【紅對勾】高三英語課時作業(yè)4 Unit4 Earthquakes_第1頁
【紅對勾】高三英語課時作業(yè)4 Unit4 Earthquakes_第2頁
【紅對勾】高三英語課時作業(yè)4 Unit4 Earthquakes_第3頁
【紅對勾】高三英語課時作業(yè)4 Unit4 Earthquakes_第4頁
【紅對勾】高三英語課時作業(yè)4 Unit4 Earthquakes_第5頁
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用心 愛心 專心1 紅對勾紅對勾 高三英語課時作業(yè)高三英語課時作業(yè) 4 4 Unit4Unit4 EarthquakesEarthquakes 多項選擇多項選擇 1 1 TomTom getget addictedaddicted toto drinkingdrinking wine Aswine As a a resultresult he ashe as a a failurefailure inin hishis career career A A endedended upup B B droppeddropped outout C C camecame backback D D startedstarted offoff 解析解析 句意 湯姆沉溺于飲酒 結(jié)果 他在事業(yè)上以失敗者而告終 本題考查動詞短句意 湯姆沉溺于飲酒 結(jié)果 他在事業(yè)上以失敗者而告終 本題考查動詞短 語辨析 語辨析 end end upup as as 表示表示 以作為以作為 而告終而告終 dropdrop outout 退學(xué)或退出 退學(xué)或退出 comecome backback 回回 來 來 startstart offoff 出發(fā) 出發(fā) 答案答案 A A 2 2 2012 2012 安徽蚌埠十一中月考安徽蚌埠十一中月考 I I reallyreally can tcan t withwith thethe noisenoise thatthat isis goinggoing onon outside Itoutside It isis drivingdriving meme crazy crazy A A comecome upup B B putput upup C C pushpush aheadahead D D getget throughthrough 解析解析 putput upup withwith 忍受 句意 我實在不能忍受外面的噪音 它快使我發(fā)瘋了 忍受 句意 我實在不能忍受外面的噪音 它快使我發(fā)瘋了 comecome upup withwith 提出 提出 putput aheadahead 前進 前進 getget throughthrough 完成 完成 答案答案 B B 3 3 HeHe isis thoughtthought of Heof He alwaysalways thinksthinks aboutabout others others profitprofit first first A A highhigh B B badlybadly C C highlyhighly D D deeplydeeply 解析解析 句意 他的口碑不錯 他總是把別人的利益放在第一位 句意 他的口碑不錯 他總是把別人的利益放在第一位 thinkthink highlyhighly ofof 對對 評價高 評價高 答案答案 C C 4 4 SomeSome parentsparents areare justjust tootoo protective Theyprotective They wantwant toto theirtheir kidskids fromfrom everyevery kindkind ofof danger danger realreal oror imagined imagined A A spotspot B B dismissdismiss C C sheltershelter D D distinguishdistinguish 解析解析 句意 有些父母太保護孩子了 他們想為他們的孩子擋住來自各方面的危險 句意 有些父母太保護孩子了 他們想為他們的孩子擋住來自各方面的危險 無論是真實的還是想象的 無論是真實的還是想象的 spotspot 點綴 點綴 dismissdismiss 打發(fā)走 解散 打發(fā)走 解散 sheltershelter 袒護 庇護 避袒護 庇護 避 難 難 distinguishdistinguish 區(qū)別 辨別 區(qū)別 辨別 答案答案 C C 5 5 He sHe s goinggoing toto relaxrelax withwith f friendsriends onceonce thethe examsexams areare andand hehe hashas excitingexciting plansplans forfor thethe summersummer holidays holidays A A atat thethe endend B B byby thethe endend 用心 愛心 專心2 C C inin thethe endend D D atat anan endend 解析解析 bebe atat anan endend 表示表示 結(jié)束 終結(jié)結(jié)束 終結(jié) 符合句意 符合句意 atat thethe endend of of 在在 的的 末端 末端 byby thethe endend of of 到到 結(jié)束時 結(jié)束時 inin thethe endend 最后 最后 答案答案 D D 6 6 HearingHearing herher onlyonly sonson killedkilled inin thethe accident accident thethe oldold womanwoman herher faceface inin herher handshands andand cried cried A A bentbent B B shelteredsheltered C C buriedburied D D trappedtrapped 解析解析 burybury one sone s faceface inin one sone s handshands 雙手掩面 雙手掩面 答案答案 C C 7 7 2011 2011 新鄉(xiāng)調(diào)研新鄉(xiāng)調(diào)研 WeWe hopehope youyou willwill getget a a nicenice resultresult onon thethe NationalNational Games Games ThankThank youyou veryvery