【英國標(biāo)準(zhǔn)word原稿】BS EN 1253-1-1999 Gullies for buildings. Requirements.doc_第1頁
【英國標(biāo)準(zhǔn)word原稿】BS EN 1253-1-1999 Gullies for buildings. Requirements.doc_第2頁
【英國標(biāo)準(zhǔn)word原稿】BS EN 1253-1-1999 Gullies for buildings. Requirements.doc_第3頁
【英國標(biāo)準(zhǔn)word原稿】BS EN 1253-1-1999 Gullies for buildings. Requirements.doc_第4頁
【英國標(biāo)準(zhǔn)word原稿】BS EN 1253-1-1999 Gullies for buildings. Requirements.doc_第5頁
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豆丁網(wǎng):/kmust1british standardgullies for buildings part 1: requirementsthe european standard en 1253-1:1999 has the status of abritish standardics 91.140.80| bs en1253-1:1999|第 5 頁 共 17 頁豆丁網(wǎng):/kmust1licensed copy: sheffieldun sheffieldun, na, sat oct 28 10:05:48 gmt+00:00 2006, uncontrolled copy, (c) bsi|no copying without bsi permission except as permitted by copyright lawbs en 1253-1:1999national forewordthis british standard is the english language version of en 1253-1:1999.the uk participation in its preparation was entrusted by technical committeeb/505, wastewater engineering, to subcommittee b/505/11, waste fittings for sanitary appliances, which has the responsibility to: aid enquirers to understand the text; present to the responsible european committee any enquiries on the interpretation, or proposals for change, and keep the uk interests informed; monitor related international and european developments and promulgate them in the uk.a list of organizations represented on this committee can be obtained on request to its secretary.cross-referencesthe british standards which implement international or european publications referred to in this document may be found in the bsi standards catalogue under the section entitled international standards correspondence index, or by using thefind facility of the bsi standards electronic catalogue.a british standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a contract. users of british standards are responsible for their correct application.compliance with a british standard does not of itself confer immunity from legal obligations.summary of pagesthis document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, the en title page, pages 2 to 9 and a back cover.the bsi copyright notice displayed in this document indicates when this document was last issued.licensed copy: sheffieldun sheffieldun, na, sat oct 28 10:05:48 gmt+00:00 2006, uncontrolled copy, (c) bsiamd. no.datecommentsthis british standard, having been prepared under the direction of the sector committee for building and civilengineering, was published under the authority of the standards committee and comes into effect on 15 september 1999bsi 09-1999isbn 0 580 32763 9amendments issued since publicationeuropean standarden 1253-1norme europe enneeuropa ische normapril 1999ics 91.140.80english versiongullies for buildings part 1: requirementsavaloirs et siphons pour ba timents partie 1: spe cificationsabla ufe fu r geba ude teil 1: anforderungenlicensed copy: sheffieldun sheffieldun, na, sat oct 28 10:05:48 gmt+00:00 2006, uncontrolled copy, (c) bsithis european standard was approved by cen on 3 may 1998.cen members are bound to comply with the cen/cenelec internal regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this european standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the central secretariat or to any cen member.this european standard exists in three official versions (english, french, german). a version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a cen member into its own language and notified to the central secretariat has the same status as the official versions.cen members are the national standards bodies of austria, belgium, czech republic, denmark, finland, france, germany, greece, iceland, ireland, italy, luxembourg, netherlands, norway, portugal, spain, sweden, switzerland and united kingdom.ceneuropean committee for standardization comite europe en de normalisation europa isches komitee fu r normungcentral secretariat: rue de stassart 36, b-1050 brussels1999 cen all rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for cen nationalmembers.ref. no. en 1253-1:1999 epage 9en 1253-1:1999bsi 09-1999forewordcontents1scope32normative references33definitions34loading strength55places of installation55.1general55.2exceptions66nominal sizes67materials68design and construction68.1general68.2appearance68.3depth of water seal68.4resistance of water seal to pressure68.5apertures in gratings68.6blockage prevention: trapped gullies78.6.1access for cleaning78.6.2self-cleansing capacity78.6.3anti-blockage78.7side inlets78.8thermal behaviour78.8.1temperature cycling for floor gullies78.8.2additional mounting conditions and testconditions for gullies for use with sheetfloor covering78.8.3roof outlets78.8.4behaviour when exposed to hot bitumen orasphalt78.9tightness78.9.1odourtightness: trapped gullies78.9.2watertightness for gully bodies78.9.3gullies for use with a membrane78.9.4gullies for use with a sheet floor covering88.9.5gullies with factory affixed skirt membrane88.9.6watertightness for extensions88.10mechanical strength88.10.1 extensions for gullies for use with sheetfloor covering88.10.2 membrane clamping ring88.10.3 gullies with factory affixed skirt membrane88.11 flow rates88.11.1 water through the grating88.11.2 water through the grating and side