楂樹腑80涓 噸瑕佸彞鍨鍙瀷1 would rather that somebody did鈥滃畞鎰庫紱鏇存効鎰忊 琛鐜板湪鎴栧皢鏉殑鎰挎湜) would rather that somebody had done鈥滃畞鎰庫紱鏇存効鎰忊濓紙琛榪囧幓鐨勬効鏈涳級渚嬪彞I鈥檇 rather you posted the letter right now. 鎴戞兂璁綘鐜板湪鍘誨瘎淇I鈥檇 rather you were not a celebrated actor. In that case, we could spend more time together. 鎴戝埌鎯呮効浣犱笉鏄 釜鐭悕婕斿憳錛岃繖鏍鋒垜浠彲浠湁鏇村鐨勬椂闂村湪涓璧楓I鈥檇 rather that I hadn鈥檛 seen her yesterday. 鎴戞儏鎰挎槰澶病鏈夌湅鍒板銆鍙瀷2as if/though+涓昏+did/had done鈥鍍忊紙琛鐜板湪鎴栧皢鏉殑鎯呭喌鐢繃鍘繪椂錛涜紺鴻繃鍘葷殑鎯呭喌鐢繃鍘誨畬鎴愭椂錛塠鍙傝冨彞鍨渚嬪彞Our head teacher treats us as if we were her own children, so all the students in our class think highly of her. Alan talked about Rome as if he had been there. Alan璋堣搗 鏉 浠栧幓榪 鐨 鍙瀷3 鈥 ish + 浠 彞鈥濓 琛涓 鍙 鐨勬効鏈琛鐜板湪鐨勬効鏈涳 涓昏+榪囧幓 紱琛榪囧幓鐨勬効鏈涳 涓昏+had done錛琛 鐨勬効鏈涳 涓昏+would/could do渚嬪彞How I wish we students had more free time to relax ourselves! 鎴 澶湜鏈currency1澶殑“ fifl “ 錛 I failed in the maths exam. How I wish I hadn鈥檛 wasted so much time playing!What a pity you can鈥檛 go to the party. How I wish I could dance with you at the party!鍙瀷4 It鈥 high/about time that somebody did (should do) (should 涓 鈥” 鈥渚嬪彞It鈥 time that you went to school.= It鈥 time that you should go to school. It鈥 high time that we did something to improve our environment. 鎴 涓 淇 鎯銆I think it鈥 high time that she made up her mind. 鎴戞兂 涓繪 鍙瀷5鎯呮佸 涓 畬鎴 殑鐢 could have done 鈥 鏉彲浠 濓紙琛榪囧幓 湁 鐨 彲 級銆might have done 鈥 鏉彲 紱鏈 鎴栧彲浠 鈥濓紙 湁鍙 錛鏈 殑 銆should/ought to have done 鈥 鏉 濓紙 呮 級should not/ought not to have done 鈥 鏉 笉鈥濓紙 村榪 錛 鏈 澶囪 姘旓級needn鈥檛 have done 鈥 鏉 笉蹇呭鈥濓紙浣 宸茬粡 氳繃嗭級would rather have done 鈥滃綋 跺畞鎰 濓紙 湁 氳繃錛夛紱鍚弚ould rather not have done琛揪鐩稿弽鎰忔濓 涓呴 鏈紺衡滃悗鎮(zhèn)斺濅箣鎰忋鍙瀷6as, though, although曞 鐨勮 姝姸粠鍙 娉 although浣嶄簬鍙 錛泃 hough浣嶄簬鍙 鎴栧彞涓紱 as浣嶄簬鍙 腑=though銆傚畠鐨勮忔鎶婂彞涓 己璋冪殑褰 嶃佸壇嶃佸嶆垨鍚嶈fi懼湪榪炶鍓嶃俒鍙傝冨 掕 緇撴瀯 鋒敞鎰忎笅鍒楀彞忕殑鍙樺寲錛渚嬪彞1. Although/Though I鈥檓 young, I already know what career I want to follow.鈫扽oung as/though I am, I already know what career I want to follow.鎴戣櫧鐒跺勾杞伙 浣 垜宸茬粡鏄庣櫧鎴戝簲拷闅忎粈涔堟牱鐨勪涓氥2. Although/Though I respect him very much, I cannot agree with his idea. 鈫扢uch as/though I respect him, I cannot agree with his idea. 铏界劧鎴戝緢 婇噸浠栵 浣 鎴 笉鍚浠栫殑瑙傜偣銆3. Although/Though he is a child, he knows a lot of Chinese characters. 鈫扖hild錛堢啝嶏級as/though he is, he knows a lot of Chinese characters. 浠栬櫧鐒惰繕鏄 釜 瓙錛 嵈璁瘑嗚 澶 眽 椼 4. Although he tried, he couldn鈥檛 solve the problem. 鈫扵ry as he might, he couldn鈥檛 solve the problem. 界 浠栧姫錛 絾鏄 粬 湁瑙 喅闂 銆5. Although it is raining, I鈥檓 going out for a walk. 鈫扲aining as it is, I鈥檓 going out for a walk. 澶櫧鐒跺湪涓嬮洦錛垜榪樻瑕佸嚭鍘繪暎姝6. Strange as it may seem, nobody was injured in the accident. 榪欐 鎰 铏界劧鏄懼緱涓 彲 錛 嵈 湁 7. Much as I would like to help, I have a lot to do. 铏界劧鎴戝緢鎯 綘錛 絾鏄垜鏈 緢澶瑕佸銆8. Object as you may, I will go. 浣 弽 鎴 瑕佸幓銆鍙瀷7 鈥efore鈥 娉 紙1錛 病鏉緱鍙 鈥渚嬪彞The roof fell before he had time to dash into the room to save his baby.浠栬繕 湁鏉緱鍙婂 榪 闂存 瓙錛 跺 銆He ran off before I could stop him. 鎴戣繕 湁鏉緱鍙婇 姝 浠栧 緇 To my great disappointment, my favorite singer left the concert before I could have a word with her. 璁垜 澶湜鐨勬錛垜榪樻病鏈 楀垜鏈 鐨勬currency1“錛 緇忕 鍙瀷8 鈥efore鈥 娉 紙2錛 繃fi 涔呮fl鈥 垨鈥滃浣琛 埌浠涔堢fl鈥渚嬪彞They walked about fifty miles to the west before they saw a village.浠 50currency1湅鍒”涓 The workers worked day and night about three days before everything returned to normal.宸 浠 緇 浣澶fl浣”鍒 澶嶆 He almost knocked me down before he knew it.浠栧涔鍒垜 fl鎰 瘑鍒We had walked a long way before we found some water. 鎴 璧 鐨勮currency1嶆鍒” 銆Five years went by before I knew it. 