1、intermediate algebra syllabusmat 1033fall 2009instructoranthony depassofficenm 112 mtw 9:00-9:30, 11:00-12:30, 3:15-4:00 tr 9:00-9:30, 11:00-12:30, 3:15-3:30telephone791-2707email textintermediate algebra: an applied approach 7th edition by aufmann, barker and lockwood wit
2、h eduspacewebsite (your log-in is your student id # and your password is the one you created for your webster account at the college.) calculatorscientific calculator or ti 83/84 recommended. no phone calculatorsprerequisitemat 0024 or placement test syllabus addendumposted in an
3、gel for students to read and adhere to and and the end of this document. course description: mat 1033 extends the algebraic skills of mat 0024 (elementary algebra) to prepare students for college algebra (mac 1105). advanced work with polynomials, radicals, equations, and graphing make up the major
4、part of the course. this is a three credit hour course. spc withdrawalpolicystudents are required to attend class regularly and on time. beginning january 2008, instructors can no longer withdraw students from classes. if a student wishes to withdraw from a course, it is the responsibility of the st
5、udent to withdraw either online through my spc or with the help of an advisor in the registration office. if the withdraw is completed by october 29, 2009, a grade of “w” will be recorded which does not impact the students gpa. if the withdrawal occurs after october 29, 2009, the student will receiv
6、e a grade of wf (withdraw-failing). the wf grade is punitive; it has the same impact on the gpa as an f. students in the third attempt of a course who withdraw will receive a wf regardless of the date of withdrawal. also, students who do not show sufficient active participation (i.e. completion of t
7、ests and quizzes and regular attendance) in the course by october 29, 2009, will be administratively withdrawn by the college and receive a wf. students who withdraw from all classes may be required to repay some or all of the financial aid received for the term. should you consider totally withdraw
8、ing from all classes before october 29, 2009 it is important that you consult the scholarships & student financial assistance office on your home campus to understand your options and the consequences of total withdrawal. testing: no make-up exams will be given. only students who make arrangements p
9、rior to the test date will be allowed to take their test early. a two-day (business day) minimum notice is required to do this, however. tests must be taken prior to the next class meeting at a pre-arranged time convenient to both the student as well as the instructor. students who do not take their
10、 test during the scheduled class time or the pre-arranged time will use their final exam score as their test score for the missed test. if more than one test is missed, a grade of zero will be given for that test(s). students who take all tests can use their final exam score to replace one lower tes
11、t score. a comprehensive, mandatory final examination will be given. you will need scantron #20052 for this exam. the final exam can not be dropped. calculators may be used on all tests. (graphing calculators are recommended: ti 83 or 84).quizzes will be given at least once a week. quizzes will be g
12、iven at the start of class. no make-up quizzes will be given. at the end of the semester, one or more of your lowest quiz scores will be dropped. the average quiz grade will count as 1 additional test score.assignments: the assignment list for the textbook is attached. these assignments will not be
13、collected. however, your quizzes and exams will be based on these problems and notes from class! grading policy: the chapter tests, quiz average, and final exam grade will be used to compute the final class grade. no make-up exams are given. the final exam is comprehensive and compulsory. the gradin
14、g scale is:90 100 = a80 89 = b 70 79 = c60 69 = d below 60 = fgordon rule: you must make a minimum grade of “c” in this course if you are using it to meet the gordon rule requirement.disability statement: if you wish to receive special accommodations as a student with a documented disability, please
15、 contact stephanie silvers, learning support specialist, ss 104, 791-2710. if you have a documented hearing loss, please contact the program for the deaf/hard of hearing, ss 101, 791-2628 (v/tdd). if you will need assistance during an emergency evacuation, please contact your campus learning special
16、ist immediately about arrangements for your safety. the phone for offices of services for students with disabilities is 791-2628 or 791-2710.sexual predator statement: federal and state law requires a person designated as a sexual predator oroffender to register with the florida department of law en
17、forcement (fdle).the fdle then is required to notify the local law enforcement agency wherethe registrant resides, attends or is employed by an institution of higherlearning. information regarding sexual predators or offenders attending oremployed by an institution of higher learning may be obtained
18、 from the locallaw enforcement agency with jurisdiction for the particular campus, bycalling the fdle hotline (1-888-fl-predator) or (1-888-357-7332), or byvisiting the fdle website at fdle.state.fl.us/sexual_predators. if thereare questions or concerns regarding personal safety, please contact thep
19、rovost, associate provost, campus security officer or site administrator onyour campus.assignment list (*) indicates every other odd problemsectionpage#problemschapter 22.163-661-115 eoo* 2.271-721-23 odd2.379-821-35 odd 2.489-941-101 eooch 2 test115-1161-13, 18-25chapter 33.1127-1301-27 odd3.2137-1
20、421-99 eoo3.3151-1541-39 odd3.4161-1651-57 eoo3.5170-1741-89 eoo, 95, 973.6179-1801-29 oddchapter 3 test195-1961-20 allchapter 44.1209-2121-63 eoo4.2221-2241-41 odd4.4237-2401-23 odd4.5 243-2441-23 oddch 4 test253-2541-20 allchapter 55.2 277-2781-39 odd5.4296-2991-12 all, 13-19 odd5.5308-3111-115 eo
21、o5.6318-3211-65 eoo, 94, 95, 97-99, 104, 124, 1295.7324-3251-65 oddch 5 test335-33861-11, 14, 17, 18, 20, 22-26chapter 66.1347-3501-95 eoo6.2355-3581-81 eoo6.3361-3621-49 odd6.4365-3661-33 odd6.5373-3761-31 eooch 6 test391-3921-18, 20chapter 75.1 267-270 1-127 eoo7.1403-4061-135 eoo 7.2413-4161-111
22、eoo7.3421-4221-27 odd, 317.4429-4301-25 allch 7 test439-4401-25 allchapter 88.1449-4521-119 eoo8.2457-4581-47 eoo8.3463-4641-45 eoo8.4469-47019-30 all; 37-51 oddch 8 test484-4901-11 all, 149.1503-5087-103 eoofinal exams december 14-17, 2009 syllabus addendumaugust 19, 2008in the event topics listedi
23、n this addendum also appear in your syllabus, please note that you should rely on the addendum informationas this information is the most current.important college policy regarding course drop-add period and audit informationyou may drop a course during the first week of class and be eligible for a
