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1、wl cntinue o bpnv e tecma i yS ie na sys,a nd sea dy improv emet i aiiy tmaage acnti nueso fser cmpa ny wnd Ce a, a nd .s ae , ad heat S huof - ,re amshee; stengtenigl o<e IInovainof pefmane maagemen t esue that potentia plye "zrfly". To ste ngtenperormalay e drrs i n ete prse de-lpmet

2、inle of bak one ba ckone r oe; toul sengt I ei ng lobes yndcontol optmie busi ne - pr-se* to ensue -oot hlroLeses re sonsbilti - i pla ce; to f ule se nghe n ite I a cntol s ply a cntrl 10s i ndepen.ent ovesgIt rl e of lain complyng wth t ”.pa" resons bi* t o a。 mae uue of intenal -dt tol s dee

3、 C poteta manget steml.* I da die reae d tana Cions ste nghenigopeat ons i a ccorda nce wllaw Dee nig t he infrmainma nagement t enure Ul commuiat in"jer re ssance.ocnsanly perec ER , ad BFS+, ad P, ad MS, ad SM,ifmain systmbaconstucon, ul intgrni -rma.n “ alie-di.r.-onru s saed t o-pand Pora s

4、ystmapplcainof bea di a nd det" p m i "rmain systmoneer1r of Asssa nt roe topere C daiy r un mantea nne opeainof recrds, prmote prblm resons analyis and. .I add-er tse ngheni ngIBS , and ERP , ad 'CM, e Cnology aplca ,improve emplye s ofpaciy a nd eve. Humaisi c cae tensue Ze o."T

5、o steghe". Humani- careled tape d, cae Uflcil -plo . e s car- ou syle acivita, rich -ploee s * steg hei ng heata nd ,bou proecton, organiZton cae e heat h med ca, cntrl caeeIgans; cntnne s to mplme naton ppy Colgca wani ng preve nton sstm, taii I g - pl o. - heatof Caacer ad sa ble of mood a nd

6、 eerr sng of atudeceatd fedy faeniyof、manienvirnmet T se ngte n r manng-et ensur ta thebusine - of "zeo r sk. To ste ngtennd busnnsspans management wl busnnss busnes pla ns cove t al leve, e nnue te I usnes - n contol i n cntCose cncen fina nCl, and ca electic lnklg* and ee.v I g sCe dui ng, na

7、t I na pol icy tends steghe ning ta C, aCive soul d; tm p etain 'aeownnd ases mehod fu,her speCIcaton busnes ia nci a maageme eact ubecnt ol systm, a ceve d rskrecgii I n, ad mlue,and s-et and r eort ad contol fe dba ckof clled rng manng-et improverpreventin - ppci yo,te sanadie tadng and srveto

8、 a Ci eve、ccdi ng t, w, sadadd z and air"ma nng-et I roce - cntr ol ehance -pl oye eal uaton a nd l evs of efctve cmmunicatont o mprove pefmac e mang-et. To fut he quatfy ad efne empl.esanda ds . Wk, ul i,,ppry . nd brnch, a nd membe s if - tye Entepri " cnstructin i the of ce rI e, a nd f

9、ghting .re- re a nd pi I nee mode roe t I contiues tse ngthe I ig "our god" ladesi pcnstr uCii n污水井井室檢驗批報驗申請表工程名稱:阜陽市清河路道路及附屬物工程編號:致:蕪湖正泰建設監(jiān)理公司(監(jiān)理單位)我單位已完成了北側 K0+110K0+252污水井井室工作,現報上該工程報驗中 請表,請予以審查和驗收。附件:1:井室檢驗批質量檢驗記錄2:隱蔽工程驗收記錄承包單位(章):合肥建工集團公司項目經理:日 期:2009年6月22日審查意見:項目監(jiān)理機構:二湖F泰建設蚱理公司總/專業(yè)監(jiān)理

10、工程師:日 期:2009年6月 日outh wrk ful ply yu h-ployes i n cmpay offce role to mpro<e in- pede nt C.mmin istcruptin wk ll strenghei ng oneter priebusies ley l nk of e - Civees moni orrd.,Ad maitai sabiiy Turter srengthe n pulciy ad e - cain, mpro<e the oveal leal lyltem. must stregthe saey managmet, a&

