




1、2019年濰坊市初中學業(yè)水平考試英語試題注意事項:1. 本試題滿分90分,考試時間為90分鐘;2. 答卷前務必將試題密封線內(nèi)及答題卡上面的項目填涂清楚。所有答案都必須 涂寫在答題卡相應位置,答在本試卷上一律無效。一、閱讀理解(共 15小題;每小題2分,滿分30分)閱讀下列短文,從每題所給的ABCD四個選項中選出最佳選項。AThe LANLEY SCHOOL丄 Of EngIiShDo you nned toEnMWh i3 CoUrSCSSPOakinyWritirlg£ 30 OQLiSIIH fmjsK 刊 b W Hw CoLFM FwrV <*7 0* n*r 舸*4L
2、 tj>n-¼9500J1.T hePoS terFbd US-PvB(kX23A 0WI 4M* StwK% JUll 5 tt LlVIypjta-LCnddnWA5CBgives in formatio n about .A. the man teacherB. En glish COUrSeSC. Ia nguage schools in LondonD. differe nt activities in Lanl eygate2. HoW much do you have to Pay for both SPeak ing and Writi ng ?A. £
3、; 95B. £ 125C. £ 1553. If Leo is free On SUn day after noon ,he Can A. improve his liste ning ability classC. have a n ative teacherD. £ 220B. join the POSSibIe smallestD. Lear n how to Write in En glishBWhen he WaS a tee nager ,Hun ter AdamS WaS Veryfor people Withmental( 精神 的)Un hap
4、py ,and he SPe nt many years in the 1960s and 1970s hospital health problems .hospital ,Adams decided to becomehe Went to MediCaI School inhe WaS there he did thi ngsWhe nhe lefta doctor ,soVirgi nia ,USA ,But Whe nWay .For example ,he didn ' t like the doctor ' S White coats .heWear ShirtS
5、With flowers On them When he ViSited hisin a differentPreferred toPatients ,and he tried to make them laugh .The doctors at the medical school didn ' t like AdamS Very much because he WaS to different .BUt AdamS believed that people in hospital need more than medicine .HeSaW Unhappy and Ionely p
6、eople ,and he tried to help them as Patients ,butas people too .He SPent a lot of time With ChiIdren in the hospital ,and Often PUt a SPeCiaI red nose On his face to look like a clown a nd to make the ChiIdre n laugh .When he fini Shed medical school and became a doctor , AdamS ope ned hisOWn hospit
7、al ,called “the GeSUndheit InStitUte ” ,together With some other doctors .They Wanted it to be a place in a different Way of working With SiCk people .HUn ter AdamS became famous duri ng the 1980s ,and in 1998 ,Uni VerSaIPiCtUreS made a film about his life .It WaS Very SUCCeSSfUIn the film(called Pa
8、tCh AdamS) ,Robi nWilliams PIayed AdamS .WilliamsSaid , ” HUnter is a really Warm PerSon ,who believes that Patients need a doctor who ' S friendenjoyed playing him .”4. What PrObabIy made HUn ter decide to be a doctor ?A. HiS in terest in medici neB. HiS idea to ope n a hospitalC. HiS early exp
9、erie nce as a tee nagerD. HiS love for the Ion elyChiIdre n around5. How WaS HUn ter differe nt from other doctors ?A. He WaS famous before work ing in hospitalB. He liked to Wear ShirtS With flowers in them every dayC. He treated his Patie nts as friends in every Way POSSibIeD. He WaS good at deali
10、 ng With people who Were men tally ill .6. What does the Underlined word“ clown ” in ParagraPh 3 PrObabIe meanA.木偶B.小丑C.外星人D.蜘蛛俠7. What Can We know from Robin Williams words ?A. He thought highly Of HU nter .B. EVery doctor n eeds a Patie nt friendC. He became a Warm PerS On ever afterD. A good acto
11、r makes a SUCCeSSfUI film .CA rece nt StUdy from a team of South Korea n researchers SUggeStS that eat ing alone ofte n may lead to poor eat ing habits and poor food ChOiCeS .Specifically ,the StUdy found that men who ate alone more than twice a Week had a greater risk ofdevelop inghigh bloodPreSSUr
12、e ,high cholesterol and diabetes .For ChiIdren,eating With their families isnot only about PreVenting bad outcomes(結(jié)果)it is also about developinggood OneS .In 2014, the OrganiZatiOnfor EConomic CooperatiOn and Development(OECD)looked at data from nearly three-quarters of the world' S CoUntries .
