1、書山有路勤為徑,學(xué)海無涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘學(xué)子:學(xué)業(yè)有成,金榜題名!語言類考試復(fù)習(xí)資料大全公共英語五級(jí)模擬(暫無語音,提供參考83公共英語五級(jí)模擬(暫無語音,提供參考83Section Listening Comprehension Directions: This section is designed to test your ability to understand spoken English. You will hear a selection of recorded materials and you must answer the questions that accompa
2、ny them. There are three parts in this section, Part A, Part B and Part C. Remember, while you are doing the test, you should first put down your answers in your test booklet, NOT on the ANSWER SHEET. At the end of the listening comprehension section, you will have 5 minutes to transfer your answers
3、 from your test booklet onto ANSWER SHEET 1. If you have any questions, you may raise your hand NOW, as you will not be allowed to speak once the test has started. Now look at Part A in your test booklet. Part AYou will hear a dialogue about aerobic exercise. As you listen, answer Questions 110 by c
4、ircling TRUE or FALSE. Youll hear the dialogue ONLY ONCE. (如需獲取本MP3聽力錄音請(qǐng)搜索標(biāo)題名) 1. Aerobic exercise helps send oxygen to the brain.答案:A解析 1-10A: Can you tell me something about aerobic exercise?B: The word aerobic literally means with oxygen or in the presence of oxygen. Aerobic exercise is any activ
5、ity that uses large muscle groups. It can be maintained continuously for a long period of time and is rhythmic in nature.A: Does it train muscles?B: Aerobic activity trains the heart, lungs and heart vessel system to process and deliver oxygen more quickly and efficiently to every part of the body.
6、As the heart muscle becomes stronger and more efficient, a larger amount of blood can be pumped with each stroke. Fewer strokes are then required to rapidly transport oxygen to all parts of the body.A: What can people benefit from aerobic exercise? An aerobically fit individual can work longer, more
7、 vigorously and achieve a quicker recovery at the end of the aerobic session.A: What factors will affect aerobic training?B: Frequency, duration and intensity. Frequency refers to how often you perform aerobic activity, duration refers to the time spent at each session, and intensity refers to the p
8、ercentage of your maximum heart rate or heart rate reserve at which you work.A: How often should I train? How hard and for how long?B: Most experts believe that 3-5 times per week for a duration of 20-60 minutes at 60-90% of age-specific maximal heart rate or 50-80% of VO2max (heart rate reserve).A:
9、 How do I determine my target heart rate?B: Thats very easy: The general formula for the average person is 220-age 60% and 90% of maximal heart rate.A: Hold on, hold on. I am 30 years old to a day now. What would be my target zone according to the above formula? 220-30=190. 19060% =114 and 19090% =
10、171. Am I right?B: Absolutely correct. You would fry to keep you heart rate between 114(low end) and 171 (high end) beats per minute. The Karvonen Formula calculates your heart rate reserve range. To calculate it, take your pulse for one minute on three successive mornings upon waking up. (We will b
11、e using the case of a 30-year old male whose resting pulse was 69,70 and 71 for an average of 70 over the 3 days. )Calculate target heart rate by subtracting your age from 220(220-30 =190). Subtract your average resting heart rate from target heart rate( 190-70=120). The lower boundary of the percen
12、t-age range is 50% of this plus your resting heart rate(1200.5)+70=130 . The higher boundary is 85% plus your resting heart rate(1200.85)+70=172. Using the Karvonen Formula for percentage of heart rate reserve, this 30-year old man should be working between 130 and 178 beats per minute. A: Does this
13、 formula apply to every one of us?B: Definitely not. Like the maximum heart rate formula, the Karvonen formula can vary from individual to individual. Not every individual is average, and there can be large differences among people. Therefore heart rate alone may not be the best indicator of how har
14、d or how well you are working.A: Thank you very much for the ideas you give me on aerobic exercise. These will help me while I practice my aerobic exercise.2. As the heart muscle becomes stronger and more efficient, few strokes are required to transport oxygen rapidly all over the body.答案:B3. Aerobi
15、c exercise can make people energetic.答案:A4. The efficiency of aerobic training relies on the frequency, duration and intensity.答案:A5. The frequency and duration of aerobic training is supposed to be three to five times a week, half an hour through one hour each time.答案:A6. The target heart rate for
16、a 30-year-old man should be 171 beats a minute.答案:B7. The Karvonen Formula for heart rate reserve range is average resting heart rate subtracted from target heart rate multiply 50%.答案:B8. Calculation of heart rate reserve range should be done for three mornings running.答案:A9. When we determine how w
17、ell we are working, we can not rely on heart rate.答案:B10. The Karvonen Formula does not fit most people.答案:BPart BYou will hear 3 conversations or talks and you must answer the questions by choosing A, B, C or D. You will hear the recording ONLY ONCE. Questions 1113 are based on the following talk.
