



P23頁1.我在上午說過,今天我們各國面臨一個機會,可以分別和共同作出具體承諾和采取明確措施,確保核材料的安全,防止核材料落入那些無疑會利用它們的恐怖主義分子手中。2.今晚,我可以這么說,我們成功地把握了這一機遇,作為具體的國家和國際社會,我們已經(jīng)采取了措施,美國人民將因此更安全,世界將更穩(wěn)定。3.我謹在此感謝出席這一具有歷史意義的峰會的全體代表,來自世界各地區(qū)的49位領導人。今天之所以能取得進展,是因為這些領導人不僅與會發(fā)言,而且采取行動;不是含糊地承諾在未來采取行動,而是承諾他們準備立即實施的有意義的步驟。 4.我還要感謝各位同仁在討論中所表現(xiàn)的坦率與合作精神。今天并無冗長的講話,亦無要求別國如何是從的訓誡。我們互相傾聽、互相尊重。我們認識到,雖然不同國家面臨不同的挑戰(zhàn),但我們有著共同的利益,即確保這些危險核材料的安全。P52頁1.在二十一世紀,你們必須承擔不分國界的國際金融系統(tǒng)的重任。當香港和雅加達的股票市場下跌時,其影響再也不是局部性,而是全球性的。因此,貴國充滿生機的經(jīng)濟成長同整個亞太地區(qū)恢復穩(wěn)定和經(jīng)濟發(fā)展緊密相連。2.在最近一次的金融危機中,中國堅定不移地承擔了對本地區(qū)和全世界的責任,幫助避免了又一個危險的貨幣貶值周期。我們必須繼續(xù)攜手合作,對付全球金融系統(tǒng)面臨的威脅以及對整個亞太地區(qū)本應有的發(fā)展和繁榮的威脅。3.在我以上列舉的每一個關鍵領域,顯然,只要我們相互合作而不是互不往來,我們就能取得更大的成就。因此,我們應該努力,確保雙方之間目前的建設性關系在下個世紀結出圓滿的協(xié)作果實。 4.要做到這一點,我們就必須更好地相互了解,了解各自的共同利益、共有的期望和真誠的分歧。我相信這種公開直接的交流有助于澄清和縮小我們的分歧。更為重要的是,允許人們理解、辯論和探討這些問題,能使他們對我們建設美好的未來更加充滿信心。P69頁 1. Presenting gifts is one of the important contents of modern business activities, in order to establish friendly relations, progress friendship, and also can be applied to advertising and promoting. Its important to select a gift, because it transmits the information of culture, economy, status, knowledge and other aspects. Its probably both may improve the image of the company and may damage it. 2. Presenting gifts in business activities can generally divide into several conditions as following: (1) Presenting gifts for employees and rewarding their hard work. (2) Presenting gifts for enhancing the business connection with customers. (3) Presenting gifts for each other to build relationships with business counterparts. 3. Therefore, more and more companies realize that presenting gifts in business activities is not only advertising, but also a important tool to exchange and improve affection of business and customers. 4. Internationally, presenting gifts is best produced at home. In order to avoid mistakes, its still necessary to understand the custom and taboos of other countries, especially in color, pattern and the way of packing. In short, only choose the appropriate gifts can they achieve desired effect.P84頁1.為國際旅行做準備是與計劃一個在自己國家內(nèi)的商務旅行是不同的。即使是最細微的錯誤也會花費你的時間金錢和機會。這里有7個小竅門來幫助你為國際商務旅行做一些必要的調(diào)整。 2.一個考慮全面的旅程應該反映出你公司希望你完成的工作。例如,你想要有提前確認好的2個或3個約會并且間將一天充裕的安排好。 3.花一些時間來了解你訪問的國家的歷史,文化和習俗。參加跨文化的研討會和培訓。閱讀關于那個國家的書籍。加強在談判風格上的差異的了解,對于守時的的態(tài)度,送禮的習慣以及頭銜和名字的恰當使用。4.學習你所訪問國家的一些通用禮儀。提前明白如何與你的同仁打招呼,如何安排約會,這將非常有幫助。核對正常的工作日和上班時間。也要考慮國外的假日。宗教習俗,飲食行為,順心合意的裝扮都要因國情而異。P115頁 1.我要感謝戴國務委員和國務院王副總理對我們的熱情款待。我們整個代表團很榮幸來到北京。能和我的同事蓋特納國務卿以及來自我國政府的許多官員代表美國進行第二輪戰(zhàn)略和經(jīng)濟對話,我感到很榮幸。 2.美國歡迎中國取得的進步和成就。通過建立合作的方式,而不是我們兩國之間的競爭,我們看到了雙贏的解決方案的機會,而不是零和的競爭。3.中國有一句諺語叫殊途同歸。我們兩國有著各種獨特的歷史。中國是古代文明的發(fā)祥地,當我去參觀中國館時,美麗的畫卷栩栩如生地展示著1000年前這里的生活。4.美國是一個年輕的國家。但我們知道,我們的未來,機遇與挑戰(zhàn)共享。雖然我們走的道路不同,但共同的未來是我們的共同目標和責任。并且,最終這也是我們這個對話的內(nèi)容。 P144頁1. Guangzhou is the third largest domestic exhibition city, second only to Beijing and Shanghai. Its comprehensive economic strength locates in the forefront among the ten biggest cities in China. Guangzhou fair is a large exhibition sponsored by Guangzhou Municipal Government, combining Chinese and foreign economy and trade. So far it has been held successfully for 13 years, with fruitful economic and trade cooperation.2. China Import and Export Fair, i.e., Canton Fair, is held twice a year in Spring and Autumn since it was inaugurated in the Spring of 1957. It is Chinas largest trade fair of the highest level, of the most complete varieties and of the largest attendance and business turnover. 