1、學習好資料Part One Early and Medieval English LiteratureI Fill in the blanks.1. In 1066. , with lus Noiman army, succeeded in invading and defeatingEngland A. William the ConquerorB Julius CaesarC. Alfred the GreatD. Claudius2. In the 14th centuiy, the most unpoitant writer (poet) isA. LanglandB Wycliffe
2、C GowerD Chaucer3. The prevailing foim of Medieval English liteiatiue isA. novelB dramaC lomanceD. essay4. The story ofis the culmination of the Aithunan romancesA. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight B. BeowulfC. Piers the PlowmanD. The Canterbury Tales5. William Langlandsis written in the fbnn of a dr
3、eam vision.A. Kubla KhanB. Piers the PlowmanC. The Dream of John BullD. Morte d Arthur6. After the Noiman Conquest, tluee languages existed in England at that time TheNonnans spokeA. French B English C LatinD. Swedish7. was the greatest of English religious refbimeis and the first tiaiislator ofthe
4、BibleA. Langland B GoweiC. Wycliffe D. Chaucer8. Pieis the Plowman describes a series of wondeifiil dreams the author dreamed,tluough which, we can see a picture of the life ui theEngland.A. piiniitive E. feudal C bourgeois D. modern9. The theme ofto kuig and lord was iepeatedly emphasized in romanc
5、esA. lovaltv E revoltC obedience D. mockeryJJJ10. The most famous cycle of English ballads centers on the stones about a legendaiyoutlaw calledA. Morte dAithurB. Robin HoodC. The Canteibuiy TalesD. Piers the PlowmanII , the father of English poetry” and one of the gr eatest nanative poets ofEngland,
6、 was born ui London in about 1340.A. Geoffiev Chaucer E Sn Gawaui C Francis Bacon D John Dryden12. Chaucer died on October 25th, 1400, and was buiied mA. FlandersB. Fiance C. ItalyD. Westmmster Abbey13. Chaucers earliest work of any length is his, a translation of the FrenchRoman de la Rose by Gaill
7、aume de Louis and Jean de Meung, which was a love allegoiy enjoying widespread popularity ui the 13th and 14th centunes not only m學習好資料Fiance but tluougliout Europe.A. The Romaunt of the RoseB. UA Red, Red Rose”C. The Legend of Good WomenD. The Book of the Duchess14. In his lifetime Chaucei seived m
8、 a great vaiiety of occupations that had mipact onthe wide range of his wiitings. Which one is not his careei?A. engineerB courtierC. office holderD. soldierE. ambassadorF. legislator (議員)15. Chaucer composes a long nanative poem namedbased on Boccacciospoem “Filostrato 二B. Troilus and CriseydeD. Be
9、owulf6-10 ACBAB1M5 ADAABA. The Legend of Good WomenC. Sir Gawain and the Green KnightKey to the multiple choices: 1-5 ADCABII Questions1. What are the features of Beowulf?2. Conunent on the social sigmficance and language in The Canterbury Tales.Part Two The English RenaissanceI Match the writer and
10、 his work&1. Thomas More2. HolinsliedA. Apology for PoetryB. Miscellany of Songs and Sonnets3. HakluytC. Utopia4. Richard TottelD. Discovery of Guiana5. Philip SidneyE. Principal Navigations, Voyages and Discoveries6. Walter RaleighF ChroniclesThe key: (1C2F3E4B5A6D)II Choose the best answer.1 found
11、ed the Tudoi Dynasty, a centralized monarchy of a totally new type,which met the needs of the using bourgeoisieA. Henrv V B. Henry VII C. Hemy VIII D. Janies I2. The first complete English Bible was tianslated by. “the monuiig star ofthe Refonnation and his followers.A. William TyndalB. James IC Joh
12、n WycliffeD. Bishop Lancelot Andrews3. The progress m industiy at home stimulated the conuneicial expansion abroad encouraged exploration and tiavel, wluch were compatible with the interests of the English meichants.A. Henrv VB Henrv VIIJJ學習好資料C. Henry VIIID Queen Elizabeth4. Except bemg a victoiy o
13、f England over, the rout of the fleet Armada”(Invuicible) was also the triumph of the rising young bourgeoisie over the declmmg old feudalismA. Spain B. Fiance C Aineiica D Nonvay5. Those, both traders and pirates like,established the first English coloniesA. Francis Drake B Lancelot AndrewsC. Willi
14、am Caxton D. William Tvndal6. was a fbi eimmef of classicism in English litei atuieA. Ben Jolmson B. William ShakespeareC. Thomas More D Cluistophei Marlowe7. The most gifted of the university witsn wasA. LylyB. PeeleC. Gieene D Marlowe8. Morality plays appeared afterA. mimcle plays B. mvsteiy plays
