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1、CHANGCHUN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY外 文 翻 譯(2014屆)氧化溝工藝在污水處理中的應(yīng)用與發(fā)展學生姓名 周中華學 號 1006441113學 院 水利與環(huán)境工程學院專業(yè)班級 給水1041指導教師 崔志新填寫日期 2014年3月15日氧化溝工藝在污水處理中的應(yīng)用與發(fā)展摘要: 本文主要闡述了Carrousel氧化溝的結(jié)構(gòu)、工藝機理、運行過程中存在的問題和相應(yīng)的解決方法。最后,介紹了Carrousel氧化溝的最新的研究進展并指出了未來的主要研究方向。關(guān)鍵詞: Carrousel 氧化溝 除磷脫氮 結(jié)構(gòu) 機理1. 前言氧化溝(oxidation ditch)又名連續(xù)循

2、環(huán)曝氣池(Continuous loop reactor),是活性污泥法的一種變形。氧化溝污水處理工藝是在20世紀50年代由荷蘭衛(wèi)生工程研究所研制成功的。自從1954年在荷蘭的首次投入使用以來。由于其出水水質(zhì)好、運行穩(wěn)定、管理方便等技術(shù)特點,已經(jīng)在國內(nèi)外廣泛的應(yīng)用于生活污水和工業(yè)污水的治理1。目前應(yīng)用較為廣泛的氧化溝類型包括:帕斯韋爾(Pasveer)氧化溝、卡魯塞爾(Carrousel)氧化溝 、奧爾伯(Orbal)氧化溝、T型氧化溝(三溝式氧化溝)、DE型氧化溝和一體化氧化溝。這些氧化溝由于在結(jié)構(gòu)和運行上存在差異,因此各具特點2。本文將主要介紹Carrousel氧化溝的結(jié)構(gòu)、機理、存在的問

3、題及其最新發(fā)展。2. Carrousel氧化溝的結(jié)構(gòu)Carrousel氧化溝是1967年由荷蘭的DHV公司開發(fā)研制。在原Carrousel氧化溝的基礎(chǔ)上DHV公司和其在美國的專利特許公司EIMCO又發(fā)明了Carrousel 2000系統(tǒng),實現(xiàn)了更高要求的生物脫氮和除磷功能。至今世界上已有850多座Carrousel氧化溝和Carrousel 2000系統(tǒng)正在運行3。Carrousel氧化溝使用定向控制的曝氣和攪動裝置,向混合液傳遞水平速度,從而使被攪動的混合液在氧化溝閉合渠道內(nèi)循環(huán)流動。因此氧化溝具有特殊的水力學流態(tài),既有完全混合式反應(yīng)器的特點,又有推流式反應(yīng)器的特點,溝內(nèi)存在明顯的溶解氧濃度

4、梯度。氧化溝斷面為矩形或梯形,平面形狀多為橢圓形,溝內(nèi)水深一般為2.54.5,寬深比為2:1,亦有水深達7m的,溝中水流平均速度為0.3m/s。氧化溝曝氣混合設(shè)備有表面曝氣機、曝氣轉(zhuǎn)刷或轉(zhuǎn)盤、射流曝氣器、導管式曝氣器和提升管式曝氣機等,近年來配合使用的還有水下推動器46。3. Carrousel氧化溝的機理3.1 Carrousel氧化溝處理污水的原理最初的普通Carrousel氧化溝的工藝中污水直接與回流污泥一起進入氧化溝系統(tǒng)。表面曝氣機使混合液中溶解氧DO的濃度增加到大約23mg/L。在這種充分摻氧的條件下,微生物得到足夠的溶解氧來去除BOD;同時,氨也被氧化成硝酸鹽和亞硝酸鹽,此時,混合

