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Spaced outThis page intentionally left blankSpaced outA comprehensive guide to award winning spaces in the UKNicola Garmory and Rachel TennantAMSTERDAM BOSTON HEIDELBERG LONDON NEW YORK OXFORDPARIS SAN DIEGO SAN FRANCISCO SINGAPORE SYDNEY TOKYOArchitectural Press is an imprint of ElsevierArchitectural PressAn imprint of ElsevierLinacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP30 Corporate Drive, Burlington, MA 01803First published 2005Copyright 2005, Elsevier Limited. All rights reservedNo part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form (including photocopying or storing in any medium by electronic means and whether or not transiently or incidentally to some other use of this publication) without the written permission of the copyright holder except in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 or under the terms of a licence issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency Ltd, 90 Tottenham Court Road, London, England W1T 4LP. Applications for the copyright holders written permission to reproduce any part of this publication should be addressed to the publisherPermissions may be sought directly from Elseviers Science and Technology Rights Department in Oxford, UK: phone: (H1100144) (0) 1865 843830;fax: (H1100144) (0) 1865 853333; e-mail: may also complete your request on-line via the Elsevier homepage (), by selecting Customer Support and then Obtaining PermissionsBritish Library Cataloguing in Publication DataA catalogue record for this book is available from the British LibraryLibrary of Congress Cataloguing in Publication DataA catalogue record for this book is available from the Library of CongressISBN 0 7506 6142 9Typeset by Charon Tec Pvt. Ltd, Chennai, India Printed and bound in ItalyFor information on all Elsevier publications visit our website at ContentsAcknowledgements viiAbout the authors ixIntroduction 1Map showing location of spaces 3List of spaces1. Brighton Seafront PHASES 15 52. Trafalgar Square, London 93. Royal Victoria Square, London 134. Greenwich Peninsular, London 175. Thames Barrier Park, London 216. Cutty Sark Gardens, London 257. Triton Square, London 298. Russell Square Gardens, London 339. Ingress Park, Greenhithe Waterfront 3710. Bristol Harbourside Regeneration Project and Bristol Legible City 4111. At Bristol 4512. Queen Square, Bristol 4913. Millennium Wetland, Llanelli 5314. The Phoenix Centre, Coventry 5715. Victoria Square, Birmingham 6116. Millennium Quarter, Manchester. Cathedral Gardens 6517. Millennium Quarter, Manchester. Exchange Square 69vi Contents18. Castlefield, Manchester 7319. Salford Quays, Manchester 7720. Warrington Town Centre 8121. Heart of the City, Sheffield 8522. Whitehaven 8923. The Grainger Town Project, Newcastle 9324. International Centre for Life and Times Square, Newcastle 9725. Amble Regeneration, Northumberland 10126. Alnwick Market Place, Northumberland 10527. Dynamic Earth, Edinburgh 10928. The Hidden Gardens, Glasgow 11329. Cathedral Precinct, Glasgow 11730. Homes for the Future, Glasgow 12131. Dundee City Centre 125AcknowledgementsMany thanks to everyone who helped and inspired us on our journey.Particular thanks to Patrick Goode for his advice and editing skills and to Zuzana Sebinova for her patience and help.Photographs by Rachel Tennant.This page intentionally left blankAbout the authorsRachel Tennant is a landscape architect and keen photographer and has travelledthroughout the world photographing natural and built landscapes.Nicola Garmory and Rachel Tennant are co-directors of the successful practiceTGP Landscape Architects. They have both travelled extensively around Europestudying and researching designed landscape spaces.They are also co-authors of Professional Practice for Landscape Architectspublished by Architectural Press.This page intentionally left blankIntroduction 1Public spaces are designed. They dont just happen: they areformed through a considered process of planning, survey,analysis, design and implementation.This book will give you an insight into some such spaces inthe UK.Chosen from a number of projects throughout Britainwhich were recognized for their special qualities, the 31spaces in this book were selected from a shortlist of awardsover the past 10 years. These are the combined work ofdesign professionals including architects, planners,landscape architects, urban designers, artists and engineers.There are many awarding authorities throughout Britainnow, but we chose the following National Awards as beingthe most relevant to the designed environment:The Landscape Institute AwardsThe Civic