inlets88.11.3 water through the side inlet88.12 roof outlets for siphonic drainage systems88.12.1 fitness for the purpose88.12.2 coefficient of hydraulic loss89marking810quality control8pagelicensed copy: sheffieldun sheffieldun, na, sat oct 28 10:05:48 gmt+00:00 2006, uncontrolled copy, (c) bsithis european standard has been prepared by technical committee cen/tc 165, waste water engineering, the secretariat of which is held by din.this european standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical text, or by endorsement, at the latest by october 1999, and conflicting national standards shall be withdrawn at the latest by october 1999.according to the cen/cenelec internal regulations, the national standards organizations of the following countries are bound to implement this european standard: austria, belgium, czech republic, denmark, finland, france, germany, greece, iceland, ireland, italy, luxembourg, netherlands, norway, portugal, spain, sweden, switzerland and the united kingdomforeword 21 scopethis european standard classifies gullies, gives guidance for places of installation and specifies requirements for the construction, design, performance and marking of factory made gullies for buildings, irrespective of material, for use in drainage systems operating under gravity including siphonic systems.note although normally used to convey domestic waste water, industrial waste water and rainwater, gullies can convey other waste water provided there is no risk of damage to components or of injury to health.this european standard does not apply to gully tops and manhole tops which are specified in en 124.2 normative referencesthis european standard incorporates by dated or undated reference, provisions from other publications. these normative references are cited at the appropriate places in the text and the publications are listed hereafter. for dated references, subsequent amendments to or revisions of any of these publications apply to this european standard onlywhen incorporated in it by amendment or revision. for undated references the latest edition of the publication referred to applies.en 124:1994, gully tops and manhole tops for vehicular and pedestrian areas design requirements, testing, marking, quality control.en 476, general requirements for components used in discharge pipes, drains and sewers for gravity systems.en 1253-2:1998, gullies for buildings part 2: test methods.en 1253-3, gullies for buildings part 3: quality control.3 definitionsfor the purpose of this standard, the following definitions apply.3.12 membrane clamping ring4 grating/cover and frame5 spigot6 body8 membrane10 extension12 sheet floor coveringfigure 1 gully, non-trapped(typical example)gullydischarge fitting the top of which is a grating or cover capable of installation at ground, floor or roof level, intended to receive waste water either through apertures in a grating and/or from pipes connected to the body of the gully (see figure 1)note a gully can include an integral trap and a sediment bucket(see figure 2).1finished floor3sediment bucket4grating/cover and frame5spigot6body7side inlet8membrane9access for cleaning3.211connecting flangelicensed copy: sheffieldun sheffieldun, na, sat oct 28 10:05:48 gmt+00:00 2006, uncontrolled copy, (c) bsiside inlet gullygully with one or more integral inlets for underfloor or underground connections (see figure 2)3.3roof outleta non-trapped gully, used in a roof (see figure 3)note a roof outlet can include an anti-vortex device.14 depth of water sealfigure 2 side inlet gully, trapped(typical example)4 grating/cover and frame6 body8 membrane11 connecting flange13 roof layerfigure 3 roof outlet (typical example)licensed copy: sheffieldun sheffieldun, na, sat oct 28 10:05:48 gmt+00:00 2006, uncontrolled copy, (c) bsi3.4 gratingremovable component with apertures which permit the discharge of waste water3.5 framesupport for a grating or cover which is connected to a body either directly or by means of a membrane clamping collar or an extension3.6 coverremovable part of an access cover which covers the opening3.7 bodypart of a gully below or in the floor, ground or roof on which the grating/frame/extension is mounted, and to which pipework is connected3.8 extensioncomponent used to adjust the height of a grating or cover above a body3.9membrane clamping ringcomponent used to clamp a membrane or a sheet floor covering to a body or extension3.10 jointconnection between the adjacent ends of two components including the means of sealing3.11connecting flangeseparate or an integral part of a body or of an extension which receives a membrane or sheet floor covering3.12nominal size (dn)numerical indication of size which is a convenient integer approximately equal to the internal diameter (dn/id) or the external diameter (dn/od) in millimetres3.13external diametermean external diameter of the pipe barrel at any cross section3.14internal diametermean internal diameter of the pipe barrel at any cross sectionlicensed copy: sheffieldun sheffieldun, na, sat oct 28 10:05:48 gmt+00:00 2006, uncontrolled copy, (c) bsi3.15gravity drainage systemsystem where flow is caused by gravity and where the pipe normally operates partially full3.16 trapremovable or integral part of the body which prevents by means of water seal the passage of foul air from the outlet to the inlet3.17depth