涓涓嶈 錛 簲 繃鍘 銆 鍙瀷9It was + before鈥 鈥繃fi 涔呮fl錛堟 鏍 級鈥 It was not long before鈥 鈥 笉涔 It will (not) be + before鈥 鈥 榪囧 涔 紙涓嶄 錛 fl鈥 before浠 彞璋 瑕 涓 椂 渚嬪彞It was not long before he sensed the danger of the position.涓嶄 浠栧 鎰 瘑鍒粬澶 鐨 It was five days before he came back. 斿 鍚 粬currency1 鏉It will be half a year before you graduate from the school. 嶈繃 婂勾浣 fl 涓氥It will not be long before they understand each other. 浠 澶涓嶄 嗚銆鍙瀷10in case of鈥+n.) 鈥 紱涓 ”鈥濓紱in case that鈥 涓 ”鈥濓紙璋 鐢” 椂 垨 should+鍘 錛渚嬪彞In case of fire, what should we do?Please remind me about it in case I forget/should forget. 涓 ”鎴戝繕嗭 鋒 垜銆In case (that) John comes/should come, please tell him to wait.Please take your umbrella in case (that it rains/should rain). 錛 笅 鍙瀷11 It鴻鍙瀷鴻鍙殑 勬 錛 t is/was + 己璋冪殑閮垎 + who錛堜富瑕 寚 椂錛that + 鍏朵綑閮垎娉 1榪欑 緇撴瀯鍙鴻鍙瓙鐨勪富佸 姸紙鍖呮嫭 錛 湴 鏂瑰紡錛 師鍥犵瓑錛夛 浣 涓嶈 鴻璋 錛堝弬 冨彞鍨 5錛夈鍘 彞鐨勮皳 鐜板湪鎴栧皢鏉椂 侊 鐢 t is鈥hat/who鈥 錛 鍘 彞鐨勮皳 榪囧幓 舵侊 鐢 t was鈥hat/who鈥 錛 鴻 銆佸湴 廣佸師鍥 垨鏂瑰紡 朵笉瑕 when, where鎴杊ow, 蹇呴鐢hat銆渚嬪彞1I saw him in the street yesterday afternoon.鈫捍t was I who saw him in the street yesterday afternoon.錛堝己璋冧富 級鈫捍t was in the street that I saw him yesterday afternoon.錛堝己璋冨湴 圭姸 級鈫捍t was yesterday afternoon that I saw him in the street.錛堝己璋冩椂闂寸姸 級 鈫捍t was him that/who I saw in the street yesterday afternoon.錛堝己璋冨級渚嬪彞2He didn鈥檛 go to bed until his mother came back. 鈫捍t was not until his mother came back that he went to bed. He didn鈥檛 do his homework until his father came back from work. 鈫捍t wasn鈥檛 until his father came back from work that he did his homework. 渚嬪彞3Only when you nearly lose someone do you fully realize how much you value him. 鈫捍t is only when you nearly lose someone that you fully realize how much you value him. 鍙 湁浣 揩瑕佸鍘繪 涓 浣 fl鎰 瘑鍒綘鏄 涔堝皧 嶄粬銆 渚嬪彞4I was late again because the traffic was very heavy during the rush hour. 鈫捍t was because the traffic was very heavy during the rush hour that I was late again. 錛堝己璋冨彞涓 彧 己璋冪 because曞 鐨 師鍥犵姸粠鍙 because涓嶈 鎹 since, as, for, now that絳夛級娉 2鴻鍙殑鐤戦棶緇撴瀯涓 枒闂 彞 Is / Was it + 己璋冮儴鍒 +who / that 鈥鐗畩鐤戦棶鍙 鐗畩鐤戦棶 is /was +it +who / that鈥 What is/was it that鈥 Who is/was it that鈥 When is/was it that鈥 Where is/was it that鈥 Why is/was it that鈥 How is/was it that鈥 渚嬪彞1I saw him in the street yesterday afternoon. 鈫扺hen was it that you saw him in the street?鈫扺ho was it that you saw in the street yesterday afternoon?鈫扺here was it that you saw him yesterday afternoon?渚嬪彞2I don鈥檛 know when he will come back. 鈫捍 don鈥檛 know when it is that he will come back.錛堝粠鍙枒闂鍚庣 堣堪 鍙 忥級鈥揌ow was it that you got in touch with Mr. Smith? 浣 孲mith鍏堢鑱旂郴涓 殑錛鈥揟rough a friend of mine. 氳繃涓涓 湅鍙嬨鍙瀷12錛 錛夈 浣 彞錛堣鏉歡錛 or/or else/ otherwise + 涓誨彞錛堣緇撴灉錛 鈥滃惁鍒欌 瑕佷笉鐒垛錛 錛夈 浣 彞錛堣鏉歡錛 and +涓誨彞錛堣緇撴灉錛渚嬪彞Hurry up, or you鈥檒l be late for class. Please call me up before you come, otherwise/or else/or we might be out.浣 涔嬪flcurrency1撲釜鐢?shù)璇濆Q 惁鍒欙 鎴 涔熻 嚭鍘匯Think it over and you will find the answer. Give him an inch and he will take a mile. 楀 榪昂銆Work hard and you will make progress every day. 範錛 澶悜涓娿鍙瀷13鈥ntil鈥 鈥滅currency1鍒扳椂鍊欌濓紱 not鈥ntil鈥滅currency1鍒扳fl鈥渚嬪彞You are to stay until/till your mother comes back. 浣 緱絳 埌浣 濡堝 鏉 The meeting was put off until ten o鈥檆lock. 氳 鎺繜鍒板崄 歸挓銆The villagers didn鈥檛 realize how serious the pollution was until all the fish died in the river.鈫扤ot until all the fish died in the river did the villagers realize how serious the pollution was.錛堝掕 鍙級絳 埌婀栭鐨勯奔鍏 鍏変錛姘 currency1嶆fi埌姹 煋鏄 涔堜弗 嶃 He didn鈥檛 go to bed until his mother came back.鈫捍t was not until his mother came back that he went to bed.