Trust AwardsThe Royal Town Planning Institute AwardsThese awards are described on the following pages.For each space, we have aimed to give you an idea of itstype and character, where it is or how to get there, a briefdescription and why it won the award, with some commentsfrom ourselves on our thoughts and feelings about thedesign. An abridged version has been provided with regardto the judges reasons for making the award.Our tour of Britain was interesting and rewarding but wesoon realized that not all well designed spaces won awards.The award winning spaces depended very much on a clientor designer initially submitting the place for an award. Thereare a vast number of projects throughout the UK where gooddesign has not been recognized through a formal, nationalaward and have therefore not been included in this book.There again, there were award winning spaces which wevisited but chose not to include in this book due to the factthat they looked unmaintained, or were suffering fromdamage or vandalism or we considered them not to be up toa standard that we would aspire to.In just 31 examples chosen, one can experience hugevariations in the design, use of materials and context of thespaces. It was refreshing to see the use of water in so manyplaces, something that adds focus and fun to a space. AlsoIntroductionthe use of soft materials in city centres and urban squaresbrought a brightness and interest to the urban environment,particularly the use of grass and herbaceous material.Spaces do not exist on their own, the success of a spacedepends on the context, the surrounding buildings orenvironment and the people using it. It requires to exist as anentity in its own right as well as fitting in with thesurroundings, it requires an energy and a concept that iseasily translatable by those using it.The Landscape Institute AwardsThe Landscape Institute promotes the highest standards inthe practice of landscape architecture and management.The Landscape Institute Awards are held to honourexcellence and innovation in landscape architecture andpresented to encourage and recognize outstanding examples of work by the landscape profession. The awardsaim to bring greater awareness of the best contributions from Landscape Institute members in creating an improvedenvironment. Our main focus has been on the designcategory.The Royal Town Planning Institute AwardsThe Royal Town Planning Institute was formed to advancethe science and art of town planning for the benefit of thepublic.The RTPI established its annual awards for PlanningAchievements in 1977. The purpose was to throw a publicspotlight on the achievements of the town planningprofession. The awards recognize the diversity of planningachievement, whether in urban or rural areas, large or smallscale, involving new developments or regeneration andpromoted by the public, private or community sectors.The Civic Trust Awards Bi-annual AwardsThe Civic Trust promotes progressive improvements in thequality of urban life for communities throughout the UK.It is Britains leading charity, devoted to life in Britains cities,towns and villages. The places where people live, work, shop and relax.The Civic Trust Awards scheme is the largest and mostcomprehensive environmental design awards scheme inEurope. It has been established for 45 years, during whichtime it has become highly respected for recognizingarchitectural and environmental design that makes anexceptional contribution to our environment. The Civic TrustAwards are unique in that they do not simply award gooddesign, but also take into account the way in which schemesrelate to their settings and to the people that they serve.2 Spaced OutThe NationalAwardsIntroduction 3Brighton Seafront PHASES 15Trafalgar SquareRoyal Victoria SquareGreenwich PeninsularThames Barrier ParkCutty Sark GardensTriton SquareRussell Square GardensIngress Park, GreenhitheBristol Harbourside and Legible CityAt BristolQueen SquareMillennium Wetland, LlanelliPhoenix SquareVictoria SquareCathedral GardensExchange SquareCastlefieldSalford QuaysWarrington Town CentreHeart of the CityWhitehavenAmble RegenerationAlnwick Market PlaceDynamic EarthThe Hidden GardensCathedral PrecinctHomes for the FutureDundee City CentreGlasgowEdinburghNewcastle-upon-TyneSheffieldManchesterBristolBirminghamLondon273023241012281312345678910111213141516171819202122International Centre for Life24Grainger Town2325262728293031 1915142021222526311619Location of SpacesDundeeThis page intentionally left blankBrighton SeafrontJudges viewsDesignersCommentUntil 2001 this stretch of seafront was run down. Extensiveenvironmental improvements have resulted in a waterfrontwhich