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1、典型時(shí)態(tài)填空題MrSmith(go) out fora walk in thepark everyday ?Look!Who(work )in thegarde n ?My sister(buy )a nice dressyesterday .Do you enjoy(read ) En glishbooks ? Yes, Ido .He be late ifhe(notget ) up earlytomorrow .WhereisPeter ?He(go )to the library.I amsorry(hear ) that .I hope everyth ing(go ) wellWo

2、uldyoulikesometh ing(drink ) ?There(be ) aruler, a penand two pensin the box .Hewan tsme(go ) to hishouse for lunch .Lether(help )the littleboy( take )the book totheItseve no clock . Ittime(have ) breakfast .Doyoulike(shop )? No , I don .I(cook )whe n she cameinWhat(happen )in a hun dredyears ?Howlo

3、ngyou(be ) away from yourhome ?Thefootmatch(beg in ) alreadywhe nwe(reach ) theI(be ) inChi nafor over three years .Hersistersaidshe(visit )the factory one day .Thechildre ninChi na(take ) good careof .Y ourworkmust(finish )tomorrow .Letthem(be ) our friends .room.city.Whatmade you ( do ) that ?a lo

4、ng time ( mend )IttookthemDoyouhaveIdon knowItbettertoanything how =You bettergivetha n(say ) ?(do ) it .(receive ).theTVset .I thi nk itThank youA youngWhe nWhyWhythenot(speak )En glishimportant ( learn )very much for(call ) Johnteacher came in , themanin class .En glishwell .(ask ) me towill speak

5、 atstude nts stopped(go ) to the cin ema withus ?(go )to school today ?cometheto the party .meeti ng .(talk ).Wouldyoupleasenot(do )this ?We gothere ifit(notrain ) tomorrow .1 1 IULTheyarea exam .busy(study ) forTheold man isofte n(walk )in thepark .see nTheteacher toldthewith fire .childre n(not pl

6、ay )don youI foundit very hard(lear n ) mathwell .I went the stati on(meet ) my oldfrie nd .1)2)3)4)5)6)7)8)9)10)11)12)13)14)15)16)仃)18)19)20)21)22)23)24)25)26)27)28)29)30)31)32)33)34)35)36)37)38)39)40)41)42)69)SometimesLi Lei ( go )swimmi nginthe lake .70)Whentheteacher came in ,they(read ) the tex

7、t .71)There(be ) a classmeet ingthisafter noon .72)Themovie(beg in )whe nwegotto the cin ema .(not look )43)Ispe nthalf an hour(fin ish )myhome work .44)Heisafraid of(talk ) tothe teacher .45)Idon feel like(swim )in the river .46)After work ing ,theystopped(have ) arest .47)He not feeling well .Heha

8、s tostop(work ).48)(eat ) toomuchis badfor yourhealth .49)(read ) ismuchbettertha n(watch ) abad programme.50)Ifyouwant to learnEn glishwell ,youmustpractice(speak ) En glish .51)Ityourturn(an swer )her questi on .52)Doyouth ink it agoodidea(have )dinner together .53)Isshetalleno ugh(reach )(夠得到)the

9、 apple ?54)They(reach )the village anhour ago-55)Thatwoma n(look )tired ,doesn she ?56)Weareofte n told(not laugh )at peoplewho arein trouble .57)Itveryki ndofyou(give )us so muchhelp .58)He(teach )inthisschool in1988 .59)We(know )eachother since we wereyoung .60)Sheasked me ifI(read )the storybefor

10、e .61)Y esterdayhe(lie )inbed allday becausehe hada fever .62)1 ;I ve( leave )mybag at home .63)Pleasegivehimtheletter as soonashe (come )back .64)Theteachersaidthatthe earth(move )the sun .65)Theyn ever(eat ) such delicious food .66)Dontmakeanyn oiseThe baby(sleep ).67)you(see )the film?Y es,I(see

11、) itthe day beforeyesterday.68)out of the win dow .73) By the end of last week , we ( learn )3 Englishsongs .74) Whilemymother(cook ),I was watch ingTV .75)Hurryup ,they(wait )for us at the gate .76)Noton lyhe butalso I( like ) read ing books77)Neither ofthem(be ) tothe Great Wall .78)Thedooris ope