錛堝己璋冨彞錛Not until he failed in the exam did he realize that he had wasted much time playing computer games.Not until his son came back from school did he go to bed. 鍙瀷14 unless鈥滈櫎烇 濡傛灉涓嶁=if鈥ot)渚嬪彞I shall go tomorrow unless it rains. 濡傛灉涓嶄笅 鎴戞槑澶幓銆 鈥揝hall Tom go and play football?鈥揘ot unless he has finished his homework. 潪浠栧畬鎴 綔涓 鍚垯涓嶈 鍑 幓銆I won鈥檛 go unless he comes to invite me himself.潪浠栨 閭鋒垜錛 笉鐒舵垜鏄 笉 幓鐨 I won鈥檛 attend his birthday party unless invited (=unless I am invited). 潪 個 鍚垯鎴 笉鍘誨弬犵殑鐢熸棩鏅 銆鍙瀷15when曞 鐨勪粠鍙when鐢 曞 涓昏 浠 彞銆佸粠鍙 椂闂寸姸粠鍙佽粠鍙拰 氳 浠 彞錛岃繕鏈変”縐 娉曞煎緱鍏蟲敞錛 when曞 跺 鍒fi彞錛 鈥繖 鐒 紱 湪閭 椂鈥濓 鴻鍙 ”涓 浣滅殑 劧鍙 銆傚 鐢簬浠 笅鍙瀷涓 錛 錛夈佷富 + be doing鈥when鈥 鈥 榪欐椂鈥濓紱錛錛夈佷富+ be about to do鈥hen鈥紱錛 錛夈佷富 be on the point of (doing) 鈥hen鈥 鈥 瑕佸幓 繖 垛渚嬪彞One day Chuck was on a flight across the Pacific Ocean when suddenly his plane crashed. 鏈変”澶 Chuck姝 湪澶 炶錛岃繖 朵粬鐨勯鏈 鐒 垎 銆I don鈥檛 know when he will arrive. 鎴 笉鏅 緱浠粈涔堟椂鍊 埌 I thought of the happy days when I was in Beijing. 鎴戞兂璧 椂鐨勯 揩涔愭棩 I believe the time will soon come when there will be no weapons in the world. 鎴 淇 湁姝 鐨勬棩 笉涔呭 埌鏉I was walking along the river when I heard a drowning boy cry for help. 鎴戞 璧 榪欐椂鎴 鐒跺 鍒”涓 姘寸 I was about to leave when it began to rain. 鎴戝 瑕 錛岃繖 朵笅 銆 I had just finished my exam paper when the bell rang, announcing the class was over. 鎴戝 畬浣 錛 笅嶄銆I thought of the happy days when I was in France. 鎴戞兂鍒 鍥椂閭 蹇 瓙銆I believe the time will soon come when there will be no weapons in the world. 鎴 淇 湁姝 鐨勬棩 笉涔呭 涓 currency1I was walking along the street when I caught sight of a tailor鈥 shop. 鎴戞 涓“錛岃繖 舵垜 涓 惰 銆 I was walking along the streets. Just at the moment I caught sight of a tailor鈥 shop. 鎴戝湪琛fi璧傚 fl 舵垜 涓 惰 銆 鍙瀷16 while曞 鐨勪粠鍙while鏈 滃綋/ 椂鍊欌殑鎰忔 錛堟敞鎰忥 曞鐨 彞 皳 彧 嶏錛夛 鍙 鐨勪傛 濅 鏄 冩鐨勯噸 錛 錛” hile = although 鈥滃 櫧鐒垛濓 曞 璁 惰 浠 彞錛涳紙 2錛”hile鐨勬 鈥滅劧 紱鍙 鈥濓 鏉 懼 斿匯 渚嬪彞While I admit that the problem is difficult, I don鈥檛 think that they can鈥檛 be solved. 界 鎴戞璁繖涓 棶樺緢闅 浣 鎴戝 涓嶈 涓 娉 While I admit his good points, I can see his shortcomings. 铏界劧鎴戞璁粬鐨勪 鎴 界湅鍑粬鐨 己 廣While I was angry with her, I didn鈥檛 lose my temper. 铏界劧鎴戝緢鐢熸 錛 絾鎴戝綋 舵病鏈 瑰fl 銆While I understand your viewpoint, I don鈥檛 agree with you. 铏界劧鎴 瑙 綘鐨勮瑙 鎴戣繕鏄笉 鎰忥紙浣 級銆 I earn only 120 dollars a week, while she earns 180 dollars. 鎴 ”鏄熸 鍙 120 錛 180 銆鍙瀷17 where鈥紙 偣浠 彞錛娉 where曞 偣浠 彞 鍙 曞 氳 浠 彞鎴栨昏 偣惰 浠 彞銆傚 綋 冨湪 氳 浠 彞涓綔 偣惰 錛寚浠 湴 椂錛岃繖 跺彲浠 in which, on which, at which, to which, from which絳夌 勪 鏇 絾鏄 畠曞 昏 偣惰 浠 彞 湁榪欐牱鐢 銆渚嬪彞You should put the book where it was. 鎶 fi懼 鍘 銆 Persistent people begin their success where others end in failure.涓 涓嶆 粠浠澶 鐨 湴鏂鍙栨 Where there is a will, there is a way. 鏈 鎴 Where men are greedy, there is never peace. 涓嶆 錛 拰蟲鏈 Go where you should, keep on studying. 浣 埌錛 綘閮 簲 緇 涔 That is the building where my father works. 閭 鎴 浣滅殑澶銆Yesterday I went to the department store, where I met my teacher. 鏄 鎴戝幓 鍏 錛 fl 瑙佷鎴 殑 佸銆That鈥 where a change is needed. 閭 鏄 瑕佸鏇寸殑 銆We could see the runners very well from where we stood. 浠垜浠 欑殑 緢 呮 湅鍒 禌璺 殑墜銆 You should let your children play where you can see them. 浣 簲 綘鐨勮 挎 鍙 殑 鐜嶃 Potatoes can be grown in places where it is too cold to grow rice.=Potatoes can be grown in places where it is too cold to grow rice.錛堟 鍙here曞 氳 浠 彞 錛鏈変簺 澶 喎涓嶈 縐嶆紼伙 浣fi彲浠椹 钖 鋒瘮 冧笅殑鍙瓙緇撴瀯鐨勪笉鍚宂Potatoes can be grown where it is too cold to grow rice.錛堟 鍙here曞 偣惰 浠 彞錛鍙瀷18 what曞 鐨勪粠鍙what 嫳 腑 昏穬 , 冨彲浠 鏉紩 間富 粠鍙佸 粠鍙佽 粠鍙 浣 涓 鏉紩 煎 粠鍙傚湪鍙瓙 彲浠厖褰撲富 佸 佽 佸 彲浠寚猴 涔 彲浠寚鐗 渚嬪彞What is the population of the world? 涓栫晫鐨勪鍙 湁澶皯錛What did you pay for this picture? 榪 鐢 綘浠樹澶皯閽憋紵What is most important in life isn鈥檛 money. 