1、編號(hào): _注塑模具采購合同Party A :_Party B :_簽訂日期: _年_月_日第1頁共15頁The Buyer ( Party A ) :Address 地址:Postcode 郵編:Contacts 聯(lián)系人:Tel 電話:Fax 傳真:The Seller (Party B):Address 地址:Postcode 郵編:Contacts 聯(lián)系人:Tel 電話:Fax 傳真:After friendly negotiation, Party A and Party B agree to reach this contractas follows for complying wit
2、h.甲乙雙方經(jīng)友好協(xié)商,甲方和乙方一致同意簽訂以下合同,以便共同遵守。1.Object合同標(biāo)的物序號(hào) /No產(chǎn)品編號(hào)注塑產(chǎn)品規(guī)模具數(shù)量模穴數(shù)模具含 17%稅/Part No格/plastic/Quantityof /Mold價(jià)格parts specmoldsCavity(元 )/Toolingcost with 17%vat(RMB)第2頁共15頁乙方根據(jù)甲方提供的注塑產(chǎn)品要求負(fù)責(zé)設(shè)計(jì)制造模具。上述模具單價(jià)為人民幣含17%稅,包括了模具設(shè)計(jì),生產(chǎn),試模,以及產(chǎn)品在甲方驗(yàn)收合格前的所有相關(guān)費(fèi)用。Party B should design and produce the Molds. The un
3、it price for the moldsmentioned above based on RMB(included 17% vat), which includes the design,produce,trialrun costand any othercostabout the Molds beforethe plasticssample have been approved by Party A.2.Quality Standard:the quality of goods shall accord with the standard asfollows:質(zhì)量標(biāo)準(zhǔn): 本合同標(biāo)的物需符
4、合以下質(zhì)量標(biāo)準(zhǔn):(可以多選)Accordingwithstatestandardand industrystandard, ifthey are not the same,the higher shall prevail.符合國家標(biāo)準(zhǔn)和行業(yè)標(biāo)準(zhǔn),若兩者不一致以高者為準(zhǔn)。Itmust be at least500, 000pcs good plasticpartswhich can be produced by themold in the contract.合同中的模具必須可以生產(chǎn)至少50 萬模次的合格產(chǎn)品。The plasticproductswhich are produced by th
5、e Molds need to meet the requirementof Party A, refer to Appendix1 standard of plastic products.該模具生產(chǎn)的注塑產(chǎn)品應(yīng)符合甲方的要求,詳見附件1 注塑產(chǎn)品標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。3.Lease & Maintain所有權(quán),租借以及維護(hù)保管第3頁共15頁3.1 The property of molds will transfer to Party A after inspection andacceptance. Party A will decide to lease the Molds to Party
6、B, then Party Bshalluse them to produce plasticpartsin theirown factory.In periodof leaseterm , thedamage and destroyriskof molds is borne by PartyB , PartyB shouldkeep the molds in good condition, and bear any cost of maintain.經(jīng)甲方驗(yàn)收合格后,模具的所有權(quán)即歸甲方所有。甲方視情況將模具寄存在乙方工廠并且委托乙方進(jìn)行注塑加工。租借期內(nèi),模具損壞和滅失的風(fēng)險(xiǎn)由乙方承擔(dān),乙
7、方有義務(wù)保證模具完好,如有損壞需立即維護(hù)并且支付相應(yīng)費(fèi)用。3.2 The Molds are the property of Party A, Party A can carry part of or allof them back anytime.模具的所有權(quán)為甲方,甲方有權(quán)隨時(shí)收回部分或者全部模具。3.3 Party B shall mark all molds with the designation“” Andthe parts number.乙方應(yīng)在所有合同中的模具上標(biāo)識(shí)“”字樣和部件號(hào)。4.Sample樣品Party B shall provide enough quantity
8、of plastic sample which produced by theMolds in this contract according to the appendix 1 before mass production ofthe goods.乙方應(yīng)憑合同中的模具生產(chǎn)出按照附件1 要求提供足夠數(shù)量的注塑樣品。樣品經(jīng)甲方驗(yàn)收合格并書面確認(rèn)之后乙方可憑合同中模具進(jìn)行批量生產(chǎn)。5.Delivery交貨5.1 Place of Delivery: The factory of Seller.第4頁共15頁交貨地點(diǎn):乙方工廠。5.2 Delivery Schedule:交貨日期:Sellersha