5、液處于有氧狀態(tài)。在曝氣機下游,水流由曝氣區(qū)的湍流狀態(tài)變成之后的平流狀態(tài),水流維持在最小流速,保證活性污泥處于懸浮狀態(tài)(平均流速>0.3m/s)。微生物的氧化過程消耗了水中溶解氧,直到DO值降為零,混合液呈缺氧狀態(tài)。經(jīng)過缺氧區(qū)的反硝化作用,混合液進入有氧區(qū),完成一次循環(huán)。該系統(tǒng)中,BOD降解是一個連續(xù)過程,硝化作用和反硝化作用發(fā)生在同一池中。由于結(jié)構(gòu)的限制,這種氧化溝雖然可以有效的去處BOD,但除磷脫氮的能力有限7。3.2 Carrousel氧化溝除磷脫氮的影響因素影響Carrousel氧化溝除磷的因素主要是污泥齡、硝酸鹽濃度及基質(zhì)濃度。研究表明,當總污泥齡為810d時活性污泥中的最大磷含

6、量為其干污泥量的4%,為異養(yǎng)菌體質(zhì)量的11%,但當污泥齡超過15d時污泥中最大含磷量明顯下降,反而達不到最大除磷效果。因此,一味延長污泥齡(例如20d、25d、30d)是沒有必要的,宜在815d范圍內(nèi)選用。同時,高硝酸鹽濃度和低基質(zhì)濃度不利于除磷過程。4. Carrousel氧化溝存在的問題及解決方法盡管Carrousel氧化溝具有出水水質(zhì)好、抗沖擊負荷能力強、除磷脫氮效率高、污泥易穩(wěn)定、能耗省、便于自動化控制等優(yōu)點。但是,在實際的運行過程中,仍存在一系列的問題。4.1 污泥膨脹問題當廢水中的碳水化合物較多,N、P含量不平衡,pH值偏低,氧化溝中污泥負荷過高,溶解氧濃度不足,排泥不暢等易引發(fā)絲


8、.6%投加),能抑制絲狀菌繁殖,控制結(jié)合水性污泥膨脹11。4.2 泡沫問題由于進水中帶有大量油脂,處理系統(tǒng)不能完全有效地將其除去,部分油脂富集于污泥中,經(jīng)轉(zhuǎn)刷充氧攪拌,產(chǎn)生大量泡沫;泥齡偏長,污泥老化,也易產(chǎn)生泡沫。用表面噴淋水或除沫劑去除泡沫,常用除沫劑有機油、煤油、硅油,投量為0.51.5mg/L。通過增加曝氣池污泥濃度或適當減小曝氣量,也能有效控制泡沫產(chǎn)生。當廢水中含表面活性物質(zhì)較多時,易預先用泡沫分離法或其他方法去除。另外也可考慮增設(shè)一套除油裝置。但最重要的是要加強水源管理,減少含油過高廢水及其它有毒廢水的進入12。4.3 污泥上浮問題當廢水中含油量過大,整個系統(tǒng)泥質(zhì)變輕,在操作過程中

9、不能很好控制其在二沉池的停留時間,易造成缺氧,產(chǎn)生腐化污泥上??;當曝氣時間過長,在池中發(fā)生高度硝化作用,使硝酸鹽濃度高,在二沉池易發(fā)生反硝化作用,產(chǎn)生氮氣,使污泥上浮;另外,廢水中含油量過大,污泥可能挾油上浮。發(fā)生污泥上浮后應(yīng)暫停進水,打碎或清除污泥,判明原因,調(diào)整操作。污泥沉降性差,可投加混凝劑或惰性物質(zhì),改善沉淀性;如進水負荷大應(yīng)減小進水量或加大回流量;如污泥顆粒細小可降低曝氣機轉(zhuǎn)速;如發(fā)現(xiàn)反硝化,應(yīng)減小曝氣量,增大回流或排泥量;如發(fā)現(xiàn)污泥腐化,應(yīng)加大曝氣量,清除積泥,并設(shè)法改善池內(nèi)水力條件12。4.4 流速不均及污泥沉積問題在Carrousel氧化溝中,為了獲得其獨特的混合和處理效果,混

