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翻譯技巧與實踐之八,分譯與擴展,分譯與擴展,分譯 是指把英語句子中的一部分拆離出來,譯成漢語的一個單獨成分,如詞組、短語、子句甚至獨立的句子。 目的: 使譯文完整再現(xiàn)原作的含義; 使譯文合乎漢語的語序安排和表達習慣。 類型: 詞義分譯 詞或短語脫句單譯 從句與主句分離,單獨成句,“一拖二” 例1 But this naval competition strained the Liberal Governments principles as well as their budgets. 但是,這種海軍競賽使自由黨政府的原則無法自圓其說,也使其預算捉襟見肘。 例2 Do not apply body lotions or perfumes while wearing silk garment; chemicals are harmful to silk. 穿絲綢服裝不宜抹潤膚露、灑香水之類,化學產品對絲綢有害。,兩個詞,分別搭配,一個搭配對象,但含義需要分解擴展 例1 And a growing minority of western intellectuals agreed. 越來越多的西方知識分子當時接受這種看法,雖然從數(shù)量上來說,他們仍是少數(shù)。 例2 Nixon was greatly impressed by Stassens firm handshake. 史塔生緊緊和他握手,尼克松對這一點印象深刻。 例3 The children have outgrown their garments. 孩子們長大了,原先的衣服穿不上了。,例1 The Chinese seemed justifiably proud of their economic achievements. 中國人似乎為他們的經濟成就感到自豪,這是無可非議的。(副詞的分譯) 例2 It was vain that the old lady asked her if she was aware she was speaking to Miss Pinkerton. 老太太問她明不明白對她說話的不是別人,是平克頓小姐。這話毫無效力。(形容詞的分譯) 例3 They, not surprisingly, did not respond at all. 他們根本沒有答復,這是不足為奇的。(副詞的分譯),例4 The computer can give Mary the right lesson for her:neither too fast nor too slow. 計算機能給瑪麗上課,上得恰倒好處,既不太快也不太慢。 (形容詞的分譯) 例5 At present, people have a tendency to choose the safety of the middle-ground reply. 現(xiàn)在人們都傾向于采取一種不偏不倚的態(tài)度來回答問題,因為這樣做安全而不招風險。(名詞的分譯) 例6 He stalked away, but with a gnawing uncertainty in his breast. 他昂首闊步地走了,心里半信半疑,感到十分苦惱。(分詞的分譯),虛擬語氣暗含某種假設 例1 A Britain outside the EU would suffer economically. 英國假如脫離歐盟,將會蒙受嚴重的經濟損失。 例2 A movie of me leaving that foxhole would look like a shell leaving a rifle. 要是把我沖出單人掩體的情景拍成電影的話,可以發(fā)現(xiàn)我的速度猶如出膛的子彈一樣快。 特殊表達方式,需拆離,增詞完善結構 例1 His addition complete the list. 把他的名字添上,名單就完備了。 例2 She inspected the table for dust with her finger. 她伸出一個手指抹了一下桌子,看看有沒有灰塵。,例1 I went to a pet shop and the man there happened to have two cats for sale at a thousand roubles each. 我去了一家寵物店,店里有個人正好有兩只貓要買,每只要價1,000盧布。 例2 For all its great size, the machine moves noiselessly. 盡管這臺機器體積很大,運轉起來卻沒有噪聲。 例3 He is too ill to have been anywhere but in bed. 他病得太厲害,不能行走只能呆在床上。(分譯動詞不定式和介詞短語) 例4 There are many kinds of atoms, differing in both mass and properties. 原子的種類很多,其質量與性質都不同。,例5 He arrived in Washington at a ripe moment internationally. 他來到華盛頓,就國際形勢來看,時機正合適。 例6 Their power increased with their number. 他們人數(shù)增加了,力量也隨之增強。 例7 He had left a note of welcome for me, as sunny as his face. 他留下一封短信對我表示歡迎,那封信寫得熱情洋溢,一如其人。 例8 Sometimes, to his delight, he was allowed to take short trips outside the small town. 有時他還可以離開小鎮(zhèn)到外面走一走,這使他感到很欣喜。,定語從句的分譯 例1 After the war, his friend got him a job as an instructor in an Army training school that paid $10,000 a year. 大戰(zhàn)結束后,他的朋友介紹他到一所軍事訓練學校去任教,年薪一萬元。 例2 Just then the fish gave a sudden lurch that pulled the old man down onto the bow. 正在這當兒,那條大魚突然把船車的晃蕩了一下,老頭兒給拖得倒向船頭那邊去。 