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1、2013.3.8Kottke found Kobun amusing. “His English was atrocious,” he recalled. “He would speak in a kind of haiku, with poetic, suggestive phrases. We would sit and listen to him, and half the time we had no idea what he was going on about. I took the whole thing as a kind of lighthearted interlude.”

2、 Holmes was more into the scene. “We would go to Kobuns meditations, sit on zafu cushions, and he would sit on a dais,” she said. “We learned how to tune out distractions. It was a magical thing. One evening we were meditating with Kobun when it was raining, and he taught us how to use ambient sound

3、s to bring us back to focus on our meditation.”· atrocious 'trus   adj. 1. 殘暴的;殘忍的;兇惡的;2. 糟透的;十分討厭的· suggestive s'destiv;s'destiv,sg'destiv   adj. 提示性的, 影射的, 暗示的· poetic pu'etik   adj. 詩的, 用韻律寫的, 富有詩情的· haiku n. 俳句;三行俳句詩 · phrase freiz 

4、0; n. 短語,習語,個人風格,樂句 vt. 措詞表達,將(樂曲)分成樂句(來演奏)· lighthearted 'lait'h:tid   adj. 心情愉快的,無優(yōu)無慮的· interlude 'int(:)lu:d, -lju:d   n. 中間, 中間時間, 介在中間的事件· cushion 'kun   n. 墊子, 橡皮軟墊, 緩沖 vt. 加墊褥, 放在墊子上, 保護, 減緩, 為.裝墊子· ambient 'æmbint   adj. 周圍的,包圍

5、著的,(尤指音樂)產(chǎn)生輕松氛圍的 n. 環(huán)境· meditation medi'tein   n. 沉思,冥想· dais 'deiis   n. 講臺· tune tju:n   n. 旋律,音準,數(shù)量 vt. 調(diào)音(頻),調(diào)節(jié),使和諧 vi. 和諧,調(diào)頻As for Jobs, his devotion was intense. “He became really serious and self-important and just generally unbearable,” according to Kott

6、ke. He began meeting with Kobun almost daily, and every few months they went on retreats together to meditate. “I ended up spending as much time as I could with him,” Jobs recalled. “He had a wife who was a nurse at Stanford and two kids. She worked the night shift, so I would go over and hang out w

7、ith him in the evenings. She would get home about midnight and shoo me away.” They sometimes discussed whether Jobs should devote himself fully to spiritual pursuits, but Kobun counseled otherwise. He assured Jobs that he could keep in touch with his spiritual side while working in a business. The r

8、elationship turned out to be lasting and deep; seventeen years later Kobun would perform Jobss wedding ceremony.· meditate 'mediteit   v. 想, 考慮, 計劃· devotion di'vun   n. 虔誠,祈禱,獻身,奉獻· intense in'tens   adj. 非常的,強烈的,緊張的,熱情的· retreat ri'tri:t   n.

9、 休息寓所,撤退,隱居 vt. &vi. 撤退, 向后傾· shoo u:   int. 噓(趕走鳥等時所發(fā)聲音) vt. 發(fā)出噓聲趕走· ceremony 'serimni   n. 典禮,儀式,禮節(jié),禮儀· devote di'vut   vt. 投入于,獻身· perform p'f:m   v. 執(zhí)行, 表演, 做· spiritual 'sprtl   adj. 精神的, 心靈的 n. (尤指美國南部黑人的)圣歌· assure 

10、9;u   vt. 保險,保證,確信,擔保· pursuit p'sju:t   n. 追求, 追趕, 工作Jobss compulsive search for self-awareness also led him to undergo primal scream therapy, which had recently been developed and popularized by a Los Angeles psychotherapist named Arthur Janov. It was based on the Freudian theor

11、y that psychological problems are caused by the repressed pains of childhood; Janov argued that they could be resolved by re-suffering these primal moments while fully expressing the painsometimes in screams. To Jobs, this seemed preferable to talk therapy because it involved intuitive feeling and e

12、motional action rather than just rational analyzing. “This was not something to think about,” he later said. “This was something to do: to close your eyes, hold your breath, jump in, and come out the other end more insightful.”· self-awareness self'wnis   n. 自我意識· primal 'prai

13、ml   adj. 最初的, 原始的,最主要的,根本的· compulsive km'plsiv   adj. 強制的, 強迫的· los l:s   abbr. 暫停的時間(=length of stay)· Arthur ':   n. 亞瑟(人名)· therapy 'erpi   n. 療法,治療· psychotherapist saiku'erpist   n. 精神治療醫(yī)師· intuitive in'tju:itiv &