10、合液必須以一定的流速在溝內(nèi)循環(huán)流動。一般認為,最低流速應(yīng)為0.15m/s,不發(fā)生沉積的平均流速應(yīng)達到0.30.5m/s。氧化溝的曝氣設(shè)備一般為曝氣轉(zhuǎn)刷和曝氣轉(zhuǎn)盤,轉(zhuǎn)刷的浸沒深度為250300mm,轉(zhuǎn)盤的浸沒深度為480 530mm。與氧化溝水深(3.03.6m)相比,轉(zhuǎn)刷只占了水深的1/101/12,轉(zhuǎn)盤也只占了1/61/7,因此造成氧化溝上部流速較大(約為0.81.2m,甚至更大),而底部流速很?。ㄌ貏e是在水深的2/3或3/4以下,混合液幾乎沒有流速),致使溝底大量積泥(有時積泥厚度達1.0m),大大減少了氧化溝的有效容積,降低了處理效果,影響了出水水質(zhì)。加裝上、下游導流板是改善流速分布、提

11、高充氧能力的有效方法和最方便的措施。上游導流板安裝在距轉(zhuǎn)盤(轉(zhuǎn)刷)軸心4.0處(上游),導流板高度為水深的1/51/6,并垂直于水面安裝;下游導流板安裝在距轉(zhuǎn)盤(轉(zhuǎn)刷)軸心3.0m處。導流板的材料可以用金屬或玻璃鋼,但以玻璃鋼為佳。導流板與其他改善措施相比,不僅不會增加動力消耗和運轉(zhuǎn)成本,而且還能夠較大幅度地提高充氧能力和理論動力效率13。另外,通過在曝氣機上游設(shè)置水下推動器也可以對曝氣轉(zhuǎn)刷底部低速區(qū)的混合液循環(huán)流動起到積極推動作用,從而解決氧化溝底部流速低、污泥沉積的問題。設(shè)置水下推動器專門用于推動混合液可以使氧化溝的運行方式更加靈活,這對于節(jié)約能源、提高效率具有十分重要的意義14。5. C

12、arrousel氧化溝的發(fā)展由于污水處理標準中對除磷脫氮的要求越來越嚴格,Carrousel氧化溝也得到了進一步的發(fā)展。目前,研究及應(yīng)用較多的包括以下兩種類型:微孔曝氣型Carrousel 2000系統(tǒng)、Carrousel 3000系統(tǒng)。5.1 微孔曝氣型Carrousel 2000系統(tǒng)微孔曝氣型Carrousel 2000系統(tǒng)采用微孔曝氣(供氧設(shè)備為鼓風機),微孔曝氣器可產(chǎn)生大量直徑為1mm左右的微小氣泡,這大大提高了氣泡的表面積,使得在池容積一定的情況下氧轉(zhuǎn)移總量增大(如池深增加則其傳質(zhì)效率將更高)。根據(jù)目前鼓風機生產(chǎn)廠家的技術(shù)能力,池的有效水深最大可達8m,因此可根據(jù)不同的工藝要求選取合

13、適的水深。傳統(tǒng)氧化溝的推流是利用轉(zhuǎn)刷、轉(zhuǎn)碟或倒傘型表曝機實現(xiàn)的,其設(shè)備利用率低、動力消耗大。微孔曝氣型Carrousel 2000系統(tǒng)則采用了水下推流的方式,即把潛水推進器葉輪產(chǎn)生的推動力直接作用于水體,在起推流作用的同時又可有效防止污泥的沉降。因而,采用潛水推進器既降低了動力消耗,又使泥水得到了充分地混合。5.2 Carrousel 3000系統(tǒng)Carrousel 3000系統(tǒng)是在Carrousel 2000系統(tǒng)前再加上一個生物選擇區(qū)。該生物選擇區(qū)是利用高有機負荷篩選菌種,抑制絲狀菌的增長,提高各污染物的去除率,其后的工藝原理同Carrousel 2000系統(tǒng)。Carrousel 3000系

