1、you.oin. WithC Cn)OyS. ramrC n Because, downC. WISh. CtfIICStA a)10 IimCQWaUhlng IntCrCSlIng movies,spend, OnC. spend, Inrestaurant?IUnI rightthe first CrOSSing IvS your rightB along. a OnC stralghtf a Inv¾tion IIlKU fnr a Iong time because OfNoWI COranavirS PneUm<>4 (ttS8 ft) be healthy.
2、 .md WC can go back to schoolB hope. Carlytomorrow?a heavy ram acceding to the Weather report哈爾濱市第三十五中學(xué)七年級(jí)下學(xué)期英語(yǔ)階段反饋測(cè)試俞題人,耿達(dá)王潞時(shí) HG 2020.5第卷一.單啖選擇BK20分邯小題2分) 送擇最佳答実()1 In the following Wnrds. UhiCh UnderIIned Iener has a ditlerent SoUnd tro<n the OcherSA. ainB animalC. across()2 VVhlCh PaIr ol Ihe
3、WOrdS Wlth tl UfXlerlInCd klte has Ihe Same SoUnd ,A COUntJ>r mountainB young CIOUd)VC. mouth( )3Vrhch WOrd Of Ihe Ibllowmg doesn't have IhC Same a$ Ihe OthetS A- VaaCation.B- AlnCnCan.(>4 Dear everyone, beingCaretU) StudentS K Very ImPOrUnt WYOU WilI ICamIf you PUt your WhOIe heart IntO i
4、t.A an. a IOt OfB(. a lo<()5.Would you ComC andUS a CUP Of coffee?A. join, forB JOLn in. for)6.1reading al home WbCn ItA enjoy, ramyB)7 Why arc CICPhantSgreat da PeaPle CUtInanA on. BCCaUSe. down)8 WlWl do you USUaIty do InI usually _A pay. Ibr()9. COuld youGoA WBh)11 HOW Wlll IhC WCatl)Cf一 Ihere
5、A. like. IS going to have B be like. IS going to beC be、IS going to be)12. 一What does your best friend Ann?She ismedium heightCUrh- hair.A like. Of inB IoOk like. Of WlthC IOok like. with. Wiih)l3.- WhE arc you doing? mIiinStorY booksA. having. readingB have, readingC. having, read)14. 一 What,s In y
6、ourhand? 一 Ifs a PCn from.A Ihe <Mher. CamdaB Otber. CanadIanSC other. (nsul昭示濟(jì)市第三十fi中午七年後F學(xué)期養(yǎng)話刊用尺韁河試 G 1頁(yè)共6頁(yè))15.一 HCIio.is RICkHi. it's Tlna IS your brother at home9- Oh. ht s DOl m. Can 1a message tor hmr,A thg leaveB this. UkeClhKkave()16 DO you IIkC PiayIng basketball Or SoCCCr. I amin ru
7、nning On Ihe grassA. YCJk IntCrCStCdB. No. IntCrCStIngC sOCCCr, mtercstcd()】7. lt,s loday,jusl rightoutide to Cnjoy sunshineA SUnn for goingB sun, for goingC SImn>, go()18 -VKrhoeS that girt WIth? She is myA StraIght brown long. UnClC B IOng brown SUaIghtk grandmXherC IOng straight brown. CoUXin(
8、)19 WHb It is SUmmcr In Ihe UnKeJ SunU OfAmenCa H isA. IMntCrB. IalIC. SUnuner(£0 We asked two hundred StUdentS about What to do Whenbelow.e ACCOrdIng to Ihe IbmIGCttIng help from ParCntSOOIng Online for helpGettinghelpfrom friends RUnnlng away20%25%產(chǎn)15%A二.完形填空(肚題共10分.每小也1分"Thank you"
9、 and,Excuse mc* arc 8In mcncftYou ShoUld 22 eThank yhc4U tt 前面)of yu keeps IhC betveenyour friends, but ako betw' Excuse me iSomeb(XIy WantS to2g IfVOU Aka do «o W -EXCuSC me” 根用應(yīng)文內(nèi)咨選IHh It is PCllte 21 you to USC IheSC WardSme>nc pastes you the SaIl On IhC table WhCn SomConC walking yo.
