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1、I .英譯漢:Unit One1. trading bloc2. import share3. production and distribution sharing4. global reorientation5. conduct international business6. insurance company7. provide for efficient transportation8. forge a network of global linkages9. international investment貿易集團進口額度 合作生產(chǎn)和分配共享 全球性的重新定位 從事國際商務 保險公

2、司 提供便利交通 形成全球網(wǎng)絡(聯(lián)網(wǎng)) 國際投資lO.use and accepta nee of the com mon coinag采用和接納同一貨幣制度 n .漢譯英1. 貿易慣例2. 石油危機3. 市場份額4. 完成交易5. 以市場為基礎的商業(yè)交易6. 跨國公司7. 國際貿易量8. 主要經(jīng)濟大國9. 提高生活水平1O. 股票市場1 1 .年銷售額12. 國內生產(chǎn)總值business practice oil shock market share carry out transaction market based business transaction multinational c

3、orporation volume of international trade major economic powers improve the standards of living stock market annual sales gross domestic productUnit TwoI .英譯漢1.patterns of world trade2.bulky or perishable goods3.a heavy consumer of natural resources世界貿易格局 大件貨物或易腐爛商品 自然資源的主要消費者4.a n elite group of mer

4、cha nts and en trepre neur商業(yè)和企業(yè)家的精英群體5.outlaw strip mining of coal立法禁止采礦6.resist foreign investment in ones industry 抵制外國在某國工業(yè)方面的投資7.undertake steps to limit oil consumption 采取措施限制石油消費8.impose tariffs and quotas on imported items采取對進口商品征收關稅和實行配額 9.International Bauxite Association (IBA) 國際鋁礦協(xié)會10. Or

5、ganization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC石油輸出國組織n .漢譯英1.初級產(chǎn)品2.價格下跌primary commodities price drop3.勞動成本labor costs4.生產(chǎn)國和消費國producing and consuming nations5.糧食主要出口商dominant exporters of grains6.國際收支balance of payments7.第三方a third party8.批量生產(chǎn)mass-produce9.比較成本理論theory of comparative advantage10

6、.金屬含量metal content11.期貨交割futures delivery12.商品期貨交易commodity futures trading13.采取保護主義措施take protectionist measures14.消費國consuming countries15.運輸費用transportation expenses16.減緩對石油的依賴lessen ones dependence on oil17.炸糖加工設備sugar processing facilities18.外匯foreign exchange川.短文翻譯The theory of international t

7、rade has changed drastically from that first put forward by Adam Smith. The classical theories of Adam Smith and David Ricardo focused on the abilities of countries to produce goods more cheaply than other countries. The earliest production and trade theories saw labor as the major factor expense th

8、at went into any product. If a country could pay that labor less, and if that labor could produce more physically than labor in other countries, the country might obtain an absolute or comparative advantage in trade.國際貿易理論自從亞當史密斯第一次提出后就發(fā)生了很大的變化。 亞當和大 衛(wèi)的傳統(tǒng)理論強調了國家所具有的比其他國家便宜生產(chǎn)商品的能力, 最早的生產(chǎn) 貿易理論把勞動力視為獲得

9、產(chǎn)品的主要支出因素。 如果某個國家可以支付較少的 勞動力費用。 同時在體力勞動中比其他國家生產(chǎn)的多的話, 這個國家就可能在貿 易當中獲得絕對和相對的優(yōu)勢。Subsequenttheoretical development led to a more detailed understanding of production and its costs. Factors of production are now believed to include labor (skilled and unskilled), capital, natural resources, and other pote

10、ntially significant commodities that are difficult to reproduce or replace, such as energy. Technology, once assumed to be the same across all countries, is now seen as one of the premier driving forces in determining who holds the competitive edge or advantage. International trade is now seen as a

11、complex combination of thousands of products, technologies, and firms that are constantly innovating to keep up with or get ahead of the competition.Modern trade theory has looked beyond production cost to analyze how the demands of the marketplace alter who trades with whom and which firms survive

12、domestically and internationally. The abilities of firms to adapt to foreign markets, both in the demands and the competitors that form the foreign markets, have required much of international trade and investment theory to search out new and innovative approaches to what determines success and fail

13、ure.1.英譯漢1.corporation bond2.close column3.cross deal4.enter into a contract5.foreign exchange community6.two sets of quotations7.post savings certificate8.in a written legal form9.an unwritten code of conduct10.handle sth. in an informal manner 11.the bank nominated by the purchaser 12.apply the in

14、direct quotation system 13.make payment upon delivery 14.International Monetary Market (IMM)n 漢譯英1.短期國庫券2.外匯交易日3.外匯匯率4 貨幣主管當局5.簽定合同6.套匯匯率7.政府債券8.起息日9.電匯匯率10.立即交貨11.直接標價法12.期貨市場13.波動匯率14.外國證券皿.短文翻譯公司債券 收盤匯率欄 套匯交易 簽訂合同 外匯界 兩組標價 郵政儲蓄憑證 用書面的法律形式 為成文行為準則 用非正規(guī)方式處理某事 買方指定的銀行 采用間接標價法 交貨付款 國際貨幣市場treasury bil