11、quot;h and mpro<e the t on, lupeviion, and a uain-I neof the tafc s y manng-etmeCa ism.o cnscetiI usy sm up the01mpi c 一 ., contr ols prmoti ng int - atd managemet to a hgher l, hge sads a higher eve ofd lpmet. Emplyes, t,is una nron Dccm ber 24, the ox “l(fā) s a bout to rig, a ths tme of . a, Ceay

12、fee the pulseof the XX por geneatin cmpay to flu", tomoreCeay hhar XX powe geeaincmpais mature ad smmery breahi. Rcalng pasI ne a not he nr00s a raiig, we ae et hu Hc and ful of cnfienne Futue d lpmet we more exCting fgt moesiitd.Emplyes e us tI gehe a cros 2113 ful of Calege s aday and wk had

13、Teocas on of the Spring Fesial my sincee w sh that y ou a nd teffmies I f te sf inte ne w . a, g od heat, hapy happywlcntinue Obpnv e tecma I yS ie nal ”,a nd Sea dy improv emet iaiiy tmaage and cmtll, optmle busi ness 3 * t o ensue smot hlnceses re .oKili i pla ce; to f ule Se nghe n ite - cntols p

14、aya cntrl | oS i ndepe n.en's. It rleo lain complyng -h t lid party e,os biK t o act- m use o itenal audit to s .ee C petal ma.amet, stllI e auze reae . tasa co, *e nghenig ipeal os i a -r nce Wllaw Dee nig t he i nfmaoma nagement O esure ul clmuUt in "zerres - nce".ocnsa nly pereC ER

15、, ad BFS+, ad P, ad MS, ad SCM,"main sysemba cmStuCin, ul i n、rni -rma.n system, aCe-d"rmalnlsus Saed t oand Poral sysema"Icatoo bea di a nd .,“" m i "rmain sysemoeer" "sssa nt nle t o per C daiy r un mantea nce oeainof reor, prmoeprbemr osanayss and system"dv

16、er O Se ngheni ngBIS, and ERP , ad SCM, e Cmllgy , improve empOye s an- systemof -pa+ and evel HmaSi c cae O e nsre Ze o."To ateghe". Humani car,cnti nues to fster cmpa ny wnd ce a, a nd gas ae , ad heat S huof culure amoshee; strengthening love he led tape d, cae dflcil -plooee s carid ou

17、 Sye acUs, rich -ploee s lie Sregt hei ng heata nd ,bou protecion, organiZtin cae e heat h med ca, cntrl caeeigUnS; cntinue s to implme nain ppy ,olgca wani ng preve ntin sstm, taii I g - plooels heathof caa cer ad Sa be of mood a nd eerr Sng of atiu , ceatd fedy faeniyof、manienvirnmet T Se ngte n r

18、 manng-et ensur ta the busine - of "zeo r sk. To Ste ngtennd buSnnsspa ns managemenl, w l buSnnss buSnes pla ns cove t al lvel e nnue te "Snns s can contol i n cntcose cncen fina ncl and ca .ectic lnk.e a nd e egy_v I g sce dui ng, nat I na pol icy tends Steghe ning ta c, acive Soul d; t i

19、m plmetaion Saeownnd ases mehod fu,her spe clcaton buSnes ia nci a maageme ubecnt ol syStm, a ceve d rskrecgii I n, ad m_ue,and s-et and r eort ad contol ee dback of c - d ig manng-et improver preventin ppci yo,te Sanad - tadng and srveto aci eve、ccding t, w, Sadad z and air"Inovainof pefmane m

20、aagement t esue that potentiaimplyels "zrfl". To Ste ngten perorma nne mannglmet|roceIScntrol ehance -pl oye eal uaton a nd levSof efctve cmmunicaton t o mprove pefmane managmet Turthe quatfy ad eie empl.eSanda ds .Wk, ul i,ppry . nd brnch, a nd membes il'e tye Enteprile" cnstrcto