14、統(tǒng)的較大提高表現(xiàn)在:一是增加了池深,可達7.58m,同心圓式,池壁共用,減少了占地面積,降低造價同時提高了耐低溫能力(可達7);二是曝氣設(shè)備的巧妙設(shè)計,表曝機下安裝導流筒,抽吸缺氧的混合液,采用水下推進器解決流速問題;三是使用了先進的曝氣控制器QUTE(它采用一種多變量控制模式)。四是采用一體化設(shè)計,從中心開始,包括以下環(huán)狀連續(xù)工藝單元:進水井和用于回流活性污泥的分水器;分別由四部分組成的選擇池和厭氧池。這之外是有三個曝氣器和一個預反硝化池的Carrousel 2000系統(tǒng)(如圖2 所示)。五是圓形一體化的設(shè)計使得氧化溝不需額外的管線,即可實現(xiàn)回流污泥在不同工藝單元間的分配17。6. 結(jié)論Ca

15、rrousel氧化溝由于具有良好的出磷脫氮能力、抗沖擊負荷能力和運行管理方便等優(yōu)點,已經(jīng)得到了廣泛的應(yīng)用。但由于科技的發(fā)展和社會的進步,該工藝必將得到進一步的提高。作者認為:Carrousel氧化溝的未來研究方向?qū)⒅饕w現(xiàn)在以下幾方面。1 結(jié)合生物膜法,研究和開發(fā)生物模型Carrousel氧化溝。這樣不僅可以提高單位反應(yīng)器的微生物總量,從而提高有機負荷,而且生物膜本身具有的內(nèi)置A/O系統(tǒng)強化了脫氮效果18。2 不斷提高Carrousel氧化溝中微生物的活性。例如在氧化溝中投加EM專一菌種、投入鐵鹽使微生物馴化成生物鐵、投入活性炭增強菌膠團的形成并提高耐毒性沖擊等。3 提高Carrousel氧化

16、溝設(shè)備性能和監(jiān)控技術(shù)。提高表曝機、水下推進器的性能,減少維修工作量;利用DO、ORP等多目標監(jiān)控技術(shù)及變頻技術(shù)是今后Carrousel氧化溝科學運行的必由之路。4 提高Carrousel氧化溝的耐寒、耐毒性能,減少占地面積和工程造價。膜理論的應(yīng)用、深池水力條件和工藝性能的研究為降低工程造價、提高耐寒耐毒性能等提供了可能的方向。7參考文獻1 Xia Shibin, Liu Junxin. An innovative integrated oxidation ditch with vertical circle for domestic wastewater treatment. Process

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21、01102。17 白曉慧,王寶貞。一種新型的Carrousel氧化溝。給水排水,1999,25(3):2730。18 Gillot, S.; Héduit, A. Effect of air flow rate on oxygen transfer in an oxidation ditch equipped with fine bubble diffusers and slow speed mixers. Water Research, 2000,34(5):17561762.英文原文Oxidize the ditch craft in dirty water handle of

22、application and development CaiZhi一jun(Foshan City Shunde District Environmental EngineeringBranch Foshan Guangdong 528000)【Abstract】Setanaerobic, naoxic section Carrous oxidation ditch with biologicla nitrogen and phosphoru sremoval capabilitie, is curren dythe mainstream of city life process of se

23、wage treatment, This article descirbes the structure of Carrousel oxidation ditch, porcess and design problems during the oper-ation and the corresponding solutions【Keywords】Carrousel;Oxidationditch;Phosphorusnadnitrogenremoval;Structure;Mechanism1. Foreword Oxidize the ditch( oxidation ditch) again

24、 a continuous circulation spirit pond( Continuous loop reactor), is a live and dirty mire method a kind of to transform.Oxidizing the dirty water in ditch handles the craft be researched to manufacture by the hygiene engineering graduateschool of Holland in the 50'sof20centuriessuccess.Since in

25、1954 at Dutch throw in the usage for the velY first nme.secause its a water fluid matter good, circulate the stability and manage convenience etc. technique characteristics, already at domestic and international and extensive application in live the dirty water to is dirty to manage aquecustv with t