much much A A rapidlyrapidly B B properlyproperly C C graduallygradually D D sincerelysincerely 解析解析 WeWe sincerelysincerely hopehope that that 我們真誠地希望我們真誠地希望 答案答案 D D 8 8 AfterwardsAfterwards sheshe wentwent straightstraight toto thethe ladies ladies roomroom and tears and tears A A gavegave outout B B burstburst outout C C foundfound outout D D burstburst intointo 解析解析 考查動詞短語辨析 考查動詞短語辨析 givegive outout 分發(fā) 分發(fā) findfind outout 弄清楚 弄清楚 burstburst outout doingdoing sth burststh burst intointo sth sth 突然突然 起來 起來 tearstears 是名詞 所以用是名詞 所以用 burstburst intointo 句意 之后 句意 之后 她徑直去了衛(wèi)生間 突然大哭起來 她徑直去了衛(wèi)生間 突然大哭起來 答案答案 D D 9 9 TheThe houseshouses acrossacross thethe streetstreet are are butbut theythey werewere inin goodgood conditioncondition a a fewfew yearsyears ago ago A A inin rowsrows B B inin detailsdetails C C inin ruinsruins D D inin totaltotal 解析解析 考查介詞短語辨析 考查介詞短語辨析 inin rowsrows 一排排地 一排排地 inin detailsdetails 詳細地 詳細地 inin ruinsruins 成為成為 廢墟 廢墟 inin totaltotal 總共 句意 街對面的房子已破爛不堪了 但幾年總共 句意 街對面的房子已破爛不堪了 但幾年前它們都還是完好無前它們都還是完好無 缺的 缺的 答案答案 C C 1010 TheThe youngyoung manman dovedove intointo thethe coldcold waterwater to theto the drowningdrowning boy Everyoneboy Everyone waswas proproudud ofof him him 用心 愛心 專心3 A A carrycarry B B rescuerescue C C judgejudge D D forecastforecast 解析解析 考查動詞辨析 考查動詞辨析 carrycarry 搬運 搬運 rescuerescue 營救 營救 judgejudge 判斷 判斷 forecastforecast 預(yù)報 預(yù)預(yù)報 預(yù) 測 句意 測 句意 那個年輕人一頭跳進冰冷的水里救出了溺水的男孩 大家都為他感到自豪 那個年輕人一頭跳進冰冷的水里救出了溺水的男孩 大家都為他感到自豪 答案答案 B B 閱讀理解閱讀理解 A A 2012 2012 北京海淀區(qū)期末練習(xí)北京海淀區(qū)期末練習(xí) Sarah Sarah camecame runningrunning in in Look Look whatwhat I I found Overfound Over thethe toptop ofof thethe paperpaper I I waswas readingreading camecame a a crispycrispy longlong objectobject thatthat causedcaused meme toto jump jump ItIt waswas a a snakesnake skinskin thatthat hadhad beenbeen shedshed byby oneone ofof ourour manymany gardengarden snakes snakes Isn t Isn t itit beautifulbeautiful saidsaid mymy wide eyedwide eyed seven year oldseven year old daughter daughter I I staredstared atat thethe organicorganic wrapperwrapper andand thoughtthought toto myselfmyself thatthat itit reallyreally wasn twasn t thatthat beautifulbeautiful butbut I I havehave learnedlearned nevernever toto appearappear uninteresteduninterested withwith children children TheyThey seesee onlyonly goodgood qualityquality andand excellenceexcellence inin thethe worldworld untiluntil educatededucated otherwise otherwise Why Why doesdoes itit dodo thisthis SarahSarah asked asked Snakes Snakes shedshed theirtheir skinskin becausebecause theythey needneed toto renewrenew themselves themselves I I explained explained Why Why dodo theythey needneed toto renewrenew themselvesthemselves SarahSarah asked asked I I suddenlysuddenly rememberedremembered anan articlearticle onon thisthis pagepage manymany yearsyears agoago wherewhere thethe w writerriter waswas expressingexpressing herher conceptconcept ofof renewal renewal SheShe usedused layerslayers ofof paperpaper overover a