12、n :, but I remembered( close ) itwhe n 1 left .79)Weheardthem (si ng ) inthen extroom at ninelast ni ght .80)Sheprefers(watch ) TVto( see ) a film .81) He is always en couragi ngus ( speak ) En glish in class .82)Let s(go ) tothe park ,shall we ?83)1a foreig ner .Iever(speak ) to84)Hishim stories wh

13、e n he was a child .gran dpa ofte n(tell )85)Herfor two years .gran dma has(die )86) There are some boys( swim ) in the river .87) He( tell ) to do it at once .88) Basketball is a game that is( play ) in doors and outdoors .89) The girl is too weak( carry ) the box .90) Whe n Iheard the funnystory ,

14、I canf help ( laugh).91) Be sure( not make )mistakein this exam .92) I am look ingforward to( see ) you .93) He was thinking about ( go ) to London or New York .94)Hetoldme he(call ) methe n extday .95) He had adifficulttime( write ) the letter .96)Thecoatis sodirty ,so itneeded(wash ).97)Dadputon h

15、iscoat and the n(go )out .98)If I(be )busy tomorrow ,Iwon f go tothe party .99)Whatifhe(come)back ?100)Heis liste ningto themusic(call)Takeme to your heart.101)Theboymadeup hismi nd(study)hard102)Johnwasthe first boy(leave ) theclassroom.103) They pla n(buy) a big house.104) Ca n you shoe me your ph

16、otos( take ) in Hainan ?105) If I( be ) you , I would lend the book to her106) Myfather(not do) housework onSu ndays.107) he(do) his homework last week?108) It( rain ) whe n I got up this morning.109) Mike said that he( have ) En glishless ons the n.110) I saw a frie nd of mine whe n I (walk) in the

17、 street.111) She (have) the watch for about two years.112) We(visit)the famous scie ntist twice.113 ) Mother asked me if I (finish)my homework yet.114) Great Changes ( take place ) here since 1949.115) The old man must ( send ) to hospital at once.116) To my surprise , he( not pass ) the exam .117)A

18、bouttwo thirdsof the farm(be ) covered with trees118)Shewas sotiredthat she(not can ) walk any longer119)I(keep )theshoes for twoweeks .120)Thenu mberofthe teachers(be ) about 300 .121)Howdo youstudy En glish ?By(liste n ) to tapes .122) I get( excite )whe neverI watch it .123) Atfirst , theyhatedea

19、ch other ,buttheyen dedup ( get )onwell witheachother .124) Ateacher isofte n ( compare) toacan dle .125) The old should( speak ) to politely .126) Your hair is much too lo ng. Whynot have it ( cut ) ?127) Li Hua does nf seem( study )hard at school .128) He was n t allowed ( go ) swim ming after sch

20、ool .134)Tomfailed intheexam aga in, which( make )hispare ntsangry .135)Theman who(sit ) isTom s father .136)Is itdifficultforyou(lear n ) a foreig nIan guage ?137)Theysaw aman(go )in tothe office .138) A man( see )(go )into the(say )office justa word .now .139) Heleft the roomwithout140)Doyou like

21、thepresent(give )by yourun cle ?141)Mywatchn eeds(mend ).Youn eed(wear ) warm clothesinwinter .142)You(notn eed)takeanumbrella withyou .143)You(notn eed)totakeanumbrellawith you .144)Heistryi nghisbest(catch )upwith others145)Theold man(die )fortenyears .Theold man(die )10years ago .Theold man(die )

22、since 10 years agoIts10 yearssincetheold man(die ).Tenyears(pass )sin cetheoldman(die ).146)Heis the lastone(get )there .147)BothMike andTomalready(finish )the work .148)Neither he norI(be )goodatskati ng .149)Thesick(take )goodcareofnow .150)Thepairof shoes(be )thebest ofthethree .151)Doyouknowif it(rain )tomorrow?152)Ifit(rain ) tomorrow ,we(notgo )there153)He istooyoung (go ) to school .154)(not get)off the busun tilit(stop ).155)He issoyoung thathe( no


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