1、Module 11 Units 1-2同步評估英語知識運用(共兩節(jié))第一節(jié) 單項選擇(共15 小題)請認真閱讀下面各題,從題中所給的A、B、C、D四個選項中,選出最佳選項。1. Allthe three offersare to my tasteand I amat a loss which to choose._!Hesitation might cost you the good opportunities.A. Come onB. Take your timeC. Look outD. Cheer up2. The couple are at the same age, but _ th
2、e husband looks much older than his wife.A. in additionB. in realityC. in contrastD. in detail3. Our last year of high school is a strategic year, _ time for hard work and good preparations for _ higher education.A. the;不填B. a; theC. the; aD. a; 不填4. Romewasntbuilt ina day. You should set up _ goals
3、 and work hard.A. accurateB. generalC. exactD. realistic5. It was because my grandparents got tired of the noisy city life _they moved to a small village.A. whoB. whichC. thatD. where6. There is no _ in pushingchildrenunless they are talented and theyenjoy it.A. wonderB. needC. pointD. doubt7. We lo
4、st the game. As you know, Marc Owens should have scored, but he_.A. hasn tB. wasn tC. hadn tD. didn t8. Since you want to make up with her, you should be the first to _the misunderstanding.A. clear upB. break up用心愛心專心-1-C. take upD. follow up9. My friend Mark is going to buy that apartment _ he know
5、s that the price have raised a lot.A. so thatB. even ifC. now thatD. as if10. When _ to be a lawyer, you should consider all the aspects ofit.I can t agree more. Being a lawyer can involve _ for moral issues.A. chosen; blamingB. choosing; to blameC. choosing; being blamedD. chosen; being blamed11. L
6、ily, before trying to solve the puzzle, youd better consider thebest way _ it.A. in approachingB. to approachC. approachD. to approaching12. How was your job interview yesterday? Oh, it was _. I answered all of the questions immediately with confidence.A. my cup of teaB. as plain as dayC. a piece of
7、 cakeD. a dead end13. Itisreportedthatkindergartensare in greatneed of men teachers.Absolutely. Men can _ excellent kindergarteners.A. keepB. makeC. changeD. get14. The government guarantees that the amount of donated money will _what the victims receive.A. cope withB. correspond withC. compare with
8、D. connect with15. Itis some ordinaryprofessions_ people earn very littlethathelpsociety _.A. that; performB. where; performC. that; functionD. where; function用心愛心專心-2-第二節(jié) 完形填空(共20 小題)請認真閱讀下面短文,從短文后各題所給的A、B、C、D 四個選項中,選出最佳選項。Growing up, I had a scar on my face a perfect arrow in the centerof my cheek
9、, pointing at my left eye. I 16it when I was three, longbeforeIknew thatscarswere a17 thing,especiallyfora girl.Ionlyknew thatmy scarbroughtme 18 andtenderness and candy. As I got older,I began to take19in my scar, in part to stop people laughing at me,but mainly as a reaction to the thought that I
10、should feel uncomfortable.It s true. I was20the first couple of times someone pointed at my21and asked, “Whats that?” or called me“Scarface. ” But the moreI heard how 22my scar was, the more I found myself liking it.When I turned fifteen, my parents 23the advice of a doctordecided it was time to 24o
11、n what was now a thick, shiny red scar.“But I dontmind thescar,really,” I toldmy fatheras he25thatIwould have theoperationduringmy summervacation.And my friends,alongwithmy boyfriendat the time, 26asI did, that my scarwas27and almost pretty in its own way. After so many years, it was a28ofme. But my
12、 father said it was a deformity (畸形 ). I don t know what29more thatday: hearingmy fathercallmy scar a deformity, 30realizingthat it didnt31 to him how I felt about it.I did have the operation that summer.Inmy latetwenties,I tooka longlookatmy scar,somethingIhadntdone inyears.32,itcouldbe seen inther
13、ightlight,but no one33meaboutitanymore. As Ileaneduneasily toward the mirror,I felta sudden34 .There was something powerful about my scar and the proud person I35 because of it. I have never been quite so strong since they cut itout.用心愛心專心-3-16.A. gotB. remainedC. keptD. drew17.A. goodB. badC. stran
14、geD. funny18.A. troubleB. shameC. attentionD.reward19.A. prideB. placeC. careD. blame20.A. uncomfortableB. proudC. pleasedD.disappointed21.A. headB. cheekC. mouthD. nose22.A. longB. unfortunateC. beautifulD.unbelievable23.A. inB. forC. againstD. on24.A. operateB. talkC. removeD.center25.A. suggested
15、B. explainedC. toldD. ordered26.A. feltB. actedC. didD. hoped27.A. unluckyB. uglyC. uniqueD.necessary28.A. partB. problemC. memoryD. dream29.A. interestedB. encouragedC. hurtD.surprised30.A. andB. orC. soD. but31.A. mindB. occurC. concernD. matter32.A. StillB. ThoughC. ThusD. Also33.A. caredB. asked
16、C. questionedD.mentioned34.A. happinessB. satisfactionC. sadnessD.shock35.A. respectedB. knewC. metD. became閱讀理解 (共 20 小題)用心愛心專心-4-請認真閱讀下列短文,從短文后各題所給的A、B、C、D 四個選項中,選出最佳選項。AWhats On?Macau Neighborhood Festival 2008Various celebratory activities will be hosted by the General Union ofNeighbors Associat
17、ion of Macau from July 9 to 31 in celebration of the“Macau Neighborhood Festival” . A liveperformance and pictureexhibitionwill be mounted (組織開展 ) on July 9. Visitors and local residents arewelcome.Time: 4:00 pm to 6:00 pmFree admissionVenue: Courtyard of Lok Yeung Garden, Fai Chi KeiTelephone enqui