鏈 嶈 鐨 炴 戦挶銆 Will you show me what you bought? 鍙 鎶 綘currency1涔 殑涓緇欐垜 ”涓嬪悧錛Mary is no longer what she was ten years ago. Mary宸茬粡涓嶆10村fl鐨 鍙瀷19 as曞 鐨勯潪愬 粠鍙 s曞 鐨勯潪愬 粠鍙 腑錛岃鎺 峚 s 彞 腑鍙 浣 富佸 垨琛 絳夛 鍙 鎸 鎴栫墿銆傚叾 粠鍙 腑鐨勪綅 瘮 冪伒 伙 彲浠 湪鍙瓙鍓嶉潰錛 湪鍙瓙涓 鎴栧彞 愭湯 傚 鐢殑緇撴瀯鏈夛 as we all know; as is well known to鈥 as is often the case; as is said/mentioned above; as has been said before; as I told you before; as is evident; as often happens; as can be seen; as is/was expected; as we expect; as I can remember絳夈娉 1as 鍙 寚 翠釜鍙瓙鐨 唴 涓嶈紺洪儴鍒fi唴 廣娉 2as曞 鐨勯潪愬 粠鍙 鎸団 鍏堝彲浠鏂 埌鐨勨濃 枡鎯 埌鐨勨濓 琛揪鈥滃鈥殑鏂歸潰銆娉 3as曞 愬 粠鍙椂錛 勬 the same鈥s鈥 such鈥s鈥 so/as 鈥s鈥瓑緇撴瀯銆傚湪浠 彞涓 棦鍙 鎸 銆 墿錛 鍙 鎸 暣涓 彞 渚嬪彞This is also part of your work, as I told you before. 鎴戞浘鍛瘔榪 綘錛岃繖涔熸浣 浣滅殑涓閮垎銆The man was a teacher, as was evident from his way of speaking. 浠庨 鴻 殑鏍峰瓙鍙 槑鏄劇湅鍑猴 浠栨涓 佸銆 Such ideas as he hits on are worthless. 鍍忎粬閭 牱 劧鎯寵搗鐨勪富鎰忔 犵 鐨 It鈥 the same story as I heard from her yesterday. 榪欐晠 窡鎴 粠 歸 鍒 殑鐩稿 銆He will marry as pretty a girl as he can find. 浠栬 彲 婕 寒鐨 濠氥Such people as have made great contributions to the world should be greatly respected. 閭 簺 逛 鍑 法澶礎鐚殑 鍙楀埌 佸 鐨 皧 嶃鍙瀷20which曞 鐨勯潪愬 粠鍙紙涔 紩 奸檺鍒舵 粠鍙級 which曞 鐨勯潪愬 粠鍙棦鍙 鎸 暣涓 彞 愬唴 涔 彲浠寚鍙瓙 鐨勯儴鍒fi唴 紙濡傚崟嶆垨粍絳夛級錛 湪鍙瓙涓 彲浠 綔涓昏 銆佸 紙鎴粙 殑錛夈佸 瓑銆傛敞鎰 畠 彞 腑鐨勪綅 鍙 fi懼湪涓誨彞鍚庯 涓嶈 fi懼湪涓 誨彞鍓嶃傝 劇殑呭 鏄 笉 界殑鈥 鍏堟病鏈夐鏂 埌鐨勨瓑 which錛 彧鎸囩墿銆渚嬪彞Yellowstone National Park, which is in Wyoming, is one of the most beautiful national parks in the world. 榛 煶鍥 鍏 洯浣嶄簬 淇勬槑宸烇 鏄 鏈 附鐨 浗 跺叕鍥 箣涓銆The clock, which my grandfather bought, is still in good order. 榪欐椂閽熸鎴 鐖朵拱鐨勶 鐜板湪榪樿“ 跺緢鍑 The picture, for which he paid an enormous amount of money, was a forgery. 閭 鐢 粬鑺 涓澶瑪閽喘涔 存呰禎併She changed her mind again, which made us all angry. 瑰張fi瑰嗕富鎰忥 榪欎 鎴 澶閮界姘斾銆I lived three years in Paris, during which time I learned French. 鎴戝湪宸撮粠浣忎涓 勾錛 湪閭 闂存垜 娉 銆The weather turned out to be very good, which was more than we could expect. 澶 緇撴灉杞 櫞錛榪欐鎴 湁勬枡鍒 殑銆鍙瀷21錛 錛夈 枒闂 +ever whatever, whoever, whichever, whenever, wherever, however鐢 曞 璁 惰 浠 彞錛岀 褰撲簬 no matter寃hat, who, which, when, where, how榪 銆渚嬪彞Whatever (=No matter what) may happen, we shall not lose hope. 鍙 浠涔堜錛垜浠 涓嶈 澶幓湜銆 Whatever reasons you (may) have, you should carry out a promise. 浣 湁浠涔堢悊鐢憋 浣犻 閬 畧鴻銆Whoever (=No matter who) comes, he will be warmly welcome. 璋 錛 鍒 儹鐑堟 榪庛Whenever (=No matter when) it happened, it was certainly not yesterday. 姝 鍙 綍 浣嗙粷涓嶆鏄 銆Whenever you (may) call, you will find her sitting by the window. 浠涔堟椂鍊欎綘鍘繪 浣犻 湅鍒板鍧愬湪 楄竟銆Wherever (=No matter where) he went, he made friends with people.Whichever (=No matter which) of them you many choose, the quality will be the same. 浠 褰撲腑涓嶈 浣犻 摢涓涓 佽川閮戒”鏍楓However (=No matter how) hard I have tried, I can鈥檛 find the answer. 錛 錛夈亀 hatever, whoever, whichever, whomever絳 紩 煎悕嶆粠鍙 榪欐椂涓嶈 鐢o matter+鐤戦棶嶆浛鎹 渚嬪彞Take whichever you want. 浣 釜 嬁釜銆 We will do whatever we can to help him out. 鎴 瑕佸 粬鎽嗚劚鍥板 銆 I鈥檒l show you whatever you want to see. 浣 兂 粈涔堟垜 辯粰浣犵湅浠涔堛Whoever did this job must be rewarded. 璋佸榪欎歡嬮 瑕佸緱鍒姤 Whoever walks around in such a heavy rain will catch a cold. 浠 綍 湪榪欑 澶 洦涓 璧 鎰 銆You may invite whomever錛堝 腑 whoever浠 浛錛 ou like to the party. 浣 彲浠個 綘 鐨勪鏉弬 氥Take whatever magazines you want to read. 浣 彲浠 浣 綘鎯寵 鐨勬 蹇椼鍊掕 緇撴瀯鍙瀷22鍏掕 鍙瀷錛堜”錛 here, there, out, in, up, down, now, then, away絳 壇嶆 彞 栵 鍙瓙 瑕佸 閮掕渚嬪彞There goes the bell! = The bell is ringing. 冨 嗭Here comes the bus. =The bus is coming. 姹 鏉 銆Now comes your turn to make a short speech. 