商務英語談判 negotiation Principles_第1頁
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1、Lecture Two Principles of Business Negotiation 4Cs in Negotiation The context of the 4Cs in which negotiation takes place.談判要明確的四點背景內容 1.Common interests (談判者追求的目標) 2.Conflicting interests (要談的內容) 3.Compromise (取舍點) 4.Criteria or objectives(明確目標及實現(xiàn)的準則) Negotiation environment The composition of inte

2、rnational negotiation environment:會影響談判的戰(zhàn)略和策略 1.Political system 2.Economical system 3.Social system 4.Cultural system Some Basic Negotiation Principles 1.Principle of willingness ( premise of negotiation ) 2.Equality Principle ( foundation of negotiation ) 3.Principle of Mutual Benefits ( aim or go

3、al of negotiation ) 4. Principle for Common interests ( key of negotiation ) 5. Principle for efficiency ( guarantee of negotiation ) ?Equality Principle: ?1) It means both parties are equal in law status. They have equal rights and obligation. They do business out of their own needs and they are in

4、formed of each other to enjoy mutual benefits. ?2)When one party takes much less than is given, the other party will feel reluctant to continue negotiating. Hence either party should be well prepared for the negotiation and ready to satisfy each others needs on an equal basis. Principle of Collabora

5、tive Negotiation (CN) The six guidelines for CN 1.Acknowledge the concerns of the other side and focus on interests rather than positions. 2.Encourage joint fact finding. 3. Offer contingent commitments to minimize impacts if they do occur, and promise to compensate knowable ?4. Accept responsibilit

6、y, admit mistakes, and share power. ?5. Act in a trustworthy fashion at all times. ?6. Focus on building long-term relationships The collabrative negotiation focuses on interests rather than focuses on interests rather than positions, place value on Principled Negotiation (It is particularly oriente

7、d to collaborative negotiations.) Four key words are focused: ?People & problems ?Interests or position ?Options for mutual gains ?Criteria: insist on using objective criteria (continued for more details) 1.Separate the people from the problem People problems are often caused by inaccurate perceptio

8、ns, inappropriate emotions and poor communication. Three techniques are recommended: 1)Establish an accurate perception 2)Cultivate appropriate emotion 3)Strive for better communication ?1) Establish an accurate perception. ?Conflict ,very often, is not caused by what happens, but by how people perc

9、eive what happens. ?Increase the capability of each party to see the other sides point of view by reversing roles. ?Avoid blaming the other party for your problem ?2) Cultivate appropriate emotion. ?Your emotion affects that of the other party. ?Recognize and understand emotions of both parties. ?Ma

10、ke emotions explicit and legitimate ?Allow the other party to let off steam. ?Stay calm with the other partys emotional outbursts. ?3) Strive for better communication. ?Be an active listener and acknowledge what is being said. ? Speak to be understood. ?Avoid being judgmental or debating the other p

11、arty as an opponent. ?Avoid criticism that may hurt the other partys feelings. ?Discuss the problems before proposing a solution. ?Be concrete but flexible. ?Be hard on the problem but soft on the people. 2. Focus on interests instead of positions Methods: 1)Identify the self-interests 2)Discuss int

12、erests with the other party ?1) Identify the self-interests. ?Respect your counterparts as human beings and recognize the needs and interests that underlie their positions. ?2) Discuss interests with the other party ?Give your interests a vivid description. Be specific. ?Demonstrate your understandi

13、ng of the other partys interests and acknowledge them as part of the overall problem that 3. Invent options for mutual gains The brainstorming of options prior to decision-making is a critical piece for the success of the collaborative negotiation process. The ability to invent options is one of the

14、 most useful assets a negotiator can have. 1) Separate the act of inventing options from the act of judging them 2) Develop as many options as possible before choosing one 3) Search for mutual gains 4) Find ways to help make the other partys decision easy 1) Separate the act of inventing options fro

15、m the act of judging them ?Before brainstorm ?During ?After 2) Develop as many options as possible before choosing one Look at the problem through the eyes of different experts. Change the scope of a proposed agreement-break down the problem into smaller units. Agreements may be partial, involve few

16、er parties, cover selected subject matters, or remain in effect for a limited period of time. 3) Search for mutual gains ?Shared interests exist in every negotiation; they are opportunities, not godsends; 4) Find ways to help make the other partys decision easy ?Your success in a negotiation depends

