1、 MSM 2001Organizational Change Processes in China Dr. Geert W.J. HelingMaastrichtApril, 2002 MSM 2002Program (1) 1.Introduction2.Basics of Change 3.Current trends in China 4.Fundamental issues in Organizational Change 5.Phases in Change Processes: a model of Change6.Diagnosis: instruments and method
2、s7.Designing a Change Program8.Structuring a Change Program MSM 2002Program (2)9.Dynamics of Change10.Interventions11.Implementation12.Resistance and how to handle it13.Role and position of Change agents14.Case presentations15.Integration MSM 2002Basics of ChangeqWhat is change?qDifferent ways of co
3、nducting changeqContext of organizational changeqResponses to Change MSM 2002Current trends in ChinaqPolitical shift towards more Market orientationqBoosting production and economyqOpening up to international marketqEntrance to WTOqFrom inward to outward orientationqNew identity in global politics M
4、SM 2002“Organizations that are able to conduct changes faster and more effectively than their competitors have better chances to survive.” MSM 2002WTO and China MSM 2002Consequences ?qAdvantagesqDisadvantagesqThreatsqOpportunitiesqTime scopeqPETS-dimensions MSM 2002Issues in Chinese businessqStructu
5、reqCultureqLeadership & ManagementqNew versus OldqDifferences with western style businessqDevelopmentqEtc. q. MSM 2002Fundamental Issues in Organizational ChangeqTypes of changeqWays of changingqDimensions of Change ProgramsqResponses to ChangeqCore principles MSM 2002Types of ChangeqImprovement
6、qInnovationqTransformation MSM 2002Two ways of changingImposed ChangeEasyQuickShort termResistance Evoked ChangeComplexLong termCommitmentSustaining MSM 2002Dimensions of Change ProgramsvStrategic considerationsvTechnical preferencesvEconomic/Financial DimensionvSocial (HR) considerationsvCultural a
7、spects MSM 2002Small versus Large ScaleqType of businessqSize of organizationqUrgency of problems (need) qHistory of organizationqMaturity of peopleqAttitude of Top Management MSM 2002Responses to changesqueezedTop-managementMiddle managementWorking floor/employeesresistantisolated MSM 2002Core prin
8、ciples (1)(How to make it work)1. Use Goal orientationThere must be Clarity about:qproblem situationqGoalsqCriteria for successqOrganizationqPlanningqControl2. Make a Good diagnosisqSeek informationqSummarizeqAnalyze qFeedback MSM 2002 Core principles (2)(How to make it work)3. Use Systems thinking:
9、 always keep the whole system in mindqStructuresqBehaviorqCulture4. Use participation for commitmentqBetter decisionsqStimulate motivationqIdentification with organization MSM 2002Core principles (3)(How to make it work)5.Give support in order to stimulate self-managementqUse feedbackqTrainingqFacil
10、itate communicationqGive supportqDelegate authorities for use of resources6.Manage the Process of ChangeqAnalyse process continuouslyqDeal with resistance and conflictsqUse flexible planning MSM 2002Core principles (4)(How to make it work)7. Communicate intensivelyqCommunicate, communicate, communic
11、ate8. Carefully select key-personsqwho are potential alliesqWho are opinion leadersqWho will show resistanceqWho can be a leader MSM 2002Phases of a Change ProgramStep 0: determine internal and external pressure/demands for changeStep 1: Make up diagnosisStep 3: Determine vision and strategyStep 4:
12、Action Planning: design and develop the Change ProgramStep 5: Structure the Change ProcessStep 6: Determine Change dynamicsStep 7: Determine Change Strategies and MethodsStep 8: ImplementStep 9: Evaluate and Adjust/Correct MSM 2002Goals Culture Structure Technology Behaviour & ProcessesOutputGro
13、up PerformanceIndividualPerformanceQuality of Working ConditionsGroup compositionStructureTechnologyIndividualcharacteristicsGroup BehaviourProcessesCultureIndividual attitudesMotivationConvictionsSourcesSourcesHuman ResourcesOrganizationlevel GrouplevelIndividuallevelENVIRONMENT Source: Harrison, 1
14、978, p. 51ENVIRONMENT= influence= feedback MSM 2002Internal/external pressure/demandsleading to change Step 0Evaluate Change Results Step 7Determine Change Strategies and Implementation methodologies Step 6Determine theChange Dynamics Step 5Structure theChange Process Step 4Design and Develop Step 3