now plays an important part in the life of Brighton. Thelower promenade has widened, new shops, cafs and artistsworkshops have transformed the old arches, and artworkshave been introduced. The design theme is a string ofpearls along the seafront taking on board the historic theme,focusing on the fish market and fishing museum, leading onto the artists area, nightclubs and bars, while Hove has moreof a family bias. A strong curvilinear form is expressed in thepath and boardwalk, linking the pearls. A series of featuresand artworks such as volleyball and basketball courts,performance spaces, etc. are integrated into the design. Inthe recently completed Phase 6, childrens play is the majortheme.“This is an ambitious and impressive landscaping schemethat has been extremely successful. The design is bold andfull of character and surprise, yet subtle in its detailing anduse of materials. All in all, it seems totally appropriate for thecity that is unique in its flamboyance and cultural richness” .Brighton and Hove Council Conservation and RegenerationTeam.Although not part of this award, we have included Phase 6 asit formed an important and integral part of the space as awhole. Even on a dull day the area is full of vibrancy, bustlingwith people. It is an effective design of a linear space with agood use of simple basic materials and unusual originaldetailing of some features. The whole process has extendedthe town to the beach and now includes sailing, food anddrink sources, sport, fishing, shopping and play, both duringthe day and night.6 Spaced Out1Brighton Seafront PHASES 15Space TypeA Seaside Town WaterfrontLocationSeafront, from the Brighton Pier to the Hove boundaryAwardCivic Trust 2001DescriptionBrighton Seafront 7Trafalgar SquareThe 2004 improvement project has improved pedestrianaccess and enjoyment of the area whilst enhancing thesettings of its buildings, monuments and spaces. Traffic hasbeen redirected away from the north side of the square,connecting the National Gallery and providing the buildingwith a plinth. The square has been enlarged and redesignedwith traditional materials. Recycled nineteenth-centurygranite that was originally part of the north terrace retainingwall has been used for walls and balustrades. Access fordisabled and servicing has been boldly incorporated into thedesign using glass boxes with frames of brown bronze.A modern touch has been introduced with the use ofcontemporary designed benches using details of bronze fromthe same foundry that supplied metal for the two lionsculptures built in the 1860s at the foot of Nelsons Column.“Overall it is an extraordinary contribution to the environment,creating an urban space that is representative of its truepotential and role in the capital”.Foster and Partners, Atkins Design Environment andEngineering.A hugely popular space, thronging with people all year round.The new design achieved a successful, robust and large-scaleimproved space reflecting the status of this world-famoussquare. The good thing about the improvements is that theyfit in well and could, in fact, always have been there. The linkwith the National Gallery has opened up the square andcreated better pedestrian movement. The large slabs reflectthose used throughout the rest of the space whilst the newseating, caf areas and lifts introduce a modern elementwhich brings the space into the twenty-first century.10 Spaced Out2Trafalgar Square, LondonSpace TypeAn Urban SquareLocationCity of Westminster, Central London.Nearest tube: Charing CrossAwardCivic Trust 2004DescriptionJudges viewsDesignersCommentTrafalgar Square 11Royal Victoria SquareJudges viewsDesignersCommentOn the northern edge of Victoria Dock, this 1.6 ha site,conceived by London Docklands Development Corporation,was designed to provide a hub for leisure, business andresidential developments and to connect with existingcommunities. The design evolved from the sites existingfeatures such as the buildings, cranes and waterfront setting.A central lawn is bordered by a paved walkway. The canopyis punched through with names of ships that docked in theold basin. Materials reflect those used in past industrial times steel, natural stone, concrete and timber. The fountainsprovide a ceremonial route to the Excel Centre and a playfacility for children.