1、小學英語四年級上冊pep說課稿精選unit 4,part b的第三課時英語說課稿 我說課的內容是小學英語四年級上冊pep教材中unit 4,part b的第三課時。本單元主要是圍繞家里的各類房間living room、study、kitchen、bedroom and bathroom及一些常見的生活用品和家具phone、fridge、tv、sofa、table、shelf and bed等展開的一系列話題,這些東西都是學生非常熟悉而且和我們息息相關的,所以教師教起來比較順手,學生也樂于學習,并易于在生活中進行運用。本課時共分為兩個部分,第一部分,read and wri
2、te, 這部分主要為學生提供了一幅較為形象的圖片來教授五個要求聽、說、讀、寫都能達到的四會單詞。第二部分,write and say,這部分主要是通過寫一寫、說一說的活動,從而鞏固第一部分所學的五個四會單詞。此部分是為培養(yǎng)學生語感、復習前面所學內容及運用語言表達的能力、為活躍課堂和培養(yǎng)興趣而設置的。本節(jié)課的教學目標和要求是:能聽、說、讀、寫window 、door 、desk、chair、bed這五個單詞,并能運用這五個四會單詞看圖填空,能用what can you see in my room? it is a nice room. i like it等句子,結合學過的語言來描述自己或他人的
3、房間及室內家具陳設的名稱、特征等。如:this is my room, it is big, i have a window 、a door 、a desk、a chair and a bed .本課時重點及難點內容是:讓學生掌握read and write 部分單詞的拼寫,my home這是一個和學生的實際生活有著密切聯系的內容。特別是在學習了家具desk、chair、bed 這些名稱以后再學習句子what can you see in my room? 使得學生更能融入生活的情境,從而培養(yǎng)學生對家的熱愛。接下來,我就我這堂課的教學設計思路說一說。
4、0; 首先、給學生交流的空間小學生活潑好動,根據小學英語新課程標準提出的目標,其中有一個非常重要的目標就是要激發(fā)學生學習英語的興趣,培養(yǎng)他們學習英語的積極態(tài)度,使他們初步建立學習英語的自信心,使他們初步具備用英語進行簡單日常交流的能力。因此小學英語課堂進行的活動教學應該是能直接激發(fā)小學生對語言學習的興趣,能使小學生的多元智能在交際活動中得以體現和發(fā)展。因而,我在設計這堂課時,一直注意盡可能的把
5、課堂還給學生,讓學生與學生,學生與老師之間多進行語言的交流。如:在熱身運動中,進行日常的見面對話。在句型的學習中,我讓學生根據自己房間中的實際情況,進行同桌間的相互介紹等等。我都努力著盡可能地為學生創(chuàng)造比較多的交流機會。 其次、采用游戲,提高學生興趣小學生學英語最重要的是要培養(yǎng)他們學習英語這種語言的興趣。孔子說過:“知之者不如好之者,好之者不如樂之者?!睈垡蛩固拐f過:“熱愛是最好的老師”。只有激發(fā)了學生的興趣,調動了學生的熱情,那么這樣的知識就是學生善于接受,記憶深刻的。因此,我采用游戲的方式導入新課,如:i have a big room ,in my room ,i have a
6、 door、a desk、a chair、a bed, i like it very much,do you like my room ?welcome to my room!然后出示read and write的圖片,讓學生四人合作小組學習,在認一認、聽一聽、讀一讀、拼一拼中四人小組talk about the picture. 我在這堂課上安排了兩個比較簡短的游戲。如游戲quick :任意拿出一張已經準備好的單詞卡片問what is this ? can you spell the word “desk”? 讓學生快速反應,以培養(yǎng)學生的觀察力、快速反應能力和競爭意識
7、。并使他們在這種強烈的競爭意識中,提高注意力與他們的興趣。再如游戲write and match:將四會單詞字母順序打亂,比一比誰在最短的時間內排好單詞,讓學生拼寫單詞和連線,在寫一寫和連一連中提高課堂興趣,并且在寫一寫中達到了復習所學單詞的目的。同時也在這個過程中培養(yǎng)了學生的思維能力。再次、聯系實際,貼近生活my home本身就是一個與生活有著緊密聯系的話題。我從這一點出發(fā),緊緊圍繞生活來開展教學。在write and say這部分內容的教授中,我通過介紹我自己房間里的家具,如:this is my room, you can see a window、a door、
8、a desk、a chair、a bed, oh, it is a nice room . i like it,引出句型what can you see in my room ?引導學生說:i can see a window、a door、a desk、a chair、a bed, oh, it is a nice room . i like it,然后安排同桌間拿出自己準備的房間圖片,根據房間圖片,相互之間詢問。要求學生簡單描述自己的房間,結合學過的語言描述房間內家具陳設的名稱、特征等。學生看著自己親手繪制的房間圖片,親切感、生活的真實感都一股腦兒地涌上心頭。此時他們用學習的語言進行交流的
10、60; 總而言之,我在設計這堂課時,盡可能地采用聽、說、游戲的方式,通過各個有趣、實用、輕松、活潑的活動,使每個學生都參與進來,充分調動學生的積極性和主動性。當然,由于自己水平有限,各個環(huán)節(jié)之間還不夠連貫,還存在著很多很多的缺點和不足,愿各位評委、各位專家提出寶貴的意見和建議。 pep小學英語四年級上冊unit 6 meet my family 說課稿(第一課時)一說教材我說課的內容是四年級上冊unit 6 meet my family pat a 的第一課時,本單元圍繞“家庭“這一題材開展,使學生
11、能用英語簡單介紹自己的家庭及人員以他們的職業(yè)。我借助”任務型“教學采用多樣化的教學手段將聽、說、玩、演、唱溶于一體,激發(fā)學生學習英語的興趣和愿望,使學生通過合作學習體驗榮譽感和成就感從而樹立自信新,發(fā)展自主學習的能力,形成初步用英語進行簡單日常交際的能力。二、說教學目標新英語課程標準指出,基礎教育階段英語課程的總體目標是培養(yǎng)學生的綜合語言運用能力。而綜合語言運用能力又以學生語言技能、語言知識、情感態(tài)度、學習策略和文化意識五個方面的綜合素養(yǎng)為基礎?;谝陨险J識,對教學內容的分析及基本教材的特點,我將教學目標確定為:1)能力目標:能夠簡單介紹自己的家庭,如:this is my dad/uncle