15、Determine Vision And StrategyStep 2Draw up diagnosis Step 1ChangeGoalsChangeSituation ChangeStrategyChange EffectivenessOrganizational ExpertiseChange Management ExpertiseSource: Cozijnsen & Vrakking, 1996. MSM 2002General DirectorLHCCpmmunist PartysOmplementation PanelDeputu General DirectorDep
16、uty General DirectorDeputy General DirectorWeaving PlantDueing PlantGarment PlantKnitting PlantSupport Units & ServicesAdministrationFinance Dept.Import-Export Dept.Materials Dept.R&D CentrePlanning & Sales Dept.Legend:Officially designed reporting lineDelegated tasks to DGD by the GD, B
17、ut are subject to frequent changesOrganisation Chart of LHC MSM 2002Diagnostic Instrumentsq 7 S - modelq Organization Matrix modelq Management Effectiveness Analysisq Etc. . MSM 2002 Strategy System s Structure Staff Sty le Sk ills Shared ValuesStructureStaffStyleSkillsSystemsShared ValuesStrategyHa
18、rd variablesSoft variablesThe 7-S model MSM 2002 The Organization MatrixPolicyTechnicalCulturalStaff /PersonnelPower /InfluenceOrganiza-tionG oals andmethodsT asks andauthoritiesKno wledge andskillsStakeholdersDecision takingAutonomyO rganizationalClimateCo-operationAttitude MSM 2002Box 1: Goals and
19、 methodsCore activitiesStrategic planningMarketingFinancingetc. MSM 2002Box 2: Internal Structure (Tasks & authorities)OrganigramTask / project descriptionsNeed for informationProceduresetc. MSM 2002Box 3: Knowledge and skillsFunction needsRecruitmentKnow-how Salary systemetc. MSM 2002Box 4: Sta
20、keholdersCEO / Board of directorsPressure groupsCustomers EmployeesFinancieretc. MSM 2002Box 5: Decision takingInformal structure Participation in decision takingReview of resultsConsultationNegotiationsetc. MSM 2002Box 6: AutonomyRoom for actionPersonal perspectiveStatusIndividual interestsetc. MSM
21、 2002Box 7: Organizational ClimateVisionCommitmentElan House style etc. MSM 2002Box 8: Co-operationProblem solving Team-play Co-ordination of ideas Meeting styles etc. MSM 2002Box 9: AttitudeCreativity FellowshipTrust Dedication etc. MSM 2002Management Effectiveness Analysis Measures behavior + effe
22、ctiveness Scientific approach Questionnaire (111 items) 21 behavioural sets Situation dependent Strategic + Feedback profiles Individual + group analyses MSM 2002 MSM 2002Vision and Strategy? MSM 2002Designing a Change ProgramGrow or a Roll-out model TimingNeed & wantSkills (ability) attitude (c
23、ulture) MSM 2002Change CompetenceInfrastructureStrategic ComponentOrganizationalSuccessInstitutionalComponentHumanResourcesComponentChange PolicyChange CapacityLeading PotentialSpeedWillingnessInfrastructure of Change CompetenceSource: Cozijnsen & Vrakking, 1995 MSM 2002Competing Values Framewor
24、k: Organizational Effectiveness (Quinn model 1) FlexibilityExternalInternalControl open systems modelRational goal modelInternal process modelHuman relations modelMeans: cohesion, moraleEnds: human resource developmentMeans: planning, goal settingEnds: productivity, efficiencyMeans: flexibiity, read
25、inessEnds: growth, resource acquisitionMeans: information management, communicationEnds: Stability, control MSM 2002Quinn model 2 MSM 20024 conditions for changing behaviourneedwantbeing allowedcan MSM 2002Roll-out change1. Preparation2. Planning3. Transition structures4. Implementation 1. (= rollin
26、g-out)5. Reward MSM 2002Grow or Process ChangeqPreparationqPlanningqTake first stepqCheck and CorrectqTake next stepqEtc.q .qTerminate MSM 2002Dynamics of Changeq Pain and desireq Losses and gainsq Resistanceq Involvementq Motivation MSM 2002Types of LossChange always implies losing some things. Exa
27、mples of things that people might fear they could lose are:SecurityStatusCompetenceRelationshipsSense of directionTerritory MSM 2002Signs of ResistanceIndividual resistance: Complaints Errors Anger Disobeying and stubbornness Apathy Absence due to illness Withdrawal . . . . . MSM 2002Signs of Resist
28、anceOrganizational resistance:qAccidentsqIncrease in workers compensation claimsqIncreased absenteeismqGossipqSabotageqIncrease in health care claimsqLowered productivity MSM 2002Phases of TransitionFrom Danger to Opportunity1. Denial3.Exploration1. 2.Resistance4.Commitment MSM 2002Phases in mournin
29、g process1. Denial2. Anger3. Hustle4. Depression5. Acquiescence6. Acceptance MSM 2002Reactions to Organizational Change (1)1.Denial“It will not be serious”“It has nothing to do with us”2.Anger“Whats wrong with what we have been doing the last few years?”“It Is this the reward for years of hard work?
