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british standardpressure gaugespart 1. bourdon tube pressure gauges dimensions, metrology, requirements andtestingthe european standard en 837-1 : 1996 has the status of abritish standardics 17.100| bs en837-1 : 1998|no copying without bsi permission except as permitted by copyright lawbs en 837-1 : 1998national forewordthis british standard is the english language version of en 837-1 : 1996, and it includes the corrections to table a.2 issued on 1997-02-20. it supersedes bs 1780 :1985 which is withdrawn.the uk participation in its preparation was entrusted by technical committee gel/65, measurement and control, to subcommittee gel/65/2, elements of systems, which has the responsibility to: aid enquirers to understand the text; present to the responsible european committee any enquiries on the interpretation, or proposals for change, and keep the uk interests informed; monitor related international and european developments and promulgate them in the uk.a list of organizations represented on this subcommittee can be obtained on request to its secretary.cross-referencesthe british standards which implement international or european publications referred to in this document may be found in the bsi standards catalogue under the section entitled international standards correspondence index, or by using thefind facility of the bsi standards electronic catalogue.compliance with a british standard does not of itself confer immunity from legal obligations.summary of pagesthis document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, the en title page, pages 2 to 21 and a back cover.amd. no.datetext affectedthis british standard, having been prepared under the direction of the electrotechnical sector board, was published under the authority of the standards board and comes into effect on 15 march 1998bsi 1998isbn 0 580 28893 5amendments issued since publicationeuropean standarden 837-1norme europe enneeuropa ische normdecember 1996ics 17.100descriptors: metrology, measuring instruments, manometers, vacuum gauges, indicating instruments, designation, specifications, dimensions, fidelity, safety, metrology inspection, markingenglish versionpressure gauges part 1: bourdon tube pressure gauges dimensions, metrology, requirements and testingmanome tres partie 1: manome tres a tubes de bourdon dimensions, me trologie, prescriptions et essaisdruckmegera te teil 1: druckmegera te mit rohrfedern mae, metechnik, anforderungen und pru fungthis european standard was approved by cen on 1996-10-30. cen members are bound to comply with the cen/cenelec internal regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this european standard the status of a national standard without any alteration.up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the central secretariat or to any cen member.this european standard exists in three official versions (english, french, german). a version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a cen member into its own language and notified to the central secretariat has the same status as the official versions.cen members are the national standards bodies of austria, belgium, denmark, finland, france, germany, greece, iceland, ireland, italy, luxembourg, netherlands, norway, portugal, spain, sweden, switzerland and united kingdom.ceneuropean committee for standardization comite europe en de normalisation europa isches komitee fu r normungcentral secretariat: rue de stassart 36, b-1050 brussels1996 copyright reserved to cen members.ref. no. en 837-1 : 1996 epage 9en 837-1 : 1996bsi 1998forewordthis european standard has been prepared bytechnical committee cen/tc 141, pressure gauges contentspagethermometers means of measuring and/or recording temperature during the distribution of refrigerated frozen and quick-frozen products, the secretariat of which is held by afnor.this european standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical text or by endorsement, at the latest by june 1997, and conflicting national standards shall be withdrawn atthe latest by june 1997.this european standard is a part of the series of the following standards: en 837-1: pressure gauges part 1: bourdon tube pressure gauges dimensions, metrology, requirements and testing; en 837-2: pressure gauges part 2: selection and installation recommendations for pressure gauges; en 837-3: pressure gauges part 3: diaphragm and capsule pressure gauges dimensions, metrology, requirements and testing.according to the cen/cenelec internal regulations, the national standards organizations of the following countries are bound to implement this european standard: austria, belgium, denmark, finland, france, germany, greece, iceland, ireland, italy, luxembourg, netherlands, norway, portugal, spain, sweden, switzerland and the united kingdom.foreword 21 scope 32 normative references 33 definitions 34 nominal sizes 35 pressure ranges 36 accuracy classes 47 dimensions 48 pressure element assembly 89 requirements 810 testing 1311 