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1、畢業(yè)設(shè)計(論文)外文翻譯題 目: 基于51單片機溫度報警器的設(shè)計英文題目: 51 mcu-based design of a temperature alarm 系 別: _ 信息工程系_專 業(yè): _ 電子信息工程_班 級: _ _學 號: _ _ 姓 名: _ _ _指導老師: _ _ _ 填表日期: _2010.12.18_ 單片機 單片機是指一個集成在一塊芯片上的完整計算機系統(tǒng)。盡管他的大部分功能集成在一塊小芯片上,但是它具有一個完整計算機所需要的大部分部件:cpu、內(nèi)存、內(nèi)部和外部總線系統(tǒng),目前大部分還會具有外存。同時集成諸如通訊接口、定時器,實時時鐘等外圍設(shè)備。而現(xiàn)在最強大的單片機系

2、統(tǒng)甚至可以將聲音、圖像、網(wǎng)絡(luò)、復雜的輸入輸出系統(tǒng)集成在一塊芯片上。 單片機也被稱為微控制器(microcontroller),是因為它最早被用在工業(yè)控制領(lǐng)域。單片機由芯片內(nèi)僅有cpu的專用處理器發(fā)展而來。最早的設(shè)計理念是通過將大量外圍設(shè)備和cpu集成在一個芯片中,使計算機系統(tǒng)更小,更容易集成進復雜的而對提及要求嚴格的控制設(shè)備當中。intel的z80是最早按照這種思想設(shè)計出的處理器,從此以后,單片機和專用處理器的發(fā)展便分道揚鑣。 早期的單片機都是8位或4位的。其中最成功的是intel的8031,因為簡單可靠而性能不錯獲得了很大的好評。此后在8031上發(fā)展出了mcs51系列單片機系統(tǒng)?;谶@一系統(tǒng)

3、的單片機系統(tǒng)直到現(xiàn)在還在廣泛使用。隨著工業(yè)控制領(lǐng)域要求的提高,開始出現(xiàn)了16位單片機,但因為性價比不理想并未得到很廣泛的應用。90年代后隨著消費電子產(chǎn)品大發(fā)展,單片機技術(shù)得到了巨大的提高。隨著intel i960系列特別是后來的arm系列的廣泛應用,32位單片機迅速取代16位單片機的高端地位,并且進入主流市場。而傳統(tǒng)的8位單片機的性能也得到了飛速提高,處理能力比起80年代提高了數(shù)百倍。目前,高端的32位單片機主頻已經(jīng)超過300mhz,性能直追90年代中期的專用處理器,而普通的型號出廠價格跌落至1美元,最高端的型號也只有10美元。當代單片機系統(tǒng)已經(jīng)不再只在裸機環(huán)境下開發(fā)和使用,大量專用的嵌入式操

4、作系統(tǒng)被廣泛應用在全系列的單片機上。而在作為掌上電腦和手機核心處理的高端單片機甚至可以直接使用專用的windows和linux操作系統(tǒng)。 8051單片機由運算器、控制器、寄存器等組成。運算器以完成二進制的算術(shù)/邏輯運算部件alu為核心,再加上暫存器tmp、累加器acc、寄存器b、程序狀態(tài)標志寄存器psw及布爾處理器。累加器acc是一個八位寄存器,它是cpu中工作最頻繁的寄存器。在進行算術(shù)、邏輯運算時,累加器acc往往在運算前暫存一個操作數(shù)(如被加數(shù)),而運算后又保存其結(jié)果(如代數(shù)和)。寄存器b主要用于乘法和除法操作。標志寄存器psw也是一個八位寄存器,用來存放運算結(jié)果的一些特征,如有無進位、借