a wallwall toto describedescribe howhow wewe hidehide ourour originaloriginal selves selves andand saidsaid thatthat byby peelingpeeling awayaway thosethose layerslayers oneone byby one one wewe seesee thethe originaloriginal beneath beneath We We oftenoften needneed toto shedshed ourour skinsskins andand thosethose coatingscoatings thatthat wewe covercover ourselvesourselves with with I I saidsaid toto mymy nownow absoabsorbedrbed daughter daughter We We outgoutgrowrow somesome thingsthings andand findfind otherother onesones unwantedunwanted oror unnecessary unnecessary TillsTills snakesnake nono longerlonger needsneeds thisthis skin skin ItIt isis probablyprobably tootoo crinklycrinkly 起皺的起皺的 forfor him him andand hehe probablyprobably doesn tdoesn t thinkthink hehe lookslooks asas smartsmart inin itit asas hehe onceonce did did SarahSarah waswas gettinggetting thethe point point AsAs wewe talked talked I I knewknew thatthat sheshe beganbegan toto understand understand althoughalthough slightly slightly thatthat renewalrenewal isis partpart ofof progress progress thatthat wewe needneed toto taketake a a goodgood looklook atat ourselves ourselves ourour rooms rooms schoolworkschoolwork andand creativity creativity andand seesee whatwhat wewe needneed toto keepkeep andand whatwhat wewe needneed toto castcast off off I I waswas carefulcareful toto pointpoint outout thatthat thisthis isis a a naturalnatural consequenceconsequence ofof theirtheir growth growth I I see see Dad Dad saidsaid SarahSarah andand jumpedjumped offoff mymy laplap andand ranran off off I I hopedhoped sheshe wouldwould rememberremember this this ThatThat often often inin orderorder toto findfind ourour realreal 用心 愛心 專心4 selvesselves underneathunderneath thethe layerslayers ofof communitycommunity andand cultureculture withwith whichwhich wewe covercover ourselvesourselves yearyear afterafter year year wewe needneed toto startstart examiningexamining thesethese layers layers WeWe needneed toto gentlygently peelpeel somesome away away asas wewe recognizerecognize themthem toto bebe worthlessworthless oror unnecessary unnecessary oror atat best best storestore thethe onesones thrownthrown awayaway asas mementoesmementoes 念想念想 ofof ourour promotionpromotion toto a a betterbetter vitalityvitality oror spirit spirit 1 1 AtAt thethe firstfirst sightsight ofof thethe snakesnake skin skin thethe authorauthor was was A A scaredscared B B puzzledpuzzled C C uninteresteduninterested D D excitedexcited 2 2 SarahSarah learnedlearned fromfrom herher fatherfather thatthat renewalrenewal is is A A toto recoverrecover thethe layerslayers insideinside B B toto reviewreview whatwhat hashas beenbeen donedone C C a a naturalnatural partpart ofof gettinggetting maturemature D D thethe processprocess ofof findingfinding thethe unwantedunwanted 3 3 ItIt cancan bebe inferredinferred fromfrom thethe passagepassage thatthat thethe author author A A dislikesdislikes thethe snakesnake skinskin atat allall B B showsshows concernconcern forfor