOC WORKING GROUP ON FURTHER COMMITMENTS FOR ANNEX I PARTIES UNDER THE KYOTO PROTOCOLReport of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Further Commitments for Annex I Parties under the Kyoto Protocol on its resumed fifth session, hel


3、 TO SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT(Agenda item 3).133II.454533III.63215212227355A.B.C.Emissions trading and the project-based mechanisms.Land use, land-use change and forestry .Greenhouse gases, sectors and source categoriesPossible approaches targeting sectoral emissions.28326IV.CONSIDERATION OF RELEVANT

4、METHODOLOGICAL ISSUES (Agenda item 4).33377GE.08-62063 (E)FCCC/KP/AWG/2008/3Page 2ParagraphsPageV.OTHER MATTERS(Agenda item 5) .REPORT ON THE SESSION(Agenda item 6) .CLOSURE OF THE SESSION .387VI.394078VII.AnnexesRound table on the means to reach emission reduction targets .Views expressed by Partie

5、s on possible improvements to emissions trading and the project-based mechanisms under the Kyoto Protocol, as means that may be available to Annex I Parties to reach their emission reduction targets, compiled by the Chair of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Further Commitments for Annex I Partiesunder th

6、e Kyoto Protocol .Issues relating to emissions trading and the project-based mechanisms that may be considered for possible application within the current commitment period, compiled by the Chair of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Further Commitments for Annex I Parties under theKyoto Protocol.Options a

7、nd issues for consideration relating to land use, land-use change and forestry, compiled by the Chair of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Further Commitments for Annex I Parties under the Kyoto Protocol.Views of Parties on possible approaches targeting sectoral emissions and on greenhouse gases, sectors

8、and source categories to be covered, compiled by the Chair of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Further Commitments for Annex I Parties under the Kyoto Protocol .Workshop on methodological issues .Views of Parties on relevant methodological issues, compiled by the Chair of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Furt

9、her Commitmentsfor Annex I Parties under the Kyoto Protocol .Documents before the Ad Hoc Working Group on Further Commitments for Annex I Parties under the Kyoto Protocolon its resumed fifth session .I.II.915III.21IV.25V.2729VI.VII.32VIII.34FCCC/KP/AWG/2008/3Page 3I. Opening of the session(Agenda it

10、em 1)The resumed fifth session of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Further Commitments for Annex I1.Parties under the Kyoto Protocol (AWG-KP) was held at the Maritim Hotel, Bonn, Germany, from2 to 12 June 2008. At the opening of the session, a minute of silence was observed in memory of the victims of th

11、e earthquake in the province of Sichuan, China, and of cyclone Nigris.2.The Chair of the AWG-KP, Mr. Harald Dovland (Norway), opened the session and welcomed allParties and observers. He also welcomed Mr. Mama Konate (Mali) as Vice-Chair and Mr. Boo-Nam Shin (Republic of Korea) as Rapporteur of the

12、AWG-KP.3.Mr. Dovland reminded Parties that the agenda for the fifth session had been adopted at the firstpart of that session, which took place in Bangkok, Thailand, from 31 March to 4 April 2008. Heemphasized that the resumed fifth session of the AWG-KP was the last opportunity to advance work befo

13、re the group meets in Ghana to adopt conclusions on the analysis of means that may be available to Annex I Parties to reach their emission reduction targets and on the consideration of relevant methodological issues.II. Organizational matters(Agenda item 2)Organization of the work of the session(Age

14、nda item 2 (b)The AWG-KP considered this sub-item at its 1st meeting, on 2 June. The Chair recalled that the4.AWG-KP should focus its work on agenda item 3, “Analysis of means to reach emission reductiontargets and identification of ways to enhance their effectiveness and contribution to sustainable

15、development”; and item 4, “Consideration of relevant methodological issues”. He informed delegates about arrangements made for the round table on the means to reach emission reduction targets, scheduled for 2 June 2008, and for the workshop on relevant methodological issues, scheduled for 7 June.5.S

16、tatements were made by representatives of nine Parties, including one speaking on behalf of theGroup of 77 and China, one on behalf of the African Group, one on behalf of the Umbrella Group, oneon behalf of the Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS), one on behalf of the least developed countries,

17、one on behalf of the European Community and its member States,1 and one on behalf of the Environmental Integrity Group.III. Analysis of means to reach emission reduction targets and identification of ways to enhance their effectiveness and contribution to sustainabledevelopment(Agenda item 3)1. Proc

18、eedingsThe AWG-KP considered this item, including sub-items (ad) together, at its 2nd and 3rd6.meetings, on 3 and 12 June, respectively. At the 2nd meeting, the Chair reported on the results of the1 The position reflected in this statement was supported by Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Ma

19、cedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Serbia.FCCC/KP/AWG/2008/3Page 4round table referred to in paragraph 4 above. He noted that the round table provided useful inputs for the AWG-KP to conclude the consideration of the means that may be available to Annex I Parties to reach their emission reduction

