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1、yuan, an increase of 17.5%; local government general budget revenue of 500 million Yuan, . Painting, model culture creates new Ma Church community, creating Lake scenic spot culture education base, received high evaluation from provincial and municipal discipline Inspection Commission, the peoples d

2、aily special report. Constantly promote independent Commission against corruption culture construction to rural extends, created established Dahlin rural industry Park independent Commission against corruption culture positions, formed has a support service low double excellent of members lead team,

3、 constantly perfect and established Park funds assets management, and village audit supervision, and villagers democratic financial, system, strengthening Park party, and Chief, and financial, full public, powerful to guarantees has new rural construction, by city rural style clean government inspec

4、tion unit led of height evaluation. Through the implementation of honest and clean government cultural construction, and effectively educate the broad masses of party members and cadres and consciously regulated behavior and discipline, honesty in politics and culture to create a good atmosphere and

5、 fresh development environment. Although we in implement implementation independent Commission against corruption guidelines aspects made has must effectiveness, but away from superior of requirements also exists must of distance, main performance for: a is system enough sound, education, and superv

6、ision, and prevention, and punishment, aspects long-term mechanism also enough perfect, especially in enrollment bid work regulatory aspects also needed strengthening; II is regulatory supervision exists lost of Yu wide, and lost of Yu soft, investigation illegal disciplinary case of efforts also ne

7、eded strengthening, individual sector and cadres also different degree exists treat gift, not to benefits not do, and mess do of phenomenon; Three for honest work is the new situations and new problems in finding timely enough, treatment measures are not strong enough. To solve these problems, we wi

8、ll proceed from the following five aspects of rectification, make sure to implement the provisions of the code. (A) deepening the learning, enhance the consciousness of honesty in politics. To create event as an opportunity to Excel and learning party, further increasing the governance capability an

9、d advanced construction, reinforced rules of the broad masses of party members and cadres awareness, sense of responsibility, sense of honor, improve working ability and level of scientific development. Should make full use of meetings, in particular central group learning opportunity, further stren

10、gthening the study and education of the code, the intensive warning education, education the majority of party members and cadres known fear, knew fear, honesty in politics of tension the strings, consciousness and enhancing the implementation of the initiative. Also, pay attention to apply what the

11、y have learned, consciously study results into planning work, new ideas,結構計算書某六層框架結構,建筑平面圖、剖面圖如圖1所示,采用鋼筋混凝土全現(xiàn)澆框架結構設計。1設計資料(1)設計標高:室內(nèi)設計標高0.000 m,室內(nèi)外高差450mm。(2)墻身做法:墻身為普通機制磚填充墻,M5水泥砂漿砌筑。內(nèi)粉刷為混合砂漿底,紙筋灰面,厚20mm,“803”內(nèi)墻涂料兩度。外粉刷為1:3水泥砂漿底,厚20mm,馬賽克貼面。(3)樓面做法:頂層為20mm厚水泥砂漿找平,5mm厚1:2水泥砂漿加“107”膠水著色粉面層;底層為15mm厚紙筋

12、面石灰抹底,涂料兩度。(4)屋面做法:現(xiàn)澆樓板上鋪膨脹珍珠巖保溫層(檐口處厚100mm,2%自兩側檐口向中間找坡),1:2水泥砂漿找平層厚20mm,二氈三油防水層。(5)門窗做法:門廳處為鋁合金門窗,其它均為木門,鋼窗。(6)地質(zhì)資料:屬類建筑場地。(7)基本風壓:o=0.55 KN/m2(地面粗糙度屬B類)。(8)活荷載:屋面活荷載2.0 KN/m2,辦公樓樓面活荷載2.0KN/m2,走廊樓面活荷載2.0KN/m2 。 建筑剖面圖采用的原料均來源于草本植物,并不包含任何人工合成添加劑。以健康養(yǎng)生為理念,以天然植物為原料,更加符合現(xiàn)代人的生活訴求,已經(jīng)成為消費者日常飲料的主要選擇。new me

13、asures to promote work, the courage to take responsibility, dare to break hard to ensure district, Government decisions and arrangements to implement. (B) strengthening supervision, severely punish acts of violation. One is to open the channels of supervision. Vigorously promote the party affairs pu