of water sealeffective height of water in the trap (h) which prevents the passage of foul air (see figure 4)a) inletb) outlet (examples)c) water levelfigure 4 depth of water seal3.18domestic waste waternon-faecal waste water discharged from appliances in kitchens, laundry rooms, lavatories, bathrooms, toilets, and similar facilities3.19 industrial waste waterwaste water resulting wholly or partially from any industrial or commercial activity3.20sheet floor coveringflexible watertight finished layer for floors affixed to the flange by bonding and/or by means of a clamping ring3.21 membranewatertight and/or damp proof layer attached to the gully either in the floor or on the floor or roof3.22head of waterdistance a as shown in figure 5figure 5 head of water3.23siphonic drainage systemsystem for drainage of rainwater in which the outlets and pipework enable the system to flow completely full under design conditions and make use of the total height available between the outlets and the point of change to partially filled flow4 loading strengthgullies are classified by loading strength, when tested in accordance with en 1253-2:1998, clause 4, into the following classes: h 1,5, k 3, l 15, m 125.gullies not accessible to either vehicular or foot traffic or not required to withstand external loads are not classified.5 places of installation5.1 generala guide for selecting the class of gully appropriate to the place of installation is given below. the selection of the appropriate class is the responsibility of the specifier.class h 1,5unused flat roofs such as felt-and-gravel roofs, gravel fill roofs and similar.class k 3areas without vehicular traffic, such as bathrooms in dwellings, old peoples homes, hotels, schools, swimming baths, public wash and shower facilities, balconies, loggias, terraces and roofs with greenery.non-load bearing gullies in bathrooms shall fulfil the requirements of class h 1,5.class l 15areas with light vehicular traffic, excluding fork-lift trucks, in commercially used premises.class m 125areas with vehicular traffic, such as car parks, factories and workshops.class c 250 to f 900 gullies and tops conforming to en 124 shall be used for all areas subject to special stresses, such as exhibition halls, market halls, factory sheds and aircraft hangars.5.2 exceptionsnon-load bearing gratings for places of installation which are not accessible to vehicles and pedestrians (protected by suitable masonry surroundings) and which are not covered by the places of installation listed above nor by en 124 shall at least conform tothe test requirements given in en 1253-2:1998, clause 4.6 nominal sizesrecommended nominal sizes are defined by internal diameter of outlet (dn/id) and by external diameter of outlet (dn/od) as follows.nominal sizes dn/id:30; 40; 50; 70; 75; 100;125; 150; 200nominal sizes dn/od:32; 40; 50; 63; 75; 90;100; 110; 125; 160; 200note other nominal sizes which are at present in use are permissible, but they may be reconsidered in the future.7 materialsmaterials shall withstand domestic waste water up to a temperature of 95 8c and industrial waste water as specified by the specifier.materials for roof outlets shall be resistant to rainwater and, when needed, to hot bitumen.materials shall withstand the stresses likely to occur during installation and operation.gullies made of materials which are not inherently corrosion-resistant shall be protected by corrosion prevention.8 design and construction8.1 generalgullies shall be capable of being connected to pipework systems covered by relevant european standards and, when installed in accordance with the manufacturers instructions, shall form an integral part of the building. there shall be no movement possible between the gully and the floor or roof construction, which would impair the functioning of the installed gully.in areas where a pressure test of the pipe system is necessary, gullies for use in the ground floor shall enable such tests to be performed.the upper surfaces of frame and grating shall be flush, except in unused flat roofs. when in position, it shall not be possible for gratings and covers to be dislodged from the frame, but they shall be easy to release.bell traps shall be prevented from floating or becoming displaced by a design feature such as fixing or weight.gullies and their components shall be resistant to normal actions of mechanical, chemical and thermal character.gullies shall be delivered with installation instructions. all joints to and from the gully shall be designed to bewatertight in accordance with pren 476.8.2 appearanceinternal and external surfaces shall be free from sharp edges and imperfections which could impair functioning or risk injury to persons.8.3 depth of water sealtrapped gullies for waste water shall provide a minimum depth of water seal of 50 mm and shall be tested in accordance with en 1253-2:1998, 5.1.note some drainage systems can require depths of water seal greater than 50 mm.8.4 resistance of water seal to pressurewhen tested in accordance with en 1253-2:1998, 5.2, the applied pressure which just causes passage of air shall be 400 pa.8.5 apertures in gratingsapertures can be holes or slots of any shape. permissible aperture dimensions for gratings are givenin table 1.in commercially used premises, g


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