17、 upon the other partys making a decision you want; therefore, you should do what you can to make that decision an easy one. 4. Insist on using objective criteria (such as standards independent of wills of any party; legitimate and practical; acceptable to all parties) They are standards or principle

18、s which the parties believe in and which are not under the control of any single party, such as market value, scientific judgment, moral standards, tradition, course of dealing , a flip of coin, ect . 1)Frame each issue as a joint search for objective criteria: one example 2)Jointly discuss which st

19、andards are most appropriate and how they should be applied 1)Frame each issue as a joint search for objective criteria: ? “Look, you want a high price and I want a low one. Lets figure out what a fair price would be.” ?If the seller starts by giving a position, such as “the price is 80,000”, ask fo

20、r the theory behind that price. Treat the problem as though the seller too is looking for a fair price . 合作原則談判法合作原則談判法 ?一對事不對人 ?二 著眼于利益而非立場 ?三 制定雙贏方案 ?四 引入客觀評判標準 合作式談判合作式談判 ?合作原則談判法即著名的哈佛原則談判法,它的主要代表人物是羅杰費希爾和威廉尤里。 ?合作原則談判法的 核心和精神實質是通過強調各方的利益和價值,而非討價還價本身,以及通過提出尋求各方各有所獲的方案來取得談判的成功。 合作原則談判法由以下四個部分組成:

21、? 對待談判對手:對事不對人; ?對待各方利益:著眼于利益而非立場; ?對待利益獲取:制定雙贏方案; ?對待評判標準:引入客觀評判標準 。 一、對事不對人一、對事不對人 ?談判氣氛是決定談判各方關系的一個重要因素。 合作原則談判法對談判存在的幾類問題提出如下解決方法: ?發(fā)展移情法 ?(1)從對方的立場看待問題; ?(2)避免因自己的問題而責備對方; ?(3)協(xié)助對方參與到解決問題中去。 一、對事不對人一、對事不對人 ?正確看待情緒 ?(1)允許對方發(fā)火; ?(2)恰當看待情緒的爆發(fā)。 ?加強溝通 ?(1)注意傾聽并總結聽到的情況; ?(2)避免給對方打分并將對方當做辯論的對手; ?(3)不嚴

22、厲指責對方的錯誤。 二、著眼于利益而非立場二、著眼于利益而非立場 找到各方的共同利益是取得雙贏結果的一個關鍵點。 為幫助各方做到著眼于利益而非立場,可以從以兩 個方面著手 : ?明確利益 ?(1)探尋妨礙我方的對方利益; ?(2)從不同的角度審視對方的不同利益; ?(3)透過對方的立場看到對方的人性需求。 ?討論利益 ?(1)總結并接受對方的利益; ?(2)在提出解決方案前表達自己的見解或提出問題; ?(3)在解決問題時盡量不追究過去的矛盾而應朝前看。 三、制定雙贏方案三、制定雙贏方案 ?在談判中,人們極易陷入對自己的立場討價還價之 中原因有兩個: ?1、由于談判的內容屬于非輸即贏類型的; ?

23、2、人們往往把問題的解決方法限制在很窄的范圍內。 ?總的說來,阻止人們尋求建設性替代方案的原因有 以下三個: ?1、認為分配方案保持一成不變。 ?2、是只尋求一種答案。 ?3、是在提出方案時只考慮滿足自己利益和需要的解決辦法。 三、制定雙贏方案三、制定雙贏方案 ?針對以上問題,原則談判法可總結如下: ?診斷。 ?(1)放棄對方利益的滿足一定是以我方的付出為代價的觀念 (2)鼓勵各方共同解決問題; ?(3)在對方未做好充分準備之前不預先鎖定在一種方案上。 ?提出創(chuàng)建性方案。 ?(1)將提出方案和評價方案分開; ?(2)在確定最終解決方案之前先提出幾個可供選擇的方案; ?(3)尋求各方的共同利益和

24、互補利益; ?(4)尋求使對方容易接受的方案。 四、引入客觀評判標準四、引入客觀評判標準 ?在判斷一個標準是否屬于客觀標準時應從以下幾個方面考慮: ?客觀標準應當獨立于所有各方的主觀意志之外, 因而它可以不受任何一方的感情影響。 ?客觀標準應當具有合法性并且切合實際。 ?客觀標準應當具有科學性和權威性。 ?下面的幾個步驟是對第四部分的總結: ?尋求不同的客觀標準; ?探討不同客觀標準的可行之處; ?尋求公正的處理程序。 四、引入客觀評判標準四、引入客觀評判標準 ?某種方法是成功還是失敗,根據(jù)羅杰費希爾和威廉尤里的觀點可以從以下三個方面做出判斷: ?一項可能達成的協(xié)議應當最大限度地滿足各方的合法