10、 you ShOUId Soy W 23 -Thank you" is used 24 25 children, brothers <nd SlSterSCe thc USe- When you hear SOmeOnC Say SO behind you, you know Ihat you WlthOUt touching you It is no( POIlte to break OiheTS When Ihey arc OnC Of 2? SaV "excuse me" first, and Ihen begin talking YOU should
11、to CoUgh Or make any noise before other% I d't Ml to Say -ThJInk yn and()2) . A forBofC Wlth()22 A. SPeakBtaIkC Say()23 A Ihank youB EXCUSC meC NO Prob!cm()24 A. DOt OnhB bothC either()25 . fromB. toC and()26 A. othersB anotherC Iheothers()27 A PssCdB PISSC PaSt()2« A UIklngB SPeakingC IelI
12、ing()29. A. theirB. IhCmC. Ihey() A IearnIneB to IeamC Ieam昭示濟(jì)市第三十fi中學(xué)七年8 F學(xué)Hl養(yǎng)話附用反Fia試* 2頁(yè)共6頁(yè)三.閱逢理艇(本題共20分.每小題】分A)TO 5af00.00*nAw CC 3d Bcc Send (kalSukjecl IIm CDmnQ to see <ouIi ArtaChtie5 I rqr tttmerc IAI tmagr y Screen Captire Ematnn <f Mjsic Am匕 FcrmitiDear Unde Sam.Ill go ck to H祈bin t
13、omorrow H) never focgH the trip in IwijinR IhEe are 沁 many PlaCC« Of iutcst My favorite PIaCCS WC tbc Palcc MUSCllln i fi > Qnd the GrClt VU And my tvote food IleIC 8 BCIJlng ROnMt DIlCk IrS jk> dd8 I hofe 1 can vit BCIJIn9 agn because there are InUIy InOre mtei(lig PlaCeS Qn(ItIiingS Io
14、efijqy and w.Ill Vitit you n my way back to Haibin. Afe you buy On ri! J? If not. HI vi<it you in DOJian that day.Waiting for your letter!YOUrs. Muy*DearMont Long time no IhI glad to heir IrOnl you. l be In StICnyang 011 btiMnc» On APCil S. in SOtTy BUtl IhttIk you Cvir4t InC in Sltnyau and
15、I can ntrt you al Ihe train StatiOt) I Can <lnve tnd 由OW you WOUtKlSllefiyw YoU may hear there's ako Ii PahCt Tiiiseuni here, lt Shenyang PalICe Museum. I think it's a gd PIaCe to VISlt- And 111 treat you Vnth SOinC dddous food In ShcTlyang YoU WiIllikr What you See here. Witing for youYo
16、ars, Un< Sn¾ <Wx所鍛供Affefi選超最僵笞宅()31. FrOm the2 ICttCrF»We know that.A-Ihey Ire IatfIef and dauglterB. Maly is Sun's auntC. Sam is Muy,s Unde(2. Sam docsn Want Mary to ViSt him In DaIIan becauseA.he doeant like her B. he WilI be Oa bune½in ShmyanB C There n,t PaIaCe MUMeUm In
17、 DaIIan ()33 Where did Mm>, vi>ri When 4c WaRin Beying?A TIle OreM WaII B. Beymg Rod DUcIC. Shenyang PaIICeX>4.Accorduia toftc twoICttCrS above、there arctwWOtth fi; viahng.A. PIlaC« museumsB. Gfeat WillsC. train stabon(3. Ii Man.- goes to Sheayang. Saln WllI show her around.A.by tr>
18、inB. On footC. by Car爾茨韋議三+五中學(xué)七年幺下學(xué)期堇詒肋段反柚滋試竿3頁(yè) 6 S(B)lhc day K IIkC any other dav In his IitC AftCr school, BOb passes bv a ShoP On a StrCet CnmCr HC StOPS to lk at Ihe XhOeS in the ShOP window, and feels SOrn- for himself He really WantS to ha a pair Ofthem for his birthdayHC SadIy WaIkS away nd t