13、Amongits findings WaS the fact that StUde nts who Shared a main meal With their families Were less likely to SkiP school .Children who eat a main meal With their families are also less likely to abuse drugs and alcohol(吸毒酗酒 ).In the report ,titled“The ImPOrtance of FamiIy DinnerS (VIII)” ,researcher
14、s Say that “ tee ns who have freque nt family dinners are more likely to Say their Parents know a lot about What' S going on in their lives” .They also claim that Whe n tee ns Say they feel closer to their Pare nts ,they are less likely to USe drugs and alcohol .Ano ther StUdy from the Uni VerSi
15、ty of Mon treal found that ChiIdre n who ate With their families experie nce Iong term PhySiCaI and men tal healthbenefits( 好處).These ChiIdren Were PhySiCally in better ShaPe and drank fewer SUgary soft drinks .These ChiIdre n also Seemed to have better social skills and they Were less aggressive(好斗
16、的)PrOfeSSOr Linda Pagani SayS that mealtimes Shared With Parents"likelyPrOVide young ChiIdre n With first-ha nd social in teract ions ,discussi OnS of social issues( 事件)and day-to-day ConCernS ” .She adds that they may likely help the child have better com muni Cati on skills With OtherS .8. Wh
17、at Can be the best title for the text ?A. Ben efits of eat ing togetherB. AdVa ntages of eat ing aloneC. WayS of developing social skillsD. RiSkS of USing drugs andalcohol9. ChiIdre n eat ing With their families are more likely to .A. drink more SUgary soft drinksB. do well in their StUdieS at schoo
18、lC. be more socially active and aggressiveD. have a closer relati On ShiP With their Pare nts10. Why is ProfeSSor Paga ni men ti Oned in the IaSt ParagraPh ?A. To in troduce herB. To add a new PointC. To explai n furtherD. To PrOVide backgro Und in formatio n11. From WhiCh is the text PrObabIy taken
19、 ?A. A travel guideB. A biology textbookC. A cook ing in StrUCti OnD. A SCie nce magaz ineDNo One WakeS UP feeli ng happy every day .Very happy people are not differe nt .They n ever stop trying to be happy .Here are some of the habits of happy people . They slow dow n .SOmetimeS We think too much .
20、 12 HaPPy people know how to enjoy the taste of their meal ,enjoy the world' S colors ,even just SteP OUtSide toenjoy fresh air . _13Getting your body moving for as little as IominUtes Can make you happy .Happy people exercise regularly and follow through On it because they know it will help the
21、m get in good mood (情緒)and Stay in good mood . They SPe nd money on Other people .ReSearCh shows that SPending money on OtherS makes you much happier than SPe nding it On yourself .This is especially true of small things that show effort , SUCh as going out of your Way to buy your friend a book that
22、 you know he or She will like . They get eno Ugh sleep .14 YoUr energy ,attentiOn and memory all go down When you don' tsleep well .Happy people make sleep a first thing of all . They have deep Con VerSati OnS .HaPPy people know that happ in ess and depth go han d-i n-ha nd .They avoid Saying me
23、an things about people .15 They talk With OtherS On a deeperlevel , because they know doing it feels good and is an in teresti ng Way to Iearn .根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,從下列選項中選出能填入空白處的最佳選項,選項中有一項為 多余選項。A. They exercise .B. HaPP in ess makes you CreatiVe .C. We don ' t have time to look around .D. InStead ,they fo