鍒綘鍙戣 Away went the thief when he saw the police. Then came the hour we had been looking forward to. 鎴 鏈 鐨勬椂鍊 埌 娉 錛 錛 湪榪欑 鎯呭喌涓嬪掕 浠呴檺 笉鍙 墿鎴 e錛 go, come, rush, live, stand, lie絳夈錛 錛変富 浠 朵笉瑕佸掕 銆傚 錛 way he went. 浠栬“榪 銆鍙瀷23鍏掕 鍙瀷錛堜 錛 琛鏂逛綅鐨 姸 彞 栵 鍙瓙鍏掕錛涜皳 涓 e, lie, stand, sit, come, walk, run, stop etc. 涓 鐗嶃渚嬪彞On a hill in front of them stands a great castle. 粬浠 潰鍓殑 鐭 涓法澶殑 銆In front of the house stopped a police car. 鎴 瓙鐨 涓 嗚 杞 Around the corner walks a young policeman. 澶勬湁涓 勾杞葷殑 璧 Under the tree sat a boy of about ten. 涓嬪 涓涓 0 殑鐢峰 銆鍙瀷24鍏掕 鍙瀷錛堜錛 錛堣 級 adj. / v-ing / v-ed +錛堝湴 圭姸 級 + be錛堟垨鍏朵粬褰紡錛 So adj./adv鈥hat鈥 姝 “currency1簬鈥 so曞 鐨 彞 愬掕錛岃 hat曞鐨 彞 笉鍊掕錛 (榪欑 緇撴瀯鏄“鍊掕 鍙 渚嬪彞Present at the meeting were the manager, all the designers and the writer. 鍑 腑 氳 鐨勬湁緇忕悊錛岃璁岃浣 Fastened to the pole is the National flag. fifl涓 湁涓浗 椼Hidden behind the door were some naughty children. 鏈 涓 鐨 殑 瓙 湪闂 悗 Sitting at the back of the classroom were several old teachers, listening attentively to the new teacher. 鍧愬湪 鍚庨潰鐨勬鍑犱綅 浠 湴鍚 鐨勮 銆 Gone are the days when farmers lived in the poor houses. 皯浣 湪存鎴 瓙 岀殑 瓙榪囧幓 Typical for China is the crosstalk show, where a pair of comedians entertains the audience with word play. 鐩稿鏄 腑鍥 鍨 殑滃”錛 涓鍛氳繃鐜 嶈鏉fi瑙 銆So clearly does he speak English that he can always make himself understood. 浠栬 呮錛 洪 粬鐨勮瘽銆 So fast does light travel that we can hardly imagine its speed. 鍏琛 潪稿揩錛垜浠 涔娉兂畠鐨勯 銆鍙瀷25 婂掕 鍙紙涓錛 鍚鎰忎鐨 壇嶆垨鐭 fi懼湪鍙錛 彞 愬鍊掕銆傝繖鏍 殑鍓 涓昏鏈夛 little, seldom, hardly, rarely, scarcely, never, not at all, by no means錛堝喅涓嶏級, at no time錛堝湪浠 綍 跺 涓嶏級錛owhere, in no case ( 濡 綍閮戒笉 )錛 ot in the least (=not at all) , on no condition錛堝喅涓嶏級 絳夈渚嬪彞Never shall I forget you. At no time was the man aware of what was happening. 閭 釜 鏈 病鏈敞鎰 埌鍙 鐨勬儏Little did I understand what he said to me at that time. 鎴戦 跺涔病鏈槑 戒粬緇欐垜寸殑 It鈥 beyond description. Nowhere else in the world can there be such a quiet, beautiful place. 閭 鏄 闅褰 銆 湁鍏朵粬 湁榪欎 夐 銆 涓界殑 Not a single mistake did he make in the exam. 浠栧湪 涓 病鏈夌 涓涓 By no means are these works of art satisfactory. 榪欎簺 鏈 笉 戒 鎰忋On no condition should you visit that place. 浣 喅涓嶈 鍘 涓 湴鏂廣鍙瀷26 婂掕 鍙紙級 not only鈥 but also鈥紙鍓嶄”鍒fi彞鍊掕 錛 悗涓鍒fi彞涓 掕 錛 渚嬪彞Not only was everything he had taken away from him, but also his German citizenship was taken away. 涓嶄 浠栨 鏈夌殑涓鍒囪 閭 “嗭 浠栫殑 峰浗鍥界 涔熻 鍙栨 They suggested not only should we attend the party but also give a performance. 浠 鴻 鎴 涓嶄 瑕佸弬 榪樿榪涜琛 銆Not only should we students study hard, we also should know how to enjoy ourselves in our spare time. 鎴 涓嶄 瑕佸 涔 錛岃繕 鐭 浣欐椂 闂存牱 鐢熸 銆鍙瀷27 婂掕 鍙紙涓夛級 neither, norfi懼湪鍙渚嬪彞If you don鈥檛 go to see the movie, neither will I. 濡傛灉浣犱笉鍘葷湅鐢 錛垜涔 笉鍘匯-Why didn鈥檛 you buy the jacket?-Neither was the price satisfactory, nor did the color agree with me. 浠鋒涓嶈 浠 錛 涓 傚 鎴 I don鈥檛 like him, nor do I care about him. 鎴 笉 浠栵 涔 笉鍏 浠鍙瀷28 婂掕 鍙紙鍥涳級 鈥nly + 惰 鈥 彞 栵 鍙瓙 婂掕渚嬪彞Only when the war was over did he return to work. 鐩村埌鎴樹緇撴浠栨fl鍥幓宸 綔銆Only after you have reached eighteen can you join the army. 浣 彧鏈 埌8 fl 弬Only in that way will we be ready for the challenges and opportunities in life. 鍙 湁榪欐牱錛垜浠 鐢熸 涓 殑鏈洪 鎴樻fl 湁鍏呭垎鐨 澶 Only by changing the way we live will we be able to save the earth. 鍙 湁fi瑰鐢熸 鏂瑰紡錛垜浠 fl 戝湴 娉 榪欑 緇撴瀯鐨 掕 鍙 湪 only曞 惰 鐨勬椂鍊欎 鐢 only曞 涓昏 鐨勬椂 鍊欎笉鐢掕 銆 Only in this way can you work out the problem. 浣 彧鏈夌 榪欑 鏂 currency1嶈 嚭 銆Only this way can help you work out the problem. 