19、hinks how to tell his mother HC knows ShC U iIl give Inything he IIkCS If ShC can. BUt he AhO known VCfy We:l ShC has IittlC money IIC JeCidCs( 決定)not Ie go home at once, as he IoOkS WOrned hs mother WiII notice it SO he Soe to Ihe Park and Ihere he SIU Cn Ihe grass Tben he SeeS a boy In a UIheel Ch
20、aIr (輪椅)Ihc boy moves IhC WhCCl WIth his hands BOb Can SCC It IS hard for Ihe boy to move around the Park Bob lks at him CarCtUIK and IS SUTPnSed to SCe IhC boy has no icct HC IgkS down at his OUrn feet.* It IS much better to be WlthOUt ShOCS Ihan WithOUl feet * he thinks. TherC arc no reasons for h
21、im to feel SO SOrTy and Sad 根岷短文內(nèi)TfWff (A) « (B)()36 Bob feels JWry for himv?IfbeC4<use he can,t *1TOfd(觀閔品)a PAir OfneW ShnE(p7.Bob WoUld IikC to have a Palr Of DCW ShOCS for his birthday()38.Bob asks his mother to buy new ShOCS tor hn. but ShC rcluscs(拒絕)()39.Bob SCCS a boy m a Wheel ChaIr
22、 WlIhOUt hands(>40.Bob,s mother buys the ShOeS for BOb at last(C)EMly to bed. erly to rise, makes a man healthy and WIw ThW bcibrc? It means Ihat WC must g to bed early. It lias many good bIhis is true ThC body must have CnOUgh SlCCP to be h SleeP every ntght Children WhO do not have enough Slee
23、and IheV Tnay no< became healthy SO slaving UP Iate dmThe body also needs CXerClSe Walking.CXCre 1»CEXCrClSC keeps the body health; tooVvn ImPOrtanl OUr blood UkeS food to IiUnk better* ()41 Ihe UnderIlne W(Xd "bltt(>*2 .tf wc get UP CarAbetif(H3JUmPl洛h Saylng DId you hear Of ItCn of
24、 your¾ age ShOUkI have ICn hours* ir UOrk Very WeiI Ihey WIll not be Smail ork not god for a SnKienfS healthWimmlng and PIayIng VolIey haIl are all goodIPS IhC blood to move around InSIdC the hexly Ihis BS Of OUr body I¾e heat also needs blood EXerCISe helps US topassage means_ _in Chinese
25、C骨齡to bed CarIyt wc,llB be healthyC. nd be SmartCXCrCISC according to IhC PaSSagC-B RUnnlngC DanCmgM7hich isaccrding to the PalSMgC ?A SUymg UP late doing homework IS bad for StUdCnt5, healthB ChlIdrCn don't need ten hours' S)CCPC ChlldrCn WhO have CnOUgh SlCcP can,t do IhCIr WOrk WClI45 ha:
26、 IS Ihe PaSSagC maxnly about ?A HaW In Ihink better R HOw to take exercise C HOW to IeCP healthy(D)根據(jù)短文內(nèi)客精下面方砥內(nèi)的句子還原J文中空口處使垢文內(nèi)客冗節(jié)、通廉每4選頃只能用 次Dragon5 haw Jiflereni meanings In the CaM and WeSIChinCSC dagom are not real arumk.46The Chinese Iklnk Ihat all eastern dragons Wew fromChlna. They f in the Sk