18、(如需獲取本MP3聽力錄音請(qǐng)搜索標(biāo)題名) 1. Why does Kempo possess a certain air of mystery?A.It is a unique martial art.B.It is related to religion.C.It was founded several centuries ago.D.It can lead its practitioner to the enlightenment.答案:B解析 11-13 Kempo is a unique martial art founded several centuries ago in a Ch
19、inese Shaolin temple. Thus, bringing with it a certain air of mystery. As a martial art, Kempo is refered to as a Do. The Dc is referred to in Buddhist Zen scripts as a path towards enlightenment. Lao Tzu, a priest of Taoism, said Mastering others requires force, mastering the self requires enlighte
20、nment.This phrase sums the full circle of what Kempo strives towards. Although on its surface Kempo can be seen as a unique form of self-defense, hidden beneath its physical exterior are levels where characteristic centralization of mind and body from. At this level, Kempos practitioners elevate fro
21、m a simple form of fighting to a higher level of ability and enlightenment. Ying Kuchan, a Shaolin monk and master of Kempo, after a lengthy period of meditation in a Zen rock garden, spoke of Kempo sayingKempo is the power of adaptability and yielding, the harmony of all things working togehter. Ke
22、mpo is a unique art form of spiritual growth, health, and personal responsibility. It is a comprehensive and diversified means of unarmed self-defense, though it encompasses both an armed and unarmed systems of combat with techniques of varying appearances and methods. On an external level, Kempo is
23、 a no holds barred fighting system of offensive and defensive methods, with equal emphasis of striking techniques with the hands and feet, immobilization and controls, projections and take downs; as well as weaponry, various spiritual, and healing arts. Kempo, as developed in America, is a streetwis
24、e defensive art that does not restrict its students in methodology. Clawing hands evolve into sharp feet. Cunning joint locks turn into devastating hip throws. Evasive blocks turn into breath closing chokes. The possibilities are endless. The only true fighting systems are those where there are no r
25、ules applied. From the books of the Hah dynasty, we learn Nothing is impossible to a willing mind. And it is from this saying that we can derive the upper principles of Shaolin Kempo. What sets Kempo apart from boxing, wrestling, and Sunday night football is an emphasis on spirit of body and mind. 2
26、. Which of the following is NOT true of Dempop?A.Kempo is a unique art form of personal responsibility.B.Kempo is a unique form of self-defense.C.Kempo is a unique martial art.D.Kempo is a unique streetwise defensive art.答案:D3. Which of the following is NOT true of a Kempop practitioner?A.He possess
27、 power of adaptability and yielding.B.He masters a comprehensive and diversified means of unarmed self-defense.C.He is devoted to Buddhism.D.He can centralize his mind and body.答案:C Questions 1416 are based on the following conversation. (如需獲取本MP3聽力錄音請(qǐng)搜索標(biāo)題名) 4. How can people obtain solid shaped abs
28、?A.By reducing the amount of fat covering the abs.B.By developing the underlying muscles.C.By doing lots of sit-ups.D.By exercising spot reduction.答案:B解析 14-16A: How do 1 get abdominal muscles like giant dumpling?B: Getting visible abdominal muscles or abs depends on reducing the amount of fat cover
29、ing the abs. Getting hard, lumpy abs depends on developing the underlying muscles.A: Should I do lots of situps to reduce fat around my middle?B: No. Exercising the area from which you want to lose fat is called spot reduction . Spot reduction is now believed to be a myth. Research shows that fat is
30、 lost all over your body, not just in the area that you work. Sit-ups are also bad for your lower back.A: How do I reduce the fat covering my middle?B: The answer comes in two parts: diet and aerobic exercise.A: How do I exercise the abs?B: The abs are designed to perform one main task, to shorten t
31、he distance between your breastbone, and bone at your seat. The only way to do this is to bend your spine in the lower back region. In short, any exercise which makes you move your breastbone toward your bone at your seat or your bone at your seat toward your breastbone is good. To do this safely, t
