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1、頸動脈介入治療中樞神經的供血特點大腦的能量供應只能依靠血糖,自己沒有能量儲存. 故其重量約為體重的2%, 血供卻占心輸出17%(平均750ml/min); 氧氣消耗的20%(平均46ml/min).雙重供血體系,并以基底動脈環(huán)為基礎,建立較廣泛的側枝循環(huán).the thoracic aortogram頸動脈分叉whats wrong here?circle of willis頸動脈疾病腦卒中發(fā)病率: 200 / 100.000 每年80% 缺血性50% 有頸動脈狹窄中國每年80-200(120)萬新發(fā)病例(0.1%)第三位死因80%臨床癥狀由缺血所致( 50%無癥狀頸動脈狹窄 70%需要有創(chuàng)治療

2、cea危險因素new et al, comp.ther. 1999, 25:438-445對acas/nascet研究的反對意見 由非常好的外科醫(yī)生實施許多排除標準, 可被認為是低風險的病人,例如沒有合并癥一般被認為是理想的外科醫(yī)生治療理想的病人成功完成隨機臨床試驗(e.g. sapphire),導致接受支架置入術為一種治療方法, fda 批準適應征和報銷醫(yī)生教育以增加能夠安全完成操作的熟練操作者數量臨床試驗必須證明對高風險病人的療效與cea 等同繼續(xù)研發(fā)易于使用的遠端保護裝置并將其整合入頸動脈支架系統(tǒng)市場/程序開發(fā)資源(全球和局部展開).發(fā)展并展開理解頸動脈操作和臨床問題的核心能力接受接受c

3、ssa的障礙的障礙缺少真實的臨床資料有許多單中心經驗顯示極好的結果 ( mathias, roubin, tct 2002)早期的實驗不能反映現狀, wallstent rct (7f easy wallstent no epd)cavatas, ( no stenting, no epd)所有的工業(yè)試驗都是注冊的,沒有對照因此需要頸動脈腔內介入治療頸動脈內膜切除術高風險病人使用保護裝置的支架和血管成型術一年隨訪結果(the sapphire study-1year results)sapphire科研實驗執(zhí)行委員會員jay yadav, mdangioguard腦保護傘的發(fā)明者顧問公司或股東

4、:jnj強生公司,guidant, cadiomemssapphire研究者sapphire研究者執(zhí)行委員會jay s. yadav, md 心臟科醫(yī)師mark wholey, md 放射科醫(yī)師barry katzen, md放射科醫(yī)師kenneth ouriel, md血管外科醫(yī)師pierre fayad, md神經科醫(yī)師數據分析數據管理: harvard clinical research institute (hcri)cec dsmb 質量控制中心實驗室: jeff popma (brigham & womens)超聲中心實驗室: mike jaff (vascore)經濟學分

5、析: david cohen (hcri)過濾裝置分析: renu virmani (afip)贊助:cordis corporation研究概述隨機的,多中心試驗,對高風險外科手術病人,使用保護裝置的支架介入術和內膜切除術對照研究非隨機的病人進入支架注冊組或外科手術注冊組使用的產品為cordis公司的 precise 鎳鈦支架系統(tǒng)和angioguard xp 遠端保護裝置29 個研究地點sapphire 50% 狹窄(有癥狀) 80% 狹窄(無癥狀)一個或多個合并癥標準醫(yī)生小組構成: 神經科醫(yī)師,外科醫(yī)師,介入醫(yī)師一致同意一致同意 隨機隨機 334(310人被治人被治療療)支架支架=159