18、ries: (853) 333 614Lao Man Chau Photography Exhibition2 to 9 Jul.Throughout his travels to various natural beauty cities, Lao Man Chauhad plenty of opportunities to indulge(滿足) his passion for painting,music, calligraphy (書法 ) and philosophy. He is to share the delights ofphotography in his seminar
19、on July 2 at 3:30 pm. All are welcome to comeand share the experience.Opening hours: 11:00 am to 7:00 pm Free admissionVenue: Millennium Gallery, Av. da Praia Grande, No. 599Telephone enquires: (853) 557 672Permanent Activity San Kio FairSan Kio Fairis speciallydesigned to offerentertainment,culture
20、andshopping to visitors. Different stalls (攤位 ) will be set up outside theLin Kai Temple to providevisitorswith toys,garments and food.CantoneseOperas are held on Saturday and Sunday nights.Time: 5:00 pm to 11:00 pmFree admissionVenue: In front of Lin Kai Temple用心愛心專心-5-Telephone enquires: (853) 324
21、 6224th Macau Pop Music FestivalMajor localmusic event Macau Pop Music Festivalacts as a platformforbands and singersfrom Hong Kong and Macau to exchange musical genres (類型) . This year,performerswillstage two concertsin Sai Van Lake Squareon July 16 at 7:30 pm and Macau Forum on July 23 at 8:30 pm.
22、Admission: MOP $80Telephone enquires: (853) 9884 130, 9884 00036. If you plan to leave Macau at 8:00 pm on July 9, how many activities can you take part in at most?A. Four.B. Three.C. Two.D. One.37. The 4th Macau Pop Music Festival is different from the other three in that _.A. it requires admission
23、 charges B. it lasts for more than one weekC. you can enjoy a performance there D. you can go there in the evening38. The main purpose of announcing the above is to give information about_.A. some bands and singers B. some activities for JulyC. a famous photographerD. celebratory activitiesBStarting
24、your firstjob search is excitingand confusing.Heres someadvice that s virtually (差不多 ) guaranteed to point you in the rightdirection:a. Leave your parents at homeYour parents are one of the best resources for job search advice, andit s wise to pick their brains on occasion. After all, with years of
25、experience under their belts, they can offer guidance for avoiding the用心愛心專心-6-mistakes theyve made. But be careful not to rely on them too heavily.It s not unheard of for parents to accompanytheir children to job fairs. Your parents behavior will te ll those employers that you lack the independence
26、 and confidence to conduct your own job search.b. _Everyone wants to land the“perfect ” job you know, the one witha good base salary and generous time off. Unfortunately, these jobs arefew and far between. But that doesnt mean the right job for you isntout there.When evaluating employment offers, do
27、nt overlook those that fall alittle outside your idea of ideal. For example, if the pay is less thanyou would like to earn, consider if other aspects of the job, such as thebenefits offerings or advancement potential, make up for the slightlysmallersalary.Ifyou place too muchfocus on a singleelement
28、 of the offer,you may pass up a promising opportunity.c. Be honestEntry-level professionals often have little work experience that canbe used to convince employers of their qualifications. That s why someare tempted to enhance their application materials by embellishing (美化) certaindetails.An applic
29、antmay claim to have completed a degree thatis still unfinished, for instance.Companies perform background and reference checks on prospective (可能的 ) employees, and even a small white lie is enough to disqualify themost talentedcandidate.Ittakes only one callto a previousboss to uncovera falsehood.A
30、bove all,rememberthatfindinga new job can take weeks or even months.Try not to become discouraged. Take a smart, careful approach to your job search, and you will land your first position before you know it.39. The passage mainly tells readers _.用心愛心專心-7-A. the importance of peoples first jobB. how
31、to show your advantages to your employersC. how to land your very first jobD. how to be an honest person40. What would be the best heading for part b?A. Find a“perfect ” jobB. Grasp a promising opportunityC. Do consider all of the aspects of a jobD. Dont focus on“perfection”41. The underlined expres
32、sion“few and far between” means _.A. manyB. rareC. difficultD. challenging42. Some applicants may claim to have completed a degree that is still unfinished because _.A. they think it has something to do with their salary B. they think it may bring them some job opportunities C. they are sure they ca
33、n finish it sooner or laterD. they are just want to show offCI once heard someone sa y, “We dont remember days; we remember moments.” However, in today s busy life we often forget to enjoy small pleasures while we make big plans.In the race to be better or best, we sometimes lose sight of“justbeing
34、”. A nd just being and enjoying a beautiful moment can provide someof lifes greatestpleasures.A fire ona cold winter night,a good book,an impressive sunset, a great meal, or a timeless moment with your childor a friend these moments, if we stop long enough to enjoy, are theessence ( 本質 ) of life.I l