9、lldeliverthe Goods in fullat the destinationas designatedby Buyerin a timely way within the time schedule as required in Order, which shall beconcluded and signed by the Parties.乙方按照雙方簽訂的訂單所規(guī)定的交貨時(shí)間按時(shí)、足額將貨物送達(dá)甲方指定的交貨地點(diǎn)。Party B shalldeliveryallgoods on,ifParty B want to deliverybeforethe date, they sha
10、ll inform Party A in advance and be approved by Party A.乙方應(yīng)于年月日交付全部貨物, 乙方若提前交付, 需事先通知甲方,經(jīng)甲方同意后方能交付。Others:PartyB must finishthe mold within45days afterreceiveddrawings fromPart A , and provide enough quantity good plastic samples within 50days afterreceived drawings from Part A.乙方需在收到甲方圖紙65 天內(nèi)制作完畢所有
11、模具,并且在收到甲方圖紙70 天內(nèi)前提供足夠數(shù)量的合格注塑樣品。5.3 Party B should inform in written Party A indays advance in case ofany delay in delivering the products or providing the service. Party A isentitled to decide whether it continues to buy the products or not under thewritten Order. If Party A chooses to terminate th
12、e order, Party B shall payliquidated damage at the rate of% of the total price of the contract.如果發(fā)生交貨或提供服務(wù)的延遲,乙方應(yīng)提前日書面通知甲方。 甲方有權(quán)決定是否繼續(xù)購買訂單項(xiàng)下的貨物。甲方有權(quán)決定是否繼續(xù)購買訂單項(xiàng)下的貨物,如果甲方第5頁共15頁選擇解除該訂單的,乙方需支付合同總價(jià)的的違約金。5.4 In case Party B cannot be able to deliverthe productstimelyforthe reasonsother than force Majuro(
13、 the goods have beendelivered are not accord with therequirement of the contract also be deemed to late delivery), Party A has theright to claim Party B to pay the liquidated damages at the rate of%of thetotal price ofthe Order on the basis of each delayed day. If it exceedsdays , Party A is entitle
14、d to terminate the contract (or the Order),Party B shall pay the liquidated damages at the rate of% of the totalprice of the contract( or the Order) and the loss accordingly.如果乙方因不可抗力以外的原因延遲交貨( 交付的貨物不符合約定亦被認(rèn)為延遲交貨) ,甲方有權(quán)要求乙方按每延遲1 天交貨支付該訂單總額%的違約金。延遲交貨超過天,甲方有權(quán)選擇解除合同( 和/ 或訂單 ) ,同時(shí)乙方需承擔(dān)合同 (和 / 或訂單)總價(jià)的的違約
15、金以及相應(yīng)的損失。6.Inspection for Acceptance驗(yàn)收6.1 Party A will inspect molds according to the means as follows:甲方根據(jù)以下方式對(duì)模具進(jìn)行驗(yàn)收:(可多選)Check the model, specification, packaging , quantity etc.對(duì)貨物型號(hào)、規(guī)格、包裝、數(shù)量等外觀進(jìn)行檢查。Check the plasticsample accordingto the Appendix 1, inorder to check ifmoldsmeet the requirement
16、of Party A or not.按照附件 1 中圖紙要求對(duì)模具生產(chǎn)出的注塑樣品進(jìn)行驗(yàn)收,以檢查模具是否符合甲方的要求。Spot check according to requirement of the contract.第6頁共15頁按照合同約定,對(duì)貨物進(jìn)行抽樣檢驗(yàn)。Install the goods and commissioning.對(duì)貨物進(jìn)行安裝后試運(yùn)行。Others:其他方式:6.2 IfPartyA acceptsthe plasticsamples afterinspection, PartyA shallsignsample.Ifthe sample with Non-ma
17、terial problems andPartyA accept , itshallbe expresslyshown on the sample and Party B shallbe responsibleforrectifyingthose problems withindays since Party A signs sample.如果甲方驗(yàn)收后認(rèn)為注塑樣品符合合同約定,應(yīng)簽署樣品。 如果發(fā)現(xiàn)注塑樣品存在瑕疵且同意接受的,應(yīng)予以說明,乙方應(yīng)在甲方簽署樣品起天內(nèi)糾正這些問題。6.3 If upon inspection of the plastic samples Party A is