15、 C mteHiide D. Classical plays9. is used to say and do good tluiigs.A. Meicy B. FollyC. ViceD. Peace10. is one of the fbieiinmers of modem socialist thoughtA. Phillip SidneyB. Edmund SpenserC. Thomas MoreD. Walter Raleigh11. is not a famous translator in the English RenaissanceA. Thomas NorthB Thoma
16、s WyattC. George Chapman D John Floiio12. had supplied Sliakespeaie with the mateiial foi Julius Caesar.A. Lives of Greek and Roan Heroes希臘羅馬名人傳E Miscellany of Songs and SonnetsC. Don QuixoteD. History of the World13. was one of the first to see the relation between wealth and poveiiy tounderstand t
17、hat the rich were becoming iicher by robbing the poor.A. Jolm WycliffeB. William CaxtonC. Geoffiey Chaucer D Thomas More14. Utopia was written m the form ofA. pioseB dramaC. essayD dialogue15. One of the popular moialitv plays wasA. The ShepherdsB EvetyinanC. The Play of the WeatherD. Gammer Gurton
18、0 Needle16. Shakespeares plays written betweenare sometimes called “romances” andall end in leconciliation and reunion.A. 1590 and 1594B. 1595 and 1600C. 1601 and 1607D. 1608 and 161217. Muanda is a lieioine ill ShakespearesA. Pericles B. Cymbeline C. The Winter 0 Tale D. The Tempest18. Inappeared S
19、hakespeare fs Sonnet, Never before Imprinted (莎士 比亞十學習好資料四行詩迄今從未刊印過”)which contains 154 sonnets.A. 1606 B. 1607 C. 1608160919. Shakespeare is one of the founders of.A. romanticism B lealism C. naturalism D. classicism20. Among many poetic foims, Shakespeare was especially at home (good at) withthe.A
20、. diamatic blank veise B. song C soimet D couplet21. In the plays, Shakespeare used aboutwoids.A. 15000 B. 16000 C. 17000 D. 1800022 has been called the summit of the English RenaissanceA. Clmstopher Marlow B. Francis BaconC. W. ShakespeareD. Ben JolmsonKey to the multiple choices:1-5 BCDAA 6-10 DDC
21、BA 11-15 BDADA 16-22 ACBADDBHI. Fill in the blanks.1 Thewas universally used by the Catholic Churches.2. The English tianslation of the Bible emerged as a result of the stmggle betweenand3. The Bible was notably translated uito English by the.4. The first complete English Bible was translated by, “t
22、he moming star of the5. translated the New Testament and portions of the Old Testament, which isknown as Tyndales Bible.6. After Tydales Bible, then appeared the、which was made in 1611 underthe auspices of. And so was sometimes called the7. Apart fiom the religious influence, the Authorized Version
23、has had a greatmfluence on Englishand.8. With the widespread mfluence of the English Bible, the standard modern Englishhas beenand.9. A great number ofand pluases have passed into daily English speech ashousehold words.10. Theandlanguage of the Authoiized Wrsion has colored the style ofthe English p
24、rose foi the last 300 years.11 was the fust English piinter12. William Caxton was a prosperous merchant himself, but he was fond of, andhis interest was tunrnig to13. He translated The Recuyell of Hi story es of Troy into English fiom French whichwas thebook printed m English.14. The Recuyell seived
25、 as a source forTroilus and Cressida特洛埃勒斯與克雷雪達15. After havmg established his pimting press, William Caxton devoted himself to更多精品文檔學習一好資料the caieer of aand.16. William Caxton published aboutbooks,of which were translated byhimself.17. By fendenng (翻譯)French books into English, Caxton exercised the
26、vouthfiillanguage m the ans (曲調(diào)),the graces, the crafts of the elder and contributed to the development of the style ofcentury English18. The influence of Caxtons publications is also great m fixing alanguage mEngland 19. As the first English pnntei; Caxton mvented ui England the profession of,which
27、 in fact has had a lasting sigmficance to the development of Englishasa whole.20. The Renaissance started in thecentmy and ended m thecentuiy.21. The word, renaissance means, which was stimulated by a series ofhistoiical events, such as22. In the Renaissance, the humanist thinkers and scholars tried
28、 to get nd of those oldin medieval Europe, to introduce new ideas that expressesof the iising bourgeoisie, and to recovei theof the early church fiom the comiption of theRoman Catholic Churcli.23 is the theme of the English Renaissance, which emphasized the capacities ofand the achievements of.24. S