3. Preserving its traditions, the Fair is a comprehensive and multi-functional event of international importance. Forty-eight Trading Delegations with good credit standing and enormous potentiality, being composed of thousands of Chinas best foreign trade enterprises, take part in the Fair, including foreign trade companies, factories, scientific research institutions, foreign invested enterprises, wholly foreign-owned enterprises, private enterprises, etc.4. Canton Fair has various and flexible modes of trade. Besides traditional way of negotiating against samples, the Fair holds Canton Fair online. The Fair leans to export trade, though import business is also done here. Apart from the above-mentioned, various types of business activities such as economic and technical co operations and exchanges, commodity inspection, insurance, transportation, advertising, consultation, etc. are also carried out in flexible ways. Business people from all over the world are gathering in Guangzhou, exchanging business information and developing friendship.P160頁 1. State Grid Energy Research Institute is a wholly-owned subsidiary of State Grid Corporation of China. It is a subordinate science unit which provides service for study of soft science and consulting of key decisions. Its also an idea bank for comprehensive energy and a forum for communication. 2. To promote the balancing development of energy and grid, State Grid Energy Research Institute further expand the fields of research-based service such as macro economy, comprehensive transportation of energy and the smart grid, etc. on the basis of the existing soft science service. And establish the goal and strategy of development. 3. The development objective of State Grid Energy Research Institute is to accelerate the creation of world-class unique corporate think tank and initially realize strategic objectives of Chinas leading energy research institute and world-class enterprise institute .The basic meaning of corporate management strategy is four first class, that is a first-class team of experts, first-class research capabilities, first-class research achievements, and first-class brand influence. 4. It regards absorbing and training high-level experts as the key, getting high-level research achievements as the guide, and strengthening the performance management as the core, and it will realize “three improvements” through three innovations, three strengthenings and a platforms construction.P173頁1.當某種產(chǎn)品首次進入一個市場時,促銷活動是相當有效的。如果產(chǎn)品本身極具競爭力,而且比較規(guī)范,那么,促銷也適用于現(xiàn)有產(chǎn)品。尤其是當這種產(chǎn)品單價較低,營業(yè)額高。在這種條件下,就需要促銷以贏得額外的競爭優(yōu)勢。2.一家日本公司通過將游戲紙牌裝在其洗滌劑盒子中,結果在泰國引起轟動效應。消費者情不自禁,越買越多,希望得到勝張。與此類似,在泰國大多數(shù)加油站,顧客每加一次油,即可免費得到一塊毛巾。3.促銷方法同營銷的其他許多方面極為相似,應該加以改進。要使所運用的手段產(chǎn)生作用,就應使它同當?shù)叵M者的喜好相一致。電器在巴西是視為商品,而在該國,玩骨牌是一項全國性的娛樂活動,飛利浦公司即在那里推出一套骨牌作為購買電器產(chǎn)品的獎品。4.一方要將骨牌反扣,使彩色的一面朝上,這樣,對方就看不見帶點數(shù)的那一面。由于每張骨牌的反面印有飛利浦公司的名稱,電器使用者們便會經(jīng)常想起這種品牌的產(chǎn)品。P187頁 1. Chinas extraordinary achievements over the past three decades are largely attributed to the nations reform and opening-up drive. The Chinese Government will not only maintain the policy of reform and opening-up, but also further expand the reform and opening-up drive. It will not only provide a greater number of better development opportunities for overseas investors, but also encourage eligible Chinese enterprises to press ahead with outward investment and cross-border operations. 2. At present, expanding international trade and cross-border investment is a vital way to cope with the international financial crisis and highly significant for the development of the world economy in the long run. 3. In the contemporary world, the fates of all nations are closely linked. No country can be immune to the international financial crisis, nor can it overcome the crisis single-handedly. As the crisis unfolds, deeper


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