32、he lower back should be slightly rounded, not arched. In general when exercising the abs, try to maintain the natural arch of your lower back. The lower back will round slightly as your perform the exercises. Dont worry about pressing your back into the ground.A: What are good ab exercises?B: Weve d
33、ivided the exericises into upper and lower ab exercises. Note that there arent two separate muscles that you can truly isolate so all the exericises stress the whole abdominal wall.A: Is there a specific order I should do exericises in?B: Exercise the lower abs before the upper abs and to any twisti
34、ng upper ab movements after straightening upper ab ones. Twisting exercises work the oblique muscles as well as the upper abs.A: How often should I train abs?B: Treat them as you would on any other body part. Three or four times a week.5. Bending the spine in the lower back region helps to _.A.reduc
35、e the fat covering the middle.B.shorten the distance between breastbone and bone at the seat.C.reduce the fat all over the body.D.maintain the natural arch of you lower back.答案:A6. What is the recommended order for the ab exercises?A.Straighten upper abs.B.Exercise the upper abs.C.Exercise the lower
36、 abs.D.Twist upper abs.答案:C Questions 1720 are based on the following talk. (如需獲取本MP3聽力錄音請(qǐng)搜索標(biāo)題名) 7. Where could most people be scooting in America these days?A.In parks.B.Along pedestrian walkways.C.In the square.D.On the streets.答案:D解析 17-20 While walk across a street in America these days, you mig
37、ht find yourself jostling for space with others scooting across. Scooters, first popular in Germany in the 1800s and revived in the 1950s,are back in a high-tech foldable version, with kids, dot-com executives and parents taking up the foot-powered charge. Risingalong with their popularity, however,
38、 may be the number of injuries they cause. Dr. Deborah Levine, a pediatric emergency room physician, says she started noticing children riding scooters in New York City early this summer and saw very few of them wearing protective gear. A month ago. Levine says she saw her first scooter injury case
39、in Bellevue Hospital Centers Emergency Room in midtown of Manhattan where she works. An 8-year-old boy was playing on a scooter he had rented in a park. When making a sharp turn, he fell off, hit his head and lost consciousness. His 12-year-old sister and witnesses saw that the boy had fallen and ca
40、lled 911. Once at the hospital, the boy received X-rays and a CT scan. He didnt remember what had happened to him, Levine says. The work-up revealed he did not have any serious injuries. But he was not lucky. Had he worn a helmet he probably would have been protected from the violent shock in the br
41、ain. Since that time, she and other members of the Emergeny Room staff have treated children with fractures and servere cuts needing stitches due to scooters, she says. The staff is beginning to record the nature of scooter injuries to help raise public awareness about their potential for serious ha
42、rm to a child and to encourage use of helmets and protective gear. 8. What was the cause for the first injury case mentioned in the speech?A.Jostling pedestrians.B.Sharp edge of the scooter.C.Uneven sidewalk.D.Sharp turn.答案:D9. The potential injuries due to scooters could be the following EXCEPT _.A
43、.shock in headB.severe cutC.mortal woundD.fractures答案:C10. Apart from giving medical treatment to injured scooters, Dr. Levine and her staff are _.A.recording the nature of scooter injuriesB.encouraging scooters use helmets and protective gearC.raising public awareness about potential scooter injuri
44、esD.recommending a safer type of scooter答案:APart CYou will hear a talk on learning to ride unicycles. As you listen, you must answer Questions 2130 by writing NO MORE THAN THREE words in the place provided for you, youll hear the conversation TWICE. (如需獲取本MP3聽力錄音請(qǐng)搜索標(biāo)題名) 1. Teachers can successfully