5、位等。其每位的具體含意如下所示。psw cy ac fo rs1 rs0 ovp對用戶來講,最關(guān)心的是以下四點。1. 進位標志cy(psw7)。它表示了運算是否有進位(或借位)。如果操作結(jié)果在最高位有進位(加法)或者借位(減法),則該位為1,否則為0。2.2. 輔助進位標志ac。又稱半進位標志,它反映了兩個八位數(shù)運算低四位是否有半進位,即低四位相加(或減)有否進位(或借位),如有則ac為1狀態(tài),否則為0。3. 溢出標志位ov。mcs1反映帶符號數(shù)的運算結(jié)果是否有溢出,有溢出時,此位為1,否則為0。4. 奇偶標志p。反映累加器acc內(nèi)容的奇偶性,如果acc中的運算結(jié)果有偶數(shù)個1(如1100110


7、。當單片機開始執(zhí)行程序時,給pc裝入第一條指令所在地址,它每取出一條指令(如為多字節(jié)指令,則每取出一個指令字節(jié)),pc的內(nèi)容就自動加1,以指向下一條指令的地址,使指令能順序執(zhí)行。只有當程序遇到轉(zhuǎn)移指令、子程序調(diào)用指令,或遇到中斷時,pc才轉(zhuǎn)到所需要的地方去。8051 cpu指定的地址,從rom相應單元中取出指令字節(jié)放在指令寄存器中寄存,然后,指令寄存器中的指令代碼被譯碼器譯成各種形式的控制信號,這些信號與單片機時鐘振蕩器產(chǎn)生的時鐘脈沖在定時與控制電路中相結(jié)合,形成按一定時間節(jié)拍變化的電平和時鐘,即所謂控制信息,在cpu內(nèi)部協(xié)調(diào)寄存器之間的數(shù)據(jù)傳輸、運算等操作。再來介紹一下存儲器,存儲器是單片機

8、的又一個重要組成部分,有一種存儲容量為256個單元的存儲器結(jié)構(gòu)。其中每個存儲單元對應一個地址,256個單元共有256個地址,用兩位16進制數(shù)表示,即存儲器的地址(00hffh)。存儲器中每個存儲單元可存放一個八位二進制信息,通常用兩位16進制數(shù)來表示,這就是存儲器的內(nèi)容。存儲器的存儲單元地址和存儲單元的內(nèi)容是不同的兩個概念,不能混淆。單片機還包括程序存儲器。程序是控制計算機動作的一系列命令,單片機只認識由“0”和“1”代碼構(gòu)成的機器指令。如前述用助記符編寫的命令mov a,#20h,換成機器認識的代碼74h、20h:(寫成二進制就是01110100b和00100000b)。在單片機處理問題之前




12、存器反映了8051的狀態(tài),實際上是8051的狀態(tài)字及控制字寄存器。用于cpu psw便是典型一例。這些特殊功能寄存器大體上分為兩類,一類與芯片的引腳有關(guān),另一類作片內(nèi)功能的控制用。與芯片引腳有關(guān)的特殊功能寄存器是p0p3,它們實際上是4個8位鎖存器(每個i/o口一個),每個鎖存器附加有相應的輸出驅(qū)動器和輸入緩沖器就構(gòu)成了一個并行口。mcs51共有p0p3四個這樣的并行口,可提供32根i/o線,每根線都是雙向的,并且大都有第二功能。其余用于芯片控制的寄存器中,累加器a、標志寄存器psw、數(shù)據(jù)指針dptr等的功能前已提及。下面再來談論如何讓單片機如何正常工作。單片機要正常運作,事先需編制程序,再把

13、程序放入存貯器中,然后由cpu執(zhí)行該程序。程序是由指令組成的,指令的基本組成是操作碼和操作數(shù)。單片機的品種很多,設(shè)計時怎樣表示操作碼和操作數(shù),都有各自的規(guī)定,再有指令代碼也各不相同,因此,必須對所選單片機的全部指令,也就是所謂“指令系統(tǒng)”,有足夠的了解。各個系列的單片機雖然有不同的指令系統(tǒng),但也有其共同性。掌握一種單片機的指令系統(tǒng),對其它系列單片機可以起到觸類旁通的作用。mcs51單片機應用廣泛、派生品種多、具有代表性。所以,這里以mcs51系列的指令系統(tǒng)為例說明“指令”的組成和應用。例子1,mov a,#20h:這條指令表示把20h這個數(shù)送入累加器a中(一個特殊功能寄存器)。例子2,add