12、/he is a farmer/driver/; she is my mother/mom/ she is a doctor/dancer/2) 知識目標:能夠聽說,認讀單詞:family, parents, uncle, aunt, baby brother, doctor, dancer, farmer, nurse3)情感、策略、文化等有關目標a、情感態(tài)度:注重培養(yǎng)學生熱愛家庭,熱愛生活的美好情感。b、學習策略:積極運用所學英語進行家庭成員之間的稱呼習俗。 2重點和難點 根據以上對教學內容的教學目標的分析以及小學生的認識規(guī)律和英漢語言差異,我
14、)、鼓勵法課堂評價主要以鼓勵性評價為主分別采用了師平、組評、自評為主要方式,課上師恰當的使用激勵性的評語與贈送小禮物的方法讓學生渴望成功的心理得到滿足,這也是激勵學生積極投身英語學習的一個最簡單而有效的方法。四、說課堂程序整個教學程序我采用了聽、說、玩、演、唱一系列的教學活動,具體設計為課堂熱身新知導如入趣味操練拓展鞏固step1 課前熱身1 lets sing a song 教師領唱后師生隨著音樂的節(jié)奏同唱,邊唱邊做動作,渲染課堂的氣憤。i love my familyi love my family, i love my father and my motherand my s
15、ister and my brothers.i love my family, i love my dady and my mom.oh, i love everyone.yes, i love you.and i know you love me, too.step2 新知導入引出本課中心人物family members, 以及本科主情景國慶節(jié)來臨了,到老師家做客。1、教學單詞與句型在授新單詞前,讓學生猜猜教師的家庭有多少人,導出新句型:how many people are there in my/your family? -my family has 設置一家人在廚房做飯的情景,教師介紹
16、家庭成員:this is my family. this is my mother, this is my father 導出家庭成員的職業(yè)名詞,同時請學生介紹他們家人的職業(yè),從而導出另一新句型:whats your father/mother/uncle? he/shes a 利用tpr(肢體語言)讓學生競猜展現新詞。通過chant 來使學生掌握新詞:he is a farmer, hei qiu qiu, hei qiu qiuhe is a doctor, ah ah ahshe is a dancer, beng qia qia, beng qia qiashe is a nurse,
17、 同時利用兒歌來鞏固學生的句型掌握,提高學生的學習興趣:how many people are there in your family?there are five, there are five.whats your father? whats your father?hes a farmer. hes a
18、 farmer?step3. 趣味操練1看教師的單詞卡快速讀單詞。2a game. the corner of iceburg教師翻開一半的單詞卡,學生猜單詞,猜中的組加分,最后獲得最多分的一組勝利。step4. 拓展鞏固1、畫張“全家?!?。學生們根據自己的家人在自己的心目中的形象畫出一張全家福的相片,然后介紹同學們。my family has people. this is my mother. she is a五說板書。板書分為兩部分,一部分是所鞏固的英語單詞卡,圖文并茂:一部分是本節(jié)課重點操練的句型問答,讓學生一目了然地看清所學習的內容。整個板書重點突出,簡潔易記。
19、; 總而言之,在這節(jié)課上,我始終關注學生的情感,營造出寬松、民主、和諧的教學氛圍,通過提供趣味性較強的活動和內容,激發(fā)學生的學習興趣和學習動機,聯系學生的實際生活,我設置了盡量真實的語言運用情景,組織有交際意義的語言實踐活動,并創(chuàng)設出各種合作學習的活動,促使學生互相學習、互相幫助,發(fā)展合作精神。 pep小學四年級上冊英語unit 3 my friends 說課稿教案 2011-01-12 15:17:58 閱讀40 評論0 字號:大中小 訂閱 一、說教材:今天我上課的內容是pep小學英語book3un
20、it 3 my friends a部分的了lets learn 。本單元主要圍繞“我的朋友”即如何描述自己身邊熟悉的人來展開的。本節(jié)課主要是讓學生學習幾個描述人物外貌特征的單詞或詞組,如:long hair, short hair, thin ,strong, quiet.并且能結合句子“he has,she has,she is ,he is”在生活中運用所學語言。本課教學內容貼近學生生活,比較容易讓學生接受,難在單詞的靈活運用上以及個別單詞的發(fā)音,如quiet,thin,所以我在安排教學時,把單詞和句子結合起來,把單詞的運用做作為重點,而不是單
21、純的認讀單詞。二、說教學目標:知識目標:1、能聽、說、認讀friend, long hair short hair, strong, quite, thin等單詞和詞組。2、能聽懂、會說my friend is strong/thin. he has short/long hair/big eyes/small mouth并能在實際中運用;(這些句型,而不是單純的認讀單詞,在日常生活當中會運用這些句子進行會話)能力目標:1、培養(yǎng)學生的英語聽力和用英語說話的能力。2、培養(yǎng)學生的語言創(chuàng)新能力。情感目標:1、培養(yǎng)學生