24、refund. (see a counselor/advisor to finalize your schedule, so you wont be left without the classes you want or need). you may not change from credit to audit status after the end of the first week of classes. grading and repeat course policiesstate policy specifies that students may not repeat a co
25、llege credit course for which a grade of “c” or higher has been earned except by appeal to the campus academic appeals committee. you may repeat a college credit course one time without penalty. at the third attempt, you will pay the full cost of instruction. the full cost of instruction rate for 20
26、08-09 is $280.39 per credit hour. in addition, at the third attempt you may not receive a grade of “i,” “w,” or “x,” but must receive the letter grade earned. this grade will be averaged into your overall grade point average.attendance/active participation/withdrawal policiesin january 2008 the coll
27、ege implemented a new attendance policy. revised board of trustees rule 6hx23-4.30 replaces the information found on pages 136 and 137 in the student rights and responsibilities section of the 2008-09 student planner and handbook. each instructor must exercise professional judgment to determine if y
28、ou are actively participating in class. faculty will publish their own personal participation/attendance policies in their syllabi. this policy will be used to determine grades. if you are not actively participating in class as defined in an instructors syllabus, you will be reported to the administ
29、ration during the week following the voluntary withdrawal date.instructors will verify that you are in attendance during the first two weeks of class. if you are classified as a “no show” for both of the first two weeks, you will be administratively withdrawn.immediately following the 60% point of t
30、he term, each instructor will verify which students are actively participating in class as defined in the course syllabus. if you are classified as not meeting the criteria for active class participation, you will be administratively withdrawn with a “wf.” you will be able to withdraw yourself at an
31、y time during the term. requests submitted after the 60% deadline, however, will result in a “wf.” you and your instructor will automatically receive notification through spc e-mail whenever a withdrawal occurs. federal guidelines related to financial aid and total withdrawal from the collegethe u.s
32、. department of education has implemented rules for students who obtain a pell grant, stafford loan, and/or federal supplemental educational opportunity grant and subsequently totally withdraw from the college. the rule requires you to refund to the department of education a portion of your financia
33、l aid if you completely withdraw from st. petersburg college before the 60% point in the term. you also may be required to repay funds to the college if you are identified as not actively participating in all of your classes, or if you do not receive at least one final passing grade (d or higher). s
34、hould you consider totally withdrawing from all classes before the published withdrawal date, it is important that you consult the financial assistance services office on your home campus to understand your options and the consequences of total withdrawal.academic honestyst. petersburg college has a
35、n academic honesty policy.it is your responsibility to be familiar with the policies, rules, and the consequences of violations. there is no tolerance for cheating and academic dishonesty.discipline can range from a zero on a specific assignment to expulsion from the class with a grade of f.note tha
36、t copy/pasting published information, whether its from your textbook or the internet, without citing your source is plagiarism and violates this policy.even if you change the words slightly, the ideas are someone elses so you still have to cite your sources. cheating, plagiarism, bribery, misreprese
37、ntation, conspiracy, and fabrication are defined in board rule 6hx23-4.461. student affairs: academic honesty guidelines, classroom behavior. :/ /webcentral/catalog/current/stu_affairs_honesty.htm student expectationsall electronic devices such as cell phones, beepers, pagers, and relat
38、ed devices are to be turned off before entering the classroom, library, and laboratories to avoid disruption. use of any device in these areas is a violation of college policy and subject to disciplinary action.college computers are intended for academic work. inappropriate use of computers during c
39、lass time is prohibited. you should understand that you may be required to use the internet for some courses. furthermore, you may be required to have discussions of class assignments and share papers and other class materials with instructors and classmates via chat rooms and other mechanisms. ther
40、efore, internet users may be able to access your work whether the access is secured or unsecured. the college cannot protect you from the type of materials on the internet or the potential piracy of your materials. emergency preparedness in the event that a hurricane or other natural disaster causes
41、 significant damage to st. petersburg college facilities, you may be provided the opportunity to complete your course work online. following the event, please visit the college web site for an announcement of the colleges plan to resume operations.you should familiarize yourself with the emergency p
42、rocedures and evacuation routes located in the buildings you use frequently. located in each classroom is an emergency response guide (flip-chart) that contains information for proper actions in response to emergencies. you should be prepared to assess situations quickly and use good judgment in det
43、ermining a course of action. you should evacuate to assembly areas in an orderly manner when an alarm sounds or when directed to do so by college faculty or staff or emergency services personnel. you may access additional emergency information by going to /security. in face to face cour
44、ses your instructor will review the specific campus plans for emergency events.campus safety and securityfor information on campus safety and security policies please contact 791-2560. if there are questions or concerns regarding personal safety, please contact the provost, associate provost, campus
45、 security officer, or site administrator on your campus. :/ /tsc/security.htm sexual predator informationfederal and state laws require a person designated as a “sexual predator or offender” to register with the florida department of law enforcement (fdle). the fdle is then required to notify the local law enforcement agency where the registrant resides, attends, or is employed by an in
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