15、著操作數(shù)(比如說是3ah),adda,70h不是將70h和a中的內(nèi)容相加,而是從存貯器70h單元中將3ah取出和a中的內(nèi)容相加。由上可知,要找到實際操作數(shù),有時就要轉(zhuǎn)個彎,甚至轉(zhuǎn)幾個彎,這個過程稱為尋址4:操作數(shù)放在ram某個單元中,該單元的地址又放在寄存器r0或r1中。 如果ram的地址大于256,則該地址存放在16位寄存器dptr(數(shù)據(jù)指針)中,此時在寄存器名前加符號來表示這種間接尋址。如mov a, r0。其它還有變址尋址、相對尋址、位尋址等,待以后再詳細介紹。可能有人會問,在指令中直接給出實際操作數(shù),不是簡單明了嗎?為什么還要用其它幾種尋址方式呢?這是因為在編制程序時很難一下子就給出操



18、某位的內(nèi)容)功能,適于按位進行邏輯運算的位處理器。除128字節(jié)ram、4k字節(jié)rom和中斷、串行口及定時器模塊外,還有4組i/o口p0p3,余下的就是cpu的全部組成。把4krom換為eprom就是8751的結(jié)構(gòu),如去掉rom/eprom部分即為8031的框圖,如果將rom置換為flash存貯器或eeprom,或再省去某些i/o,即可得到51系列的派生品種,如89c51、at89c2051等單片機的框圖。單片機各部分是通過內(nèi)部的總線有機地連接起來的。下面再談at89c51單片機性能介紹。at89c51是一種帶4k字節(jié)閃爍可編程可擦除只讀存儲器(fperomflash :programmable

19、 and erasable read only memory)的低電壓,高性能cmos8位微處理器,俗稱單片機。該器件采用atmel高密度非易失存儲器制造技術(shù)制造,與工業(yè)標準的mcs-51指令集和輸出管腳相兼容。由于將多功能8位cpu和閃爍存儲器組合在單個芯片中,atmel的at89c51是一種高效微控制器,為很多嵌入式控制系統(tǒng)提供了一種靈活性高且價廉的方案。 1.主要特性:與mcs-51兼容,4k字節(jié)可編程閃爍存儲器,壽命:1000寫/擦循環(huán),數(shù)據(jù)保留時間:10年,全靜態(tài)工作:0hz-24hz,三級程序存儲器鎖定,128*8位內(nèi)部ram,32可編程i/o線,兩個16位定時器/計數(shù)器,5個中斷

20、源,可編程串行通道,低功耗的閑置和掉電模式,片內(nèi)振蕩器和時鐘電路。2.管腳說明:vcc:供電電壓,gnd:接地,p0口:p0口為一個8位漏級開路雙向i/o口,每腳可吸收8ttl門電流。當p1口的管腳第一次寫1時,被定義為高阻輸入。p0能夠用于外部程序數(shù)據(jù)存儲器,它可以被定義為數(shù)據(jù)/地址的第八位。在fiash編程時,p0 口作為原碼輸入口,當fiash進行校驗時,p0輸出原碼,此時p0外部必須被拉高。 p1口:p1口是一個內(nèi)部提供上拉電阻的8位雙向i/o口,p1口緩沖器能接收輸出4ttl門電流。p1口管腳寫入1后,被內(nèi)部上拉為高,可用作輸入,p1口被外部下拉為低電平時,將輸出電流,這是由于內(nèi)部上

21、拉的緣故。在flash編程和校驗時,p1口作為第8位地址接收。 p2口:p2口為一個內(nèi)部上拉電阻的8位雙向i/o口,p2口緩沖器可接收,輸出4個ttl門電流,當p2口被寫“1”時,其管腳被內(nèi)部上拉電阻拉高,且作為輸入。并因此作為輸入時,p2口的管腳被外部拉低,將輸出電流。這是由于內(nèi)部上拉的緣故。p2口當用于外部程序存儲器或16位地址外部數(shù)據(jù)存儲器進行存取時,p2口輸出地址的高八位。在給出地址“1”時,它利用內(nèi)部上拉優(yōu)勢,當對外部8位地址數(shù)據(jù)存儲器進行讀寫時,p2口輸出其特殊功能寄存器的內(nèi)容。p2口在flash編程和校驗時接收高8位地址信號和控制信號。p3口:p3口管腳是8個帶內(nèi)部上拉電阻的雙向