鍙 湁榪欑鏂 currency1嶈 綘 嚭 銆鍙瀷29 婂掕 鍙紙旓級 so + be/ 鎯呮佸瓑 + 涓昏 鈥 鈥濓紙琛“鎰忔濓級 neither/nor +/ 鎯呮佸瓑 + 涓昏 鈥 鈥濓紙琛鍚鎰忔濓級渚嬪彞She is interested in the story, so am I. He enjoys playing the guitar, so do I. I saw the film last night, so did he. In the past 20 years, our society has changed a lot, so have our eating habits. 榪0存 銆傛垜浠 殑紺 鍙 fi緢澶 殑鍙樺寲錛垜浠 殑 涔 涔 Tom didn鈥檛 attend the meeting last night; nor did Mary. Tom 鍙傚鏄 鐨勪 璁 Mary涔熸病鏉I have never been abroad. Neither/Nor has Tom. currency11 鈥o + 涓昏 + 嶁 琛“宸湁鐨勮 垨嬪 渚嬪彞鈥e have all worked hard these days. 鈥揝o we have.錛堢殑 姝 級 I promised to help him, and so I did.錛堟垜 浠錛 currency12 鈥 富+ + so鈥 琛鎸夌 鍒鐨勮 姹傚幓 渚嬪彞The wounded little boy asked me to lift him up and I did so. The doctor asked Charlie to breathe deeply and he did so. 鍙瀷30 so it is with somebody = it鈥 the same with somebody鍓嶈呮 鏍 鍚庤 鏍娉 鍓嶉潰 湁鍚鍙張鏈偗 彞錛垨鏈 涓 皳嶆垨嶉毦浠嫨 鐢 鍙瀷銆渚嬪彞John likes English but he doesn鈥檛 like maths, so it is with me (so it is the same with me). Tom is a student and he studies hard, so it is with me. 鈥揌e was really manly enough to be responsible for what he had done. 浠栧 涓 愭眽錛暍 “ 鐨勬 浣 涓鴻礋 鈥揝o he was, and so it was with you. 浠栫殑 姝 浣 綋 朵 涓鏍楓铏 嫙 鍙瀷31 錛堜粠鍙級If + were/did錛堝殑榪囧幓忥級錛紙涓誨彞錛変富+ would/might/should/could + do錛堣紺 鐜板湪鎯呭喌鐨 璁級渚嬪彞If I were you, I would not be so proud. 濡傛灉鎴戞浣 鎴 笉 姝嚜 I don鈥檛 have a cellphone. If I had one, it would be convenient for me to get in touch with others. If I were in your position, I would think better of it. 濡傛灉鎴戝 綘鐨勪綅 鎴 檻 鍙瀷32 錛堜粠鍙級If + had done, 錛堜富鍙級涓昏+ would/might/should/could +have done錛堣紺 榪囧幓鎴栧 緇 鐢 鎯呯殑铏 嫙 囪錛 渚嬪彞What a pity it is that you didn鈥檛 attend the concert yesterday! If you had attended the concert, you would have seen the famous singer. 熼仐鎲fl槰澶綘 湁鍘誨 闊currency1 氥傚 綘鍘 錛 鍒 浣嶈憲鍚嶆currency1嬨 Anyone in his position would have done the same. =If anyone had been in his position, he would have done the same. 浠 綍澶 湪浠綅 殑洪 氳繖鏍峰鐨 鍙瀷33 錛堜粠鍙級If + were/did錛堝嶈繃鍘誨紡錛were to do/should do錛紙涓誨彞錛変富 would/might/should/could + do錛堣紺 鐨 璁級渚嬪彞If he should refuse (= If he were to refuse=If he refused), it didn鈥檛 matter at all. 涓 ”浠栨嫆緇濅錛 涔熸病鍏崇郴銆If you shouldn鈥檛 pass the college entrance examination, what would you do? 涓 ”楂樿冧笉涓 浣 烇紵 鍙瀷34铏 嫙 鏉歡鍙殑鍊掕 熸潯浠跺彞涓 濡傛灉鍑 鏈” ere, had, should錛 彲浠鍘籭f, 鎶繖涜fi懼湪鍙瓙鍓嶉潰錛瀯鎴 掕 鍙 渚嬪彞Should he act like that again, he would be fined. 濡傛灉浠栬繕榪欐牱 鍙 綒銆Had the doctor come in time last night (=If the doctor had come in time last time), the boy would have been saved. 鏄 鏅瑕 鍖葷鍙 椂鍒 揪錛 皬 緱 Were I to go to the moon one day, I would see it with my own eyes. Had I enough money (= If I had enough money), I would buy a larger house. 鍙瀷35if only搗鐨勬劅鍙瑰彞錛岀 褰撲簬 鈥淗ow I wish + 浠 彞鈥濓 鎰忔 鈥 絾鎰庫紱瑕 鈥 戒鈥渚嬪彞If only he could come! 浠栬 鏄 鏉 戒錛 If only we students didn鈥檛 have so much homework錛佽 鏄病鏈繖涔堝 鐨勪綔涓氳 澶錛If only I hadn鈥檛 been so careless in the exam! 鎴戝綋 舵病鏈夐 涔堢矖蹇冨 戒錛 鍙瀷36if it were not for鈥(= were it not for鈥if it hadn鈥檛 been for鈥(= had it not been for鈥 鈥 涓嶆鍥犱負鏈 紱濡 傛灉涓嶆鈥娉 榪欑 緇撴瀯涓笉 界 鍚緇撴瀯鐨 緝 忥 currency1笉 界 weren鈥檛 it for鈥級渚嬪彞If it hadn鈥檛 been for (= Had it not been for) the determined captain, all the passengers on board wouldn鈥檛 have been saved. 瑕佷笉鏄 埞闀”鐩村潥猴 逛鐨勬梾 涓嶄 fi 銆If it were not for your rich parents, you couldn鈥檛 live so easy a life. 瑕佷笉鏄綘鐖舵鏈夐挶錛 綘鐨 笉 姝畨If it were not for the expense, I would go abroad now. 濡傛灉涓嶆鍥犱負緇 垂闂 錛垜鐜板湪 嚭鍥戒銆鍙瀷37 鈥渂ut for + 鍚嶈鈥 拰鈥渂ut that +浠 彞鈥濓 鎰忔 鈥滃樿 涓嶆錛涜 涓嶆鈥濓 鎺 熻 姘渚嬪彞But for air and water, nothing could live. (= If there were no air or water, nothing could live.)濡傛灉 湁絀 錛 粈涔堜笢 闅鐢 瓨銆But for the storm, we should have arrived earlier. = If it hadn鈥檛 been for the storm, we should have arrived earlier. 