18、of the opinion thatthe samples does not conform to the requirementsof PartyA, PartyA shallhavethe right not to accept the molds. In such an event, Party B shall take allnecessary actionsas soon as reasonablypracticalto ensure the new samples meetsthe requirementsPartyA indays. Ifsatisfiedwithsuch ac
19、tion , PartyA shall then sign the samples for Acceptance to the molds. Otherwise, PartyA has rightto cancel thiscontract, and Party B shallpay the liquidateddamagesat the rate of of the Order and the loss accordingly.若甲方在對(duì)注塑樣品進(jìn)行驗(yàn)收后認(rèn)為樣品不符合甲方的要求,甲方有權(quán)不接受模具的交付。在該情形下,乙方應(yīng)盡快采取一切必要的行動(dòng),以確保新的樣品日內(nèi)達(dá)到甲方的要求。甲方若對(duì)上
20、述行動(dòng)表示滿意,其應(yīng)簽署樣品,表示接受模具。如果在約定的時(shí)間內(nèi),仍不能達(dá)到甲方的要求,甲方有權(quán)退貨, 乙方須承擔(dān)此次訂單金額%的違約金以及相應(yīng)的損失。第7頁共15頁7.Invoice發(fā)票VATinvoicesshallindicatethe ordernumber and the amount statedin the invoiceis consistentwiththatof duly deliveredacceptance products , otherwisePartyA is entitled to return such invoice and request Party B t
21、o reissue.乙方開具增值稅發(fā)票應(yīng)標(biāo)明訂單編號(hào)并且與乙方實(shí)際交付合格的貨物金額一致。否則,甲方有權(quán)退回該發(fā)票,要求乙方重新開票。8.Payment付款8.1 甲方應(yīng)按照以下方式付款:Party A shall make the payment as follows:down payment of contract value should be paid withindays uponthe signed contract;% of contract value should be paid withindays afterthe accepted afterinspectionand
22、receivingthe whole contractvalueinvoice,% will be paid withindays afteryear fromacceptance.合同簽定之日起日之內(nèi)支付合同總價(jià)的%的預(yù)付款,甲方驗(yàn)收合格后并且收到合同全額發(fā)票后日內(nèi)再付合同總價(jià)的%,余%作為質(zhì)保金,將于貨物驗(yàn)收合格年后日內(nèi)支付。Others: After receiving the sample and acceptance Party A shall pay the sumconfirmed by Party A within 60 days counting from the invoi
23、ce date.其他:甲方收到樣品并驗(yàn)收合格后,乙方按甲方確認(rèn)的金額向甲方開具相應(yīng)金額增值稅發(fā)票,甲方將在發(fā)票日后60 天內(nèi),向乙方支付該筆款項(xiàng)。8.2 Payments shall not imply acceptance of suppliers or services as meeting第8頁共15頁contractual requirements.支付行為不應(yīng)表示對(duì)供貨或服務(wù)符合合同要求的認(rèn)可。8.3 Party B should return the mold cost withindays after every 500,000pcs PO of all the relative
24、 plastic parts from Party A until Part A get backall the Mold cost from Part B. Ifthemold can not product at least 500, 000pcsgood plastic parts, Party B shall also return whole cost of the mold. PartyB has right to knock off the mold costfrom the latestpayment of plasticparts.如果本合同項(xiàng)下的注塑產(chǎn)品訂單累計(jì)每超過50
25、萬個(gè)后,乙方應(yīng)相應(yīng)地在日內(nèi)將一次性返還所有模具費(fèi)用的。如果因?yàn)槟>哔|(zhì)量原因,單個(gè)模具不能生產(chǎn)至少50 萬個(gè)合格產(chǎn)品, 乙方也應(yīng)退還該模具的費(fèi)用。費(fèi)用返還方式為甲方在乙方最近的貨款中直接扣除相應(yīng)金額。9.Intellectual Property Right and compensation知識(shí)產(chǎn)權(quán)及索賠9.1 Each partyshallinformthe otherwithoutdelayin writtenform in case thatthe productsto be deliveredand/orhave been deliveredbe claimedby the thirdp