“This understated scheme sets an inspirational benchmarkfor contemporary urban landscape design. The project hasreal presence, scale and attention to detail and geometryand represents the best integrated landscape design. Thescheme is deceptively simple but compels users to engagewith its routes, views and experiences. The combined effect of paving, structures, lighting and planting creates amemorable landscape that is forward looking, well-built and a highlight of the gritty dockland setting”.EDAW, Aspen Burrow Crocker, Patel Taylor.This site may have been 7 years old when we saw it, but itappeared not to have achieved the use and status that wasprobably anticipated. Unfortunately when we viewed thespace, the dancing fountains were not working and therewere no people to enliven it. This may be more to do with thecontext of the square as a forerunner to future surroundingdevelopment than the actual design. We also found that thespace leaks out, it is not bound by built or natural elementsand therefore the eye is drawn to the expanse of water andundeveloped spaces beyond.14 Spaced Out3Royal Victoria Square, LondonSpace TypeA Modern Urban SquareLocationThe Royal Docks, adjacent to the Excel Centre, London.Nearest Station: DLR Custom HouseAwardLandscape Institute 2004DescriptionRoyal Victoria Square 15Greenwich PeninsularDescriptionJudges viewsDesignersCommentThe central, southern and ecological parks were establishedas part of an initial masterplan for the whole peninsular afterthe closure of the gas works and the proposal to use the sitefor the Millennium Dome. The central park has beendesigned on the basis of a 7-metre grid, establishing numbersof trees and widths of paths, and forming a rhythmic andmodernist landscape. The boundary to the paths with itsgranite linear seating and block planting of lavender andlilies, ivy and avenue of trees creates a simple and effectivedesign solution. Beyond the row of industrial cottages andPilot Inn is Southern Park with its memorial to the employeesof the Southern Metropolitan Gas Company who died in thetwo world wars. At the other extreme, the ecological parkadjacent to the colourful Greenwich Village is designed withlakes, boardwalks and wetlands. A haven for wildlife withwoven willow screens and bird hides which both protect thebirds and allows viewing of them too. All three parks havehigh-quality street furniture and lighting and offer full accessfor people with disabilities.“The innovative and sensitive treatment of these areas hasset a standard for future developments of the peninsula”.Desvigne and Dalnoky: Central Park, WA Atkins;Nicholas Pearson Associates: Ecology Park, Bernard Ede.A bold and striking development complementary to the sizeand scale of the Millennium Dome. The formality of the twocentral and southern parks contrasts well with the informalityof the Ecological Park. Modern design elements such as thegranite seating are strong features which channel movementthrough the main areas of the parks. The monoculture ofherbaceous planting, lavender for instance, is very effectivein the summer when flowering, but may look less appealingthroughout the winter months.18 Spaced Out4Greenwich Peninsular, LondonSpace TypeA Series of Parks Connected by a Riverside WalkwayLocationAdjacent to the Millennium Dome, North Greenwich, London.Bus from Greenwich or tube from North GreenwichAwardCivic Trust 2002Greenwich Peninsular 19Thames Barrier ParkA former industrial site lying north of the Thames Flood Barrier.This nine hectare park, developed following an internationaldesign competition, is both urban and contemporary withreferences to the past history of the site. The Sunken GreenDock (reference to the former Prince Regent Dock) is aremarkably designed long and narrow channel cutting throughthe park at an angle, containing a rippling wave of yew, andlines of herbaceous and shrub planting follow the line of the cut.At the river side there is a vast timber deck with wave-shaped seating and a pergola dedicated to those killed in thetwo world wars.To the north of the sunken gardens is an area surroundedby huge concrete walls banded with black slate and filledwith a geometric pattern of 36 water jets.Bridges of steel tubing and graphite iron railings cross the cut.Elsewhere the park offers contrasting uses with a largelawn, a wildflower meadow, a riverside walk and a traditionalplayground.