



1、Module 2 Fantasy literature-Period 1教材分析與導入設計夕卜研版選修6Module 2 Fantasy literaturePeriod 1 :(i)三維目標A. Knowledge and skills1) Get the stude nts to lear n and grasp the follow ing importa nt useful new words and expressi onsin the part:behave, approach, doubt, put down, hold out, turn away, keep/ have on

2、e ' eyes on2) Learn the Ianguage in this part and get the students to read the text The cat that vanished B. Process and methods1) Talk ing about the no vels they have read2) Go through the in troduci on3) Read passage in several waysC. Emoti on, attitude and valuesAccumulate the en thusiastics

3、of read ing.(2 )教學重點Let the stude nts lear n to read with strategies(3 )教學難點Main Ian guage points in the text.(4)教學建議Train stude nts speak ing ability through discussi on and readi ng.新課導入設計SamplelWarming up by learning about“ fantasy Hello, class! We have come to Module 2 Fan tasy Literature Philip

4、 Pullma n. But what is fan tasy? Who is Philip Pullma n?Fantasy is a genre of art, literature, film, television, and music that uses magic and other super natural forms as a primary eleme nt of either plot, theme, sett ing, or all three. The genre is gen erally dist in guished from scie nce fiction

5、and horror by overall look, feel, and theme of the in dividual work, though there is a great deal of overlap betwee n the three (collectively known asspeculative fiction). In its broadest sense, fantasy covers works by many writers, artists, and musicians, from ancient myths and legends, to many rec

6、ent works embraced by a wide audience today.As with other forms of speculative fiction, actions and events in fantasy very often differ from those possible in consensus reality. In many cases, especially in older works of fantasy but in many modern works as well, this is explained by means of divine

7、 intervention, magic, or other supernatural forces. In other cases, most frequently in works of modern fantasy in the high fantasy subgenre, the story might take place in a fantasy world that is wholly different from our own, complete with distinct laws of nature that permit magic.Sample 2Warming up

8、 by learning about Phili“p Pullman Philip Pullman was born in Norwich on 19th October 1946. The early part of his life was spent travelling all over the world, because his father and then his stepfather were both in the Royal Air Force. He spent part of his childhood in Australia, where he first met

9、 the wonders of comics, and grew to love Superman and Batman in particular.From the age of 11, he lived in North Wales, having moved back to Britain. It was a time when children were allowed to roam anywhere, to play in the streets, to wander over the hills, and he took full advantage of it. His Eng

10、lish teacher, Miss Enid Jones, was a big influence on him, and he still sends her copies of his books.After he left school he went to Exeter College, Oxford, to read English. He did a number of odd jobs for a while, and then moved back to Oxford to become a teacher. He taught at various middle schoo

11、ls for twelve years, and then moved to Westminster College, Oxford, to be a part-time lecturer. He taught courses on the Victorian novel and on the folk tale, and also a course examining how words and pictures fit together. He eventually left teaching in order to write full-time.His first published

12、novel was for adults, but he began writing for children when he was a teacher. Some of his novels were based on plays he wrote for his school pupils, such as The Ruby In The Smoke.Philip still lives in Oxford, and he writes in a shed at the bottom of his garden. The shed contains two comfortable cha

13、irs (one for writing in, one for sitting at the computer in), several hundred books, a six-foot-long stuffed rat which took a part in his play Sherlock Holmes and the Limehouse Horror, a guitar, a saxophone, as well as the computer, decorated with dozens of brightly coloured artificial flowers attac

14、hed to it by Blu-Tack.Blu-Tack plays a big part in Philip Pullman's writing process. With it he sticks to the wall pictures, notes, posters, reminders, postcards, book jackets, anything that will stay there.Another product of technology that Philip can't do without is Post-it Notes, the smal

15、lest yellow ones in particular. They are very useful for planning the shape of a story: he writes a brief sentence summarising a scene on one of them, and then puts them on a very big piece of paper which he can fill with up to sixty or more different scenes, moving them around to get the best order

16、.Philip Pullman believes firmly in the virtues of healthy exercise and a moderate diet - for other people. It makes them feel virtuous, and makes them feel good if not happy. The most exercise he normally takes is unscrewing the top of the whisky bottle. If he liked the taste of tobacco, he would sm

17、oke vigorously. He is fond of sport, and plays it by watching television. He is a big fan of Neighbours, but that is the only soap he watches, as Neighbours gives him quite enough to think about.He is married to Jude. Their son Jamie is a viola player, and their younger son Tom studies music at university.As far as he can tell, Ph


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