



1、新物理專業(yè)英語范圍單詞篇1 、加速度 acceleration 2 、速度 velocity 3 、角速度 angular velocity 4 、角動量 angular momentum5 、熱量 amount of heat 6 、熱力學(xué)第一定律 the first law of thermodynamics 7 、干涉 interference 8 、反射 reflection 9 、折射 refraction 10 、振幅 amplitude 11 、機械運動 mechanical motion 12、保守場 conservative field 13 、向心力 centripetal

2、 force 14、保守力 conservative force 15、摩擦力 friction force 16 、面積 area 17 、體積 volume 18、阿伏加德羅常數(shù) avogadro constant 19 、絕對零度 absolute zero 20 、電勢能 energy of position 21、重力勢能 gravitational potential energy 22 、重力場 the field of gravity force 23 、真空中的磁場 magnetic field in a vacuum 24 、電磁波 electromagnetic wave

3、 25 、電流的相互作用interaction of current1、(第 3 頁)第四段的第3 句a typical problem of mechanics consists in determining the states of a system at all the following moments of time t when we know the state of the system at a certain initial moment to and also the law governing the motion. 翻譯:機械運動的一個典型的問題的構(gòu)成取決于一個系統(tǒng)

4、在接下來的時間間隔t 的狀態(tài),(因此)當(dāng)我們知道了一個確切的最初的系統(tǒng)狀態(tài)時,也可以知道運動的規(guī)律。2、(第 4 頁)第一段a body whose dimension may be disregarded in the condition or a given problem is called a point particle (or simply a particle). 翻譯:在一個給定的問題中,一個物體的形狀和大小可以被忽略的情況被稱為質(zhì)點。3、(第 36 頁)第五段【注:選詞和閱讀會出】for a stationary filed ,the work done on a parti

5、cle by the forces of the field may depend only on the initial and final position of the particle and not depend on the path along which the particle moved .forces having such a property are called conservative. 翻譯:對于恒定場,這個場的力對粒子所做的功只依賴于粒子的初位置和末位置,不依賴于粒子運動的路徑。具有這一特性的力被稱為保守力。精品學(xué)習(xí)資料 可選擇p d f - - - - -

6、- - - - - - - - - 第 1 頁,共 5 頁 - - - - - - - - -精品學(xué)習(xí)資料 可選擇p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 1 頁,共 5 頁 - - - - - - - - -4、(第 40 頁)第一行a field of forces is called potential if it can be described with the aid of the function v(x,y,z,t), whose gradient see the following section, eq.(2.13) determines th

7、e force at each point of the field: f=? v compare with eq.(2.32).the function v is called the potential function or the potential. 翻譯:一個力場被稱為勢場,如果可以借助函數(shù)v(x,y,z,t)來描述, 看下一部分, e.q.(2.31)它的梯度決定力場中的每一個點:f=? v 與(2.32) 比較 。函數(shù) v被稱為勢函數(shù)或勢場。5、( 第 56 頁)第二段和第三段【注:翻譯、選詞、閱讀會出】in translation,all the points of a bo

8、dy receive displacements equal in magnitude and direction during the same time interval .consequently, the velocities and accelerations of all the points are identical at every moment of time .it is therefore sufficient ( 足夠的;充分的)to determine the motion of one of the points of a body (for example ,o

9、f its center of mass) to completely characterize the motion of the entire body. 翻譯:在平動中,剛體上所有的點在相同的時間間隔內(nèi)得到大小和方向都相同的位移。因此,所以的點的速度和加速度在各個時刻是相同的。因此充分的取決于用剛體上一點(例如,質(zhì)心)的運動來完全描述整個剛體的運動特征。in rotation,all the points of a rigid move along circles whose centers are on a single straight line called the axis of

10、 rotation.to describe rotation,we must set the position of the axis of rotation in space and the angular velocity of the body at each moment of time . 翻譯:在轉(zhuǎn)動中, 剛體上所有的點沿著圓周運動的中心在一條單直線上被稱為旋轉(zhuǎn)軸。為了描述轉(zhuǎn)動 ,我們必須設(shè)定空間中旋轉(zhuǎn)軸的位置和剛體在各個時刻的角速度。6、(第 79 頁)第一段和第二段the masses of atoms and molecules are characterized by (通

11、過 .來區(qū)分)using quantities known as the relative atomic mass of an element (the atomic mass in short) and the relative molecular mass of substance (the molecular mass). 翻譯:原子和分子的質(zhì)量通過使用質(zhì)量來區(qū)分被稱為元素的相對原子質(zhì)量(簡稱原子質(zhì)量)和物質(zhì)的相對分子質(zhì)量(簡稱分子質(zhì)量)。the atomic mass (ar)of a chemical element is defined as the ratio of the ma

12、ss of an atom of the element to 1/12 of the mass of the atom c12(this is the symbol for the carbon isotope with a mass number of 12) .the molecular mass (mr) of a substance is defined as the ratio of the mass of a molecule of the substance to 1/12 of the mass of the atomc12. their definitions show t

13、hat the atomic and molecular masses are dimensionless quantities . 精品學(xué)習(xí)資料 可選擇p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 2 頁,共 5 頁 - - - - - - - - -精品學(xué)習(xí)資料 可選擇p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 2 頁,共 5 頁 - - - - - - - - -翻譯:一種化學(xué)元素的相對原子質(zhì)量被定義為這種元素的原子的質(zhì)量與c12原子的質(zhì)量的1/12 的比值。物質(zhì)的相對分子質(zhì)量被定義為物質(zhì)的分子的質(zhì)量與c12原子的質(zhì)量的1/12 的比

