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1、1995年8月托福考試閱讀理解全真試題(上)1995年8月托??荚囬喿x理解全真試題(上)1995年8月托 ??荚囬喿x理解全真試題(上)question 1-9the ocea n bottom a regi on n early 2.5 times greatertha n the total la nd area of the earth is a vast fron tier thateven today is largely unexplored and uncharted.untilabout acen tury ago, the deep ocea n floor was compl

2、etely in accessible,hiddenbeneath waters averaging over 3,6000 metersdeep.totally without light and subjected to intense pressures hun dredsof times greater than at the earth s surface, the deep ocea nbottom is a hostile en vir onment to huma ns, in someways as forbidd ing and remote as the void of

3、outer space.although researchers have take n samples of deep ocea nrocks and sedime nts for over a cen tury, the first detailed globalinvestigation of the ocean bottom did not actually start un til1968, with the beg inning of the n ati onalscie neefoun dati on sdeep sea drilli ng project (dsdp). usi

4、ng tech niq ues firstdeveloped for the offshore oil and gas in dustry, the dsdp s drillship, the glomar challe nger, was able to mai ntai n a steadypositionon the ocean s surface and drill in very deepwaters,extract ing samples of sedime nts and rock from the ocea n floor.the glomar challe nger comp

5、leted 96 voyages in a 15 yearresearch program that en ded in no vember 1983. duri ngthis time, the vessel logged 600,000 kilometers and tookalmost 20,000 core samples of seabed sediments and rocks at624 drilli ng sites around the world. the glomar challe ngercore samples have allowed geologists to r

6、ec on struct what thepla net looked like hun dreds of millio ns of years ago andtocalculate what it will probably look like millio ns of years inthefuture. today, largely on the stre ngth of evide nee gatheredduring the glomar challenger s voyages, nearly all earth scie ntistsagree on the theories o

7、f plate tect onics and continen taldrift that explain many of the geological processes that shapethe earth.the cores of sedime nt drilled by the glomar challe ngerhave also yieldedinformationcritical to understandingtheworld s past climates. deep ocea n sedime nts provide aclimatic record stretching

8、 back hundredsof millionsof years,because they are largely isolated from the mechanical erosi on andthe intense chemical and biological activity that rapidly destroymuch land based evide nee of past climates. this record hasalready provided in sights into the patter ns and causes of pastclimatic cha

9、 nge in formati on that may be used to predict future climates.1. the author refers to the ocea n bottom as a fron tier inline 2 because it(a) is not a popular area for scie ntific research(b) contains a wide variety of life forms(c) attracts courageous explorers(d) is an unknown territory2. the wor

10、d in accessible in line 4 is closest in meaning to(a) un recog ni zable(b) un reachable(c) unu sable(d) un safe3. the author men ti ons outer space in line 9 because(a) the earth s climate milli ons of years ago was similar tocon diti ons in outer space(b) it is similar to the ocean floor in being a

11、lien to the huma n en vir onment(c) rock formations in outer space are similar to those found on the ocea n floor(d) techniques used by scientists to explore outer space were similar to those used in ocea n explorati on4. which of the followi ng is true of the glomar challe nger?(a) it is a type of

12、submari ne.(b) it is an ongoing project.(c) it has gone on over 100 voyages.(d) it made its first dsdp voyage in 1968.5. the word extracti ng in line 18 is closest in meaning to(a) breaki ng(b) locat ing(c) removing(d) an alyz ingwas6. the deep sea drilli ng project was sig ni fica nt because it(a)

13、an attempt to find new sources of oil and gas(b) the first exte nsive explorati on of the ocea n bottom(c) composed of geologists from all over the world(d) fun ded en tirely by the gas and oil in dustry7. the word stre ngth in line 21 is closest in meaning to(a) basis(b) purpose(c) discovery(d) en

14、dura nee8. the word they in line 36 refers to(a) years(b) climates(c) sedime nts(d) cores9. which of the followi ng is not men ti oned in the passageas being a result of the deep sea drilli ng project?(a) geologists were able to determ inethe earth sappeara nee hun dreds of milli ons of years ago.(b

15、) two geological theories became more widely acceptedby scie ntists.(c) informationwas revealed about the earth s pastclimatic cha nges.(d) geologists observed forms of marine life n ever before see n.questio ns 10-21basic to any un dersta nding of can ada in 20 yearsafter the sec ond world war is t

16、he country s impressivepopulationgrowth. for every three canadians in 1945,there wereover five in 1996. in september 1966 can ada s populati onpassed the 20 millio n mark. most of this surg ing growth camefrom n atural in crease. the depressi on of the 1930 s and thewar had held back marriages and t

17、he catch ing up processbega n after 1945. the baby boom con ti nued through the decadeof the 1950 s, produc ing a populati on in crease of n earlyfifteen percent in the five years from 1951 to 1956. this rateof in crease had bee n exceeded only once before in can adashistory, in the decade before 19

18、11, whe n the prairies werebeing settled. un doubtedly, the good econo mic con diti ons of the1950 s supported a growth in the population, but the expa nsionalso derived from a trend toward earlier marriages and anin crease in the average size of families. in 1957 the can adia nbirth rate stood at 2