26、he industlYli). Current application than oxidize extensively the ditch type include:The ( Pasveer) oxidizes the ditch, the (Carrousel) oxidizes the ditch, ( Orbal) oxidizes the ditch, the type of T oxidizes the ditch( three ditch types oxidize the ditch), the type of DE oxidizes the ditch to turn to

27、 oxidize the ditch with the Integral whore.these oxidize the ditch because of the difference of esse in construction with circulating, therefore each characteristics2.This text will introduce construction, mechanism, existent problem and its latest developments that Carrousel oxidize ditches primari

28、ly. 2. The Carrousel oxidizes the construction of the ditch The Carrousel Oxidize the ditch to be researched to manufacture by Dutch DHV company development in 1967.0xidize the last the companyofDHVinfou ndationoftheditchin theoriginal Carrousel to permited specially the company EIMCO to invent agai

29、n with its patent in the United States Carrousel 2000 system realizes the living creature of the higher request takes off the nitrogen with dividedbythefunctionof.Therehasbeen in the world up to now more than 850 Carrousels oxidize the ditch with the Carrousel 2000 system are circulating From diagra

30、m therefore, the Carrousel oxidizes the ditch the usage the spirit of that definite direction control with shake up the device, face to mix with the liquid deliver the level speed, from but make drive the liquid of admixture that shake up is in oxidize ditch shut match outlet circulate nowrnererore

31、oxidize the ditch have the special hydraulics flows the ,current complete mix with the characteristics of the type reactor, have the characteristics that push the flow type reactor again, the ditch inside exsrts obviously of deliquescence oxygen density steps degree.Oxidizing the ditch cross section

32、 is rectangle or trapezoids, the fiat surface shape is many for oval, the ditch internal water is deep general for 2.5 -4 .5 m , the breadth is deep compare for 2:1, also have the deep wate r amount to 7 ms of, ditch inside average speed in water current is 0.3 mS/ s.ostorze ditch spirit admixture e

33、quipments contain surface spirit machine, the spirit of turn to brush or turn the dish and shoot to flow the spirit machine, pipe type spirit machine with promote take care of type spirit machine etc., match with in recent years usage still contain underwater push machine3. The Carrousel oxidizes th

34、e mechanism of the ditch 3.1 The Carrousel oxidizes the ditch handles dirty and aqueous principle The at the beginning common Carrousel oxidizes the dirty water In inside In craft of the ditch direct with dirty mire In reflux together enteroxidize theditch system.The surface spiritmachinemakesfuse I

35、n the liquid of admixture the density of the oxygen DO increases about 2 the 3 mgsl t.uncer this kind of well the term of the oxygen, the microorganism gets the enough deliquescence oxygen comes and go to divided by the BOD;At the same time, the ammonia were too oxidized nitrate with second nitrate,

36、 this time, mix with the liquid be placed in the oxygen appearance.In the spirit machine downstream, after water current be become by the swift flow appearance of the spirit District oP even flow the appearance, the water current maintainsin theminim umcurrentvelocity,guaranteeingthe liveand dirty m

37、ire be placed in the floats the appearance.( average current vercctvs-o.a msl s)Oxldlze microbially the process consumed to fuse theoxygenin thewater,until thevalueofDOdeclinesforzero, mixing with the liquid report the anoxia appearance.versa nitric that turn the function through anoxia area, mix wi

38、th the liquid enter to have the oxygen area, completing once circulating.That system inside, the BOD declines the solution is a continuous process, the nitric turns the function to turn with the versa nitric e function ta ke place in same pond.Because of structural restrict, this kind of oxidize the

39、 ditch although can then valid whereabouts BOD, divided by the phosphorus take off the nitrogenous ability ltmrtedt".3.2 The Carrousel oxidizes the ditch divideds by the phosphorus takes off the nitrogenous influence factor. Affecting the Carrousel oxidizes the ditch divideds by the phosphoric

40、factor is dirty mire, nitrate density and quality densities primarily.The research expresses, being total and dirty mire as 11% that a hour biggest phosphorus 4% with deal is its fuck dirty mire deal within live and dirty mire, keep for the the germ physical endowment measures, but when dirty mire o