20、targets at the first part of its sixth session.Also at the 2nd meeting, statements were made by representatives of 18 Parties, including one7.speaking on behalf of the European Community and its member States,2 and one on behalf of the Group of 77 and China.8.At the same meeting, the Chair invited r

21、epresentatives of the International Civil AviationOrganization, the International Maritime Organization, the International Council for Sustainable Energy and the Climate Action Network to make statements on this item.9.With a view to advancing work on the individual sub-items, the AWG-KP agreed to e

22、stablishthree contact groups to further consider:(a)Item 3 in general and sub-items (c), “Greenhouse gases, sectors and source categories”, and (d), “Possible approaches targeting sectoral emissions”, to be chaired by the Chair of the AWG-KP;Sub-item (a), “Emissions trading and the project-based mec

23、hanisms”, to be co-chaired by Ms. Christiana Figueres (Costa Rica) and Mr. Nuno Lacasta (Portugal);Sub-item (b), “Land use, land-use change and forestry”, to be co-chaired by Mr. Marcelo Rocha (Brazil) and Mr. Bryan Smith (New Zealand).(b)(c)10.At the 3rd meeting, the Chair reported on the consultat

24、ions by the contact group referred to in paragraph 9 (a) above. The AWG-KP considered and adopted conclusions3 proposed by the Chair.2. ConclusionsThe AWG-KP continued its work on means that may be available to Annex I Parties to reach11.their emission reduction targets, and on identification of way

25、s to enhance their effectiveness and their contribution to sustainable development and to the ultimate objective of the Convention as set out in its Article 2.12.The AWG-KP held a round table on 2 June 2008 on the means that may be available to Annex IParties to reach their emission reduction target

26、s. The AWG-KP noted that the round table provided some useful inputs that could assist the AWG-KP in concluding its consideration of these matters at the first part of its sixth session. It took note of the summary by the Chair (see annex I) and of views and information provided by Parties during th

27、e resumed fifth session of the AWG-KP.13.The AWG-KP agreed that consideration of land use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF)activities in the project-based mechanisms, to be addressed as part of its work on emissions trading and the project-based mechanisms, needs to be informed by outcomes from

28、 its consideration of the issue of non-permanence and other methodological issues as part of its work on LULUCF. In addition, the AWG-KP noted the work being undertaken under decision 1/CP.13 (the Bali Action Plan),paragraph 1 (b) (iii), and that this work could be an input to the further considerat

29、ion of this matter by the AWG-KP.2 The position reflected in this statement was supported by Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Serbia.3 Adopted as document FCCC/KP/AWG/2008/L.4/Rev.1.FCCC/KP/AWG/2008/3Page 514.The AWG-KP reiterated that, in the context o

30、f its ongoing work, it will also consider theimplications for the carbon market, in particular the supply of and demand for tradable units under the Kyoto Protocol, resulting from changes to the means that may be available to Annex I Parties to reach their emission reduction targets.A. Emissions tra

31、ding and the project-based mechanisms(Agenda item 3 (a)1. Proceedings15.At the 3rd meeting, Ms. Figueres reported on the consultations of the contact group referred to in paragraph 9 (b) above. The AWG-KP considered and adopted conclusions4 proposed by the Chair.2. Conclusions16.In accordance with i

32、ts conclusions at the first part of its fifth session, the AWG-KP considered,with due attention to improving the environmental integrity of the Kyoto Protocol, possibleimprovements to emissions trading and the project-based mechanisms under the Kyoto Protocol as means that may be available to Annex

33、I Parties to reach their emission reduction targets, and the identification of ways to enhance the effectiveness of these means and their contribution to sustainable development and to achieving the ultimate objective of the Convention.17.The AWG-KP reiterated that, in considering possible improveme

34、nts to the mechanisms, dueattention should be paid to promoting, inter alia, the environmental integrity of the Kyoto Protocol and the contribution of the mechanisms to sustainable development and that the use of such mechanisms should be supplemental to the implementation of domestic actions at the

35、 disposal of Annex I Parties.18.The AWG-KP agreed that its further consideration of possible improvements to emissionstrading and the project-based mechanisms should not prejudge or limit other work by other bodies under the Convention and its Kyoto Protocol.19.The AWG-KP took note of the views expr

36、essed by Parties and compiled by the Chair of theAWG-KP under his responsibility, as contained in annex II.20.The AWG-KP agreed to continue its work, within its mandate and according to its workprogramme, at the first part of its sixth session so that conclusions may be adopted at that session.21.Th

37、e AWG-KP noted that a number of issues relating to emissions trading and the project-basedmechanisms under the Kyoto Protocol have been identified by Parties at this session that may beconsidered for possible application within the current commitment period. In this context, the AWG-KP recommended t