19、8 per thousa nd, one of the highest in theworld.after the peak year of 1957, the birth rate in can adabega n to decli ne.it con ti nued falli ng un til in 1966 it stood at thelowest level in 25 years. partly this decline reflected the lowlevel of births during the depression and the war, but it wasa

20、lso caused by cha nges in can adia n society. young peoplewere stay ing at schoo I Ion ger, more wome n were work ing,youngmarriedcoupleswerebuyi ngautomobilesorhousesbeforestarti ngfamilies,risi nglivi ngsta ndardswerecutt ingdow nthe sizeof families.it appearedthat canadawasoncemore falli ng in st

21、ep with the trend toward smaller families thathad occurred all through the western world si nee the timeofthe in dustrial revolutio n.although the growth in can ada s populati on has sloweddow n by 1966(the in crease in the first half of the I960 swasonly nine percent). another large populationwave

22、wascomingover the horiz on .it would be composed of the childre n ofthechildren who were born during the period of the high birthrate prior to 1957.10. what does the passage mainly discuss?(a) educati onal cha nges in can adia n society.(b) can ada duri ng the sec ond world war(c) populati on trends

23、 in postwar can ada(d) sta ndards of liv ing in can ada11. according to the passage, when did canada s babyboom beg in?(a) in the decade after 1911(b) after 1945(c) duri ng the depressi on of the 1930 s(d) in 196612. the word five in line 4 refers to(a) can adia ns(b) years(c) decades(d) marriages13

24、. the word surg ing in line 5 is closest in meaning to(a) new(b) extra(c) accelerat ing(d) surpris ing14. the author suggests that in can ada dur ing the 1950 s(a) the urba n populati on decreased rapidly(b) fewer people married(c) econo mic con diti ons were poor(d) the birth rate was very high15.

25、the word tre nd in line 15 is closest in meaning to(a) tendency(b) aim(c) growth(d) directive16. the word peak in line 19 is closest in meaning to(a) poin ted(b) dismal(c) moun tai n(d) maximum17. whe n was the birth rate in can ada at its lowest postwar level? 1966(b) 1957(c) 1956(d) 195118. the au

26、thor men tio ns all of the follow ing as causes ofdecli nes in populati on growth after 1957 except(a) people being better educated(b) people gett ing married earlier(c) better sta ndards of liv ing(d) couples buying houses19. it can be inferred from the passage that before the in dustrial revoluti

27、on(a) families were larger(b) populati on statistic were un reliable(c) the populati on grew steadily(d) econo mic con diti ons were bad20. the word it in line 34 refers to(a) horiz on(b) populati on wave(c) nine perce nt(d) first half21. the phrase prior to in line 36 is closest in meaning to(a) be

28、hi nd(b) since(c) duri ng(d) precedi ngquestio ns 22-30are orga ni cally grow n foods the best food choices? theadva ntages claimed for such foods over conven ti on ally grow nand marketed food products are now being debated. advocatesof orga nic foods a term whose meaning varies greatlyfreque ntly

29、proclaim that such products are safer and morenu tritious tha n others.the grow ing in terest of con sumers in the safety and morenu triti onal quality of the typical n orth america n diet is awelcome developme nt. however, much of this in terest has bee nsparked by sweep ing claims that the food su

30、pply is un safe orin adequate in meeti ng nu triti onal n eeds. although mostofthese claims are not supported by scie ntific evide nee, theprep on dera nee of writte n material adva ncing such claims makes itdifficult for the gen eral public to separate fact from ficti on.asofa result, claims that e

31、ating a diet consistingentirelyorga ni callygrow n foods preve nts or cures disease or provides otherandben efits to health have become widely publicized form thebasis for folklore.almost daily the public is besieged by claims for no-agi ngdiets, new vitam ins, and other won der foods. there arenume

32、rous unsubstantiatedreports that natural vitaminsaresuperiortosyn theticon es,that fertilized eggsarenu triti on allysuperiortounfertilizedeggs,that untreatedgrainsarebettertha n fumigated grains and the like.one thi ng that most orga ni cally grow n food productsseem to have in com mon is that they

33、 cost more tha n conven tio nallygrow n foods. but in many cases con sumers are misledif they believe organic foods can maintain health and providebetter nu triti onal quality tha n conven ti on ally grow n foods.sothere is real cause for concern if consumers, particularlythosewith limited in comes,

34、 distrust the regular food and buyand buyonly expe nsive orga nic foods in stead.22. the world advocates in line 3 is closest in meaning towhich of the follow ing?(a) prop onents(b) mercha nts(c) in spectors(d) con sumers23. i n line 6, the word others refers to(a) adva ntages(b) advocates(c) orga n

35、ic foods(d) products24. the welcome developme nt men ti oned in line 8-9 isan in crease in(a) interest in food safety and nutritional quality of thetypical n orth america n diet(b) the nutritionalquality of the typical north americandiet(c) the amount of healthy food grow n in no rth america(d) the nu mber of con sumers in n orth america25. accordingto the first paragraph, which of thefollowi ng is true about the term orga nic foods?(a) it is accepted by most nu triti oni sts.(b) it has bee n used


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