6、cea=151支架注冊支架注冊406外科拒絕外科拒絕外科注冊外科注冊7介入拒絕介入拒絕 研究概述(續(xù))隨訪時間:l30天 l6 月l1 年 l2 年l3 年初級終點術后30天時的死亡,中風,心肌梗死 30 天主要不良臨床事件以及術后31天至12月的死亡和同側中風統(tǒng)計學假設通過比較頸動脈支架置入術與內膜剝脫術的療效與安全性來證明支架置入術不次于內膜剝脫術(-3檢驗標準)關鍵入組標準有癥狀,狹窄 50% (超聲或血管造影)無癥狀,狹窄 80% (超聲或血管造影)有癥狀和無癥狀的病人分層自然形態(tài)的頸總動脈或頸內動脈 多學科小組一致同意外科醫(yī)師,神經科醫(yī)師,介入醫(yī)師 關鍵入組標準(續(xù))病人必須有一種或

7、多種下述情形,使他們處于外科高風險條件:- 充血性心力衰竭(iii/iv級) 和/或已知的嚴重左室功能不全 lvef 24 小時 and 0.99冠狀動脈疾病冠狀動脈疾病85.2%73.9%0.02*先前有先前有q或無或無q心心肌梗死肌梗死29.7%34.7%0.38先前先前cabg43.4%23.8%0.99 中風史中風史 27.0% 24.0% 0.60 tia 史史 31.0% 32.4% 0.81 先前先前 cea 28.9% 23.8% 0.37 copd 18.4% 10.3% 0.07 高血壓病史高血壓病史 86.1% 85.4% 0.87 糖尿病史糖尿病史 25.8% 26.7

8、% 0.90 高血脂病史高血脂病史 79.5% 78.7% 0.89 支架注冊人口統(tǒng)計學特征 平平均均年年齡齡 71.4 % 男男性性 64.3% 冠冠狀狀動動脈脈疾疾病病 68.9% 先先前前有有 q 或或無無q 心心肌肌梗梗死死 33.4% 先先前前 cabg 31.5% 先先前前 ptca 21.2% ccs iii or iv 31.5% 支架注冊人口統(tǒng)計學特征(續(xù)) 臨床充血性心力衰竭臨床充血性心力衰竭 18.2% 中風史中風史 32.3% tia 史史 34.5% 慢性阻塞性肺疾病慢性阻塞性肺疾病 18.0% 高血壓史高血壓史 84.4% 糖尿病糖尿病 30.8% 高血脂病史高血脂

9、病史 73.9% 病人進入情況注冊支架病人:406注冊cea : 7隨機“預治療”病人:334隨機“簽署協(xié)議”病人:310協(xié)議治療前即撤銷注冊的病人情況發(fā)現不符入選/排除標準的:8主動撤回同意書的:8病情不斷惡化或手術風險極大的:6其他:2即時操作成功裝置成功率: (殘余狹窄 0.99 同同 側側 小小 : 6( 3.8% ) 3(2.0% ) 0.50 非非 同同 側側 小小 : 3( 1.9% ) 3(2.0% ) 0.99 心心 肌肌 梗梗 死死 (q 或或 nq ) 4(2.5% ) 12(7.9% ) 0.04 q -波波 心心 梗梗 0.0% 2(1.3% ) 0.24 無無 -q

10、 波波 心心 梗梗 4(2.5% ) 10(6.6% ) 0.10 隨機病人一年間事件隨機病人一年間事件事事件件 支支架架 (159 pts) cea (151 pts) p 值值 30天天后后未未發(fā)發(fā)生生非非神神經經性性死死亡亡的的mae 9(5.7) 19(12.6) 0.50* 30天天后后未未發(fā)發(fā)生生心心梗?;蚧蚍欠巧裆窠浗浶孕运浪劳鐾龅牡膍ae 8(5.0%) 11(7.3%) 0.48 * 顯顯著著性性差差異異 非神經性死亡的病因心臟:12/21循環(huán)衰竭:4/21癌癥:3/21腎衰竭:1/21多器官衰竭:1/21注冊支架病人一年間事件事件事件支架注冊支架注冊(406 pts)死亡:

11、死亡:41(10.1%)中風:中風:37(9.1%)同側大同側大13(3.2%)非同側大非同側大5(1.2%)同側小同側小16(3.9%)非同側小非同側小4(1.0%)心梗心梗 (q or nq):11(2.7%)q 波心梗波心梗2(0.5%)無無q 波心梗波心梗9(2.2%)mae64(15.8%)注冊支架病人一年間事件事件事件 注冊支架注冊支架 (406 pts) 30 天后未發(fā)生非神經天后未發(fā)生非神經性死亡的性死亡的mae 42(10.3) 31 天天 22 人發(fā)人發(fā)生非神經性死生非神經性死亡亡 30 天后未發(fā)生心?;蛱旌笪窗l(fā)生心?;蚍巧窠浶运劳龅姆巧窠浶运劳龅膍ae 38(9.4%)

12、* 顯著性差異顯著性差異 非神經性死亡的病因心臟:11/22癌癥:5/22其他:6/22其他:腎衰竭,循環(huán)衰竭,粥樣硬化性疾病,腹主動脈瘤,“非心臟或非神經性”顱神經損害(隨機組)內膜剝脫術組4.6(7/151)支架置入術組0(0/159)p值0.006目標病變血管重建隨機組支架組由臨床導致的病變血管重建:0.6(1/159)外科手術組由臨床導致的病變血管重建:4.0(6/151) (p值0.06)支架注冊組由臨床導致的目標血管重建:0.7(3/406)隨機病人30天事件與acas比較事件事件 支架支架 (159 pts) cea (151 pts) p 值值 未發(fā)生心梗的未發(fā)生心梗的 mae

13、(acas) 6(3.8) 7(4.6) 0.78 與與 acas 相比相比 sapphire 支架支架 3.8 acas 2.3 0.27 sapphirecea 4.6 2.3 0.10 按照按照acas研究中對研究中對mae的定義這個的定義這個30天結果在天結果在mae方面與方面與acas研究具有可比性研究具有可比性, 結果無顯著性差異結果無顯著性差異 結論使用遠端保護裝置的支架介入術不次于內膜剝脫術在1年的觀察點時使用遠端保護裝置的支架介入術具有更高的無事件生存率使用遠端保護裝置的支架介入術在心梗、同側大中風、顱神經損害發(fā)生率方面顯著低于內膜剝脫術支架介入組由臨床原因導致的病損血管重建

14、率更低用acas研究中對嚴重不良事件的定義, 本研究30天時的研究結果與acas研究具有可比性basket diameters 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0 mm vessel diameter range 3.0 7.5 mm filter pore size 100 microns guidewire diameter 0.014” guidewire length 300 cm crossing profile 3.2 3.9 fr capture sheath profile 5.1 fr guiding catheter compatibility 8 fr pro

15、duct overview0.014”0.008”0.014”3.5 cm300 cm34 cm28 cm1.2 - 1.5 cmdeliverydeploymentcapture4.6 fr. (4, 5mm)5.0 fr. (6, 7, 8mm)product overviewnitinol struts100 micronslaser drilled holesproduct overviewcapture sheath approaching basketcapture sheath capturing basketcapture sheathretrieving filterprod

16、uct overviewbaseline, aggresive distal restenosis.closed 6 mm angioguard while crossing the lesionopen angioguardflow through open angioguardcarotid stent implantation using the angioguard protection devicedr.bernhard reimers, long axis3492.2 mshort axis1035.2 mcomputerized photometric analysis of c

17、aptured debris 100 m50 me200mamorphous, acellular material rich in cholesterol clefts (x 62)above fragment with evidence of platelets(x 80)thrombotic material with fibrotic tissue fragments (x 20) qualitative, histopathologic analysis of captured debris pathology dept., university of padovafinal ste