24、cus on meaningful relationShiPS .E. When you sleep ,your brain restarts and clea ns itself .二、語言知識運用(共 20小題;滿分25分)A閱讀下面短文,從短文后各題所給的A、B、C、D四個選項中,選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項。(共10小題;每小題1.5分,滿分15分)TiPS for being a SUPer orga ni Zed StUde ntPOSted 2hours ago by AmyI have always admired stude nts who hand in their hom
25、ework On time and never 16 to do it .Me ,on the other handOK ,I ' m not goodenoUgh'm 17 at getting myself organized(有條理的)!BUt lately I ' Ve Started keeping a small StUdy 18Write down19 I n eed to do and Whe n it n eeds to be done by .The n I Write a reminder( 提醒單)a few days before the da
26、te just in CaSe .It ' S helpingSo 20 are your tips for getting organiZed ?Post a comment below .I ' m hoping We Can Share tips to teach US better StUdy skills .Comme ntsHanaGood question, Amy21 SPendabout five minutes at the end ofthe day 22 the desktop On my COmPUter .I make a copy of impor
27、ta nt documents I delete things I don' t need any more and PUt everything USefUI into the 23 folder(文件夾).The most important thing is to StartStUdy ing a few WeekS before the 24 and not leave it 25 the ni ght before ! That ' S just com mon sense , I think .GloriaHi ,Amy .My tip is to have a b
28、ig no ticeboard16. A. PrePare17. A. Sad18A bill19. A. all20. A. how21. A. always22. A.mak ing UP23. A. real24. A. exams25. A. afterB. Con ti nueB. goodB. diaryB. eachB. Whe nB. neverB. tidy ing UPB. SimiIarB. holidaysB. untilC. regretC. angryC. scoreC. bothC. WhatC. seldomC. PUtt ing UPC. COrreCtD.C
29、. meeti ngsC. SinCeD. forgetD. terribleD. PrOmiSeD. n eitherD. WhereD. SOmetimeSD. Sett ing UP naturalD. PartieSD. as閱讀下面短文,用括號內(nèi)所給單詞的適當形式填空,必要時可加助動詞。(共10小題;每小題1分,滿分10分)She USed to sleep On the SideWaIk of the Fifth Street Post OffiCe could smell her before I Came close .She 26 (Wear)dirty clothes an
30、d her mouthWaS nearly toothless f She WaS not asleep ,she talked to 27 (She) .What a poor old lady !One Than ksgivi ng ,we had lots of food 28 (IeaVe) overthought about the old lady .She might be still hungry .So I PaCked the food UP and rode over to the Fifth Street .It WaS a cold ni ght .There WaS
31、 hardly anyone out .But I knew She would Stay at the Same place and I would find her 29(easy) .There She WaS ,sitting against a tree near the post OffiCe.She 30(dress) as She always WaSWent to her and Said ,” I ' Ve brought you somefood . Would you Iike Some turkey and apple Pie ?HoWeVer ,the ol
32、d woman didn ' t Seem to be Very 31 (excite) aboutthis .She looked at meand Said , “Oh ,thank you Very much ,but someOne 32 (give) me food earlier and I' m quite full now .Why don ' t you take it tosome One else who 33 (need) it ?”Her manners Were gracious( 親切的)WaS the PerSOn who didn
33、39; t know What 34 (Say) .An Old lady whose life WaS 35 (bad) than most of US still thought OtherS .Why don ' t more of US do that ?三、翻譯句子(共5小題;每小題2分,滿分10分)用括號所給的詞或短語,將下列句子翻譯成英語。36. 我們的國家越來越強大。(get)37. 上學期,玲玲的詩獲得了一等獎。(Win)38. 盡管是個外國人,他卻熱愛中國傳統(tǒng)文化。(although ,foreigner )39. 在公交車上不得與司機打架,否則你將會受到懲罰。(O
34、r ,punish )40. 這個村莊現(xiàn)在變得如此美麗,每年很多游客來到這里。(sothat)四、閱讀表達(共 5小題;每小題2分,滿分10分)閱讀下面的短文,根據(jù)短文后的要求答題。The SUn WaS falli ngbeh ind thehills.Andrea WaS drivingback home toBrOCkbOUne .Then She SaW an Old lady , Standing by the toad ,with a Sign Saying“ BrOCkbOUne ”in her hand .An drea StOPPed the Car .Whe n the o