30、”3.Hustle“Now is a bad timing, because ”“Well if we were having more money ” MSM 2002Reactions to Organizational Change (2)4.Depression “I give up, they will never listen to me”“They are always just doing what they like”5.Acquiescence“Actually I dont really care anymore”“I will just let things happe
31、n”6.Acceptance“Actually it also has some benefits”“Well of course it was unacceptable to keep things as they were” MSM 2002How to handle these reactions? (1)1. Denial make people aware Confrontation with figures, clients, publicity, etc. Elicit reactions (make people active)2. Anger Listen en build
32、rapport Show understanding for emotions Let early adaptors take initiative3. Hustle Be clear and make people accountable Communicate goals and vision Negotiate about implementation proposals MSM 2002How to handle these reactions? (2)4. Depression (silence) no return statement Take decisions and carr
33、y them out immediately Make implementation irreversible5. Acquiescence Give support “Let us go back to work” Support process of learning and adaptation6. Acceptance Reinforce Control, evaluate and celebrate successes Use team building, make up new goals MSM 2002Dos and Donts: (Some general Basic gui
34、delines for effective Change)1.Have a good reason for making the change2.Involve people in the change3.Put a respected person in charge of the process4.Create transition management 5.Bring in outsider help6.Provide training in new values and behavior7.Establish symbols of change8.Acknowledge and rew
35、ard people MSM 2002Dos and Donts in PreparationPrepare your employeesDescribe the change as completely as you canResearch what happened during the last changeAssess the organizational readinessDont make additional changes that arent critical/necessary MSM 2002Dos and Donts in PlanningMake contingenc
36、y plansAllow for the impact on personal performance and productivityEncourage employee inputAnticipate the skills and knowledge that will be needed to master the changeSet a time table and objectives so you can measure the progress MSM 2002Transition StructuresCreate a transition management group to
37、 oversee the change (project team).Develop temporary policies and procedures during the change. Demonstrate flexibility to try new things. Loosen control and procedures.Create new communication channels.Meet frequently to monitor the unforeseen to give feedback, or to check on what is happening. MSM
38、 2002Dos and Donts in ImplementationProvide appropriate training in new skills and coaching in new values and behaviorsEncourage self-managementGive more feedback than usual to insure people always know where they standAllow for resistanceGive people a chance to step back and reflect on what is goin
39、g on MSM 2002Dos and Donts in Implementation (continued)Encourage people to think and act creativelyLook for any opportunity created by the changeAllow for withdrawal and return of people who are temporarily resistantCollaborateMonitor the change process MSM 2002The Consultant Academic education Com
40、municates well Creative thinker Ethical Has strong “network” Perseverance Socially oriented Other (discuss) MSM 2002Roles of the consultantqRESOURCE:ConnectionsExpertiseProblem solving (content)ServiceqPROCESS:Change agentCoachProblem finder/solver (processes)Social methodologySparring partnerTrainer MSM 2002Skills
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