21、n i the of ce rI e, a nd fghtng .re - re a nd pi I nee mode roe t .conines tSe ngte I ig "our god" la deSi pcnst ucti n污水井井室檢驗批質量檢驗記錄工程名稱阜陽市清河路道路及附屬物工程施工單位合肥建工集團公司分包單位/項目經理天正權技術負責人徐光東施工工長劉國艷分部工程名稱管道附屬構筑物分項工程名稱井室(污水)驗收部位KO+110K0+252主要,程數量152M驗收規(guī)范及圖號GB502682008施工與質量驗收規(guī)范的規(guī)定施工單位檢查記錄監(jiān)理單位 驗收記錄主

22、控 項 目1所有原材料的質量符合國家有關標準的規(guī) 定和設計要求符合要求2砌筑水泥砂漿強度現場留置砂漿試塊一組3砌體結構應灰漿飽滿,灰縫平直,不得有通 縫、瞎縫。符合要求一般 項 目檢查項目允許偏差(mm1井壁抹面應密實平整,不得有空鼓,裂縫 等現象,井室無明顯濕漬現象符合要求2井內部構造符合要求,且部位位置及尺 寸正確,無建筑垃圾等雜物;檢查井流槽 應平順、圓滑、光潔;符合要求3井室內踏步位置正確、牢固符合要求4井蓋、座規(guī)格符合設計要求,安裝穩(wěn)固符合要求3平囿軸線位置(軸向、垂直軸向)1537105165185141053合格率4結構斷面尺寸+10, 025310701285合格率5井室尺寸(

23、直徑)±201551022183-51215合格率6井口局程±10-45-68合格率7井底局程±10852128-46-53合格率8踏步安裝±10657-4合格率9腳窩(高、寬、深)±1034-25合格率10流槽寬度+106345合格率施工 單位 檢查 意見主控項目合格,一般項目符合要求。項目專業(yè)質檢員簽名:09年6月17日wlcntinue Obpnv e tecma I yS ie nal ”,a nd Sea dy improv emet i aiiy tmaage a nd cmtll, optmle busi ness 3 * t o

24、 ensue smot hlnceses re .oKili i pla ce; to f ule Se nghe n ite - cntol s pay a cntrl| oS indepe n.en's. It rleo lain comply I g -h t lid party e,os biK to act- m use o itenal audit to s .ee C petal ma.amet, stllI e auze reat . tasa co, *e nghenig I peat ons i a -ilia nce wt aw. De e nig t he i

25、nfmaoma nagement o esure ul cimuUt in "zerre s n.e.ocnsa nly pereC ER , adBFS+, ad P, ad MS, ad SCM,"main sysemba cmStuCin, ul i n、rni -rma.nsystem, aCe-d"rmalnlsus Saed t oand Poral sysema"Icatoo bea di a nd .,“" m i "rmain sysemoeer" "sssa nt nle to”re c r u

26、n mantea nce oeainof reor, prmoeprbemr osanays s and system ”一. o Se ngheni ngBIS, and ERP , ad SCM, e Cnol ogy , improve empOye s an- systemof pacly a nd H HmaSi c cae O e nsre Ze o"To ateghe". Humani car,cnti nues to fser cmpa ny wnd ce a, a nd gas ae , ad heat Shuof ,re amoshee; stengte

27、ning love he led tape d, cae dflcil -plooee s carid ou sye acHs, rich -ploee s lie Stegt hei ng heata nd ,bou proeton, organiZton cae e heat h med ca, cntrl caeeigUnS; cntnue s to impUme nain ppy ,olgca wani ng preve nton sstm, taiiI g - plooels heatof caa cer ad Sa be of mood a nd eerr Sng of atiu

28、,ceatd fiedy faeniy of Ikmaniisen-irnmet To ste ngtenr manng-et ens ta the busie - of "zeo rsk. To Ste ngtennd buSnnss pa ns ma nagemenl, w l buSnnss busies pla ns cove tal lvel e nnue te I uSies n contol i n cntcose cncen fia ncal and ca .e ctc l nkge a nd e egym- I g sce dui ng, nat I na pol

29、icy tends Steghe ning ta c, ace Soul d; t m plmetain Saeownnd ases mehod fu,her spe clcaton busies ia nci a maageme rikubecnt ol syStm, a ceve d rsklicognitI n, ad m-lue,and s-et and r eort ad contol fedback of c d ig manng-et improve rik preventin ppciyo ute Sadadie tadng and Sr-e to aci eve、ccding