naturenature andand cultureculture C C cancan graspgrasp thethe chancechance toto educateeducate childrenchildren D D oftenoften encouragesencourages hishis daughterdaughter toto raiseraise questionsquestions 4 4 TheThe authorauthor mainlymainly tellstells thethe readerreader that that A A snakessnakes castcast offoff thethe layerslayers toto looklook smartersmarter B B wewe shouldshould renewrenew ourselvesourselves toto getget improvedimproved C C snakessnakes shedshed theirtheir skinsskins toto renewrenew themselvesthemselves D D wewe shouldshould exploreexplore ourour originaloriginal naturenature underneathunderneath 答案與解析答案與解析 1 1 A A 從第一段中從第一段中 overover thethe toptop of of camecame a a crispycrispy longlong objectobject thatthat causedcaused meme toto jumpjump 可知作者第一眼看見蛇皮時很害怕 可知作者第一眼看見蛇皮時很害怕 2 2 C C 從倒數(shù)第三段最后一句從倒數(shù)第三段最后一句 I I waswas carefulcareful toto pointpoint outout thatthat thisthis isis a a naturalnatural consequenceconsequence ofof theirtheir growthgrowth 可知 可知 3 3 C C 從第三段至第六段內(nèi)容可知作者能抓住機會教育孩子 從第三段至第六段內(nèi)容可知作者能抓住機會教育孩子 4 4 B B 從最后一段最后一句可知從最后一段最后一句可知 B B 項正確 項正確 B B 2010 2010 重慶高考重慶高考 It It isis hardlyhardly surprisingsurprising thatthat clothingclothing manufacturersmanufacturers 生產(chǎn)商生產(chǎn)商 followfollow certaincertain uniformuniform standardsstandards forfor variousvarious features features 特征特征 of of clothes Whatclothes What seemsseems strangestrange howeverhowever isis thatthat thethe standardstandard adoptedadopted forfor womenwomen isis thethe oppositeopposite 用心 愛心 專心5 ofof thethe oneone forfor men Takemen Take a a looklook atat thethe wayway youryour clothesclothes button Men sbutton Men s clothesclothes tendtend toto buttonbutton fromfrom thethe right right andand women swomen s fromfrom thethe left Consideringleft Considering mostmost ofof thethe world sworld s populationpopulation menmen andand womenwomen areare right handedright handed thethe men smen s standardstandard wouldwould appearappear toto makemake moremore sensesense forfor women Sowomen So whywhy dodo women swomen s clothesclothes buttonbutton fromfrom thethe left left HistoryHistory reallyreally seemsseems toto mattermatter here Buttonshere Buttons firstfirst appearedappeared onlyonly onon thethe clothesclothes ofof thethe richrich inin thethe 17th17th century century whenwhen richrich womenwomen werewere dresseddressed byby servants Forservants For thethe mostlymostly right handedright handed servantsservants havinghaving women swomen s shirtsshirts buttonbutton fromfrom thethe leftleft wouldwould bebe easier Oneasier On thethe otherother hand hand havinghaving men smen s shirtsshirts buttonbutton fromfrom thethe rightright mademade sense sense too Mosttoo Most menmen dresseddressed themselvesthemselves andand a a swordsword drawndrawn fromfrom thethe leftleft withwith thethe rightright handhand wouldwould bebe lessless likelylikely toto getget caughtcaught inin thethe shirt shirt TodayToday womenwomen areare seldomseldom dresseddressed byby servantsservants butbut