22、i/o口,可接收輸出4個ttl門電流。當p3口寫入“1”后,它們被內(nèi)部上拉為高電平,并用作輸入。作為輸入,由于外部下拉為低電平,p3口將輸出電流(ill)這是由于上拉的緣故。p3口也可作為at89c51的一些特殊功能口:p3.0 rxd(串行輸入口)、p3.1 txd(串行輸出口)、p3.2 /int0(外部中斷0)、p3.3 /int1(外部中斷1)、p3.4 t0(記時器0外部輸入)、p3.5 t1(記時器1外部輸入)、p3.6 /wr(外部數(shù)據(jù)存儲器寫選通)、p3.7 /rxd(外部數(shù)據(jù)存儲器讀選通)。p3口同時為閃爍編程和編程校驗接收一些控制信號。rst:復位輸入。當振蕩器復位器件時,

23、要保持rst腳兩個機器周期的高電平時間。ale/prog:當訪問外部存儲器時,地址鎖存允許的輸出電平用于鎖存地址的地位字節(jié)。在flash編程期間,此引腳用于輸入編程脈沖。在平時,ale端以不變的頻率周期輸出正脈沖信號,此頻率為振蕩器頻率的1/6。因此它可用作對外部輸出的脈沖或用于定時目的。然而要注意的是:每當用作外部數(shù)據(jù)存儲器時,將跳過一個ale脈沖。如想禁止ale的輸出可在sfr8eh地址上置0。此時, ale只有在執(zhí)行movx,movc指令是ale才起作用。另外,該引腳被略微拉高。如果微處理器在外部執(zhí)行狀態(tài)ale禁止,置位無效。 /psen:外部程序存儲器的選通信號。在由外部程序存儲器取指

24、期間,每個機器周期兩次/psen有效。但在訪問外部數(shù)據(jù)存儲器時,這兩次有效的/psen信號將不出現(xiàn)。/ea/vpp:當/ea保持低電平時,則在此期間外部程序存儲器(0000hffffh),不管是否有內(nèi)部程序存儲器。注意加密方式,/ea將內(nèi)部鎖定為reset;當/ea端保持高電平時,此間內(nèi)部程序存儲器。在flash編程期間,此引腳也用于施加12v編程電源(vpp)。xtal1:反向振蕩放大器的輸入及內(nèi)部時鐘工作電路的輸入。 xtal2:來自反向振蕩器的輸出。振蕩器:xtal1和xtal2分別為反向放大器的輸入和輸出。該反向放大器可以配置為片內(nèi)振蕩器。石晶振蕩和陶瓷振蕩均可采用。如采用外部時鐘源驅(qū)

25、動器件,xtal2應不接。有余輸入至內(nèi)部時鐘信號要通過一個二分頻觸發(fā)器,因此對外部時鐘信號的脈寬無任何要求,但必須保證脈沖的高低電平要求的寬度。 芯片擦除: 整個perom陣列和三個鎖定位的電擦除可通過正確的控制信號組合,并保持ale管腳處于低電平10ms 來完成。在芯片擦操作中,代碼陣列全被寫“1”且在任何非空存儲字節(jié)被重復編程以前,該操作必須被執(zhí)行。此外,at89c51設(shè)有穩(wěn)態(tài)邏輯,可以在低到零頻率的條件下靜態(tài)邏輯,支持兩種軟件可選的掉電模式。在閑置模式下,cpu停止工作。但ram,定時器,計數(shù)器,串口和中斷系統(tǒng)仍在工作。在掉電模式下,保存ram的內(nèi)容并且凍結(jié)振蕩器,禁止所用其他芯片功能,