14、blic, open, widely accepted supervision by the masses, pay attention to social groups and public opinion supervision, the powerful force formed to urge party members and leading cadres properly exercise their powers. Second, strong supervision and inspection. Democratic life into full play, importan

15、t briefings, reports related to personal matters and evaluation of cadres study of inner-party supervisory system, a comprehensive grasp of guidelines for the implementation of the independent Commission against corruption-related cases of leading cadres of party members, focus on strengthening key

16、areas of project selection, funding, officials monitor, detect and rectify the problem, promote honesty in politics. Third, strengthen disciplinary investigation. Seriously the implementation of JI .Recently, the County leading bodies at the county level to carry out three trees practice, which is t

17、o improve the governing ability and promoting the development of XX effective measure. I carefully follow your deployment requirements, and actively participate in the three trees campaign. Read Group, prepared by the Department in the near future of the ideological and political construction of lea

18、ding cadres in the city reader, read the relevant information, larger harvest, inspired. I think the ability of repelling is to strengthen the partys governing capacity in questions of the construction of meaning, an important topic remains in front of party members and cadres at all levels, we need

19、 to further explore and ponder. The ability of repelling the name suggests, is asking party members and cadres at all levels in particular, leading cadres at all levels, not only ourselves, establish a correct concept of the independent Commission against corruption, political integrity, self-discip

20、line, rejection of corruption, made for the people, pragmatic, honest leadership, and strengthen the sense of responsibility, earnestly implement the responsibility of uncorrupted, implementation of the baolian anti-corruption measures to ensure the realization of business-building, construction of

21、a win-win situation. Next, I combined with their thinking, experience and contact XX practical, on how to enhance the ability of repelling, on four aspects of cognition. Irregularities, please comment. First, the construction of the propulsion system, and enhance the system of corruption since the f

22、ounding of our party, have been thinking about tackling corruption. Currently, democratic legal system, management system and supervision mechanism is not perfect, administrative acts are not very standardized, Enterprise behavior and market behavior, corruption presents a diverse, pluralistic, comp

23、lex trends, this shift the struggle between the two, will accompany層平面圖 柱網(wǎng)布置與編號2.結構布置及結構計算簡圖的確定邊跨(AB、CD跨)梁:取h=1/12L=1/12X6000=500mm,取b=250mm.中跨(BC跨)梁:取h=400mm,b=250mm邊柱(A軸、D軸)連系梁:取 bh =250mm500mm中柱(B軸、C軸)連系梁:取bh=250mm400mm柱截面均為bh=300mm450mm現(xiàn)澆樓板厚100mm。結構計算簡圖如圖3所示。根據(jù)地質(zhì)資料,確定基礎頂面離室外地面為450mm,由此求得底層層高為4.5

24、m。各梁柱構件的線剛度經(jīng)計算后列于圖3。其中在求梁截面慣性矩時考慮到現(xiàn)澆樓板的作用,取I=2Io(Io為不考慮樓板翼緣作用的梁截面慣性矩)。邊跨(AB、CD)梁:i=2Ec1/120.250.5036.0=8.6810-4Ec (m3)邊跨(BC)梁:i=2Ec1/120.250.432.5=10.6710-4Ec (m3)上部各層柱:i=Ec1/120.300.4533.6=6.3310-4Ec (m3)底層柱:i=Ec1/120.300.4534.5=5.0610-4Ec (m3)注:圖中數(shù)字為線剛度,單位: x10-4Ecm33.恒荷載計算(1)屋面框架梁線荷載標準值:20mm厚水泥砂漿

25、找平 0.0220=0.4KN/m2 100厚140厚(2%找坡)膨脹珍珠巖 (0.10+0.14)27=0.84KN/m2 100厚現(xiàn)澆鋼筋混凝土樓板 0.1025=2.5KNm25mm厚紙筋面石灰抹底 0.01516=0.24KNm2_屋面恒荷載 3.98 KNm2邊跨(AB、CD)框架梁自重 0.250.5025=3.13KNm梁側粉刷 2(0.5-0.1) 0.0217=0.27KNm中跨(BC)框架梁自重 0.250.4025=2.5KNm梁側粉刷 2(0.4-0.1) 0.0217=0.2KNm因此,作用在屋頂框架梁上的線荷載為:G6AB1=g6CD1=3.13+0.27=3.4K