22、的合作意識和競爭意識。2、對學生進行關心朋友,朋友間要互相幫助的思想教育。說教學重、難點:重點:描述人物相貌特征的詞匯。(能夠用本課所學知識,來描述同學的外貌,如:this is my friend, he has short hair/long hair. he is strong/thin.)難點:quiet的發(fā)音。三、說教法、學法:(一)詞不離句、單詞與句子教學相結合:每一個單詞或詞組出現后作相應的運用,以及替換練習,這是一種語言的內化和創(chuàng)造過程,使學生更易接受和理解單詞,并有利于單詞的運用以及接下來的會話教學。(二)小組學習法:每四、五人一組,在互動中互相啟發(fā)產生思維的碰撞,同時注意保
23、證每個學生都有機會參與學習、而培養(yǎng)學生和伙伴合作的意識和策略,提高人際交往能力。學生也在獨立與合作的交織中調控了自身的學習,變得自信、自強。(三)練習法:最后設置一個讀短文和寫的練習,讓小學英語從聽說走向聽說讀寫,為以后的“寫”做準備。(四)競爭教學法:本節(jié)課中兩大組竟賽描述my friend. 可以激發(fā)他們的積極性,使他們將注意力高度集中在所學內容上,提高學習效率。四、說教學過程本堂課我大體上分為四大塊;(一)熱身和復習:聽朋友歌。
24、60; 師生問好,簡單的日常用語對話。(二)新課呈現1.課件出示一男孩與一女孩的頭像。男孩、女孩五官具有鮮明特征,如男孩:小眼睛,大鼻子,大嘴巴,短頭發(fā)等。女孩:大眼睛,小鼻子,小嘴巴,長頭發(fā)等?;顒訒r,讓學生分別來描述他們的特征。2.教學 long hair,short haira.引入:街接上一環(huán)節(jié),當學生描述到頭發(fā)時,教師提醒學生長頭發(fā)是long hair,短頭發(fā)是short hair。如學生沒談到,教師就自己呈現新詞。b.操練:看圖練說:hair long hair she has long hair.short hair he has
25、short hair.描述班級中同學的頭發(fā):t:who has long/short hair in our class?s:she/he/××× has .3.教學quieta.請學生chant.引入:t:sh.quiet!(手勢)b.學說quiet(請學生看清口型再模仿)。c.課件出示一個文靜的女孩和一個好動的男孩,請學生來描述。d.說說班里誰比較文靜。4.教學 friends5.引入:t:(課件出示圖片的一部分)i have a picture. guess, who are in the picture? (學生猜后,課件再出示整張圖片,展示出兩位人物即紫
26、薇與小燕子)who is quiet?t:zi wei is quiet. xiao yanzi is not quiet. but theyre good friends.b.學說friends lets be friends.c.引導學生理解:friends should help each other.進行思想教育。6.教學strong, thina. 引入:t:i have two friends, too.(課件出示人物圖片:一個強壯的男子和一個瘦小的女子)look! the man is strong. the woman is thin.b.學說 strong ,thin并把它放
27、入句子中操練。c.操練:課件或圖片,圖中出現學生熟悉的人物,如自己的老師、同學,各類動畫人物、明星等,請學生描述。 (三)趣味操練a.教師選擇教室里的一位學生,描述其特征。然后學生猜教師描述的是誰。b.學生描述,其它學生猜。五、教后反思:本節(jié)課是詞句教學,詞不離句,句不離語景。通過學習新的句型this is friends來訓練新單詞,同時利用所學句型與新詞介紹朋友鞏固本節(jié)課的生詞,突出了英語的教學目的:學為了運用。讓學生在游戲中練,在交際活動中用,多元性評價活動貫穿課堂始終,目的是激發(fā)學生學習英語的興趣,使他們初步建立學習英語的自信心。小 學 英 語 說 課 稿background
28、 of english teaching in primary school: it is not a long history that english is as a subject in primary school in our country and the main instructional aims of teaching english in primary school is to cultivate pupils basic abilities of their listening and speaking and their good sense of the engl
29、ish language. our boys and girls are exposed to english for the first time, so it is very important to develop their keen interest in english.i. contents: today im going to talk about part b of unit 2, pep primary english, book 3. this lesson includes two parts: lets talk and lets practice. in
30、 section 1, it mainly deals with the dialogue about “whats in the schoolbag?” and the answers. and in section 2, it provides a real situation for the ss to prastise the pattern: how many +n.(pl.)+ do you have? and the answer: i have 23 +n.(pl.)ii. teaching aims1. aims on the knowledge(1)
31、 to enable the ss to understand and speak: “my schoolbag is heavy. whats in it? thank you sooooooo much.” make sure that ss can use these sentences in real situations.(2) to help ss to finish the survey.(3) let ss finish the assessment of “l(fā)ets check” in this unit.2. aims on the ab
