



加繆論文:行走在荒誕與反抗之間【中文摘要】阿爾貝加繆(Albert Camus,1913-1960),法蘭西偉大的存在主義作家,他關(guān)注人類的生存,生存的價值和存在的意義,并以一顆偉大的靈魂體認(rèn)現(xiàn)實的荒誕,從死亡的角度來探求人類生存的終極意義。雖然明知人必有一死,但人類卻希望通過來世的輪回承受“生命之重”。加繆認(rèn)為這種對未來的期許和現(xiàn)實生活的殘酷構(gòu)成了人生的荒誕?;恼Q就是人、世界、人與世界的分離,這“三位一體”的關(guān)系也構(gòu)成了加繆存在主義美學(xué)思想的理論核心。既然荒誕無處不在無時不有,且又無法消除,所以生存在荒誕之中的人,就不應(yīng)對生活有過多的期望,而是要像西西弗斯一樣用盡全力窮盡自我,勇敢地向命運(yùn)挑戰(zhàn),并在同命運(yùn)的較量過程中,獲得人生的幸福和快樂。認(rèn)識到生存的荒誕是一種清醒的智者見地,但意識到生存的荒誕并不意味著生命的結(jié)束,相反卻是生命的開始,對此加繆指出反抗才是面對荒誕的最佳選擇,但反抗并不是虛無主義也不是歷史的革命,而是一種以古希臘思想為依托的有節(jié)制的反抗,因此,反抗要尊重普遍人性、講求節(jié)制,力求達(dá)到人與世界的生存和諧??梢哉f加繆對人類生存狀態(tài)的揭示,不在于他要告知人類現(xiàn)實生活的荒誕,而是通過荒誕宣誓一種真理:生存本身沒有意義,但窮盡此在現(xiàn)實本身就是意義?!居⑽恼緼lbert Camus (Albert Camus, 1913-1960), the great French Existentialist, he expressed concern about the survival of human survival, and relevance. To a great understanding of the reality of the soul, from the death of absurd angle ultimate of human existence. People will die, but the human longing for eternal life, but through the afterlife of reincarnation to bear the weight of the “l(fā)ife.” This kind of future Expectations and Reality of cruel form the life of the absurd. Absurd is the people, world, man and the world of separation, the relationship between the “Trinity” constitutes a Camus exist aesthetics theoretical core. Since no absurdity is everywhere, and when there is not and cannot be eliminated, so the survival of the absurd, it should not have too many expectations, rather like Sisyphus as exhaustion exhaust self, boldly challenge the fate, and at the same destiny contest, get the life of happiness and joy.Recognizing the existence of the fantastic is a sober man informed, aware of the existence of absurdity does not mean the end of life, on the contrary it is the beginning of life, Camus pointed out that the revolt was faced with the absurdity of the best choice, but to resist and not nihilism is not a history of the revolution, but rather to an ancient Greece thought as the backing of moderate resistance, resistance to respect for universal human nature, emphasizing abstinence, committed to the survival of man and the world. It can be said Camus to reveal the absurdity of human existence, not that it should inform the human reality of life is absurd, but through the fantastic sworn a truth: survival is not meaningful in itself, but in the end this is the reality itself.【關(guān)鍵詞】加繆 荒誕 反抗 存在主義美學(xué)【英文關(guān)鍵詞】Camus Absurd Resistance Existentialism aesthetics【目錄】行走在荒誕與反抗之間摘要6-7Abstract7引言10-12第一章 加繆美學(xué)思想的理論緣起12-16第一節(jié) 加繆的生平與創(chuàng)作12-14第二節(jié) 加繆與存在主義哲學(xué)14-16第二章 加繆對人類生存狀態(tài)的現(xiàn)代審視16-32第一節(jié) 救世基督的退隱16-21一、“人必有一死”的現(xiàn)實16-19二、“渴望永生”的虛幻19-21第二節(jié) 存在的體驗21-25一、荒誕的表征21-23二、荒誕的本真之維23-25第三節(jié) 此在生存的智者25-32一、“默爾索”式的孤獨(dú)與冷漠25-27二、“卡利古拉”式的殘酷與無情27-29三、“西西弗斯”式的自由與超越29-32第三章 面對荒誕的抉擇:反抗32-44第一節(jié) 不完善的反抗32-34一、個體意識的“思想”33-34二、歷史上的行


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