26、NmG6BC1=2.5+0.2=2.7KNmG6AB2=g6CD2=3.983.6=14.33KNmG6BC2=3.982.5=9.95KNm(2)樓面框架梁線荷載標準值荷載計算同上(略),作用在中間層框架上的線荷載為:25mm厚水泥砂漿面層 0.02520=0.50KN/m2100mm厚現(xiàn)澆鋼筋混凝土樓板 0.1025=2.5 KN/m215mm厚紙筋石灰抹底 0.01516=0.24 KN/m2樓面恒荷載 3.24 KN/m2邊跨框架梁及梁側粉刷 3.4KN/m邊跨填充墻自重 0.24(3.6-0.5)19=14.14 KN/m墻面粉刷 (3.6-0.5)0.02217=2.11 KN/m

27、中跨框架梁及梁側粉刷 2.7 KN/m因此,作用在屋頂框架梁上的線荷載為:gAB1=gCD1=3.4+14.14+2.11=19.65 KN/mgBC1=2.7 KNmgAB2=gCD2=3.243.6=11.66 KNmgBC2=3.242.5=8.1 KNm(3)屋面框架節(jié)點集中荷載標準值邊柱連系梁自重 0.250.503.625=11.25KN梁側粉刷 0.02(0.50-0.10)3.6219=1.09KN1m高女兒墻自重 13.60.2419=16.42KN粉刷 10.0223.617=2.45(KN)連系梁傳來屋面自重 123.6123.63.98=12.90(KN)_頂層邊節(jié)點集

28、中荷載 G6A=G6D=44.11KN中柱連系梁自重 0.250.403.625=9.0KN粉刷 0.02(0.40-0.10) 23.617=0.73KN連系梁傳來屋面自 12(3.6+3.6-2.5) 1.253.98=11.69KN123.61.803.98=12.90KN頂層中節(jié)點集中荷載 34.32KN 樓面框架節(jié)點集中荷載標準值邊柱連系梁自重 11.25KN 粉刷 1.09KN鋼窗自重窗下墻體自重 粉刷窗邊墻體自重 0.601.8 0.2419=4.92KN 粉刷

29、 0.601.820.0217=0.73KN框架梁自重 0.300.453.625=12.15KN 粉刷 0.750.023.617=0.918KN連系梁傳來樓面自重 1 /23.61/23.63.24=10.50KN中間層邊節(jié)點集中荷載 GA=GD =65.02KN中柱連系梁自重 9.0KN 粉刷 0.73KN內(nèi)縱墻自重 3.3(3.6-0.4)0.2419=48.15KN 粉刷 3.3(3.6-0.4)20.0217=7.18KN連系梁傳來樓面自重 1/2(3.6+3.6-2.5)1.253.24=9.14KN 1/間層中節(jié)點集中荷載: GB=GC=8

30、4.70KN(5)恒荷載作用下的結構計算簡圖4.樓面活荷載計算活荷載作用下的結構計算簡圖如圖5所示。圖中各荷載值計算如下:p6AB=P6CD=2.03.6=7.2kN/mp6BC= 2.02.5=5.0kN/mP6A=P6D=1/23.61/23.62.0=6.48kN/mP6B=P6C=1/2(3.6+3.6-2.5)1/22.52.0 +1/ = 2.02.5=5.0kN/mpA=pD=1/23.61/23.62.0=6.48kN/mpB=pC=1/2(3.6+3.6-2.5)1/22.52.0 +1

31、/活荷載作用下的結構計算簡圖5.風荷載計算風荷載標準值計算公式為=ZSZO因結構高度H=23.5m30m,可取z=1.0;對于矩形截面S=1.3Z可查荷載規(guī)范,當查得的Z1.0時,取Z=1.0。將風荷載換算成作用于框架每層節(jié)點上的集中荷載,計算過程如表1所示。表1為一榀框架各層節(jié)點的受風面積,計算結果如圖6所示。 表1風荷載計算層次ZSz/mZO/(KN.m-2) A/m2Pw/kN61.01.322.51.2460.5510.349.2151.01.318.91.1750.5512.9610.8941.01.315.31.0900.5512.96