14、#160; 計算機 直覺的· primal 'praiml   adj. 最初的, 原始的,最主要的,根本的· Freudian 'fridin   adj. 佛洛伊德的,佛洛伊德學說的 n. 相信佛洛伊學說的人· repress ri'pres   v. 抑制,壓制,阻止· therapy 'erpi   n. 療法,治療· rational 'rænl   adj. 合理的,理性的,能推理的 n. 有理數(shù)· preferable &

15、#39;prefrbl   adj. 更好的, 更合意的· insightful 'insaitful   adj. 富有洞察力的,有深刻見解的A group of Janovs adherents ran a program called the Oregon Feeling Center in an old hotel in Eugene that was managed by Jobss Reed College guru Robert Friedland, whose All One Farm commune was nearby. In late

16、 1974, Jobs signed up for a twelve-week course of therapy there costing $1,000. “Steve and I were both into personal growth, so I wanted to go with him,” Kottke recounted, “but I couldnt afford it.”· commune k'mju:n   n. 公社 vi. 交換思想、意見或感受, 交流· adherent d'hirnt   n. 信徒, 追隨

17、者, 擁護者 adj. 附著的, 粘連的· guru 'guru:;'guu:   n. 古魯(指印度教等宗教的宗師或領(lǐng)袖), 領(lǐng)袖, 專家· oregon 'rign   n. 俄勒岡(美國州名)· therapy 'erpi   n. 療法,治療· recount ri'kaunt   vt. 詳述,列舉,重新計算 n. 重新計算· Eugene ju:'ein, 'ju:di:n   n. 尤金(男子名,美國俄勒岡西部的一座城市)Jo

18、bs confided to close friends that he was driven by the pain he was feeling about being put up for adoption and not knowing about his birth parents. “Steve had a very profound desire to know his physical parents so he could better know himself,” Friedland later said. He had learned from Paul and Clar

19、a Jobs that his birth parents had both been graduate students at a university and that his father might be Syrian. He had even thought about hiring a private investigator, but he decided not to do so for the time being. “I didnt want to hurt my parents,” he recalled, referring to Paul and Clara.

20、3; desire di'zai   n. 愿望, 欲望, 情欲 v. 向往, 要求, 請求 vt. 渴望· investigator in'vestigeit(r)   n. 調(diào)查者, 研究者, 審查者· confide kn'faid   v. 吐露,信托,信賴· profound pr'faund   adj. 極深的,深奧的,深厚的,嚴重的· Syrian 'sirin   n. 敘利亞人,敘利亞語 adj. 敘利亞人(語)的· hire '

21、;hai   n. 租金, 租用, 雇用 v. 雇請, 出租“He was struggling with the fact that he had been adopted,” according to Elizabeth Holmes. “He felt that it was an issue that he needed to get hold of emotionally.” Jobs admitted as much to her. “This is something that is bothering me, and I need to focus on it,” h

22、e said. He was even more open with Greg Calhoun. “He was doing a lot of soul-searching about being adopted, and he talked about it with me a lot,” Calhoun recalled. “The primal scream and the mucusless diets, he was trying to cleanse himself and get deeper into his frustration about his birth. He to

23、ld me he was deeply angry about the fact that he had been given up.”· issue 'isju:   n.發(fā)行物, 期刊號, 爭論點 vi. &vt 發(fā)行, 流出, 造成.結(jié)果· primal 'praiml   adj. 最初的, 原始的,最主要的,根本的· greg greg   n. 格瑞格(男子名, Gregory的昵稱)· frustration frs'trein   n. 打破,挫折,頓挫 計算機 失敗

24、· cleanse klenz   vt. 使.清潔, 凈化, 使.純潔John Lennon had undergone the same primal scream therapy in 1970, and in December of that year he released the song “Mother” with the Plastic Ono Band. It dealt with Lennons own feelings about a father who had abandoned him and a mother who had been kill

25、ed when he was a teenager. The refrain includes the haunting chant “Mama dont go, Daddy come home.” Jobs used to play the song often.· chant t:nt   n. 圣歌,贊美詩,旋律,喊叫 vt. 吟唱,誦揚,叫喊 vi. 吟唱, 單調(diào)地說· undergo nd'gu   vt. 遭受,經(jīng)歷,忍受· therapy 'erpi   n. 療法,治療· refrain ri

26、'frein   n. 重復, 疊句, 副歌 v. 節(jié)制, 避免, 克制Jobs later said that Janovs teachings did not prove very useful. “He offered a ready-made, buttoned-down answer which turned out to be far too oversimplistic. It became obvious that it was not going to yield any great insight.” But Holmes contended that i

27、t made him more confident: “After he did it, he was in a different place. He had a very abrasive personality, but there was a peace about him for a while. His confidence improved and his feelings of inadequacy were reduced.”· contend kn'tend   vi. 奮斗,斗爭,辯論 vt. 堅持認為,競爭· abrasive &#