15、l foreign exchange dealers foreign exchange rate monetary authorities make a contract cross rate governmental bond value date telegraphic transfer rate immediate delivery direct quotation system futures market fluctuate exchange rate foreign securityFinally, as world economies grew and the magnitude

16、 of world trade increased, the simplistic ideals that guided international trade and investment theory have had to grow with them. The choices that many firms face today require them to directly move their capital, technology, and know-how to countries that possess other unique factors or market adv

17、antages that will help the firm keep pace with market demands.Unit ThreeThe exchange of currency is necessary for international trade and commerce. The purpose of exchange rate systems is to provide a free and liquid market for the worlds不同地區(qū)的銷售部 分擔資本支出和專有技術 與經(jīng)銷商續(xù)簽合同currencies while providing some d

18、egree of stability and predictability to currency values. The modern history of the international monetary system has seen periods of success and failure in the accomplishments of this purpose.The gold standard, which was in wide use during the early years of the twentieth century, was a highly rest

19、rictive system. The ability to convert currency to gold imposed restrictions on the ability of countries to run inflationary monetary policies or conduct imbalanced trade for substantial periods of time. But the gold standard was also inflexible, and many have argued that it slowed economic growth u

20、nduly by limiting the amount of money that could be put into growing economies.The Bretton Woods Agreement signed in 1944, in anticipation of the reconstruction of the world economy after World War ?, was an international monetary system in which the U.S. dollars was the centerpiece and literally go

21、og as gold. Although it worked well for 25 years, it saw its natural decline as the world economy changed and world currency markets needed to change with it. The result, the floating exchange rate system in use today, reflects the dominance of market economies, market forces, and the growth in inte

22、rnational commerce. Two of the most influential multilateral institutions in operation today, the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, arose from the Bretton Woods Agreement.國際貿易需要貨幣兌換。 匯率體制目的是在為世界的各種貨幣提供自由流動 的市場。同時在某種程度上使貨幣值具有穩(wěn)定性和可預測性。 從國際貨幣體制的 近代史中可以看到實現(xiàn)此目的所經(jīng)歷了很多的成功和失敗。在 20 世紀早期,廣泛的使用黃金

23、的標準是一種具有很多限制的體系,能否 把貨幣轉換為黃金, 它制約了國家長期實行限制通貨膨脹的貨幣政策和處理失衡 的貿易能力, 但黃金標準也缺乏靈活性。 許多人認為它減慢了經(jīng)濟發(fā)展投資的金 額,以致于極大地延緩了經(jīng)濟的增長。布雷頓森林協(xié)議是在 1944 年簽署的。它的目的是在第二次世界大戰(zhàn)后重建 經(jīng)濟,此協(xié)議是一種國際貨幣體系, 在這個體系當中, 它重點強調了美元和黃金 一樣堅挺的作用 .雖然布雷頓森林個協(xié)議在過去的 25 年中發(fā)揮了很好的作用。 但 它的作用在下滑, 因為世界經(jīng)濟發(fā)生變化, 世界經(jīng)濟市場也要隨之改變。 結果浮 動匯率的體系今天已被采用, 它反映了市場經(jīng)濟的市場力和國際貿易增長的

24、主導 地位。當今具有影響力的兩個國際多邊機構, 國際貨幣基金組織和世界銀行, 它 們都是從布雷頓森林協(xié)議中提出的。Unit Four1.英譯漢1. accelerated depreciation2. Research subsidy3. Foreign portfolio on loans4. Strategic objective5. Various regional sales offices6. share capital outlay and know-how7. Renew the contract with the distributors8. Receive a commiss

25、ion on products sold9. Foreign market entry外國有價證券投資打入外國市場n 漢譯英1. 經(jīng)濟一體化2.勞動權利法3.資本流通性4.投資鼓勵措施5.采取戰(zhàn)略性方針6.投資預期收益7.投標一億九千萬美元8.得到專利使用費9.授予國外經(jīng)銷權10.現(xiàn)金流量預測11.培訓津貼12.收益率13.許可證貿易的缺點14.集中各種資源15.不同合作者皿.短文翻譯10. Achieve the highest possible efficiency 達到可能的最高的生產(chǎn)效益11. Obtain the maximum return on investment 最大限度或得

26、投資收益12. Be authorized to manu facture the product un der lice ns授權憑許可證生產(chǎn)產(chǎn)品13. Make an acquisition of an existing manufacturing plant收購現(xiàn)存的加工廠14. Acquire part or all of the equity of an existing foreign company購買外國現(xiàn)有公司的全部或部分的股份15. International Telephone and Telegraph國際電話電報公司economic integration night

27、-to-work law mobility of capital investment incentive take a strategic approach expected return on an investment make a 190 million bid receive royalty payments authorize foreign distribution cash flow projection training allowance rate of return drawback of licensing pool all onesresources respecti