32、10.1031.01.311.71.0060.5512.969.3241. 風荷載作用下結構計算簡圖6. 恒荷載作用下的內(nèi)力計算(1)采用分層法計算 分層法計算簡圖中梁上的分布的荷載由矩形和梯形兩部分組成,求固端彎矩時可根據(jù)固端彎矩相等的原則,先將梯形分布荷載和三角形分布荷載,化為等效分布荷載;等效均布荷載如上圖(右)。頂層:G邊頂 = gAB1 +(1 - a2 + a3) gAB2 = 3.4+(1-20.3252+ 0.3253 )14.33=15.19 KN/mg中頂 = gBC1

33、+ 5/8 gAB2 = 2.7 + 5/89.95 = 8.92 KN/m結構內(nèi)力可用彎矩分配法計算并利用結構對稱性取二分之一結構計算。各桿的固端彎矩為MAB = 1/12g邊l邊2 = 1/1215.1962=45.17KNmMBC = 1/3g邊l邊2 = 1/38.921.252=4.66KNmMCB = 1/6g邊l邊2 = 1/68.921.252=2.33KNm彎矩分配計算過程如下圖所示,計算所得結構彎矩圖如下,柱子的線剛度取框架柱實際線剛度的0.9倍。SA1=4i=46.330.9=22.79 SAB=4i=48.68=34.72A1 = = 0.396 AB = = 0.60

34、4SBA=4i=48.68=34.72 SB2=4i=46.330.9=22.79SBC = i = 10.67BA = = 0.509 B2 =0.334BC = = 0.157首層彎矩分配法計算過程如下: 計算所得結構彎矩圖如下:邊跨最大彎矩 = - 1/8ql2 = 28.64 - 1/815.1962= -39.72 KN/m中跨最大彎矩 = - 1/8ql2 = 13.87 - 1/88.922.52=6.90 KN/m分層法彎矩計算結果(頂層)標準層:g邊標 = gAB1 +(1 - a2 + a3) gAB2 =19.65+(1-20.3252+ 0.3253 )11.66=29

35、.25 KN/mG中標 = gBC1 + 5/8 gAB2 = 2.7 + 5/88.1 = 7.76 KN/m各桿的固端彎矩為MAB = 1/12g邊l邊2 = 1/1229.2562=87.75KNmMBC = 1/3g邊l邊2 = 1/37.761.252=4.04KNmMCB = 1/6g邊l邊2 = 1/67.761.252=2.02KNm彎矩分配計算過程如下圖所示,計算所得結構彎矩圖如下,柱子的線剛度取框架柱實際線剛度的0.9倍。SA1=4i=46.330.9=22.79 SA2=4i=46.330.9=22.79SAB=4i=48.68=34.72 A1 = = 0.284A2

36、= = 0.284 AB = = 0.432SBA=4i=48.68=34.72 SB1=4i=46.330.9=22.79SB2=4i=46.330.9=22.79 SBC = i = 10.67BA = = 0.382 B1 = = 0.250B2 = = 0.250BC = = 0.118 標準層彎矩分配計算過程計算如下: 邊跨最大彎矩 = - 1/8ql2 = 65.84 - 1/829.2562= -65.79 KN/m中跨最大彎矩 = - 1/8ql2 = 16.67 - 1/87.762.52= 10.61KN/m 分層法彎矩分配結果(標準層)底層:g邊標 = gAB1 +(1

37、- a2 + a3) gAB2 =19.65+(1-20.3252+ 0.3253 )11.66=29.25 KN/mG中標 = gBC1 + 5/8 gAB2 = 2.7 + 5/88.1 = 7.76 KN/m各桿的固端彎矩為MAB = 1/12g邊l邊2 = 1/1229.2562=87.75KNmMBC = 1/3g邊l邊2 = 1/37.761.252=4.04KNmMCB = 1/6g邊l邊2 = 1/67.761.252=2.02KNm彎矩分配計算過程如下圖所示,計算所得結構彎矩圖如下,柱子的線剛度取框架柱實際線剛度的0.9倍。SA1=4i=45.060.9=18.22 SA2=