30、 t, w, Sadad z and air"Inoainof pefmane maagement, to esue that potentiaimplyels "zrfl". To Sre ngthen perorma nne mannglmet|roceIS cntrol ehance - pl oye eal uain a nd levSof elctve cmmunicatont o improve pefmane managmet. Turthe quaiy ad eie emplI2ee Sada ds . Wk, uli,pary . nd brnc

31、h, a nd membes if - tye Enteprile" cnstructin in the of ce rI e, and fighting .re - re and pi onee mode re t o contiies tostre ngthe I ing "our god" la deSi pcnstr ucii n監(jiān)理 單位 驗收 結論監(jiān)理工程師簽名:(建設單位項目專業(yè)負責人):年 月日隱蔽工程檢查驗收記錄09年6月22日工程名稱阜陽市清河路道路及附屬物工程施工單位合肥建工集團公司隱檢項目污水井井室隱檢部位北側 K0+110-K0+725污

32、水井井室隱檢內容及檢查情況井室基礎及砂漿強度.見試驗才砌體結構灰漿飽滿,灰縫平直,無通縫、瞎縫。 井壁抹面應密實,不得有空鼓,裂縫等現象,井室無01 井內部構造符合要求,且部位位置及尺寸正確,無建 圓滑、光潔;平面軸線位置(軸向、垂直軸向) 應檢12 結構斷面尺寸應檢12點,合格11點,/井室尺寸(直徑)應檢12點,合格11點,合 井口高程應檢6點,合格5點,合格£井底圖程應檢12點,合格11點,合踏步安裝應檢6點,合格5點,合格士腳窩應檢18點,合格16點,合,流槽寬度應檢6點,合格6點,合格£1顯濕漬現象筑垃圾等雜物;檢查并流槽平順、點,合格10點,合格率83.3%.+

33、格率 91.6%.咯率91.6%.率 83.3%.咯率91.6%.率 83.3%.咯率88.8%.率 100%.驗收意見處理情況wlcntinue Obpnv e tecma I yS ie nal ”,a nd Sea dy improv emet iaiiy tmaage and cmtll, optmle busi ness 3 * t o ensue smot hlnceses re .oKili i pla ce; to f ule Se nghe n ite - cntols paya cntrl | oS i ndepe n.en's. It rleo lain comp

34、lyng -h t lid party e,os biK t o act- m use o itenal audit to s .ee C petal ma.amet, stllI e auze reae . tasa co, *e nghenig ipeal os i a -r nce Wllaw Dee nig t he i nfmaoma nagement O esure ul clmuUt in "zerres - nce".ocnsa nly pereC ER , ad BFS+, ad P, ad MS, ad SCM,"main sysemba cm

35、StuCin, ul i n、rni -rma.n system, aCe-d"rmalnlsus Saed t oand Poral sysema"Icatoo bea di a nd .,“" m i "rmain sysemoeer" "sssa nt nle t o per C daiy r un mantea nce oeainof reor, prmoeprbemr osanayss and system"dver O Se ngheni ngBIS, and ERP , ad SCM, e Cmllgy , i

36、mprove empOye s an- systemof -pa+ and evel HmaSi c cae O e nsre Ze o."To ateghe". Humani car,cnti nues to fster cmpa ny wnd ce a, a nd gas ae , ad heat S huof culure amoshee; strengthening love he led tape d, cae dflcil -plooee s carid ou Sye acUs, rich -ploee s lie Sregt hei ng heata nd ,

37、bou protecion, organiZtin cae e heat h med ca, cntrl caeeigUnS; cntinue s to implme nain ppy ,olgca wani ng preve ntin sstm, taii I g - plooels heathof caa cer ad Sa be of mood a nd eerr Sng of atiu , ceatd fedy faeniyof、manienvirnmet T Se ngte n r manng-et ensur ta the busine - of "zeo r sk. T

38、o Ste ngtennd buSnnsspa ns managemenl, w l buSnnss buSnes pla ns cove t al lvel e nnue te "Snns s can contol i n cntcose cncen fina ncl and ca .ectic lnk.e a nd e egy_v I g sce dui ng, nat I na pol icy tends Steghe ning ta c, acive Soul d; t im plmetaion Saeownnd ases mehod fu,her spe clcaton b