35、ove to fish, especially for large-mouth bass (鱸魚 ). About threeyears ago I was watching television late at night and got this crazy idea用心愛心專心-8-to go fishing in the lake behind my house. Of course, my wife thought Iwas nuts. It was almost midnight! I told her I was fine and took off.I walked out to
36、 a warm summerbreeze ( 微風 ) and lookedup at thestarrysky and breathtakingfullmoon. I allowed my senses to soak ( 浸泡 ) in everysecond the sweet smell of flowers, the sound of every cricket (蟋蟀 ),the moon s reflection dancing off the water it was a perfect night.Afterwalkingacrossa smallfield,Itookout
37、 a flashlight,and selecteda lure ( 餌). On my first cast I got a bass weighing over five pounds, oneof the largest I had ever caught. I gently put it back into the water andcontinuedmy midnightadventure.Duringthe next two hours I caughtseventeenbass,allbetween two and fivepounds. AlthoughI ve fishedf
38、oralmost fifty years, no fishing memory can top that night.But that night provided far more than a fishing memory. It was a lifememory. Itprovidedme a pictureof what lifecould be likeif Ijustsloweddown enough to enjoy the moments. On my way back to the house, as I walkedthrough the tallgrass,I tooko
39、ne lastlookat the sky and stoppedtosay,“Thank you, God, for giving me this night.”43. The purpose of the passage is to _. A. suggest people should make big plansB. tell people to do what they likeC. advise people to enjoy beautiful moments D. encourage people to follow their dreams44. What does the
40、underlined word“nuts ” in Paragraph 3 mean?A. Determined.B. Ill.C. Tired.D. Crazy.45. The fourth paragraph is mainly about _.A. the description of the nightB. the author s fishing experienceC. the author s attitude towards lifeD. what the author did that night用心愛心專心-9-46. We can learn from the passa
41、ge that night the author _. A. caught fewer fish than beforeB. enjoyed real small pleasures C. went to bed around 1:00 am D. went fishing with his wifeDA new study by a Penn State College of Medicine research team found thathoney is a better and safer treatment for children than cough medicines.Ian
42、Paul, the studys lead researcher, was motivated to test honeybecause treating coughs in children has recently become a sticky subject.Coughing is the bodys way of clearing irritated (受刺激的 ) airways tohelp you breathe.But too much coughing can irritateyour lungs and throateven more. It can also make
43、it tough to get the sleep your body needs toheal. Hoping to ease the suffering of their children, parents often givethem cough medicines.But therehave never been any good studiesshowing thatthey work. Coughand cold medicines may also cause serious side effects. Hundreds of kidsdie in the hospital ea
44、ch year after receiving too much cough medicine bymistake. Last October, the US Food and Drug Administration suggested thatparents should not give cough medicines to children under 6.In order to search fora differentsolution,Paul designed a study thatinvolved 105 kids who were sick with coughs and o
45、ther cold conditions. Atbedtime, the kids took buckwheat (蕎麥 ) honey, honey-flavored (蜂蜜味的 )DM(one of the most commoningredientsin cough medicines),or no treatment.Parents and kids in the no-treatment group knew they werent getting anything, but the other twogroups weren t told which treatment they
46、were getting.The surveysshowed thatkidswho swallowedabout2teaspoonsofbuckwheat honey before bedtime coughed less and slept better than kids in用心愛心專心-10-the othergroups.“Whenparents wantsomething for their kids totake, ”Paul says,“honey seems like the best option”.But what gives honey itshealingpower
47、? Substances calledantioxidants( 抗氧化劑 ) may be partof the answer. Allhoney containsantioxidantsthatprotectour cellsfrom damage. Studiesshow thatantioxidantlevelsin thebody rise after someone swallows honey.47. Which of the following can be the best title for this passage? A. No cough medicines to ch
48、ildrenB. Sweet solution to kids coughingC. Best treatment for your coldD. Cough medicines dont work48. We can learn from Paragraph 2 that coughing _. A. sometimes does good to peopleB. can cure lung and throat diseases C. is more harmful to childrenD. helps improve childrens diet49. During Paul s ex
49、periment, the kids who received treatment _. A. seemed much worse than beforeB. knew theywerent getting anythingC. coughed less and slept betterD. had no idea what they swallowed50. According to the passage, Pauls experiment proved that _.A. cough medicines may cause side effectsB. cough medicines d
50、ont really workC. honey may have real healing powerD. buckwheat honey contains more antioxidantsEWatching my son rolling around on the floor with my husband just brings a smile to my face as I see my husband let go of all the stress from work用心愛心專心-11-and spend timebeinga kid again.For many fathers, theirchildren are thelightat the end of a busy,stressfuland grinding(無止盡的) tunnel.Thisis my husbands firstFather s Day and Iwant to make itan unforgettableone it s time to celebrate Dad and all he does for the family.
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