29、tanza is a verse fonii created byfor lus poem,. in which theihyine scheme is.25. The Wais of the Roses (14551485) between the House ofand the House ofstmggling fox the Crown continued for 30 years.26. Because of the conflict between the Roman Catholic Church and the Kuig ofEngland, the far-ieaching
30、movement oftook place m England, started byHenrv VIII.27. Afterui England, the helpless, dispossessed peasants, bemg compelled towork at a low wage, became hired laboieis for the merchants. These laborers were the fathers of modem English28. The introduction ofto England by William Caxton (1476) bro
31、ught classicalworks within reach of the common multitude.29. The 16th centuiy ui England was a penod of the breaking upof relatioiis andthe establisliuig of the foundations of30. Because the wool trade was rapidly growing in bulk, it was a time when, according to Thomas More, “ 二31. broke off with t
32、he Pope, dissolved all the monasteiies and abbeys m thecountiy confiscated then lands and pioclamied himself head of the Churcli of England 32. Together with the development of bourgeois relatioiislups and formation of theEnglish national state tlus period is marked by a flounsliuig of national cult
33、ure known as.33. , in his translation ofAugiPs Aeneid, wrote the first English blank verse 34. Richard TottePs Miscellany of Songs and Sonnets contained poems by更多精品文檔學習一好資料andbv.35. Philip Sidney thought thathad supenoritv ovei philosophy and lustoiy36. is a picture of contemporaiy England with for
34、cible exposure of theamong the laboring classes.37. More pomts out that the root of poverty is theof social wealth38. Soimets containsoimets andsoimets39. The highest gloiy of the English Renaissance was unquestionably its40. The miracles were simple plays based onstories.41. There are significant t
35、ouches oflife m the play titled The Shepherds42 A morality play presented theof good andwithpeisonages.43. Vice was the predecessor of the modem44. Tluough the revival of classical liteiature, English playwrights came into contactwithanddrama.45. From the contact with Greek and Latin diama, English
36、playwrights learned all theunportant rules inand, the more exact conception ofand46. English comedies and tragedies on classical models appeared in the middle of the centuiv47 The first English comedy is48. The fust English tragedy is49. Muacle plays, morality plays, interludes and classical plays p
37、aved the way foi theflouiisliuig of50. In the 16th centurybecame the centre of English drama51 By, professional actors were organized into compames52. were wooden buildings, usually ciicular m form, with tiers (一排排) ofgalleries sunounding a roofless pit (樓下居lj場)53. In the Elizabethan Theater, there
38、were noand womens parts were alwaystaken by.54. Shakespeares nanative poem, Aenus and Adonis, is fiill of vivid miages of the , and aphoiisms (格言、警句)on life.55. Shakespeare was a greatof the English language56. Shakespeares diamatic creation often used the method of57. Shakespeares diama becomes a m
39、onument of the English58. Shakespeare was afor play-wiitiiig59. Shakespearespeople represent all the complexities and implications ofreal lifeKev to the blanks:7. Language; literature8. fixed; confiimed9. Bible coinages10. smiple; dignified11. William Caxton12. Reading; liteiatuie13. First1. Latin B
40、ible2. Piotestantism; Catholicism3. Protestants4. John Wvcliffe; RefbnnationJ刁5. William Tyiidal6. Authorized Version, James I;Kuig Janies Bible學習好資料14. Shakespeare15. Punter; publisher16. 100; 2417. 15th; prose18. National19. Publisher; cultuie20. 14th; 17th21. Religious iefbimation22. feudalist id
41、eas; interests; puntv23. Humamsm; human mind; human cultuie24. Speiiseiian; Edmund Spenser; The Faerie Queene ababbcbcc25. Lancaster; York26. The Refomiation27. the Enclosure Movement;pioletanans28. punting29. feudal; capitalism30. sheep devours men31. William VIII32 Renaissance33. Hemy Howard, Eail
42、 of Suney34. 96、Sii Thomas Wyatt, 40, Hemy Howard, Eail ofSunev35. poetiy36. Utopia, Book One; poverty37. private ownership38.1taliaiVPetfafchan ; Shakespearean39. Drama40. Bible41. real42. Conflict; evil; allegorical43. Clown44. Greek; Latin45. Stnictuie; style; comedy; tragedy46. 16th47. Gammer Gu