26、直到下一個硬件復位為止。about single-chip refers to an integrated single-chip at a chip on the integrity of computer systems. even though most of his features at a small chip on, but it has a complete computer most of the necessary components: cpu, memory, internal and external bus system, most will have the co

27、re. at the same time, such as integrated communication interfaces, timers, real-time clock and other peripheral equipment. and now the most powerful single-chip microcomputer system can even voice, image, network, complex input and output of system integration on a single chip. also known as single-

28、chip microcontroller, because it is the first to be used in the field of industrial control. single-chip by chip dedicated processor cpu only evolved. the first design concept through to a large number of peripherals and cpu in a single chip, the computer system so that smaller, more easily integrat

29、ed into the complex and demanding with regard to the reference control devices. intel the z80 is one of the earliest in accordance with this idea to design the processor, from then on, the mcu and the development of a dedicated processor parted ways. early single-chip 8-bit or all of four. one of th

30、e most successful are intels 8031, because the performance of a good reliable and easy access to great acclaim. later on in 8031 developed a series of single-chip microcomputer system mcs51. based on single-chip microcomputer system of the system is still widely used until now. as the field of indus

31、trial control requirements improve, beginning a 16-bit single-chip, but not ideal because cost-effective has not been very widely used. after the 90s with the big consumer electronics product development, single-chip technology has been enormous improve. with intel i960 series, especially the later

32、series of widely used arm, 32-bit single-chip 16-bit single-chip microcomputer rapidly replacing high-end status, and enter the mainstream market. whereas the traditional 8-bit mcu performance has been the rapid increase in processing power compared to the 80s to raise a few hundred times. at presen

33、t, the high-end single-chip 32 ghz has been more than 300mhz, the performance of close on the heels of the mid-90s dedicated processor, while the general model ex-factory price dropped to one u.s. dollars, the most high-end models, only 10 u.s. dollars. contemporary single-chip microcomputer system

34、is no longer only in the bare-metal environment development and use of a large number of dedicated embedded operating system is widely used in on a full range of single-chip microcomputer. in the cell phone as a handheld computer and deal with high-end single-chip core can even direct the use of a d

35、edicated windows and linux operating systems.single-chip 8051 cpu by the operator and controller. calculator to complete the binary arithmetic/logic operations parts alu at the core, together with registers on tmp, accumulator acc, register b, the procedure register psw status symbol and boolean pro

36、cessor. accumulator acc is an eight registers, which are the most frequent job of cpu registers. in arithmetic, logic operations, the accumulator acc is often a temporary one at pre-computing operands (such as being summand), and computing and then save the results (such as algebra and). register b

37、mainly used for multiplication and division operations. psw register is also a mark of eight registers, used to store the results of some of the characteristics of computing, if not binary, and so on, and borrow. its specific meaning of each are shown below. psw cy ac fo rs1 rs0 ov-p to users, the m

38、ost concerned about are the following four. first of all, the binary symbol cy (psw7). whether or not it has express a binary operator (or borrow bits). if the operation results at the highest level there is binary (addition) or borrow (subtraction), the bit is 1, otherwise to 0. secondly, auxiliary

39、 binary symbol ac. also known as semi-binary logo, it reflects both the number eight computing whether there is a half low of four binary, that is, the sum of the four low (or minus) has not binary (or borrow), and if there is ac for one status, otherwise to 0. third, the overflow flag ov. mcs-1 to

40、reflect the number of operator symbols with the results of whether there is any spill, there is spill, this bit is 1, otherwise to 0. fourth, the parity symbol p. reflect the content of accumulator acc parity, if the acc in an operation that results in even-numbered months have one (such as 11001100

41、b, one of four there is one), then p is 0, otherwise, p = 1. psw other places, will introduce at a later time. psw stored procedures because of the status, it is also called the program status character have a calculator in bitwise (bit) to carry out logic operations logic processor (also known as b

42、oolean processor). its function in the introduction explain-bit instruction. about the controller, cpu controller is the nerve center, which includes the timing control logic circuit, an instruction register, decoder, address pointer dptr and the program counter pc, stack pointer sp and so on. this