38、hat the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol, at its fourth session, may consider the list of such issues, as compiled by the Chair of the AWG-KP under his responsibility, as contained in annex III, and take actions that may be appropriate.B. Land use

39、, land-use change and forestry(Agenda item 3 (b)1. Proceedings22.At the 3rd meeting, Ms. Rocha reported on the consultations of the contact group referred to in paragraph 9 (c) above. The AWG-KP considered and adopted conclusions5 proposed by the Chair.4 Adopted as documentFCCC/KP/AWG/2008/L.8.5 Ado

40、pted as documentFCCC/KP/AWG/2008/L.5.FCCC/KP/AWG/2008/3Page 62. Conclusions23.In accordance with its conclusions at the first part of its fifth session,6 the AWG-KP considered, with due attention to improving the environmental integrity of the Kyoto Protocol, how to address, where applicable, the de

41、finitions, modalities, rules and guidelines for the treatment of LULUCF in the second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol, so that conclusions on this matter may be adopted at the first part of the sixth session of the AWG-KP.24.The AWG-KP agreed to continue its work on this matter at the first

42、part of the sixth session ofthe AWG-KP, taking into account the views of Parties compiled by the Chair, as contained in annex IV.25.The AWG-KP acknowledged that further discussions on this matter should take into account theprinciples that govern the treatment of LULUCF, as set out in decision 16/CM

43、P.1.26.The AWG-KP encouraged Parties to share information to allow better assessment of theimplications of the options and issues identified in annex IV, including implications for accounting, before the first part of the sixth session of the AWG-KP. To facilitate this, the AWG-KP invited Parties to

44、 submit relevant information on a voluntary and informal basis to the secretariat before the first part of the sixth session of the AWG-KP, and requested the secretariat to make the information available on the UNFCCC website as received.27.The AWG-KP further agreed that Parties will continue to exc

45、hange their views on theimplications of the options and issues identified in annex IV, including views given in presentations by Parties at the first part of the sixth session of the AWG-KP.C. Greenhouse gases, sectors and source categories(Agenda item 3 (c)Possible approaches targeting sectoral emi

46、ssions(Agenda item 3 (d)1. Proceedings28.At the 3rd meeting, the Chair reported on the relevant consultations of the contact group referred to in paragraph 9 (a) above. The AWG-KP considered and adopted conclusions7 proposed by the Chair.2. Conclusions29.In accordance with its conclusions at the fir

47、st part of its fifth session, the AWG-KP considered,with due attention to improving the environmental integrity of the Kyoto Protocol:(a)How approaches targeting sectoral emissions could be used by Annex I Parties as a means to reach their emission reduction targets;Possible broadening of the covera

48、ge of greenhouse gases (GHGs), sectors and source categories and its implications, based on sound science;How approaches to limit or reduce emissions of GHGs not controlled by the Montreal Protocol from aviation and marine bunker fuels could be used byAnnex I Parties as a means to reach their emissi

49、on reduction targets, taking into account Article 2, paragraph 2, of the Kyoto Protocol.(b)(c)6 FCCC/KP/AWG/2008/2, paragraph 21 (b).7 Adopted as document FCCC/KP/AWG/2008/L.6.FCCC/KP/AWG/2008/3Page 730.The AWG-KP noted that approaches targeting sectoral emissions could be used by Annex IParties as

50、a means to reach, but not replace, their emission reduction targets.31.The AWG-KP took note of the views expressed by Parties under these agenda sub-items andcompiled by the Chair of the AWG-KP under his responsibility, as contained in annex V.32.The AWG-KP agreed to continue its work, within its ma

51、ndate and according to its workprogramme, at the first part of its sixth session so that conclusions may be adopted at that session.IV. Consideration of relevant methodological issues(Agenda item 4)1. Proceedings33. The AWG-KP considered this item at its 2nd and 3rd meetings, on 3 and 12 June, respe

52、ctively. At the second meeting, a statement was made by the representative of one Party speaking on behalf of AOSIS.34. Also at the 2nd meeting, the Chair reminded participants of the workshop on relevant methodological issues, scheduled for 7 June. The AWG-KP agreed that this item should be conside

53、red further in the contact group referred to in paragraph 9 (a) above. At the 3rd meeting, the Chair reported on the contact groups consultations. The AWG-KP considered and adopted the conclusions8 proposed by the Chair.2. Conclusions35.The AWG-KP initiated its consideration of methodological issues

54、, including methodologies to beapplied for estimating anthropogenic emissions and the global warming potentials of GHGs, and of the possible impact thereof on the estimates of total emissions by Parties.36.The AWG-KP held a workshop on 7 June 2008 on relevant methodological issues. TheVice-Chair of the AWG-KP chaired the workshop and provided a summary of the discussions9(see annex VI). The AWG-KP took note of the summary of views expressed by Parties at the workshop and of views and information contained


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