packaging for transportation 1612 designation 17annexa (informative) examples of scale numbering for accuracy classesfrom 0,6 to 4181 scopethis european standard specifies requirements for bourdon tube (designated by b, see clause 12) indicating pressure gauges, vacuum gauges and combined vacuum and pressure gauges (compound gauges), with circular, spiral or coiled forms, from 40to 250 nominal size, and with ranges up to 1600 bar, foriso 228-1 : 1994 pipe threads where pressure-tight joints are not made on the threads part 1: designation, dimensions and tolerancesiso 1302 : 1992 technical drawings methods of indicating surface texture on drawingsthe measurement of gauge pressure.a reading of zero bar is atmospheric pressure.1 bar = 105 pa.gauges specified have circular dials with concentric scales for industrial and test use.the standard includes methods of test for performance to be applied at type approval and production piece tests.en 22768-1 :1993iso 2859-1 :1989general tolerances part 1: tolerances for linear and angular dimensions without individual tolerance indicationssampling procedures for inspection by attributes part 1: sampling plans indexed by acceptable quality level (aql) for lot-by-lot inspectionthe standard applies to gauges suitable for industrial use with common industrial fluids. it applies also toiso 7000 : 1989 motor vehicles graphic symbols principles, synopsisliquid-filled gauges, gauges for high pressure gases andgauges for use with oxygen or acetylene. it does not apply to pressure gauges with electrical contacts.pressure gauges for welding, cutting and associated processes are not included in this standard, but areiso 10102 :1990assembly tools for screws and nuts double-headed open-ended engineers wrenchesspecified in en 562.2 normative referencesthis european standard incorporates by dated or undated reference, provisions from other publications. these normative references are cited at the appropriate places in the text and the publications are listed hereafter. for dated references, subsequent amendments to or revisions of any of these publications apply to this european standard onlywhen incorporated in it by amendment or revision. for undated references the latest edition of the publication referred to applies.3 definitionsfor the purpose of this european standard, the definitions given in en 472 apply.4 nominal sizesnominal sizes of gauges are as follows: 40, 50, 63, 80,100, 150, 160 and 250.see table 2 for dimensions.5 pressure ranges0 to 0,60 to 60 to 600 to 6000 to 10 to 100 to 1000 to 10000 to 1,60 to 160 to 1600 to 16000 to 2,50 to 250 to 2500 to 40 to 400 to 400the bar is the preferred unit of pressure. pressure ranges in bar:ansi/asme b1.20.1pipe threads, general purpose (inch)en 472 : 1994pressure gauges vocabularyen 562 : 1994gas welding equipment pressure gauges used for welding, cutting and allied processesen 29539 : 1992 materials used for equipment used in gas welding, cutting and allied processes(iso 9539 : 1988)en 60529 : 1991 degrees of protection provided by enclosuresvacuum ranges in bar:vacuum gauges have anticlockwise pointer travel with increasing vacuum.20,6 to 0 21 to 0en 60068-2-6 :1995en 60068-2-27 :1993electrical engineering basic environmental testing procedures part 2: tests test fc and guidance: vibration (sinusoidal)electrical engineering basic environmental testing procedures part 2: tests test ea and guidance: shockcombined pressure and vacuum ranges in bar:21 to +0,621 to +321 to +921 to +2421 to +1,521 to +521 to +15the si units kilopascal (kpa) and megapascal (mpa)should follow the bar series from 0 to 60 kpa upto 1000 kpa, then change to 0 mpa to 1,6 mpa up to a maximum of 160 mpa.6 accuracy classesthe accuracy class stating the limits of permissible error is expressed as a percentage of the span.the following accuracy classes are defined: 0,1; 0,25;0,6; 1; 1,6; 2,5 and 4 (see table 1).for gauges with a pointer stop, the accuracy class will cover 10 % to 100 % of the range. for gauges with a free zero, the accuracy class will cover 0 % to 100 % oftable 1. nominal size compared to the accuracy classnominal sizeaccuracy class0,10,250,611,62,5440 and 50xxx63xxxx80xxxx100xxxx150 and 160xxxx250xxxxxthe range and zero shall be used as an accuracy check point.table 2. dimensionsdimensions in millimetresnominal sized1d2d3d4403861513,6504871603,6636186753,68078110955100971341186150147186168616015719617862502452902767note. d4 elongated holes can be accepted to ensure interchangeability with previous standards.7.3 pressure connectiontable 3. thread forms and sizesparallel pipe threadstaper pipe threadsg 1/8 b g 1/4 b g 3/8 b g 1/2 b1/8-27 npt ext1/4-18 npt ext1/2-14 npt extnote. g 3/8 b is not preferred.the positions of the connections can be selected from table 9 (types of mounting and connection position). for thread forms and sizes, see table 3.7 dimensions7.1 general tolerancesgeneral tolerances: en 22768-1.7.2 cases and flangesthe user will have to determine the dimensions for panel cut-out according to