38、4i=46.330.9=22.79SAB=4i=48.68=34.72 A1 = = 0.241A2 = = 0.301 AB = = 0.458SBA=4i=48.68=34.72 SB1=4i=45.060.9=18.22SB2=4i=46.330.9=22.79 SBC = i = 10.67BA = = 0.402 B1 = = 0.211B2 = = 0.264BC = = 0.123 邊跨最大彎矩 = - 1/8ql2 = 64.25 - 1/829.2562= -67.38 KN/m中跨最大彎矩 = - 1/8ql2 = 17.42 - 1/87.762.52= 11.36KN/

39、m分層法彎矩分配結果(底層)將各層分層法求得的彎矩圖疊加,可得整個框架結構在恒載作用下的彎矩圖。從首層開始計算23.80 + 0.6047.93 = 28.59 KN/m33.47 + 0.5096.53 = 36.79 KN/m邊跨最大彎矩= - 1/8ql2 = 32.69 - 1/815.1962= -35.67 KN/m13.870.1576.53=12.84 KN/m中跨最大彎矩 = - 1/8ql2 = 12.84 - 1/88.922.52=5.87 KN/m19.60 + 0.1576.53 = 20.63 KN/m標準層計算61.44 + (10.24+7.93)0.432

40、= 69.29 KN/m70.23 + (8.93+7.93)0.382 = 76.67 KN/m邊跨最大彎矩= - 1/8ql2 = 72.98 - 1/825.2962= -40.83 KN/m16.67 (6.53+8.93)0.118 = 14.85 KN/m中跨最大彎矩 = - 1/8ql2 = 14.85 - 1/87.762.52= 8.79KN/m26.78 +(6.53+8.93) 0.25 = 30.65 KN/m26.78 +(8.93+8.93) 0.25 = 31.25KN/m30.72 +(10.24+7.93)0.284 =35.88 KN/m30.72+(10.

41、24+8.80)0.284 =36.13 KN/m底層計算59.39 + (10.24+10.99)0.458 = 69.11 KN/m69.10 + (9.57+8.93)0.402 = 76.56 KN/m邊跨最大彎矩= - 1/8ql2 = 72.84 - 1/825.2962= -40.97 KN/m17.42 (9.57+8.93)0.123 = 15.14KN/m中跨最大彎矩 = - 1/8ql2 = 15.14 - 1/87.762.52= 9.08KN/m28.72 +(9.57+8.93) 0.264 =33.60 KN/m22.96+(9.57+8.93) 0.211 =2

42、6.86 KN/m26.41 +(10.24+10.99)0.241 =31.53 KN/m32.98+(10.24+10.99)0.301 =39.37 KN/m框架在恒荷載下的內(nèi)力圖如下:框架在恒荷載下的內(nèi)力圖由上圖可以進而可求的框架各梁柱的剪力和軸力:剪力計算頂層:M1=ql1/2l=15.1963=273.42KNmM2=ql1/2l=8.922.51.25=27.88KNmB=0,V16-28.59 273.42+36.79=0V1= 44.42KNA=0, V26 +36.79 +273.4228.59=0V2= -46.94KNC=0,V32.5 27.88+12.84-12.8

43、4=0 V3 =11.15KN標準層:M1=ql1/2l=29.2563=526.5KNmM2=ql1/2l=7.762.51.25=24.25KNmB=0,V1669.29 526.5+76.67=0V1=86.52 KNA=0, V26 +76.67 +526.5 69.29=0V2= - 88.98KNC=0,V32.5 24.25+14.85-14.85=0 V3 =9.7KN底層:M1=ql1/2l=29.2563=526.5KNmM2=ql1/2l=7.762.51.25=24.25KNmB=0,V1669.11 526.5+76.56=0V1=86.51 KNA=0, V26 +

44、76.56 +526.5 69.29=0V2= -88.96KNC=0,V32.5 24.25+8.79-8.79=0 V3 =9.7KN軸力計算:六層:N1=44.11+44.42=88.53 KNN2=34.32+46.94+9.98=91.24 KN第五層:N1=86.52+65.02+88.53=240.07 KNN2=88.98+8.14+84.70+91.24=273.06 KN第四層:N1=86.52+65.02+240.07=391.61 KNN2=88.98+8.14+84.70+273.06=454.88 KN第三層:N1=86.52+65.02+391.61=543.15