buttoningbuttoning fromfrom thethe leftleft isis stillstill thethe standardstandard forfor them Isthem Is itit interesting interesting Actually Actually a a standard standard onceonce set set resistsresists change Atchange At a a t timeime whenwhen allall women swomen s shirtsshirts buttonedbuttoned fromfrom thethe leftleft itit wouldwould havehave beenbeen riskyrisky forfor anyany singlesingle manufacturermanufacturer toto offeroffer women swomen s shirtsshirts thatthat buttonedbuttoned fromfrom thethe right Afterright After all all womenwomen hadhad growngrown soso usedused toto shirtsshirts whichwhich buttonedbuttoned fromfrom thethe leftleft andand wouldwould havehave toto developdevelop newnew habitshabits andand skillsskills toto switch Besides switch Besides somesome womenwomen mightmight havehave foundfound itit sociallysocially awkwardawkward toto appearappear inin publicpublic wearingwearing shirtsshirts thatthat buttonedbuttoned fromfrom thethe rightright sincesince anyoneanyone whowho noticednoticed thatthat wouldwould believebelieve theythey werewere wearingwearing men smen s shirts shirts 1 1 WhatWhat isis surprisingsurprising aboutabout thethe standardstandard ofof thethe clothingclothing industry industry A A ItIt hashas beenbeen followedfollowed byby thethe industryindustry forfor overover 400400 years years B B ItIt isis differentdifferent forfor men smen s clothingclothing andand women s women s C C ItIt worksworks betterbetter withwith menmen thanthan withwith women women D D ItIt failsfails toto considerconsider right handedright handed people people 2 2 WhatWhat dodo wewe knowknow aboutabout thethe richrich menmen inin thethe 17th17th century century A A TheyThey tendedtended toto wearwear clothesclothes withoutwithout buttons buttons B B TheyThey werewere interestedinterested inin historicalhistorical matters matters C C TheyThey werewere mostlymostly dresseddressed byby servants servants D D TheyThey drewdrew theirtheir swordsswords fromfrom thethe left left 3 3 Women sWomen s clothesclothes stillstill buttonbutton fromfrom thethe leftleft todaytoday because because A A adoptingadopting men smen s stylestyle isis improperimproper forfor womenwomen B B manufacturersmanufacturers shouldshould followfollow standardsstandards 用心 愛心 專心6 C C modernmodern womenwomen dressdress themselvesthemselves D D customscustoms areare hardhard toto changechange 4 4 TheThe passagepassage isis mainlymainly developeddeveloped by by A A analyzinganalyzing causescauses B B makingmaking comparisonscomparisons C C examiningexamining differencesdifferences D D followingfollowing thethe timetime orderorder 答案與解析答案與解析 語篇解讀語篇解讀 眾所周知 服裝生產(chǎn)商追求時裝的多樣化并不奇怪 然而 奇怪的是男眾所周知 服裝生產(chǎn)商追求時裝的多樣化并不奇怪 然而 奇怪的是男 女所采用的規(guī)格完全不同 最明顯的就是紐扣的系法根本不同 男裝傾向于從右邊系紐扣 女所采用的規(guī)格完全不同 最明顯的就是紐扣的系法根本不同 男裝傾向于從右邊系紐扣 女裝正好相反 追溯其歷史淵源 主要是長期以來一個民族形成的習(xí)慣難以改變 本文通女裝正好相反 追溯其歷史淵源 主要是長期以來一個民族形成的習(xí)慣難以改變 本文通 過分析講述了服裝行業(yè)存在的這種實際現(xiàn)象 過分析講述了服裝行業(yè)存在的這種實際現(xiàn)象 1 1 B B 由第一段信息句由第一段信息句 WhatWhat seemsseems strangestrange