the manufacturers data.d1 outside diameter of cased2 outside diameter of flanged3 diameter of fixing hole circled4 diameter of fixing holesfigure 1table 4. dimensions of parallel threaded shanksdimensions in millimetresthread sized1d2d3d4min.l1+0,50l2l3+0,50fwmin.g 1/8 b48810221,68g 1/4 b59,59,51322210g 3/8 b5,513131633213g 1/2 b617,517,52033317note 1. for stainless steel screwed connection, f dimensions can be raised up to 50 %. note 2. g 1/8 b may be made without spigot.note 3. g 1/8 b may be made without groove f. in this case, the length of threading shall be equal to l1.note 4. for inchangeability with previous standards, the spigot of g 1/4 b can be manufactured with diameter 4 mm.7.3.1 screw threadsparallel pipe threads (symbol g) according toiso 228-1.taper pipe threads (symbol npt) according toansi/asme b1.20.1.other threads specific to certain industries are acceptable.7.3.2 shanks with parallel pipe threads7.3.3 high pressure shank (hp) for connection with lens sealtable 5. dimensions for high pressure shankdimensions in millimetresthread sized1d20,1d3d4d5020,3l1020,3l2020,3g 1/2 b (for hp)7,141517,5192522figure 3note. minimum height h of flats shall be compatible with use of standard spanners according to iso 10102.figure 21) according to iso 130 shanks with taper pipe threadstable 6. dimensions of taper threaded shanksdimensions in millimetresthread sized1l1min.wmin.1/8-27 npt ext1081/4-18 npt ext13101/2-14 npt ext1817note. height of flats (h) shall be compatible with use of standard spanners according to iso 10102.figure 47.3.6 sealing washerstable 7. dimensions of parallel threaded tapped holesdimensions in millimetresthread sized1d2t120,5t2min.g 1/84,5107,5g 1/45,51310g 3/86,51612g 1/271915for use with parallel screw threads only.note. the choice of the sealing washer material depends on the pressure and the fluid to be measured.figure 67.3.5 parallel threaded tapped holes4,2 05,2 05,7 06,2 0table 8. dimensions of sealing washersdimensions in millimetresthread sized2d3e 0,2g 1/8 b+0,28 01,5g 1/4 b+0,29,5 01,5g 3/8 b+0,313 02g 1/2 b+0,417,5 0220,220,220,320,57.3.7 sealing lensfor use with high pressure shank (hp) only, according to 7.3.3.figure 5figure 71) according to iso 1302.7.4 type of mounting and connection positionthe different mounting types of gauges shall be as given in table 9. when mounting, ensure that there is enough free space for the blow-out device, if any.table 9. type of mounting and connection positionradial connection101112type not preferredcentre back connection2021type not preferred2223offset back connection3031type not preferred3233direct mountingsurface mountingflush mountingthree-hole fixingclamp fixing8 pressure element assemblytable 11. maximum permissible errorsaccuracy classeslimits of permissible error (percentage of span)0,10,1 %0,250,25 %0,60,6 %11% 1,61,6 %2,52,5 %44% 9 requirementsthe test methods for these requirements are given in clause 10.9.1 accuracythe total errors of indication at reference temperature 20 8c of the gauge shall not exceed the values given in table 11.installation of the pressure gauges shall not cause any change of readings.table 11 shows the limits of permissible error as a percentage of span at reference temperature 20 8c corresponding to accuracy classes.9.2 hysteresishysteresis error in pressure gauges shall not exceed the absolute value of the limits of permissible error at reference temperature 20 8c.examplepressure gauge with a maximum scale value of 10 bar, accuracy class 1. the maximum permissible hysteresis error is 1 %. the difference between the readings taken at decreasing and increasing pressure shall notexceed 0,1 bar (= 1 % of 10 bar).9.3 temperature effectthe variation of indication caused by effects of temperature shall not exceed the percentage values given by the formula:0,04 3 (t2 2 t1) % of the span where:t1 is the reference temperature in degrees celsius;t2 is the ambient temperature in degrees celsius.9.4 endurancegauges shall withstand the steady pressure,over-pressures and cyclic pressures as described below without exceeding the specified change of accuracy (see 10.4.3). for gauges with combined pressure and vacuum ranges the endurance test required may bemet with gauges of positive range only with the same span.examplea gauge with a range of 21 to + 5 bar may be substituted by a gauge with a range of 0 to 6 bar.9.4.1 gauge suitable for maximum steady working pressure 75 % of the maximum scale value steady pressurethe gauge shall withstand a steady pressure equal to the maximum scale value for an extended period. over-pressurethe gauge shall withstand the over-pressure shown in table 12 for a short period.table 12. over-pressuremaximum scale value of pressure gaugebarover-pressure to be applied# 1001,25 3 maximum scale value 100 to # 6001,15 3 maximum scale value 600 to # 1 6001,10 3 maximum scale value cyclic pressurethe gauge shall withstand a pressure fluctuatingfrom 30 % to 60 % of the maximum scale value for t


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