26、arty for the infringement of Intellectual Property Right.當(dāng)涉及到乙方將交付和/ 或已交付給甲方的貨物侵犯第三方知識(shí)產(chǎn)權(quán)且被索賠時(shí),甲方或乙方應(yīng)以書面形式毫不延遲地通知對(duì)方。9.2 In case that Party A or its customers are claimed by the third party forthe infringement of Intellectual Property Right or unqualified related to theproductswhichare to be delivered
27、and/orhave been deliveredby Party B, PartyB shallindemnify Party A and itscustomersagainst such claim , assume the legaldefensecostsand compensate Party A and its customers in fullfor any loss anddamage incurred as a result of such claims. If the government order a stop of第9頁共15頁P(yáng)artyB s production,
28、 alllossesPartyA issustainedshallbe borne by PartyB even finally such infringement claim is cancelled.涉及到乙方將交付和/ 或已交付給甲方的貨物侵犯知識(shí)產(chǎn)權(quán)或因質(zhì)量不合格使甲方對(duì)第三方違約,且第三方堅(jiān)持向甲方或甲方客戶索賠,乙方應(yīng)就索賠向甲方及甲方客戶賠償,并承擔(dān)辯護(hù)等實(shí)際發(fā)生費(fèi)用。對(duì)由于索賠而產(chǎn)生的任何損失乙方應(yīng)向甲方客戶全額賠償。如果政府要求停止乙方的生產(chǎn),則甲方所有的損失將由乙方承擔(dān),即使該侵權(quán)索賠最終被取消。9.3 The intellectual property rights of
29、 the relative Plastic parts in thiscontract is belongs to THE BUYER.本合同相關(guān)的所有塑料產(chǎn)品的知識(shí)產(chǎn)權(quán)屬于買方。10.Insurance保險(xiǎn)To ensure the performanceof thisContract , PartyB shalltake out the necessaryinsurance policies on the products and/or spare parts delivered by Party B,such as productqualityinsurance , productlia
30、bilityinsurance.Such insurancepolicies shall be kept valid for at least two years following the terminationof this Contract.為確保本合同履行,對(duì)涉及乙方提供貨物和/ 或備件,乙方應(yīng)投保必要的保險(xiǎn),如貨物質(zhì)量險(xiǎn)和貨物責(zé)任險(xiǎn),且保險(xiǎn)期應(yīng)至少應(yīng)為本合同終止后另加兩年。11.Technical Modifications技術(shù)更改11.1 Party A is entitled to require Party B in written form to modify thetech
31、nology concerning the products under this Contract and as specified inAppendix.第10頁共15頁甲方有權(quán)以書面形式要求乙方就合同及附件中貨物的技術(shù)要求進(jìn)行更改。11.2 Any modification and change (including material, process , equipment orsub-supplier) made by Party B be informed to Party A in written form and beacquired the written consent f
32、rom Party A .Party B is not allowed to deliverParty A the modified products until having obtained a written confirmation ofthe modifiedproductfrom PartyA. PartyB shalldeliverthatproductsproducedin accordance with the original technology in case of no written confirmationof the sample of the modified
33、 products from Party A.乙方對(duì)貨物所作任何更改(材料、工藝、貨物、分供應(yīng)商等)須書面通知給甲方,并且征得甲方的書面同意, 在甲方出具一份書面認(rèn)可后,乙方才能向甲方提供更改后的貨物。如果更改貨物的樣品沒有得到甲方的書面認(rèn)可,乙方仍需按原先的技術(shù)參數(shù)提供貨物。12.Confidentiality保密Party B shall keep confidential all commercial and technical documents,knowledge and informationprovidedby PartyA under thisContractor during
34、theperformance of the contract as well as the achievement of this Contract. Suchconfidential information shall be duplicated; they shall be used only for thepurpose of this Contract or for further co-operation in the future and shallnot to be disclosedto a thirdpartyor given to a thirdpartyor used f