“Already this new park seems to be having a very positiveimpact on the surrounding area, which is rapidly beingdeveloped into housing. During the last half-century the valueof green space both social and commercial has beenforgotten and few new parks have been created. It is hopedthat this innovative and beautifully designed park will act asan exemplar and that in future the creation of public parks willbe included in regeneration strategies as a matter of course”.Groupes Signes, Patel Taylor, ArupA clear and bold landscape concept which is still fairly uniqueto British park design. It is a beautifully designed,implemented and maintained park. Attention has been givento the wider design and to minute detail. The views and vistacreated within the park are spectacular. The park is used well despite the fact that it is very difficult to find and theentrance is currently hidden from public view. The opening upof the new docklands railway station will surely make thispark a very popular all year round destination.22 Spaced Out5Thames Barrier Park, LondonSpace TypeAn Urban ParkLocationNorth Bank of The Thames, North Woolwich Road, Silverton.London DocklandsAwardCivic Trust 2002DescriptionJudges viewsDesignersCommentThames Barrier Park 23Cutty Sark GardensJudges viewsDesignersCommentThe Cutty Sark is a major tourist attraction and WorldHeritage site. The area around the ship has been improvedand transformed to create a square worthy of its status. Thespace is a setting for the ship itself, a viewing platform for theRiver Thames and a point of transition (as the ferry terminaland Brunels rotunda are built within it). The square consistsof an area of elevated decking with a red painted entrancewall and signage, interpretation boards built into the distinctivetimber boundary fencing and an area with banners andcolumns. Generally the materials are man-made but thereare traditional stone setts around the Cutty Sark which reflectthe historical status of the ship.“This important riverside space has been transformed by asimple yet highly effective hard landscaping scheme usingwood decking, yorkstone paving and well-engineeredhandrails and street furniture. The severity of the designforms an admirable setting for the strong lines of the CuttySark and nearby Gypsy Moth, while ensuring that this busyriverside area is an appropriate gateway for visitors to thishistoric town”.Timpson Manley Ltd., Dewhurst McFarlane and Partners.The red painted wall and timber interpretation boards are astrong introduction to the square with bold use of colour andmaterials. The timber decking and steps create a maritimefeel and a good means of dealing with level changes.However, the materials specified have not stood up to theuse and abuse by so many visitors in this very popular touristlocation and the space is looking tired and worn in places.26 Spaced Out6Cutty Sark Gardens, LondonSpace TypeAn Urban Riverside SquareLocationGreenwichAwardCivic Trust 2000DescriptionCutty Sark Gardens 27Triton SquareJudges viewsDesignersCommentA new urban space, which acts as a centrepiece within anew mixed use development. The design is based on anextension of the building grid onto the landscape and alsothe theories of geomorphology. The design of the seating and surrounding retaining wall with wavy turf boundariesreflect this. Portland stone and granite are predominantsurface materials. The lighting columns are strong featuresalong the main Euston Road but the surface lighting is alsovery effective.“The square integrates well with its surrounding landscape,taking elements and reference from it. Light is used as acentral landscape design element and, as a result, the spaceis particularly effective in the evening and has developed intoa popular 24-hour attraction and destination. The lighting,layout and design has had an extremely positive impact onits environment, adding great vibrancy to the area, andperceived as a sculptural experience in its own right”.Sheppard Robson, Ove Arup and Partners, Edco Design Ltd.A contemporary space with a pleasant atmosphere and wellused for both sitting and passing through. The simple designincludes strong elements such as the spiral seating and thelighting columns along Euston Road. The site is banded bycurved crisp granite walls, lime tree avenues and plains ofshort mown grass and ivy.The ornate ancient frieze and raised feature trees on top of the columns appear fussy and conflict with the rest of thedesigned space.30 Spaced Out7Triton Square, LondonSpace TypeA Contemporary Urban SquareLocationRegents Place, off Euston Road.Nearest Tube: Warren Street.AwardCivic Trust 2004DescriptionTriton Square 31Russell Square GardensThe existing Humphrey Repton designed Grade 2 registeredhistoric landscape garden has been conserved andenhanced. Sensitive arboricultural work to the matureLondon planes, restoration of the statue of Sir FrancisRussell, restored boundary railings and the introduction of a modern fountain in place of the original garden hut havecontributed to the overall upgrading and enhancements.“Using archive material, original survey plans andarchaeological trial pits the missing elements of the originaldesign were restored. Renovation o


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