例3 It seems to me that there are two causes, of which one goes much deeper than the other. 我認為原因有二,而兩者之間又有明顯的深淺之分。,同位語(從句)的分譯 例1 Winston Churchill, today an idealised hero of history, was in his time variously considered a bombastic blunderer, an unstable politician 溫斯頓丘吉爾今天是一個被理想化了的歷史英雄,但當時卻被看成各種各樣的人物:愛唱高調但常犯錯誤的人、搖擺不定的政客 例2 So far there is no proof that UFOs or spaceships from other planets do exist. 究竟有沒有不明飛行物或來自其他行星的宇宙飛船,迄今為止尚無法證實。 The statement that most people are for this proposal is confirmed by a survey conducted recently. 多數(shù)人支持這項提議,這種說法從最近做的一項調查中得到證實。,順序法 例1 Your refusal of such a good offer/ was very foolish. 這樣一個好建議你竟然不采納,真是遇蠢透了。 例2 At the slightest improvement in my work/ they would show warm approval. 我工作稍有改進,他們就熱情肯定。 例3 The shark swung over/ and the old man saw his eye was not alive /and then he swung over once again, /wrapping himself in two loops of the rope. 鯊魚在海里翻滾過來。老頭兒看見它的眼珠已經沒有生氣了,但是它又翻滾了一下,滾得自己給繩子纏了兩道。,逆序法(換序法) 例1 It was certain that man will eventually solve the riddle of UFO. 人類最后必將解開不明飛行物之謎。這一點是可以肯定的。 例2 The earths revolution around the sun is known to all of us. 我們都知道,地球繞太陽運行。(或者:地球繞著太陽轉,這是眾所周知的。) 例3 The heaviest load on his mind, /after his conversation with the slave trader, /lay in the foreseen necessity /of breaking to his wife the arrangement contemplated. 自從跟那個奴隸販子談過以后,他就預料到必需把原先談妥了的事告訴妻子,而一想到這一點,他心里就苦惱極了。,分譯法 例1 Your refusal of such a good offer was very foolish. 這樣一個好建議你竟然不采納,真是遇蠢透了。 例2 Kuntas home-training had been so strict that, it seemed to him, his every move drew BIntas irritated finger-snappingif, indeed he wasnt grabbed and soundly whipped. 昆塔所受的家教是非常嚴格的。在他看來,自己的每一個動作都會引起賓塔的怒火,即使不是把他一把抓住,痛抽幾鞭。 例3 They were forced to put forward an alternative of separate development for all races in this socalled homelands, with a promise of eventual independence for the Africans in these areas. 他們不得不變換一下花樣,提出一個所謂的家園本土上分別發(fā)展各個民族,并且許愿在這些地區(qū),非洲人最終會取得獨立。,小結,數(shù)法并用 透徹分析、理解,恰當運用方法,綜合法,Thank You !,The End,1、A mans religion is the chief fact with regard to him. 2、This was an intelligently organized and fervent meeting in a packed Town Hall, with Mr. Strong in the Chair. 3、To be allowed to speak out is one of the democratic principles to be observed. 4、He sat in the front row, with his mouth half open, his head thrust forward so as not to miss any word. 5、He tried vainly to talk us into agreement with the unrealistic proposal. 6、She was pardonably proud of her wonderful cooking. 7、One problem in trying to discuss my reporting is its sheer volume. 8、Modest, unassuming, easy to approach, Premier Zhou soon put everyone there completely at ease.,1、A mans religion is the chief fact with regard to him. 看一個人,主要是看他的宗教信仰。 2、This was an intelligently organized and fervent meeting in a packed Town Hall, with Mr. Strong in the Chair. 這是一次精心組織起來的會議,城市大廳濟濟一堂,斯特朗先生主持了這次會議。 3、To be allowed


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