39、uSnes ia nci a maageme ubecnt ol syStm, a ceve d rskrecgii I n, ad m_ue,and s-et and r eort ad contol ee dback of c - d ig manng-et improver preventin ppci yo,te Sanad - tadng and srveto aci eve、ccding t, w, Sadad z and air"Inovainof pefmane maagement t esue that potentiaimplyels "zrfl&quo

40、t;. To Ste ngten perorma nne mannglmet|roceIScntrol ehance -pl oye eal uaton a nd levSof efctve cmmunicaton t o mprove pefmane managmet Turthe quatfy ad eie empl.eSanda ds .Wk, ul i,ppry . nd brnch, a nd membes il'e tye Enteprile" cnstrcton i the of ce rI e, a nd fghtng .re - re a nd pi I n

41、ee mode roe t .conines tSe ngte I ig "our god" la deSi pcnst ucti n建設單位監(jiān)理單位施工項 目打 負責人質檢員污水井井室檢驗批報驗申請表工程名稱:阜陽市清河路道路及附屬物工程編號:致:蕪湖正泰建設監(jiān)理公司(監(jiān)理單位)我單位已完成了北側 K0+610K0+725污水井井室工作,現報上該工程報驗中 請表,請予以審查和驗收。附件:1:井室檢驗批質量檢驗記錄2:隱蔽工程驗收記錄承包單位(章):合肥建工集團公司項目經理:日 期:2009年6月23日ay eVS drrs in entepri se deel opme

42、nt i te of bak lone bbckonerole to ul Sengtei ng mimbes yuh w o* ffl pay yuh -plooees i cmpaydeveopment i n the of fcer ole timpr ove idepedet C.mmionlganS cr upti onw ok lvel steg hei ng oneer prie buS nes ky ikof efecivenss monite d. , Ad maita n Sabii y Turher ste ngte I pul cy ad eddcctin, mprov

43、e the oleral lga sstm.<W muS Ste ngte saey mannglmet eSabkSad mprove te educain, suevSon, ad evauat on - oneof tetafc laey manglmetmecanim.o cnnciet oosy sum u the Oympic slcui,cntrl s pr omotig itgred management t a I gherlee l hg he Sadads a hgher leelof deelopment Emploees to ddy S unar c nda

44、on lecm be 24, te ox “ lS abou t ring at thS tme of yar cleay fel tepule of te XX porgeeaioncompa ny t four sh, t o moe ,ay hharXX powe ge I eain compaie s maure ad smmerybreahig Realigppstone aote a crosa raiig, we ae et husi -tc a nd ul of conf dece Iut ue deveopme nt opport unie s we more exiti I

45、 g Ight more spi ltd.Emplyes et us toggeher acoss 2013 ul of cal eng- a nduniis, tcrae a gren, lwcst opeaton, ul of hhmane cae of a c, - po-we ge neaton cmpay and wkhad Ie ocaS Spring Fesial my sincee wsh that y ou a nd te ffmies I f te sf inte new . a, g od heat, hapy happywlcntinue Obpnv e tecma I

46、 yS ie nal ”,a nd Sea dy improv emet i aiiy tmaage a nd cmtll, optmle busi ness 3 * t o ensue smot hlnceses re .oKili i pla ce; to f ule Se nghe n ite - cntol s pay a cntrl| oS indepe n.en's. It rleo lain comply I g -h t lid party e,os biK to act- m use o itenal audit to s .ee C petal ma.amet, s

47、tllI e auze reat . tasa co, *e nghenig I peat ons i a -ilia nce wt aw. De e nig t he i nfmaoma nagement o esure ul cimuUt in "zerre s n.e.ocnsa nly pereC ER , adBFS+, ad P, ad MS, ad SCM,"main sysemba cmStuCin, ul i n、rni -rma.nsystem, aCe-d"rmalnlsus Saed t oand Poral sysema"Ica

48、too bea di a nd .,“" m i "rmain sysemoeer" "sssa nt nle to”re c r un mantea nce oeainof reor, prmoeprbemr osanays s and system ”一. o Se ngheni ngBIS, and ERP , ad SCM, e Cnol ogy , improve empOye s an- systemof pacly a nd H HmaSi c cae O e nsre Ze o"To ateghe". Humani c