28、ve partnerA joint venture can be defined as the participation of two or more companies in an enterprise in which each party contributes assets, owns the entity to some degree and shares risk. (The venture is also considered long term.) The reason for establishing a joint venture can be divided into

29、three groups:(1)government suasion or legislation, (2)one partners needs of other partners skills, and (3) one partners needs for other partners attributes or assets.Equality of the partners has the majority of ventures; eachpartner cosntributions-typically consisting of funds, technology, plant, or

30、 labor-also vary.The key to a joint venture is the sharing of a common business objective, which makes the arrangement more than a customer-vendor relationship but less than an outright acquisition. The partners rationales for entering into the arrangement may vary. An example is new United Motor Ma

31、nufacturing Inc.(NUMMI), the joint venture between Toyota and GM. Toyota needed direct accessto the U.S. market. While GM benefited from the technology and management approaches provided by its Japanese partner.Joint ventures may be the only way in which a firm can profitably participate in a partic

32、ular market. For example, India restricts equity participation in local operations by foreigners to 40 percent. Other entry modes may limit the scale of operation substantially; for example, exports may be restricted because of tariff barriers. Many Western firms are using joint ventures to gain acc

33、ess to eastern and central European markets.Joint ventures are valuable when the pooling of resources results in a better outcome for each partner that if each were to conduct its activities individually. This is particularly the case when each partner has a specialized advantage in areas that benef

34、it the venture. For example, a firm may have new technology yet lack sufficient capital to carry out foreign direct investment on its own. Through a joint venture the technology can be used more quickly and market penetration achieved more easily. Similarly, one of the partners may have a distributi

35、on system already established or have better access to local suppliers, either of which permits a greater volume of sales in a shorter period of time.合資企業(yè)是由兩個或多個公司組成的企業(yè)。 各方都對此企業(yè)提供資金, 部分 的擁有該企業(yè)的實體并分擔企業(yè)的風險(合資企業(yè)也被視為一種長期的合作項 目),建立合資企業(yè)的原因有 3 種:(1)政府鼓勵或者立法( 2)一方需要合伙人 的技術( 3)一方需要合伙人的地位或資產(chǎn)。合伙人在合作之前無需地位平等, 在

36、某些合資企業(yè)中, 每位合伙人持有相同的股份, 合伙人所做的貢獻也不同, 主 要體現(xiàn)在所提供的資金、技術、工廠和勞動力等方面。合資企業(yè)的關鍵是有一個共同的商業(yè)目標, 它使得合伙者的關系遠遠不同于 顧客和小販, 但是卻還沒有達到全部收購的地步。 合伙人參與合資的原因可能不 同,例如,新聯(lián)合汽車制造公司( NUMMI ),是由日本豐田和美國通用組建的合 資企業(yè)。(Toyota)豐田需要直接的途徑打入美國市場,而通用受益于日本合作 伙伴提供的技術和管理方法。合資企業(yè)可能是公司進入特定市場, 并從中獲利的唯一途徑。 例如,印度把 外國人以合股的形式進入地方商業(yè)運作的股份限制到 40%,其他的運作方式也許

37、 會極大地限制其運作規(guī)模。 例如, 出口可能會受到關稅的限制, 很多西方公司正 在利用合資企業(yè)去打開東方和歐洲市場的大門進入中歐市場。Unit FiveI .英譯漢1. discretionary income2. operating suppliers3. repair item4. handle procurement5. personal selling6. production facilities7. new line of merchandise8. latest best-selling novels9. products final specifications10. iden

38、tify the buyers needs11. settle on a fair price可自由支配的收入營業(yè)用品維修用品經(jīng)營采購 個人推銷 生產(chǎn)設施 新系列商品 最新暢銷小說 產(chǎn)品最終規(guī)格 確定買方需要 確立公平價格12. consumers attitude and behavior 消費者的態(tài)度和行為n 漢譯英1.營銷組合marketing mix2.保養(yǎng)用品maintenance goods3.購買動機motivation to purchase4.輔助設備accessory equipment5.銷售手冊sales manual6.形式效用form utility7.目標市場ta

39、rget market8.產(chǎn)品的生命周期products life cycle9.符合消費者期望meet the expectations of buyers10.制定商品的初步設計work up a preliminary design of the merchandise11.國民生產(chǎn)總值Gross National Product (GNP)12.特色商品specialty goods13.采購部purchasing department14.自動售貨機Vending machine15.分銷渠道channel of distribution16.營銷手段marketing approa

40、ch17.成品finish product18.銷售人員管理sales force management19.品味變化changes in tastes皿.短文翻譯About 20 billion in domestic and export sales are estimated to be lost by U.S. companies annually because of product counterfeiting and trademark patent infringement of consumer and industrial products. Counterfeit goo

41、ds are any goods bearing an unauthorized representation of a trademark, patented invention, or copyrighted work that is legally protected in the country where it marketed.The practice of product counterfeiting has spread to high technology and services from the traditionally counterfeited products: high-visibility, strong brand name consumer goods. In addition, a new dimension has emerged to complicate the situation. Previously, the only concern was whether a firms product was being counterfeited; now, management has to worry about whether ra


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