hohoweverwever isis thatthat thethe standardstandard adoptedadopted forfor womenwomen isis thethe oppositeopposite ofof thethe oneone forfor men men 然而 奇怪的是男女所采用的然而 奇怪的是男女所采用的 規(guī)格完全不同規(guī)格完全不同 可知 服裝行業(yè)規(guī)格令人奇怪的現(xiàn)象就是男女服裝的完全不同 故選可知 服裝行業(yè)規(guī)格令人奇怪的現(xiàn)象就是男女服裝的完全不同 故選 B B 根 根 據(jù)文章第二段據(jù)文章第二段 ButtonsButtons firstfirst appearedappeared onlyonly onon thethe clothesclothes ofof thethe richrich inin thethe 17th17th century 17century 17 世紀 紐扣首先出現(xiàn)在富人所穿的衣服上面世紀 紐扣首先出現(xiàn)在富人所穿的衣服上面 可排除可排除 A A 項 第一段項 第一段 ConsideringConsidering mostmost ofof thethe world sworld s populationpopulation menmen andand womenwomen areare thethe right handed right handed 考慮到大部考慮到大部 分人分人 不管是男的還是女的不管是男的還是女的 都用右手系紐扣都用右手系紐扣 可排除可排除 D D 項 第一段 項 第一段 the the men smen s standardstandard wouldwould appearappear toto makemake moremore sensesense forfor women women 相比較而言 男裝規(guī)格比女裝更相比較而言 男裝規(guī)格比女裝更 容易讓人接受容易讓人接受 并沒有談及男裝規(guī)格比女裝規(guī)格更好的問題 故排除 并沒有談及男裝規(guī)格比女裝規(guī)格更好的問題 故排除 C C 項 項 2 2 D D 事實細節(jié)題 由第二段信息句事實細節(jié)題 由第二段信息句 MostMost menmen dresseddressed themselvesthemselves andand a a swordsword drawndrawn fromfrom thethe leftleft withwith thethe rightright handhand wouldwould bebe lessless likelylikely toto getget caughtcaught inin thethe shirt shirt 大部分男士穿襯衫 用右手從左邊拔劍可能不會受到襯衫的阻擋大部分男士穿襯衫 用右手從左邊拔劍可能不會受到襯衫的阻擋 可知本題選擇可知本題選擇 D D 由第二段第一句 由第二段第一句 1717 世紀紐扣首先出現(xiàn)在富有人家的衣服上可排除世紀紐扣首先出現(xiàn)在富有人家的衣服上可排除 A A 第二段第一句表 第二段第一句表 明 在男女服裝的規(guī)格上 歷史起了很重要的作用 并不是男人們對歷史事件感興趣 排明 在男女服裝的規(guī)格上 歷史起了很重要的作用 并不是男人們對歷史事件感興趣 排 除除 B B 第二段最后一句大部分男的自己系紐扣 而非他們的紐扣是由女性系的 排除 第二段最后一句大部分男的自己系紐扣 而非他們的紐扣是由女性系的 排除 C C 3 3 D D 事實細節(jié)題 由第三段事實細節(jié)題 由第三段 ActuallyActually a a standardstandard onceonce setset resistsresists change change 事實上 一個規(guī)格一旦形成就很難改變事實上 一個規(guī)格一旦形成就很難改變 和和 AfterAfter allall womenwomen hadhad growngrown soso usedused toto shirtsshirts whichwhich buttonedbuttoned fromfrom thethe leftleft andand wouldwould havehave toto developdevelop newnew habitshabits andand skillsskills toto switch switch 畢竟 婦女已經(jīng)習(xí)慣了從左邊系紐扣的衣服 因此必須要養(yǎng)成新習(xí)慣和畢竟 婦女已經(jīng)習(xí)慣了從左邊系紐扣的衣服 因此必須要養(yǎng)成新習(xí)慣和 改變角色的技能改變角色的技能 可知 今天女性仍然從左邊系紐扣的主要原因是長期形成的習(xí)慣難以改變 可知 今天女性仍然從左邊系紐扣的主要原因是長期形成的習(xí)慣難以改變 故選故選 D D 文章沒有談及采用男性款式對女性不合適的問題 排除 文章沒有談及采用男性款式對女性不合適的問題 排除 A A 生產(chǎn)商追求的是服裝的 生產(chǎn)商追求的是服裝的 多樣性 并非守舊 排除多樣性 并非守舊 排除 B B C C 項文章沒有提及 項文章沒有提及 用心 愛心 專心7 4 4 A A 推理判斷題 綜觀全文 文章第一段提出問題 第二段和第三段通過例子來解推理判斷題 綜觀全文 文章第一段提出問題 第二段和第三段通過例子來解 釋所提出的問題 通過擺事實 講道理 說明了女裝從左邊系紐扣的原因和歷史淵源 故釋所提出的問題 通過擺事實 講道理 說明了女裝從左邊系紐扣的原因和歷史淵源 故 選選 A A 即 通過分析原因來闡明問題的 按時間順序 比較不同和事物比較在文中都沒有 即 通過分析原因來闡明問題的 按時間順序 比較不同和事物比較在文中都沒有 體現(xiàn) 體現(xiàn) 用心 愛心 專心8 完成句子完成句子 1 people1 people includingincluding thethe oldold andand thethe youngyoung werewere buriedburied underunder thethe ruinsruins ofof thethe buildingsbuildings afterafter thethe earthquake thousand earthquake thousand 地震過后 數(shù)以萬計的人 包括年老的和年少的都被埋在了建筑物的廢墟里 地震過后 數(shù)以萬計的人 包括年老的和年少的都被埋在了建筑物的廢墟里 2 2 AllAll thethe students hearingstudents hearing


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