25、利益,解決他們之間的沖突,同時保護公眾的利益不受損害。 ?協(xié)議應當是高效的。 ?協(xié)議應當改善,或至少不傷害各方的關系。 Principle of Interest Distribution While the traditional competitive approach to negotiation tries to maximize one partys gain over the other partys loss, the collaborative approach focuses on parties with divers interests working together

26、to achieve mutually satisfying outcomes. Different levels of interests: 1.Personal interests 2.Organizational interests 3.National interests In negotiation at the domestic level, there are two types of interests involved: personal and organizational; at the international level, there are three: pers

27、onal and organizational and national. Personal& Organizational Personal interests are in line with those of the organization- the negotiator will try his best to push for the most attractive deal for the organization. If not, the organization therefore suffers loss. Personal & National While persona

28、l interests seem easier to be in line with organizational interests, national ones sounds remote and indirectly connected with personal ones. try his best to defend the interests of country. Organizational & National By requesting assistance from the government, organizations can still have strong i

29、nfluence on governments decision -making. Organization, on the other hand, paying under attention to their own interests at the negotiating table will undermine or jeopardize national interests. When there is a conflict between them, the organizational interests must be subordinate to the national i

30、nterests. 利益分配法則利益分配法則 任何在國內舉行的談判都至少涉及兩個層次的利益,有時是三個層次的利益:即個人利益、集體利益和國家利益。這三層利益如何融合、協(xié)調和平衡對談判結果常常起著決定性的作用。 一、個人利益與集體利益按照美國心理學家馬斯洛的觀點,人類的需要可以劃分為五個層次: 利益分配法則利益分配法則 二、個人利益與集體和國家利益二、個人利益與集體和國家利益 二、個人利益與集體和國家利益 個人利益由于和集體利益之間的內在和直接的關聯(lián)比 較容易取得一致,個人利益在多數(shù)情況下可以服從集 體利益,但可能有時與國家利益不能形成一致。從個 人利益的角度看,國家利益有時顯得遙遠,與個人利

31、益之間關系比較間接,因此國家利益常常被視為是一 個指導原則。 Principle of Trust in Negotiation Three types of trust in professional relationships: ?Deterrence-based trust (威懾型信任) ?Knowledge-based trust (了解型信任) ?Identification-based trust (識別型信任) Question: How to build trustworthiness? Deterrence-based trust (威懾型信任) People trust

32、or expect that they will be punished if they do or do not do something based on consistency with past behavior. Knowledge-based trust(了解型信任) People trust or expect that the other person will act in a certain way based on what they have learned about that person. Predictability is based on their unde

33、rstanding of the other persons actions, thoughts and intents, not just his past behavior. Identification-based trust(識別型信任) People trust or expect that they can act on behalf of the other person because they share the interests, values and concerns of the other person very well. It involves substant

34、ial internalization of the other persons desires, intentions, values, and so on. Trust Building Six strategies for building trustworthiness: ?Speak their language ?Manage your reputation ?Make a dependence a factor ?Make unilateral concessions ?Name your concessions ?Explain your demands Speak their

35、 language It helps to : Understand technical terms and lingo(行話,難懂的方言). Catch the nuance(法語:細微的感情) and cultural implications behind whats being said. Learn how the other side uses words to convey ideas. Manage your reputation ?Make your reputation a tool in negotiation by providing references from m

36、utually trusted third parties that speak for your character and competence or by offering other forms of evidence of past success such as media or trader reports. Make a dependence a factor Trust between parties will increase when both sides believe that they need each other to achieve their individ

37、ual goals. Start the trust -building process by highlighting the unique benefits you can provide and by emphasizing the damage that might result from an impasse( 僵局) A negotiator who sensed he has no other recourse may come to trust even his “enemy”. Make unilateral concessions A carefully crafted (

38、詭計,手腕)unilateral(單方面) concession can work wonderfully for trust。 A true unilateral concession requires no commitment or concession from the other side. Name your concessions Negotiators are motivated to discount and devalue each others concessions to relieve their obligation to reciprocate(報答). Unno

39、ticed or unacknowledged concessions may lead to confusion, resentment or unaccommodating behavior by the slighted party. When making a significant concession, make it clear to the other party how much you have given away and what the Explain your demands It helps avoid misunderstanding of your motiv