35、ld lady got in ,An drea could See that She WaS not that little .She WaS in a Iong dress and had a hat pulled dow n IoW over her eyes .She PUt her big brow n shopp ing bag dow n Onto the floor .“ Do you live in BrOCkbOUne ?” asked Andrea .“ No , dear ,” anSWeredthe old lady in a low voice ,"I
36、39; m just going to ViSit a friend ,but myCar Won ' t Start ,so I decided tohitchhike . ”SOmething in the Way the lady spoke made Andrea Uneasy ,Andrea SeCretIy StUdied the half-covered face ,the ShaPeIeSS body ,the arms With their thick black hairs ThiCk black hairs ? Andrea' S blood froze
37、.This WaSn' t a woma n .It WaS a man !Her heart WaS beating wildly and her mind raced . Then SUddenly ,an idea Came UP to her ,She StOPPed the Car in a SUdden .“ My God !” She ShOUted ,“A child ! Did you See the child ? IthinkI hither !” " I didn' t Seeanything ” ,the “ old lady ”Said,&
38、quot; I don' t think you hit anything .'"I' m SUre it WaS a child !” ShoUted Andrea .“Could you just get OUt andhave a look ?” The “old lady ” slowly opened the Car door ,leaving her bag inSide .As Soon as“ She ” WaS out of the Car ,Andrea drove away as Soon asPoSSible .SeVeraI minu
39、tes later ,Andrea thought about the “ old lady ' S ” bag and ope ned it carefully .There WaS Onlyonething in it - a Shining knife .41. What ' S the Chinese meaning of“ hitchhike ” in the text ?42. PIeaSe list two details that makeAndrea doubt about the “ old lady ” .(請列舉出讓Andrea對"老太太”起疑
40、的兩個細節(jié)) 43. How did Andrea get the “old lady ” out of her Car SUCCeSSfully ?(lessthan 25words )(請根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容回答問題,25詞以內(nèi))44. Please tran slate the Un derl ined sentence into Chin ese .(請將文中劃線句子翻譯成漢語,人名直接用An drea)45. ACCOrd ing to the story ,An drea WaSand .( 請用兩個形容詞來評價 Andrea,每空一詞)五、寫作(滿分15分)請根據(jù)上文內(nèi)容和下列問題提示進
41、行續(xù)寫,使之失構(gòu)成一個完整的故事。What did Andrea think about注意:The knife When She SaW it ?1. 續(xù)寫故事的詞數(shù)為 80左右;2. 展開合理想象,適當發(fā)揮,以使行文連貫;強盜)3. 可根據(jù)需要自主選用以下參考詞匯:Call the police dan gerous escape CatCh robber (2019年濰坊市初中學業(yè)水平考試英語試題(A)參考答案及評分標準2019.6一、 閱讀理解(共15小題;每小題2分,滿分30分)1-3 : BCA 4-7 : CCBA 8-11 : ADCD 12-15: CAED二、語言知識運用(
42、共 20小題;滿分25分)A (共10小題;每小題1.5分,滿分15分)16-20 : DDBAC 21-25: ABCABB (共10小題;每小題1分,滿分10分)26. Wore 27. herself 28. left 29. easily 30. WaS dressed31. excited 32. has give n 33. n eeds 34. to Say 35. worse三、翻譯句子(共 5小題;每小題2分,滿分10分)36. OUr CoUntry is gett ing gets Stron ger and Stron ger / more and more POWer
43、fUI .37. Lingling' S poem / poems won the first PriZe last term .38. Although he is a foreig ner ,he loves Chin ese traditi Onal CUItUre .39. Don' t fight With the driver on/ in the /a bus ,or you will be PUniShed40. The village is becoming / becomes/ has become so beautiful now that alot of
44、 tourists come here every year .(答案不唯一,只要表達正確、合理即可得分;語法錯誤每處扣1你那,單詞拼寫錯誤每個扣0.5分)四、閱讀表達(共 5小題;每小題2分,滿分10分)41. 免費搭車;搭(順風/路)車(意思相近即可)42.She WaS not that little ./She had a hat pulled down low over her eyes ./She an SWered in a low voice ./The Way She spoke ./The half-covered face ./ TheShaPeIeSS body ./ The thick black hairs(有其中任意兩條即可得分;表達意思相近即可)43.She Said She hit a child and asked the “ old lady ” to get out of the Car to have a look .(答案不唯一,意思相近即可;超出 25詞,酌情扣0.5-1分)44. “她”一下車,Andrea就盡快開走了。(答案不唯一,只要意思相近、表達合理 即可得分)45. k ind/n ice/warm;
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