32、ilities(1) to develop ss abilities of listening and speaking.(2) to train the ss ability of working in groups.(3) to foster ss abilities of communication and their innovation. 3. aims on the emotion(1) to foster ss consciousness of good co-operation and proper competiti
33、on.(2) to lead ss to show their loveliness to the poor.iii. key-points of this lesson(1) to help ss ask and answer the question: whats in it? (2) to enable ss to study in groups and co-operate skillfully. (3) to develop ss interest in english.iv. difficult p
34、oints(1) to help the ss ask and answer the question “whats in it?” and make sure they can use the plural nouns correctly. (2) to finish the survey by themselves.v. teaching methods as we all know: the main instructional aims of learning english in primary school i
35、s to cultivate pupils basic abilities of listening and speaking and their good sense of the english language. so in this lesson ill mainly use “task-based” teaching method. that is to say, i will let the ss learn in real situations, finish a task by making a survey to help the ss to get a better und
36、erstanding of the key structure of the dialogue. i will arrange four kinds of activities: singing, guessing game, finishing a survey and having a competition. and in this lesson a recorder, cai, school things and a printed form will be needed. students should prepare some school things.vi. teaching
37、procedures and purposes of my designing. ill finish this lesson in five steps.step 1. warm-up and preview1. free talk between t and ss about things in the classroom.2. sing the song together: books and pencils.3. do some tpr, for example: show me your english book. show me your cra
38、yon.4. review the numbers by asking: “how many crayons do you have?” purpose: it is important to form a better english learning surrounding for the ss by singing and doing some total physical response and at the same time it provides situations to review learned knowledge for the next step.ste
39、p 2. presentation now ill mainly talk about this step. 1. present the pattern: “my schoolbag is heavy.” “whats in it?.”(1) show a bag and say: “l(fā)ook! i have a bag.” carry it and say: “oh, it is heavy. my schoolbag is heavy.” help the ss understand the meaning with the help of my body language.
40、 then lead the ss to read the sentence. make sure they can say it correctly.(2) t: my schoolbag is heavy. open the bag and say: “whats in it? whats in my schoolbag?” take out a chinese book. then do the action again. let the ss read the sentence.2. play a guessing game. divide the whole class