40、es and intentions from the other party. An offer that is explained and justified may preserve trust and enhance it as well. 信任法則信任法則 ?一、如何決定信任與被信任 ?二、信任的效應 ?案例研究:新產品的市場調研 信任法則信任法則 一、如何決定信任與被信任 ?判斷一個人是否信任他人或者被他人信任的因素有三個:信息、影響和控制。 ?個人如果向另一個人透露了他沒有必要透露的信息就表明他信任這個人。 ?一個人如果受另一個人的影響則說明他信任這個人。 ?一個人對別人表示信任時

41、會下放權力并允許他人以自己的名義行事和做出決定。 二、信任的效應二、信任的效應 ?增進相互信任的途徑和方法 : ?1、通過在對孩子的教育中、在職業(yè)培訓中和談判中建立信任獎勵機制的方法來促進相互間的信任。 ?2、通過彼此間在信任行為上的訓練,逐漸地在人們的觀念上建立起對信任的信心,這些行為訓練包閱讀案例研究“新產品的市場調研”,并回答問題: ?(1)你認為唐先生和田小姐開始談話時是在相互信任的氣氛中進行的嗎? ?(2)談話在什么時候向著相互理解的方向轉變? ?(3)你認為唐先生不向田小姐透露他需要的設備數(shù)量的確切數(shù)字合適嗎? ?(4)你認為在談話結束時雙方是否建立了友好關系?這對于他們今后的貿易

42、往來是否重要?括信息提供、接受影響、自我控制、做出讓步等方面。 ?3,不要回避,而應當與對方開誠布公地討論引發(fā)不信任的原因是什么,因為不信任往往是由于相互間不理解和誤會造成的。加強溝通和了解是建立信任的基礎。 Principles to make you a smarter negotiator 1.Get the other-side to commit first 2.Act dumb, not smart 3.Think in real money terms but talk funny money 4.Concentrate on the issues 5.Always congra

43、tulate the other side Questions to think about 1.What do you think are the most important guidelines for negotiation? 2.Suppose you are doing business in a foreign country, what will you wish to know before entering upon a negotiation? 3.If you have conflicting interests with the other negotiation p

44、arty, Question 1 ?Be cooperative, not aggressive. ?Concentrate on issues, have your emotion in check and never go for personal attack. ?Dont jump to decision. ?Know your partners. ?Make sure you know your interest and the other partys interest as well. ?Dont bargain over positions. ?Always remember

45、to put yourself in their shoes. ?Be creative in problem solving. There is Question 2 ?Have some knowledge of the cultural, social, economic and political characteristics of the country you are doing business with. ?While in Rome, do as the Romans do. For example, American people are direct and strai

46、ght in doing business while the Asians tend to take their time and prefer extended warm-up before entering into Question 3 ?Besides conflicting interests, both sides have common interest. Identify those interests and find ways to reconcile them. Acknowledge their interests as part of the problem. Co

47、operation and compromise are needed to settle conflicts. Invent options for mutual gain. Some useful expressions to remember 1.1. If you stand firm, theres no point in further discussions. We might as well call the whole deal off. 要是你堅持的話,我們就沒有必要再談下去了。我們還不如取消這筆生意算了 2. We have received offers much lo

48、wer than yours. So business depends very much on your price. 我們已收到了比你方報價低得多的報價。因此,這筆生意能否成交主要取決于你們的價格。 Some useful expressions to remember 3. I suggest we meet each other halfway so that the business can be concluded. 我建議我們大家折中一下,這樣就能做成生意了。 4. I dont think I can accept it right now, as it is beyond m

49、y negotiating limit. 我想我現(xiàn)在沒法接受這一點,因為這超出了我的談判限度。 5. The size of our order depends on your price. If your price is attractive, were going to placeSlush-and-burnSlush-and-burn Slush-and-burn a large order with you. 我們定購的數(shù)量取決于你們的價格。要是你們的價格有吸引力的話,我們就下大訂單。 Questions for discussion 1. There are diverse pri

50、nciples in business negotiation, and what do you think are the most important guidelines for collaborative negotiation? 2. Suppose you are doing business in a foreign country, what will you wish to know before entering upon a negotiation? 3. How to become a power negotiator? Case Study Directions: Study the following cases and work out the solution with your partner.solution with your partner. Case 1 Suppose you are a cosmetic manu


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