43、program counter pc is 16-bit register consisting of counters. to single-chip implementation of a program, it is necessary to put the program into memory in advance in order rom of an area. single chip action should be taken out of a sequence of commands to be implemented. therefore, we must have a c

44、ircuit to find out where the command module address, the circuit is the program counter pc. when beginning the implementation of single-chip program, to the pc load instructions where the first address, it took out one of each command (such as for multi-byte instructions, each took out a command byt

45、e), pc will automatically add the contents of one to point to the next instruction address, so that instruction can be the order of implementation. only when the process encountered in the transfer of instructions, subroutine call instructions, or encountered failure (after the introduction), pc onl

46、y needed to go to go places. 8051 cpus designated address, the corresponding unit from the rom command byte out on the instruction register in the storage, then, an instruction register of the instruction decoder code was translated into various forms of control signals, these single-chip signal and

47、 clock oscillator generated clock pulse in timing and control circuit combination of a certain period of time according to changes in electric calm beat the clock, the so-called control of information in the cpu internal coordination between the register data transfer, computing and other operations

48、. then tell us about memory, memory mcu are also an important component of has a storage capacity of 256 units of memory structure. one of each memory cell corresponds to an address, a total of 256 unit 256 addresses, use two 16 hexadecimal numbers, that is, memory address (00h ffh). memory of each

49、memory cell can store one of eight binary information, usually using two 16-band number to express, and this is the contents of memory. memory storage unit address and the contents of memory cells are two different concepts, should not confuse. single-chip also includes the program memory. process c

50、ontrol computers are a series of action commands, microcontroller know only by 0 and 1 consisting of machine code instructions. such as the preparation of the foregoing order with mnemonic mov a, # 20h, know the code into the machine 74h, 20h: (written in binary is 01110100b and 00100000b). problem

51、in scm is required before the deal will be good procedures, tables, constants compiled into machine code into single-chip memory, the memory referred to as program memory. program memory can be put on the chip or chip, chip-chip can also be set up simultaneously. as the pc program counter to 16, mak

52、ing the procedure available for 16-bit binary memory addresses, therefore, both inside and outside the memory address from 0000h to the largest ffffh. 8051 has 4k bytes of internal rom, on the occupied by the 0000h 0fffh minimum 4k bytes, when the expansion of chip program memory address number shal

53、l be 1000h start, if you use 8051 as a 8031, do not want to use chip 4krom , all used memory chip, then the address code can still start from 0000h.however, when ea feet should be used to maintain the low level. when ea is high, the user 0fffh at 0000h to use internal rom, more than 0fffh, the singl

54、e-chip cpu automatic access to external program memory. single-chip data memory ram memory by reading and writing components. its maximum capacity can be expanded to 64k, used to store real-time input data. 8051 has 256 units within the internal data memory, one of 00h 7fh for internal random access

55、 memory ram, 80h ffh area dedicated registers. actual use should be the first full use of internal memory, from the use of perspective, to understand the structure of internal data memory and address of the distribution is very important. since studying at the future directions of design systems and

56、 procedures will be frequently used them. 8051 internal data memory address 00h to ffh by a total of 256 bytes of address space, the space was divided into two parts, one of the internal data ram address 00h 7fh (that is, 0 127). the special function registers to do with the address 80h ffh. in this

57、 256-byte also has opened up a so-called digital address area, the region can not only byte addressable, but also by the bit (bit) addressable. for those required to carry out the operation of the data bit can be stored into the region. from 00h to 1fh arranged group of four working registers, each

58、occupied by 8-byte ram, recorded as r0 r7. whether the choice of which set of registers, from the aforementioned signs register in the selection of rs1 and rs0. add on at these two different binary number, you can choose different registers.special function register (sfr) address the range of 80h ffh. at mcs-51, in addition to program counter register pc and four job outside the region, and the remaining 21 special function registers in this block in sfr. are one of five double-byte register, and they take up a total of 26 bytes. special function registers of the symbols a


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