27、y Or SWIm In Ihe Sea ChIneie CUhUre IS full Of dons In ChmeSe stories, the ,*DragonKIng, makes IhC rain fall. When he sneezes. It rains 'Ihc ChinCSC CIlPCrOr (皇 IIkCd IhC dragons.47There is an OId Saying UVVangEgLOng:. 4SThe drag SymbOl Of great SUCCeSS In Chlna49The>, think Ihe dragon a bad
28、nnnal It has 7 heads and CalS babies!50IhCy don,t have moustaches, but have WmgS ThCy g''c ut Of fire and hurt PeOPk,ll meins PafenU hope Ihetr SOn Or daughter to be SUCCeSSfUi WCStCrn dragons OftCn IOOk like dinosaurs.They have 2 Iong moustache : Ml 須)and 5 toes> However, in WCStem count
29、ries, PCoPlC Ihink different about dragons ThCy Wore clothes With dr<gon PiCtUrO On IhCnI完每空一詞第II卷Fl.交際運(yùn)用(AlO分 Ia空X分從A-G選段中選凸能填入空E處的ftf壩*卜全對(duì)詁。(選壩屮A V*here is Ihe supermarket?B: 51A Yes. I do 52B: NOW Iet me tell you IhC wayWalk down Ihtf street _S3YOU Can go IhCrC by bus. 54A: _55Ihank you VCn mu
30、chB: YOUtrC WCkOmc.515253(B NR搖對(duì)話M*4t入適當(dāng)?shù)膯蜬A HhTOny Arc you goingD YCS WCerC meetingA YCah. but 1 may first.CB:Oh. IdOn t know nVha IS be IIkeA Ik has brown hair and 56(4)_ glasses B OK khe Ull (X ort?the SUPCmUrkc< Wart to go there? e a SUPermarket near your home7 1 SeeF. m VCry hungr>. SO I
31、Want to buy Sanething to cat. G When you v a hndge、you Can SeV the Wpernurket On your IcA.VlC tonight*seven, right9a lilc IatC My friend I>avd IS going, too JuSt meet him In _56<3)Of IhC CInCmaA nC isn't IalI Or Shartt HC VCry thinB:SUrC SoC VOU 56(5)IhCn56(1)56(2)56(3)56(4)56(5)五.任務(wù)型直浚(農(nóng)題
32、共20分毎小題1分)li.AXB>C)a文.然后根據(jù)越目要求及斫給悟母完慮下列五頊汪務(wù)(A)be nights re4d a sor>, race mi« AmerlCa no< motherZhU HUl IS a SlUdCnt from Shcnzhcn. And now he IS lrng Wlth an 57(1) family m NCW YOriC HC ISSnld>*ng IhCrC *oday IS the Dragcn BOat FCStIVal IteS 9:00 a m. and ZhU HUleS family arc at ho
33、me HiS mom and ant 57(2) making ZOngZi FhS dad and UnCIe are WatChIng Ihe boat 57(3) On TVlrS 9 OO P m tn NeVS Yortc and IVS the night before Ihe Iwtival BUt IheTe ISn t a DragOn Boat EeSllVaI in Ihe US. SO IrS like any (Xher 57(4)_ for ZhU HUi and his host fami>, The mother is 57(5) to her young
34、 Children The father U WatChIng a SoCCCr game On Tv ZhU HUl 58(1) his faml)1 UC WIshM to huvc his _58(2)deliciousa>ngzi IIe IlkCS NeU YOrk Ind hu host family, but lhere,s StlIl5¾(3) place IIke home'(B)The meet important testal the Sprtr FeSUval COfnIng My family are happv and Bum、w:Ih Ihe IeStlVal. U,c WCar new CIotheS and CICan OUr home to bring US good IUCk . KK ParCntS ck delicious foods for US XfY SJSter and I (knee and SIng SOngS in the CVenIng Then We WatCh TV IfS So WOndertUl We USUally JdF after IOOam that day VVC have tun COgCthCr IteS my vritc festival4XS) WI
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