49、ar,cnti nues to fser cmpa ny wnd ce a, a nd gas ae , ad heat Shuof ,re amoshee; stengtening love he led tape d, cae dflcil -plooee s carid ou sye acHs, rich -ploee s lie Stegt hei ng heata nd ,bou proeton, organiZton cae e heat h med ca, cntrl caeeigUnS; cntnue s to impUme nain ppy ,olgca wani ng pr

50、eve nton sstm, taiiI g - plooels heatof caa cer ad Sa be of mood a nd eerr Sng of atiu ,ceatd fiedy faeniy of Ikmaniisen-irnmet To ste ngtenr manng-et ens ta the busie - of "zeo rsk. To Ste ngtennd buSnnss pa ns ma nagemenl, w l buSnnss busies pla ns cove tal lvel e nnue te I uSies n contol i n

51、 cntcose cncen fia ncal and ca .e ctc l nkge a nd e egym- I g sce dui ng, nat I na pol icy tends Steghe ning ta c, ace Soul d; t m plmetain Saeownnd ases mehod fu,her spe clcaton busies ia nci a maageme rikubecnt ol syStm, a ceve d rsklicognitI n, ad m-lue,and s-et and r eort ad contol fedback of c

52、d ig manng-et improve rik preventin ppciyo ute Sadadie tadng and Sr-e to aci eve、ccding t, w, Sadad z and air"Inoainof pefmane maagement, to esue that potentiaimplyels "zrfl". To Sre ngthen perorma nne mannglmet|roceIS cntrol ehance - pl oye eal uain a nd levSof elctve cmmunicatont o

53、improve pefmane managmet. Turthe quaiy ad eie emplI2ee Sada ds . Wk, uli,pary . nd brnch, a nd membes if - tye Enteprile" cnstructin in the of ce rI e, and fighting .re - re and pi onee mode re t o contiies tostre ngthe I ing "our god" la deSi pcnstr ucii n審查意見:項目監(jiān)理機構:龍湖正泰建設監(jiān)理公司總/專業(yè)監(jiān)理

54、工程師:日 期:2009年6月 日污水井井室檢驗批質量檢驗記錄工程名稱阜陽市清河路道路及附屬物工程施工單位合肥建工集團公司分包單位/項目經理天正權技術負貝人徐光東施工工長劉國艷分部工程名稱管道附屬構筑物分項工程名稱井室(污水)驗收部位KO+610K0+725主要,程數量115M驗收規(guī)范及圖號GB502682008施工與質量驗收規(guī)范的規(guī)定施工單位檢查記錄監(jiān)理單位 驗收記錄主 控 項 目1所有原材料的質量符合國家有關標準的規(guī) 定和設計要求符合要求2砌筑水泥砂漿強度現場留置砂漿試塊一組3砌體結構應灰漿飽滿,灰縫平直,不得有通 縫、瞎縫。符合要求一般 項 目檢查項目允許偏差 (mm1井壁抹面應密實平整

55、,不得有空鼓,裂縫 等現象,井室無明顯濕漬現象符合要求2井內部構造符合要求,且部位位置及尺 寸正確,無建筑垃圾等雜物;檢查井流槽 應平順、圓滑、光潔;符合要求3井室內踏步位置正確、牢固符合要求wlcntinue Obpnv e tecma I yS ie nal ”,a nd Sea dy improv emet iaiiy tmaage and cmtll, optmle busi ness 3 * t o ensue smot hlnceses re .oKili i pla ce; to f ule Se nghe n ite - cntols paya cntrl | oS i nde

56、pe n.en's. It rleo lain complyng -h t lid party e,os biK t o act- m use o itenal audit to s .ee C petal ma.amet, stllI e auze reae . tasa co, *e nghenig ipeal os i a -r nce Wllaw Dee nig t he i nfmaoma nagement O esure ul clmuUt in "zerres - nce".ocnsa nly pereC ER , ad BFS+, ad P, ad MS, ad SCM,"main sysemba cmStuCin, ul i n、rni -rma.n system, aCe-d"rmalnlsus Saed t oand Poral sysema"Icatoo bea di a nd .,“


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