濡傛灉涓嶆鏆撮 鎴 鍒銆 But for you, we couldn鈥檛 have carried out the plan. 瑕佷笉鏄 綘鐨勮瘽錛垜浠 娉曞鏂介 鍒掋She could not have believed it but that she saw it. 潪茬溂currency1瑙侊 涓嶄 鐩 俊鐨 鍙瀷38 峣nsist錛 鍧 寔 嬶級錛宱 rder, command錛 鍛戒 錛 advise, suggest, propose錛 鴻 嬶級錛宒 emand, require, request, ask錛 瑕 錛夌瓑琛 鴻銆佸懡浠 佽姹傜殑鍚嶈 粠鍙 腑璋 瑕 铏 嫙 銆傚熀鏈彞鍨嬶 涓昏 + (should) + 鍘 銆傚彟澶栧 decide, desire, intend, recommend絳変 瑕 帴(should)+鍘 緇撴瀯銆渚嬪彞Mother insists that Tom (should) go to bed at nine o鈥檆lock.錛堝粠鍙級We suggested that the meeting (should) be held at once. It was required that the crops (should) be harvested at once.錛堜富 粠鍙級The suggestion that he (should) be invited was rejected.錛堝 浣嶈 浠 彞錛That is their demand that their wages (should) be increased.錛堣 粠鍙級娉 1 advice, suggestion, order, demand, proposal, request, desire, command, decision, requirement絳 悕 紩 肩殑鍚 綅 粠鍙垨琛 浠 彞錛岃皳 (should) + 鍘 銆娉 2 It鈥 suggested/ advised/ demanded/ordered/requested/proposed/required/desired絳夌 悗鐨勪富 粠鍙 腑錛岃皳 (should) + 鍘 銆娉 3suggest鎰忔 鈥鏄庯 鏆 錛涜 鏄庘 椂錛沬 nsist鎰忔 鈥滃潥鎸佽 鍧 寔 鈥 椂錛 彞 笉 界 铏 嫙 銆渚嬪彞He insisted that he was innocent.=He insisted on his innocence. 浠栧潥鎸佽 “ 鏄 滅殑銆He insisted that he had never done wrong. 浠栧潥鎸佽 湁 氶 儏銆Are you suggesting that I鈥檓 not suited for the job? 浣 殫紺鴻 鎴 笉傚 氶 瑰 浣滐紵The look on his face suggested that the teacher was quite satisfied with the result. 鐨勮鎯呰 鏄庤佸 圭 劅鍒 鎰忋鍙瀷39 It is necessary/important/natural/impossible/essential錛堝熀鏈 殑錛夌瓑緇撴瀯鍚庣殑涓昏 浠 彞涓鐢 熻 姘旓 currency1富 (should)+鍘 渚嬪彞It鈥 necessary that Tom take the exam first. Tom鏈 繀瑕佸厛鍙傚 銆With the society developing very fast, it鈥 quite necessary/important that we (should) have a good knowledge of English and computer. 闅忕潃紺 鐨 揩 鎴 鏈 繀瑕 簿氳嫳 拰鐢?shù)鑴戙€鍙瀷40It鈥 strange/surprising/a pity/a shame/a surprise (that) 鈥should do鈥hould琛鈥滅 鐒垛渚嬪彞It鈥 a pity that she should miss the chance. 仐鎲懼閿欒繃 満 氥It鈥 really surprising that a prophecy錛 璦錛塻 hould coincide with the fact so exactly. 浠鎯 鐨勬錛 璦 鐒跺姝閥鍚堛It鈥 strange that he shouldn鈥檛 pass the exam. 殑鏄 粬 劧 湁氳繃 銆鍙瀷41prefer (1) prefer to do sth 渚嬶 I prefer to stay at home. 鎴戝畞鎰 憜 屻 (2) prefer doing sth 渚嬶 I prefer playing in defence. 鎴戝枩嬈“ 畧銆 (3) prefer sb to do sth 渚嬶 Would you prefer me to stay? 浣 効鎰忔垜欎笅鏉悧錛 (4) prefer to do sth rather than do sth 鈥畞鎰庫. 笉鎰 鈥 . 渚嬪彞錛 prefer to stay at home rather than go out 鎴戝畞鎰 憜 岃 笉鎰 嚭鍘 (5) prefer doing sth to doing sth 渚嬶 I prefer watching football to playing it. 鎴戝枩嬈湅綃悆錛 笉 currency1撶 (6) prefer sth to sth 渚嬶 I prefer tea to coffee. 鎴戣 鑼朵笉瑕佸挅鍟 鍙瀷42seem (1) It +seems + that浠 彞 渚嬶 It seemed that everyone was satisfied. 忎釜洪 堟 鎰忋 (2) It seems to sb that - 渚嬶 It seems to me that she is right. 鎴 湅 圭殑錛 (3) There seems to be - 渚嬶 There seems to be a heavy rain. 鍘昏 鏈変” (4) It seems as if - 渚嬶 It seemed that she couldnt come to class.牱 愬涓嶈 鏉 銆鍙瀷43琛鈥滅 宸 紱澧嗏紱澧鍒扳 彞鍨嬶 (1) She is taller than I by three inches. 瘮鎴戦珮涓嫳 (2) There is one year between us. 鎴 涔嬮鐩稿樊涓併 (3) She is three years old than I 瘮鎴戝 涓 瞾銆 (4) They have increased the price by 50%. 浠 鎶 環(huán)鏍間娑50%鍙瀷44too鍙瀷錛 (1) too錛庯紟錛巘o do sth錛 渚嬶 Politics is too important to be left to the politicians錛 錛紳Politics is so important that it cant be left to the politicians錛庯級 fi挎不澶 噸瑕佷錛 笉 界fi挎不 舵 銆 (2) only too - to do sth 渚嬶 I shall be only too pleased to get home. 鎴戣 鍥埌 潪擱珮鍏 (3) too + adj + for sth 渚嬶 These shoes are much too small for me. 鎴 榪 弻闉嬪 忎銆 (4) too + adj + a + n. 渚嬶 This is too difficult a text for me. 榪欑瘒fl枃 垜鏉 澶 毦 (5) cant 鈥too +褰 鈥 涓嶄負榪 渚嬶 We cannot emphasize the importance of protecting our eyes too much. 