41、into four groups to have a competition. let them guess: whats in the bag? how many? purpose: to present the key structures one by one is much easier for the ss to learn and grasp the meanings. proper competition can arouse the ss interest in english learning.3. with the
42、 help of the cai to present the dialogue. set a situation to help ss understand: two ss are coming. one girl is carrying a heavy bag on her back. they are talking.girl: my schoolbag is heavy.boy: whats in it? girl: 20 story-books, 32 pencil, 9 rulers, 12 crayons and 30 picture-books. etc. boy: what
43、will you do? girl: they are for the poor. boy: great! ill bring some school things too. the boy comes back home and puts a lot of things into the bag. then he goes to school again and gives them to a teacher. while he is taking them out, he is counting the numbers of all things. the teacher says: th
44、ank you soooooooo much.4. mention that we should take care of the poor.5. play the cassette. let the ss listen and imitate the dialogue. pay attention to their pronunciation and intonation. purpose: cai can provide a real situation for the ss to understand the dialogue and the relationsh
45、ips between people better. tell the ss we should show our loveliness to the ss.step 3. practice divide ss into groups of six children. each one would finish the printed form by asking and answering: how many storybooks do you have? find out which group finishes faster. thingsnamestory bookspicture-b
46、ookssharpenerscrayonspencilseraserspencil-casesrulerschen jie 8 24 3 32 26 4 1 3 purp
47、ose: task-based teaching method is used here to develop ss ability of communication and also their ability of co-operation will be well trained.step 4. assessment help ss finish “l(fā)ets check” of this unit and workbook. purpose: to check the knowledge ss have learned in this period. step 5. add-activi
48、ty1. let ss tell each other how many school things they have after class. tell their parents how many school things they have at home. 2. take care of everything they have. purpose: revision is so important that ss should speak english as much as they
49、as in class or after class. it is necessary for the ss to do some extensive exercises after class to consolidate the knowledge they learned.pep primary english book 3unit four my home 教學設計教學背景:羅行小學雖然是一所農村小學,但是電化教學一點兒也不落后,學生的學習英語的興趣普遍較濃厚,有一定的英語基礎。不過有許多學生的家庭環(huán)境、經濟條件、父母的文化程度不夠好。學生的學習起點不高,運用英語的能力有待
50、進一步提高。教材分析: unit four my home是義務教育課程標準實驗教科書英語pep四年級上冊unit 4 part a的教學內容。本節(jié)課是第一課時,主要學習5個家庭廳室的詞匯:study,bathroom,bedroom,living room kitchen 以及用所學詞匯及句型 this is my home. you can see a bedroom.來描述自己的家。這5個單詞屬于三會單詞,要求讓學生能聽、說、認讀。let's do 部分是為了進一步鞏固新詞的掌握情況,把單詞融合到短語中,讓學生能根據指令做出相應的動作。this is.句型在第一冊中已學過,對于同
51、學們來說已不陌生,主要是引導學生把本節(jié)課的5個新詞匯融合到該句型中,讓生能實際運用。教學方法:任務型教學法、唱讀歌謠、游戲教學、引趣激情情境創(chuàng)設,自主性學習與小組合作交流相結合。學生情況分析:四年級階段的小學生,是小學英語學習的重要時期。學生已經有了一定的英語學習基礎,且樂于開口大膽地說英語,養(yǎng)成了較好的小組協作學習的習慣,能很好地完成小組合作的活動。但他們在語言的層次性、綜合性表達方面還有一定欠缺。需要教師創(chuàng)設情境,借助任務型活動的有效開展,發(fā)展學生的綜合表達能力。teaching aims:1 enable students to grasp the new words:study,bat