45、carry out their teaching of riding unicycles if they _.答案:follow/know basic progressions解析 21-30 Teaching students to ride unicycles may seem discouraging to teachers. However, it can be taught quite effectively by teachers with knowledge of basic progressions. It should be understood that these ski
46、lls usually take more time to learn than juggling and manipulative skills. Students may not experience success as quickly as in other activities, but the rewards of conquering these challenging skills are substantial. There will always be a handful of students who make unicycling their mission. When
47、 teaching, think of these skills as similar to gymnastics in terms of class routines and safety procedures. Students should always be supervised when practicing, and should be taught how to spot each other. Horseplay should never be tolerated. People often perceive unicycling as risky, maybe because
48、 they have seen a daredevil performer who rode(seemingly) out of control, or on a very tall unicycle. The result is an unfounded perception of high risk. The reality is that when basic safety procedures are followed, unicycle riding is actually safer than riding bicycles, skateboards, and in-line sk
49、ates. This is because unicycles do not permit the rider to coast or achieve high speeds. Although mild bumps and scrapes do sometimes occur, teachers can minimize this occurrence by requiring students to wear kneepads and gloves while practicing. Many schools also use helmets. Today, helmets are ine
50、xpensive and lend an air of safety and forethought to peoples perceptions of unciycling in a school environment. When learning, students should be made aware of all rules and safety procedures. Here are some appropriate rules for unicycling: 1. Never interfere with a unicyclist who is practicing. 2.
51、 No horseplay. 3. The practice area should be free of obstructions. 4. Unicyclists haveright-of-way when riding. Never allow students to brace themselves with ski poles or similar objects. A fall on to such equipment could cause serious injury. Students should learn to spot each other when they lear
52、n to unicycle. The spotters job is not to hold up the rider, but rather to offer support while the rider tries to balance himself. Students can work in pairs or threes when learning unicycling. When learning to ride, always begin and end in the Safety Position. They can position the unicycle about a
53、n arms length from a clear wall with the tire parallel to the wall. The spotter holds her hand palm-up for the rider to grasp from above. The rider also holds onto the wall with his other hand. Rotate the wheel until one pedal is at the bottom. Sit lightly on the seat and put one foot on the down-pe
54、dal. Step up, and keep your weight on the down-pedal. Lean slowly forward until you can place the other foot on the up-pedal. There is an important safety issue here: The pedal must be in the down position when mountinga student stepping on a pedal which is not in the down position will either have
55、the unicycle shoot away, or will have the other pedal swing up and strike the shins. Carefully and slowly, push the pedals forward until they are eventhis is the Safety Position. Balance with even pressure on the seat and pedals. The spotter should assist the rider in mounting, but the rider should
56、be encouraged to support their own weight as much as possible, and not to pull too hard on the spotters. As when walking a balance beam, make sure that the head leads the body. Encourage straight and tall posture on the unicycle. When riding forward along the Wall: The student should be tocuhing the
57、 wall at about an arms length with one hand, and grasping the spotters hand with the other. It is best if the riders hand is on top of the spotters palm-up hand. Be sure the pedals are in the Safety Position before beginning. Sit up straight and tall, and look forward. Lean slightly forward to begin moving. Slowly push the pedals forward for a half turn of the wheel, until the pedals are in the Saftey Position again. If you get stuck in the Dead Spot, slowly push past it and into the Safety Position. Practi
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