35、oranythingother than the agreed upon purpose without prior written consent from Party A.乙方尚需對(duì)此合同中或在執(zhí)行此合同的過程中由甲方提供的所有商務(wù)及技術(shù)文件、知識(shí)、信息以及此合同的成果嚴(yán)格保密,不得復(fù)制,只能將此用于本合同的目的或?qū)磉M(jìn)一步的合作, 未經(jīng)甲方事先書面同意不得透露給第三方或給予第三方或?yàn)槌?guī)定目的外的其他目的使用。第11頁共15頁13.Subcontracting to third Parties分包給第三方No Subcontracting to third parties is allo
36、wed without prior written approvalfrom Party A. Party A is entitled to terminate this Contract entirely orpartially and claim Party B for compensation in case of sub-contracting.未經(jīng)甲方書面同意本合同的履行不應(yīng)分包給第三方,否則甲方有權(quán)全部或部分終止合同并提出索賠。14.he Prohibition of Commercial Bribery商業(yè)賄賂之禁止14.1 PartyB shallnever bribethe
37、employees of PartyA by any means, includingbut not limited to providing or promising to provide off-the-book rebate insecret , entertainment allowance, employment arrangement, travel home andabroad , present, discount for shopping and any other material benefits forthe employees of Party A or their
38、relatives shall be treated as commercialbribery, which shall be prohibited. Any breach of the aforesaid prohibitionobligationsshallPartyA has the rightto terminatethe contractand claimforthe liabilities for the breach of the contract against Party B.乙方不得以任何形式之商業(yè)賄賂收買甲方員工,諸如給予或許諾給予“回扣”、“招待”、“娛樂”、“安排就業(yè)
39、” 、“國內(nèi)或國外旅游” 、“饋贈(zèng)”、“購物折扣” ,及其它一切給予或許諾甲方員工或其他家屬任何形式物質(zhì)上利益者,皆視為商業(yè)賄賂,均在禁止之列。乙方若違反上述禁止義務(wù),甲方有權(quán)單方面終止本合同并追究乙方的違約責(zé)任。14.2 Party B shall refuse any improper interests in any form required by theemployees of Party A and shallproviderelativeevidence or clues to assistPartyB to investigate and prosecute, which sh
40、all protect the legal rights and第12頁共15頁benefits of the Parties.乙方對(duì)于任何甲方員工所要求之任何形式的不正當(dāng)利益,均應(yīng)予以拒絕, 并主動(dòng)提供相關(guān)證據(jù)或線索協(xié)助甲方進(jìn)行查處,以共同維護(hù)買、賣雙方的合法權(quán)益。15. Party B shallnot be exempted from the responsibilityforthe productqualitystipulated in this contract even if its terminated.本合同終止后,不免除乙方根據(jù)本合同規(guī)定所應(yīng)承擔(dān)的貨物質(zhì)量責(zé)任。16. Dur
41、ing the term of this Contract, in case of the occurrence of one offollowing events, in addition to claim against Seller for the liability forbreach of contractas providedhereunder , Buyer shallbe entitledto immediatelyterminate this Contract with notice 10 days before but without taking anyliability
42、 for compensation to Seller:在合同有效期內(nèi), 只要乙方出現(xiàn)下列任何一種情況,甲方有權(quán)在提前十天用書面方式通知乙方后立即提前解除本合同,并且不對(duì)乙方承擔(dān)任何賠償責(zé)任:16.1 Material legal cases appear, its legal representative or major managingpersonnel are involved in crime investigation, Seller is merged, acquired,shut down, liquidated;Sellerfailsto pay back loans or owe thirdpartiesgoodsamount and etc.出現(xiàn)重大訴訟案件; 其法定代表人或主要管理人涉嫌犯罪被調(diào)查;被兼并、收購、關(guān)閉、清算;欠付貸款或第三方貨款不還等情況。16.2
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