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1、中考人機對話軟件下載篇一:中考英語人機對話中考英語“人機對話”,怎么考?【評測標準】4個標準 完整性、準確性、流利性、韻律性根據(jù)現(xiàn)場培訓老師的講解,中考英語口語的考查是以完整性、準確性、流利性、韻律性4個標準來評測打分。完整性,即朗讀短文是否完整,話題表述是否對回答要點完整表述等;準確性,則是將學生的發(fā)音與標準語音庫進行對比,看差別打分,這套系統(tǒng)對此都能有效評測。此外,更高的要求就是流利性和韻律性,對語速快慢、是否停頓重復、語音語調等作出評測?!翱谡Z回答過程中,發(fā)生錯誤進行一至兩次及時修正,是不會影響評分的?!睙狳c問答考試中,要注意哪些細節(jié)?1.考生考試過程中需要注意什么?要特別注意以下問題:


3、答案呢?如考生想修改當前頁面的試題答案,可以直接操作;如想修改其他頁面的答案,計算機系統(tǒng)在聽力考試結束前,會留有1分鐘,供考生修改所有聽力考題的答案。5.口語部分,考生什么時候開始回答?這個部分的答題需要考生十分注意聽語音提示,不要搶答。聽到“開始錄音”的提示,等“嘀”聲開始后開始答題,此時錄音設備才會將考生的答題內容錄制下來。千萬不能搶答,否則就會出現(xiàn)漏錄,影響了考生完整性得分。6.自己進行口語回答時,會不會錄進別人的回答而影響得分呢?有條件的考場要求一人隔一人,如不能做到,也要求每臺機器相隔80厘米,加上考場使用專用耳機,在此前的測試中,沒有發(fā)生互相干擾的問題,所以學生不必擔心。 英語中考

4、 明年“人機對話”明年,我省將在中考中全面采用英語聽力口語的自動化考試,并選擇部分中考學科組織全省統(tǒng)一命題。英語聽力口語自動化考試,是由省教學研究室與中科院自動化研究所、牛津大學出版社合作開發(fā)的項目,這個項目通過建立大型題庫和評價標準系統(tǒng),計算機人機對話考試,計算機自動評卷,實現(xiàn)聽力口語考試自動化。省教育廳已于去年5月在蘇州、南通、連云港市部分學校試點,明年,我省將在全省各市中考中全面采用英語聽力口語的自動化考試,在條件成熟后將這一項目推廣應用到我省高考中。英語口語考試流程考生入座、考生登錄佩戴耳麥、測試耳麥設備監(jiān)考老師宣布開始考試,進入5秒倒計時12分鐘聽力考試8分鐘口語考試考試結束,摘下耳

5、麥放回原處,等待答卷自動上傳在監(jiān)考老師指令下有序退場篇二:江蘇省2016屆中考英語 人機對話 考場情景對話情景對話1你喜歡和你的好朋友max一起打乒乓球,你們每周打一次。what do you like doing with your friend max?i like playing table tennis with him.how often do you play it?we play it once a week.2你爸爸是醫(yī)生,他當醫(yī)生已有十五年了。what does your father do?he is a doctor.how long has he been a doct

6、or?he has been a doctor for fifteen years.3你家附近開了一家新餐館,昨天你去吃了,你點了一碗牛肉面。where is the new restaurant?it is near my home.what did you order yesterday?i ordered a bowl of beef noodles yesterday.4你最喜歡科學這門學科,因為你覺得科學很有趣。1which subject is your favourite?my favourite subject is science.why do you like it?bec

7、ause i think science is interesting.5下午你打算去一家服裝店,因為你要買一件外套和一條褲子。where do you plan to go in the afternoon?i plan to go to a clothes shop.why do you go there?because i want to buy a coat and a pair of trousers.6廣告可以幫你比較不同的商品;了解了標價,你就可以去價格最低的商店。what can ads help you to do?they can help me to compare di

8、fferent products.what can you do when prices are listed?i can go to the store with the lowest price.7你還沒準備好,還沒關窗戶。are you ready now?no, im not.2what havent you done?ive not closed the windows.8你今天得做很多雜務,你大概一個小時前開始做的。what do you have to do today?i have to do many chores.when did you start?i started a

9、bout an hour ago.9該樂隊組建大約一年了,上個月獲得年度最佳新組合獎。how long have the members of the band been together?theyve been together for about a year.what award did they get last month?they got the best new group of the year.10海牛體長十英尺左右,重約一千磅。how long are manatees?theyre about 10 feet long.how much do they weigh?the

10、y weigh about one thousand pounds.311海牛體型大,皮膚灰色,生性溫和害羞。what do manatees look like?they are big and gray.what are they like?they are gentle and shy.12你認為,動物應該住在動物園,動物園為瀕危動物提供衛(wèi)生、安全的棲息之所。do you think animals should live in zoos?yes, i think so.whats the reason?zoos provide clean and safe places for end

11、angered animals to live.13我家離學校大約五公里遠,所以我通常乘坐公共汽車去上學。how far is it from your home to the school?its about five kilometers from my home to the school.how do you usually go to school?i usually go to school by bus.14我們國家最重要的傳統(tǒng)節(jié)日是春節(jié),那時我們會走親訪友。which is the most important traditional festival in your coun

12、try?4the spring festival is the most important traditional festival.how do you celebrate it?we usually visit friends and relatives at that time.15我的奶奶八十歲了,她的身體依然健康。whats the age of your grandmother?my grandmother is eighty years old.how is she doing?she is still healthy.16我姓布朗,我的電話號碼是8 0 0 4 7 5 6 2

13、。whats your family name?my family name is brown.whats your telephone number?my telephone number is 8 0 0 4 7 5 6 2.17我更喜歡旅游,旅游能讓我放松身心。which do you prefer, staying at home or going on a trip? i prefer going on a trip.how do you feel when travelling?5篇三:中考人機對話訓練一day onei 音標國際上一般認為英語音標共有48個。 其中元音有20個,輔

14、音28個。元音分為單元音和雙元音,輔音分為清輔音,濁輔音和其它 元音:元音分為單元音和雙元音 單元音 12個前元音? e: i i:后元音: u u: ? a: ? ?:中元音: ? ?:ii.重音訓練1. (duh) duh (duh) (la) la (la) (mee) mee (mee) (ho) ho (ho) 2. duh duh (duh) la la (la) mee mee (mee) ho ho (ho) 3. duh (duh) duh la (la) la mee (mee) mee ho (ho) ho 4. (duh) duh duh (la) la la (mee

15、) mee mee (ho) ho ho6. (duh) duh (duh) duh duh (duh) duh (duh) duh (duh) duh duh 7. (a) b (d) impre(cise) con(di)tion (al)phabet 8. (1) 2 (3) a hot (dog) a (hot) dog (hot) dog stand9. (dogs) eat (bones) they eat (bones) they (eat) them (give) me oneiii.句子練習1. dogs eat bones.2. mike likes bikes. 4. a

16、dam plays pool. 6. susie combs her hair. 8. nelly teaches french. 10.keys open lockes.3. elsa wants a book.5. bobby needs some money. 7. john lives in france. 9. ben writes articles.12. jean sells some apples.14. bill and i fix the bikes.11. jerry makes music. 13. carol paints the car.15. ann and ed

17、 call the kids. 16. the kids like the candy. 18. the boys need some help.17. the girls have a choice.iv.短文朗讀last sunday wang qin went to the great wall with his parents by bus. it was a beautiful day. there were many people there. he saw one of his friends jing hong. she was with her aunt.they took some photos on the great wall and then had lunch there. his parents had some noodles and wang qin had a lot of beiji


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