52、hroom,bedroom,livingroom,kitchen2 correct pronunciation and usage of the new words3 understand the order and do the action.4 sing a song:my bedroomteaching key points and difficult points:learn the new words.teaching aids:cai,recorder and tape.teaching procedure:1:warming up.lets chant:work and play
53、,work and play,in the home everydaywork and play,work and play,we have fun everyday2: leading into.t: boys and girls,what can you see in the classroom?s 1: i can see a board ,four windows.s 2: i can see many desks and chairs.t: good job! what's in your home ?s3 : a tv, a table
54、and many chairs.t: good.now, let's go to mai jiadong's home!let's go!3 :presentation(1). watch the video.(2). t: what can you see in mai jiadong 's home ?s 1 :i can see a living room.s2: i can see two bedrooms and a kitchen.(cai shows the picture of living room.)learn the word:
55、living room. go the living room. watch tv.the same way of teaching: kitchen ,bathroom,bedroom, study.4:practice(1) game 1:what's the place?t: there are many doors .guess:whats the place ?(present by cai)(2) game 2:what's missing ?t: you can see five pictures in the screen,then one picture wi
56、ll miss,you will tell me :what's missing?(3 )watch the video again.(4) lets do (present by cai)the teacher and the students say and dogo to the livingroomwatchtvgo to the study. read a bookgo to the kitchenhave a snackgo to the bathroomtake a showergo to the bedroomhave a sleep(5) say and
57、do again5:consolidation and extension(1) the students design the home(2)the students show the pictures and talk about the home in the group.(3) some students talk about the home to the classmates(4) sing a song:my bedroompep book3,unit5,partb lets learnpart1 teaching material1. teaching content:toda
58、y im going to talk aboutpep primary englishbook3, unit5,partb lets learn.2. teaching target:the students are in grade four. they have learnt english for one year. they have strong curiosity and abilities of imitation. but their pronunciation and intonation should be paid more attention.3. teaching a
59、ims:1). aims on the knowledge a). to learn the words:1:plate 2:knife 3:spoon 4:fork 5:chopsticks b). to enable the ss to understand and speak the main sentence patterns: “mon,can i help? / yes.pass me a plate,please.”use sentences in real situations.2). aims on the abilities a). to cultivate ss abilities of listening and speaking; b). to train ss abilities of good co-operation and proper competition.3). aims on the emotion a). to increase the ss interest and set up self-confidence in language study; b). to t
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