45、 KNN2=88.98+8.14+84.70+454.88=636.7 KN第二層:N1=86.52+65.02+543.15=694.69 KNN2=88.98+8.14+84.70+636.7=818.52 KN第一層:N1=86.51+65.02+694.69=846.22 KNN2=88.96+8.14+84.70+818.52=1000.32 KN 框架在恒荷載下的內(nèi)力圖:梁剪力、柱軸力 按分層法求得的梁端支座彎矩后,欲求梁跨中彎矩,則需根據(jù)求得的支座彎矩和各跨的實際荷載分布,按平衡條件來算,而不能按等效分布來算。框架梁實際分布荷載作用下,按簡支梁計算的跨中彎矩圖如下: 梁在實際分布

46、荷載作用下按簡支梁計算的跨中彎矩(a)頂層邊跨梁 (b)頂層中跨梁 (a)Mb均=1/83.462=15.3 KNmR1=R2=14.331/2=30.09 KNMb梯=30.0931/21.814.33(0.6+1.2) - 1/214.331.22 = 56.74 KNmMb0= M均+ M梯=15.3+56.74=72.04 KNm(b)Mz均=1/82.72.52=2.11 KNmR1=R2=1/22.59.951/2=6.22 KNMz梯=6.221.251/21.259.950.417 = 5.19 KNmMz0= M均+ M梯=2.11+5.19=7.30 KNm (c)Mc均=

47、1/811.1662=50.22KNmR1=R2=19.651/2=41.27 KNMb梯=41.2731/21.819.65(0.6+1.2) - 1/219.651.22 = 77.83 KNmMb0= M均+ M梯=50.22+77.83=128.05 KNm(d) Mz均=1/82.72.52=2.11 KNmR1=R2=1/22.58.101/2=5.06 KNMz梯=5.061.251/ = 4.22 KNmMz0= M均+ M梯=2.11+4.22=6.33 KNm考慮梁端彎矩調(diào)幅,并將梁端節(jié)點彎矩換算至梁邊柱端彎矩值,以備內(nèi)力組合時用,對于現(xiàn)澆框架,

48、可取=0.85,如下圖所示:彎矩調(diào)幅后,在相應荷載作用下的跨中彎矩必將增加。 條幅后的梁端彎矩Ma、Mb的平均值與跨中最大正彎矩Mco之和,應大于按簡支梁計算的跨中彎矩值Mo +McoMo彎矩調(diào)幅只對豎向荷載作用下的內(nèi)力進行,水平荷載作用產(chǎn)生的彎矩不參加調(diào)幅??蚣芰涸诤爿d作用下。經(jīng)調(diào)幅并算至柱邊截面的彎矩7.樓面活荷載作用下的內(nèi)力計算活荷載作用下的內(nèi)力計算也采用分層法,考慮到活荷載分布的最不利組合,各層樓面活荷載布置可能有以下的幾種組合形式:頂層:G邊頂 = (1 - a2 + a3) gAB =(1-20.3252+ 0.3253 )7.2=5.93 KN/mg中頂 = 5/8 gAB =

49、5/85 = 3.13 KN/m結構內(nèi)力可用彎矩分配法計算并利用結構對稱性取二分之一結構計算。各桿的固端彎矩為(1)MAB = 1/12g邊l邊2 = 1/125.9362=17.79KNm考慮彎矩調(diào)幅9.560.85=8.13KNm12.320.85=10.47 KNm邊跨最大彎矩:M=-1/8 5.9362+1.64=10.94-26.69+1.64=14.11 KNm第某跨最大正彎矩,應在本跨布置活荷載,然后隔跨布置求剪力;M1=ql1/2l=5.9363=106.74KNmM1=ql1/2l=,V16-8.13 106.74+10.47=0V1= 17.4KNA=0, V26 -8.13 +106.74+10.47=0V2= -18.18KNC=0, V22.5 -3.94 +9.78+3.94=0V2= -3.91KN (2)MBC= 1/12g邊l邊2 =


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