28、39;breisiv   n. 研磨劑 adj. 磨平的· inadequacy in'ædikwsi   n. 不適當, 不十分, 不完全· yield ji:ld   n. 生產(chǎn)量, 投資收益 v. 生產(chǎn), 屈服, 投降, 彎下去, 凹下去· confident 'knfidnt   adj. 確信的, 自信的Jobs came to believe that he could impart that feeling of confidence to others and thus push t

29、hem to do things they hadnt thought possible. Holmes had broken up with Kottke and joined a religious cult in San Francisco that expected her to sever ties with all past friends. But Jobs rejected that injunction. He arrived at the cult house in his Ford Ranchero one day and announced that he was dr

30、iving up to Friedlands apple farm and she was to come. Even more brazenly, he said she would have to drive part of the way, even though she didnt know how to use the stick shift. “Once we got on the open road, he made me get behind the wheel, and he shifted the car until we got up to 55 miles per ho

31、ur,” she recalled. “Then he puts on a tape of Dylans Blood on the Tracks, lays his head in my lap, and goes to sleep. He had the attitude that he could do anything, and therefore so can you. He put his life in my hands. So that made me do something I didnt think I could do.”· Holmes hulmz  

32、; n. 霍姆斯或福爾摩斯(人名)· injunction in'dkn   n. 命令,指令,勸告· impart im'p:t   vt. 傳授, 賦予, 告知· brazenly 'breiznli   adv. 厚臉皮地,無恥地· stick stik   n. 枝, 桿, 手杖 vt. 插于, 刺入, 豎起 vi. 釘住, 粘貼, 堅持· reject v. ri'dekt; n.ridekt   n. 被拒之人,不合格品,不及格者 v. 拒絕,駁回,丟

33、棄· cult klt   n. 宗教膜拜儀式,異教,狂熱崇拜,個人崇拜· religious ri'lids   adj. 宗教的,虔誠的,細心的 n. 修道院成員, 僧侶· sever 'sev   vt. &vi. 切斷,脫離,分開It was the brighter side of what would become known as his reality distortion field. “If you trust him, you can do things,” Holmes said. “I

34、f hes decided that something should happen, then hes just going to make it happen.”BreakoutOne day in early 1975 Al Alcorn was sitting in his office at Atari when Ron Wayne burst in. “Hey, Stevie is back!” he shouted.“Wow, bring him on in,” Alcorn replied.Jobs shuffled in barefoot, wearing a saffron

35、 robe and carrying a copy of Be Here Now, which he handed to Alcorn and insisted he read. “Can I have my job back?” he asked.“He looked like a Hare Krishna guy, but it was great to see him,” Alcorn recalled. “So I said, sure!”· Krishna 'krin   n. (印度)訖哩什那神 n. 克利須那河(=Kistna)· baref

36、oot 'bfut;'bfut   adj. 赤腳的 adv. 赤腳地 =barefooted· hare h   n. 野兔· saffron 'sæfrn   n. 植藏紅花,橘黃色· distortion dis't:n   n. 扭曲, 變形, 曲解· brighter brait   adj. 明亮的,陽光的,生動的,聰明的 adv. 亮 n. 亮色· breakout   n. 爆發(fā)(打開,突圍,崩落)· shuffle

37、'fl   n. 拖著腳走,洗紙牌 vt. &vi. 拖曳,慢吞吞地走· robe rub   n. 長袍 v. (使)穿上長袍等Once again, for the sake of harmony, Jobs worked mostly at night. Wozniak, who was living in an apartment nearby and working at HP, would come by after dinner to hang out and play the video games. He had become a

38、ddicted to Pong at a Sunnyvale bowling alley, and he was able to build a version that he hooked up to his home TV set.· alley 'æli   n. 小路,巷,跑道,球道· bowling 'buli   n. 保齡球· harmony 'h:mni   n. 和弦,協(xié)調(diào),和睦,調(diào)和· sunnyvale   n. 森尼維耳市, 森尼韋爾(美國加利福尼亞州西部城

39、市)· addict 'dikt   vt. 使.耽溺,使.上癮 n. 耽溺者,上癮者One day in the late summer of 1975, Nolan Bushnell, defying the prevailing wisdom that paddle games were over, decided to develop a single-player version of Pong; instead of competing against an opponent, the player would volley the ball into

40、a wall that lost a brick whenever it was hit. He called Jobs into his office, sketched it out on his little blackboard, and asked him to design it. There would be a bonus, Bushnell told him, for every chip fewer than fifty that he used. Bushnell knew that Jobs was not a great engineer, but he assumed, correctly, that he would recruit Wozniak, who was always hanging arou


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