鎴 嶆 鴻淇 姢肩潧鐨勯噸瑕 涓嶄負榪 鍙瀷45before 鍙瀷錛 (1) before sb can/ could 鈥 榪樻病鏉緱鍙 渚嬶 Before I could get in a word 錛宧e had measured me錛 鎴戣繕 楀鎻掕瘽錛 粬 辯粰鎴戦噺 戒 (2) It will be + + before + 榪樻湁澶氶 鈥 渚嬶 It will be 4 years before he graduates. 浠栬繕鏈 洓存椂闂村 (3) had done some time before 錛堟fl鈥級 渚嬶 We had sailed four days and four nights before we saw land. 鎴 fi洓澶洓澶 fl瑙佸埌fi湴銆 (4) had not done - before - 涓 埌鈥 鈥 渚嬶 We hadn鈥檛 run a mile before he felt tired. 鎴 榪樻病璧板埌涓璺 瑙 緱绱 銆 (5) It was not +涓 墊椂闂 before 涓 涔呭 鈥 渚嬶 It wasn鈥檛 two years before he left the country. 榪樻病鍒翠粬浠 嗛 鍥 銆 鍙瀷46鐢簬琛榪囧幓鏈 鐜 殑湜岃 鍒 殑鍙瀷錛 (1) should like to/ would like to/ would love to have done sth. 渚嬶 You should like to have written to your mother. 浣 斿綋緇欎綘嶄翰欎俊銆 (2) was / were going to do sth.錛堢 榪囧幓 舵佽紺 師currency1撶畻 粈涔級 渚嬶 Lucy was going to watch a basketball match. Lucy 鍘熸“ 湅涓 冩瘮璧 (3) was / were going to have done sth. 琛鏈 畬鎴愬師鏉殑璁垝 畨鎺 渚嬶 Lily was going to have cleaned her bedroom, but she had no time. Lily 鍘熸“fi竻 fi鐨 崸 浣fi 椂闂 (4) expect, intend, hope, mean, plan, promise, suppose, think, want, wish 錛庯紟錛 榪囧幓 舵 繖涜鍚帴 浠 彞鎴栬呮帴涓 忕殑涓 忥紱 鎴栬呯 涓 繃鍘繪椂 佸悗帴涓 忕殑 褰紡琛榪囧幓鏈 浘 鐨勬 効鏈 渚嬶 She had supposed him to be very rich. 瑰師浠 負浠栧緢鏈夐挶銆 (5) wish that 鈥ad done sth.琛榪囧幓鏈 浘 鐨勬効鏈涳紟 渚嬶 I wish he had been here yesterday. 瑕 浠栨槰澶湪榪 効 (6) 鎯呮佸峴hould ,would, could, might, ought to絳 悗鎺 笉 紡鐨 畬鎴愭椂錛琛榪囧幓鏈 currency1撶畻 鎯 殑儏錛 should have done =ought to have done 鏈 簲 病 would have done = 鏈 鍘誨 病 could have done = 鏈 彲浠 病 might have done 鏈 彲浠 病 渚嬶 They ought to have apologized. 浠 鏈 閬撴瓑鐨 鍙瀷47鍊嶆暟鍙瀷錛 (1)鍊嶆暟錛瘮 冪駭錛媡han錛庯紟錛庯 渚嬶 The room is twice larger than that one錛庤繖涓 闂存閭 釜鎴 鐨勪鍊 銆 There is 30 times greater chance of being hit by lightening than being attacked by a shark. (2)鍊嶆暟錛媋s錛嬪師 紜as錛庯紟錛庯 渚嬶 The room is three times as large as that one錛榪欎釜鎴 鏄 涓 闂寸殑涓 嶃 (3)鍊嶆暟錛媡he size 錛廻eight錛弆ength 錛弚eight 錛弚idth of錛庯紟錛 渚嬶 The room is three times the size of that one錛 榪欎釜鎴 鏄 涓 闂寸殑 3鍊 銆鍙瀷48 currency1鍙瀷錛 (1)鍘 駭 currency1錛 渚嬶 English is not so difficult a subject as Russia. 涓嶆 淇勮 涓鏍烽毦鐨 鐩 Their bones are not as thick as adults鈥浠 鐨勯 澶村拰鎴愬勾 殑涓嶄”鏍峰 銆 (2)涓鏂 榪囧彟涓鏂 渚嬶 The weather of this year is a lot hotter than that of last year. 浠婂勾鐨勬 鍊欐瘮涓 ”寸殑姘斿欒 鐑緱澶氥 (3)涓鏂逛笉濡傚彟涓鏂 渚嬶 The restoration was so bad that it made some of the buildings less secure than they had been before. 淇 宸 綔鏄 姝 殑 浠 畠浣 緱涓 絳戞病鏈変鍓 畨鍏銆 (4) The + er + S + V, the + er + S + V 銆 The + more + Adj + S + V, the + more + Adj + S + V 錛堟 .鎰.錛 渚嬶 The harder you work, the more progress you make. 浣 錛 綘鎰堣姝銆 The more books we read, the more learned we become. 銆 鎴 涔 鎰堝錛垜浠 鏈 闂 (5) more鈥 than鈥 鍏惰 鈥 笉濡傝 渚嬶 Smith is more diligent than intelligent. 涓 叾 mith鑱 槑鍊 笉濡傝 浠栧 嬨 (6) no +褰 嶆瘮 冪駭 + than = as +褰 殑鍙嶄 as 渚嬶 I am no better at English than you. 鎴 殑 涓嶆瘮浣 銆 (7) that fl鍚瘮 冧腑浠 浛涓 彲 板悕 拰鐗寚鐨 崟 板彲 板悕 渚嬶 The traditional picture of St Nicholas is quite different from that of Father Christmas. (8) one fl鍚瘮 冧腑浠 浛娉 寚鐨 崟 板彲 板悕嶃 渚嬶 I prefer a flat in Beijing to one in Nanjing, because I want to live near my Moms. 涓 垜鏇村枩嬈湪鍖fi 鏈変” 楀叕 鍥犱負鎴戞兂璺熸垜濡堝 浣忎”璧楓 (9) those fl鍚瘮 冧腑浠 浛 鐗寚鐨 板彲 板悕嶃 渚嬶 Salaries are higher here than those in my country. 榪 効鐨 璧勬瘮鎴 鍥 鐨勯珮銆 (10) ones fl鍚瘮 冧腑浠 浛娉 寚鐨 板彲 板悕 渚嬶 Cars do cause us some health problems - in fact far more serious ones than mobile phones do.姹 緇欐垜浠 殑 綋 闂 錛 墜鏈 洪 鐨勯棶樻currency1涓噸銆鍙瀷49鎰 鍙瀷錛 (1) What a + Adj + N + S + V! 渚嬶 What an important thing it is to keep our promise!銆 淇畧鎴 鐨勮 璦鏄“涔堢殑 嶈鍟 (2) How + Adj + a + N
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