43、rtons Needle 葛頓大娘的縫 衣針48. Gorboduc高波特克49. Drama50. London51. 156752. Elizabethan theatres53 actress; boys54. countiyside55. master56. adaptation (revision)57. Renaissance58. mastei-hand (能手)59. fiill-bloodIV. Say true or false.1. The old English aristociacv having been extemunated (wiped out) m the
44、course of the War of the Roses, a new nobility, totally dependent on Kings power, come to the foie.2. Absolute monarchy in England reached its summit duimg the reign of Queen Elizabeth 3. The progress of bourgeois economy made England a powerfiil state and enabled her in 1588 to inflict a defeat on
45、the Spanish Invincible Aimada4. The Piotestant Refbnnation was ui essence a religious movement in a political guise.5. Before the Refbnnation, the English Bible was universally used by the Catholic churches.6. Walter Raleigli wrote his Histoiy of the World in lmprisomnen匸7. More the man is even more
46、 inteiesting than More the writer.學習一好資料8. Utopia, Book One, describes an ideal conununist society.9. Tianslations occupied an lmponant place in the English Renaissance10. Philip Sidneys collection of love sonnets is Astrophel and Stella.11. The Miracle plays were not foibidden to peifonn in chuiche
47、s after the actois mtioduced secular and even comical elements into the peiformance.12. The writer of Gammer Gurton fs Needle is uiikiiown.13. Two lawyers who wrote Gorboduc were Thomas Sackv-ille (托馬斯薩克維爾) and Thomas Noiton (托馬斯諾頓).14. Shakespeares sonnets are divided into three gioups: Numbers 1一1
48、7, Numbers 18126, and Numbeis 127154.15. Shakespeares sonnets are written for variety of viitues16. Engels said, “Realism implies, besides tnith ill detail, the tmthfiil reproduction of typical characters under typical circumstances.17. Shakespeare wrote about his own people and fbi lus own tune.18.
49、 Shakespeares one play contains one theme(contains more than one theme)19. To reproduce the real life, Shakespeare often combmes the majestic with the fmmy, the poetic with the pirosaic(散文體白勺)and tragic with the comic20. Engels called Shakespeares plays the Shakespearean vivacity (活潑、快活)and wealth o
50、f (大量的)action”.21 Utopia is Modes masterpiece, wiitten m the form of letters between More and Hythloday, a voyage22. Sn Plulip Sidney is well-known as a poet and dramatist.23. Carl Marx conunented lughly on Modes Utopia and mentioned it in his great work. The Capital.24. The highest gloiy of the Eng
51、lish Renaissance was unquestionably its poetiy.25. The niuacle plays were sunple plays based on Bible stones, such as the creation of the world. Noah and the flood, and the buth of Clmst.26 Grammer Gurtons Needle is the first English comedy, Gorboduc the first English tragedy.27. Both the gentlemen
52、and the conunon people went to the theatres But the upper class was the doniuiant force m Elizabethan theatre28. After Shakespeare death, Heiminge and Condell collected and published lus plays in 162329. From Shakespeare histoiy plays, it can be seen that Shakespeare took a great mterest in the poli
53、tical questions of his tune.30. In Shakespeares histoiical plays, lustoiical accuracy is not strictly regaided31. King Lear is a tragedy of ambition, wluch drives a biave soldier and national hero to degenerate into a bloody murder and despot fight to lus doom32. Coming fiom an old Danish legend, Ot
54、hello is considered the summit of Shakespeare an.33. Shakespeare is one of the founders of lomanticism m world literature34. Generally speakuig, after Shakespeare, the English drama was undeigomg a process of piospeiitv.35. English Renaissance Period was an age of poetiy and drama, and was an age of
55、更多精品文檔學習一好資料prose.36. There are two main characteis in As You Li辰 It: Orlando and Rosalind.37. Ben Johnsons comedies are comedies of humois and eveiy character in his comedies peisomfies a definite “humoi.38. In Ben Johnsons later years he became the literary king of lus tmie.Kev to the True/False s
56、tatements:37. F (oidinaiy people were)3&T1. T2. T3. T4. F. (a political movement in areligious guise)5. F. (the Latin Bible)6. TF (Sidnev)TT9.10. T11. T12. T13. F ( Book Two)14. T15. T16. T17. T18. F19. T20. T21. F (a conversation)22. F (poet and critic of poetiy)23. F24. F(darma)25. T26. T27. T2&T29. T30. T31. F
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