14、值。它們的定義表明原子和分子的質(zhì)量是無量綱的。7、(第 85 頁)第一段、第二段和第三段the internal energy can change in the main at the expense of two different processes:the performance of the work a on a body and the imparting of the heat q to it.the doing of work is attended by the displacement of the external bodies acting on the system

15、 .for example ,when we move in the piston closing a vessel with a gas ,the piston when moving does the work a on the gas . according to newton s law,the gas, in turn ,dose the work a = aon the piston . 翻譯:內(nèi)能可以交換總的來說是兩個不同過程的(能量的)損失:一個物體所做的功a 和物體傳遞的熱量 q 。所做的功是由外界物體對系統(tǒng)做功的增量決定的。例如,當(dāng)我們移動充滿氣體的密閉容器的活塞的時候,移

16、動時活塞對氣體做的功為a 。根據(jù)牛頓第三定律,總的來說,氣體對活塞做的功為a=a 。the imparting of heat to a gas is not associated with the motion of external bodies and is therefore not associated with the doing of macroscopic (i.e. relating to the entire complex of molecules which the body consists of ) work on the gas .in this case,the

17、 change in the internal energy is due to the fact that separate molecules of the hotter body do work on separate molecules of the colder one .energy is also transferred here by radiation.the combination of microscopic (i.e. involving not an entire body ,but separate molecules of it ) processes is ca

18、lled heat transfer.翻譯:氣體熱量的傳遞不與外界物體的運動相聯(lián)系也因此不與宏觀上對氣體作功相聯(lián)系。在這種情況,內(nèi)能的改變與較熱的物體中單獨的分子對較冷的物體中單獨的分子所做的功有關(guān)。能量同樣是通過輻射來傳遞的。微觀過程的總和被稱為熱量傳遞。just as the amount of energy transferred by one body to another is determined by the work a done by the bodies on each other ,the amount of energy transmitted from one bod

19、y to another by heat transfer is determined by the amount of heat q transferred by one body to the other .thus ,the increment of the internal energy of a system must equal the sun of the work a done on the system and the amount of heat q imparted to it : 12aquu. here 1uand 2uare the initial and fina

20、l values of the internal energy of the system .it is customary practice to 精品學(xué)習(xí)資料 可選擇p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 3 頁,共 5 頁 - - - - - - - - -精品學(xué)習(xí)資料 可選擇p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 3 頁,共 5 頁 - - - - - - - - -consider the work a (equal to a) done by a system on external bodies instead of

21、 the work a done by external bodies on the system .introducing a in eq.(4.6) instead of a and solving it relative to q.we have auuq12. 翻譯: 由一個物體到另一個物體的能量的傳遞取決于物體之間所做的功a。從一個物體到另一個物體的能量的傳遞通過熱傳遞( 來實現(xiàn)的)取決于一個物體到另一個物體傳遞的熱量q 。因此,系統(tǒng)內(nèi)能的增量必須等于對系統(tǒng)所做的功a 和(物體)傳遞給系統(tǒng)的熱量q的總和:12aquu這里的1u和2u是系統(tǒng)內(nèi)能的最初值和最末值。通常會考慮用系統(tǒng)對外界所

22、做的功a 來代替外界對系統(tǒng)所做的功 a。將 a帶入方程( 4.6 )中來代替a, 解出 q ,我們有auuq12。8、(第 86 頁)it can be put in words as follows: the amount of heat imparted to a system is spent on an increment of the internal energy of the system and on the work done by the system on external bodies. 翻譯:(熱力學(xué)第一定律)可以用下面的話來論述:一個系統(tǒng)熱量的傳遞被用于系統(tǒng)內(nèi)能的增

23、量和系統(tǒng)對外界物體所做的功。9、(第 104 頁)knowing the probability of the different measurement results,we can find the mean value of all the results.according to the definition (定義) of the mean value iiiixpnxnx(5.5) 翻譯:想要知道出現(xiàn)的概率的不同測量結(jié)果,我們可以找出所有結(jié)果的平均值,根據(jù)平均值的定義有iiiixpnxnx(5.5) 10 、(第 149 頁)it is easy to see that the a

24、ngle between rays op and oq is 2. 翻譯:很容易可以看出射線op 和 oq 之間的夾角為2。11、(第 158 頁)【注:英譯中】according to the huygens-fresnel principle .every element of wave surface s is the source of a secondary spherical wave whose amplitude is proportional to the size of element ds.the amplitude of a spherical of a spheric

25、al wave diminishes with the distance r from its source according to the law 1/r. 精品學(xué)習(xí)資料 可選擇p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 4 頁,共 5 頁 - - - - - - - - -精品學(xué)習(xí)資料 可選擇p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 4 頁,共 5 頁 - - - - - - - - -翻譯:根據(jù)惠更斯菲涅耳原理。光波表面s 的每個面積元為光源的次級球面波其振幅與面積元ds的大小成正比。根據(jù)定律中的1/r 可知,球面波的振幅隨著它到光源的距離r 減少。12、(第 176 頁)【英譯中】a point charge is defined as a charged body whose dimensions may be disregarded in comparison with the distances from this body to other bodies carrying an electric charge. 翻譯:點電荷被定義為一個帶電體與它到另一個帶電體之間的距離相比較時其大小可以被忽略。參考理解:(不用背)點電荷:物理學(xué)上把本身的線度比相互之間的距離小得多的帶電體叫做點電荷。13


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