18、nt resultnormal intracranial flow after filter removalfilter protection during carotid stentingicaeffective capture of emboliecho-guided cas villa maria cecilia hospitalcotignola (ra) - italycrossing profiles4 mm3.2 f5 mm3.3 f6 mm3.5 f7 mm3.7 f8 mm3.9 fnew !the tapered transition at the tipnew !extr

19、a-supporttwo levels of wire support will be offered.medium support8.25 cm32 cm3.5 cmstiff . flexible dr.mathias, dr.jaegerises 2001, miami dr.mathias, dr.jaegerises 2001, miamiprecisenitinol stent systema new era starts.precise: 3rd generation of selfexpandable stent launched by cordiswith its uniqu

20、e properties it sets new standards in carotid stenting: .times change third generationof self-expanding stentprofile7f6f 7f5f 5.5fdesign criteriathree key focus areas maintain s.m.a.r.t. performanceminimal foreshortening, radial strengthmultisegmented designimprove deliverabilitylower profileflexibl

21、e delivery systemimprove ease of usestent placement accuracysmart smart .018” preciseprofile 7f 6f/7f 5.5fgw compatibility: .035” .018” .018”working length: 120 cm 135 cm 135 cmouter sheath at stent: blue/opaque clear clearinner shaft: flexible plastic flexible plastic wire coiltip design: blunt tap

22、ered sculptedmarker band scheme: 3 markers 3 markers 3 markers stent diameters: 6 - 10 mm 6 - 10 mm 5 - 10 mmstent lengths:20, 40, 60, 80 mm 20, 30, 40 mm 20, 30, 40 mmdesign evolutionprecisea new, innovative, low profile delivery system with the proven s.m.a.r.t. stent benefitsprecisely yours!a new

23、, innovative delivery systemflexibility and profilea unique coil constructionnew tip designconfidence in precise positioningthe delivery system of the s.m.a.r.t. 018 was optimised to provide support and flexibility in combination with a low profile3 transition zones balanced support & flexibilit

24、y flexibility & profilelow profile5.5f 5fexcellent flexibilityflexibility & profileprecise has got the highest flexibilityflexibility & profilea unique coil constructioncoiled stainless steel ribbon (40 cm)metal hypotubenew coilinner catheter (transparent)proximal markera unique coil con

25、structionaccuracy in stent placementcoiled inner shaft design- improved flexibility and kink resistance- lower deployment force- excellent transfer of longitudinal forces for improved placement accuracyproprietary coil-construction accuracy of placementstent deployment force30% less force required t

26、o deploy a precise stent compared to s.m.a.r.t. 018new design to track smoothly over .018” and .014” wiresnew tip design soft material: superior tracking atraumatic crossinghighest flexibility on the market !new tip designthe proven s.m.a.r.t. stent benefitsnitinol materialone piece laser cutmicrome

27、sh geometrymultisegmented designstent designs.m.a.r.t.precisestent designsame fundamental s.m.a.r.t.-designnitinolone-piece laser cut18 v-segments circumferentiallyminimal foreshortening ( 8%)1 mm flare at both endsstruts were tuned to match a 5.5f sds and maintain similar radial strengthsegmentbrid

28、ges“v” patternsegmented designsegmented design 18 circumferential repeating v patternsmicromesh geometry bridges connect subsequent segments bridges alternate direction segment-independence every 2 mmstent radial resistive force & chronic outward force 1.771.841.631.760.480.400.490.430.00.20.40.

29、 6x20precise 6x20smart 8x40precise 8x40force (n/cm)rrfcofrrf and cof00. stentradial strength of different stents?foreshorteningpeak to peak15o - 20o bend50o - 60o bendstrut ends facing each otherstrut peak to strut

30、 valley alignmentpeak-to-valley design:no compromise in bends !s.m.a.r.t.-designbraided designs.m.a.r.t.-design vs braided designwallappositioningmicromesh-designexcellent scaffoldingmultisegmented design full contourabilitystretching of arterybraided designsbraided designs straighten the artery at the site of the lesion causing kinking of the artery


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