



1、Picking the right font for your email,presentation,orfriendly notice stuck on the office wall can be head-aching。都需要選擇一種字體。在發(fā)電子郵件,做演講,甚至在寫個貼在辦公室墻上的友情小提醒時, 如何選擇恰當?shù)淖煮w成了讓人頭疼的事情。Fonts come in all shapes and sizes and colours. But that does nt mean youre allow ed to go mad and use just ANY font though: t

2、hese ones are banned。字體形狀千差萬別,大小不一,顏色各異。但這不意味著你可以隨心所欲,選擇使用任何字體:以下幾種字體就不建議使用。Step 1: ArialArials been around so long, now, that its comforting and familiar in the same way that makes middle-aged men trade in their wives for a younger, sexier model. Aria l is therefore the pixel equivale nt of a frump

3、y, disappo inting housewifeArial 已經(jīng)陪伴我們太久了。如今,在使用這個字體時,人們常會順理成章地聯(lián)想到這個場 景:一名中年男子拋棄了他的妻子,換了位更年輕,更性感的模特作伴。因此, Arial 作為 一種字體,與衣著邋遢的、心灰意冷的棄婦有異曲同工之妙。Step 2: Times New RomanTimes New Roman is rarely appropriate in a futuristic web2.0-enabled society. Its cl umsy, and has weird ugly sharp twisty bits coming

4、 off each of the letters. Pick som ething properly classy like Verdana or Calibri, and let Times die。在 web2.0 風(fēng)靡的時代, Times New Roman 這種字體已經(jīng)不大適合用了。這種字體顯得有 些粗陋,每個字母都有很銳利的扭曲,顯得怪怪的,很難看。選用一些漂亮的字體吧,比如 Verdana or Calibri ,讓 Times 回家吃飯吧!Step 3: PapyrusPapyrus makes everything you type look like it was writt

5、en in Ancient Greece!, albei t by a ROBOT FROM THE FUTURE。每個你用 Payrus 鍵入的字看起來都像古希臘語-盡管像是由一個“未來機器人”寫下來的。If youre using it, why not go whole hog and flip the colour to green and write “ Sa ve the trees! Please dont print this e-mail unless you really need to.。. ”in your em ail signature like any of yo

6、ur emails are worth printing off 。如果你在使用這個字體,那一不做二不休,干脆字體顏色選成綠色,然后在你的 e-mail 下 方簽名中寫 “ Savethe trees! Please dont print this e-mail uni ess you really n eed t o.。. ”愛(護樹木,人人有責(zé)!除非確實需要,否則請勿打印此郵件。),這樣一來,好像你的每封郵件都具有打印價值了一樣。Step 4: Comic SansThe granddaddy of all unusable fonts. Initially intended to be

7、a quick comic book s ubstitute, Comic Sans quickly found itself overused to the point of eye-bleeding satu ration, and is now rarely seen outside the realm of ignorant office notes。在不能使用的字體中,這是爺字輩的人物。最初,人們設(shè)計 Comic Sans 字體,是為了讓其 快速在連環(huán)畫冊中搶占一席之地,成為其專用字體。但很快, 人們便發(fā)覺,這個字體被隨處 濫用,已經(jīng)引起人的視覺疲勞了。如今,除了 在辦公室里,人們還

8、用它寫寫沒人關(guān)注的通 知外,在其他領(lǐng)域,這種字體已經(jīng)銷聲匿跡了。Step 5: Curlz“ Lookat me! ”, this font says. “ Lookat how what I write perfectly embodies the s ort of person I am! Im a bit crazy, and a bit different. I stand out! ”看看我吧! ”這個字體挺張揚: “從我身上就完全能看得出,我是一個怎樣的人!我有些輕 狂,有些與眾不同。我必將脫穎而出! ”It doesnt matter that you cant actually

9、 read what theyre writing, because the sort of person that chooses a nonsense font like this invariably hasnt got anything imp ortant to say anyway 。讀不太懂他們寫的是什么也無妨, 因為能選擇這種荒唐字體的人, 一般來說, 也沒什么重要 的事情要講。TRUE STORY: the email invite to last years VideoJug Christmas Party was written e ntirely in red and green ,Curlz and the entire office was sick blood 。真實故事: 去年, VideoJug 圣誕聚會的邀請函就選用的 Curlz 字體, 字體顏色全部選擇的是 紅色和綠色。這讓整個辦公室的人都大倒


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