41、ver 15 d hour dirty mire the Inside is biggesttocontain theobviousdescentindealIn phosphorus,canning not reach the biggest divideding by the result of phosphorus on the contrary.Therefore, prolong persistently the dirty mire (for example 20ds,25ds,30ds) is to have no necessary, proper choose to use

42、within the scope of 8 15 d.At the same time, high nitrate density with low quality density disadvantage in divided by the process of phosphorus . 4. The Carrousel oxidizes problem and solution methods of the ditch esse. Though the Carrousel oxidizes the ditch has a water fluid matter good, the anti-

43、pounds at the burthen ability strong, divided by the phosphorus take off the nitrogen efficiency. But, in physically of movement process, still exstts a series of problem. 4.1 Dirty mire inflation problem When discard the aquatic carbohydrate more, the N, P contains the unbalance of deal, the pH val

44、ue is low, oxidizing the dirty mire in inside in ditch carries high, fuse the oxygen density the shortage, line up the mire not etc. causes easily dirty mire in germ in form in silk inflatlon;Not the dirty mire in germ in form in silk inflation takes place primarily at the waste water water temperat

45、ure is lower but the dirty mire carries higher hour.The microbial burthen is high, the germs absorbed the large quantity nourishment material, is low because of the temperature, metabolism the speed is slower, accumulating the rises large quantity is high to glue sexual and many sugar materials, mak

46、ing the surface of the live and dirty mire adhere to the water to increase consumedly, SVI the value is very high, becoming the dirty mire inflation. Cause that aim at the dirty mire inflation, can adopt the different counterplan:From the anoxia, water temperature high result in of, can enlargement

47、tolerance or lower into the water measures to alleviate burthen, or the adequacy lowers the MLSS( control dirty mire reflux measure), making need the oxygen measures decrease.It the dirty mirecarrieshigh, can increaseMLSS, toadjusttheburthen, necessity 4.2 Foam problem Becauseentering totakethe grea

48、seoflarge quantityinthewater, handling system can't completely and availably its obviation, parts of greases enriches to gather in in the dirty mire, through turn to brush the oxygen agitation, creation large quantity foam;The mire is partial to long, the dirty mire is aging, and also easy creat

49、ion toam.Sprav topourthewaterordivided bywiththesurfacetheof do away with the foam, in common use divided by the an organism oil, kerosene, the oil of stncon, throw deal as 0.5 1.5 mgsl L.Pass to increase dirty mire in pond in spirit in density or adequacies let up the tolerance of ,also can control

50、 the foam creation effectively.When contain the live materia! in surface in the waste water more, separate with the foam easily and in advance method or other methods do away with.Also can consider to increase to establish a set of dlvideding by the oil device moreover.But enhance most importantly t

51、he headwaters manage, reducing to contain the oil over the high waste water and other poisonous waste water of intollJ. 4.3 Float the problem on the dirty mire When contain in the waste water the oil measures big, whole system mire quality become light, can't like to control very much in operate

52、 process its at two sink the pond stop over time, resulting in the anoxia easily, producing the corrupt and dirty mire ascend to float;When spirit time over long, take place in pond the high degree nitric turn the function, making nitrate density high, at two sink the versa nitric in easy occurrence

53、 in pond turn the function, creation nitrogen spirit, make dirty mire ascend f1oat;Moreover, contain the oil in the waste water? Take place thedirtymire ascendafterfloating should pauseenter water, broke off or dirty mire in clearance, judge the clear reason, adjust the operation.The dirty mire sink

54、s to decline the sex bad, can throw to add of oagulate or sloth materials, the improvement precipitates the sex;Suchas enterthe watercarries big let upintothe water measures or the enlargement reflux measures.Sucn as the dirty mire grain small lower the spirit machine turn soon.If discovers versanit

55、ricturning,shouldletup thetolerance,enlarge the reflux or row the mire measures;1f discover the dirty mire is corrupt, should enlargement tolerance, the clearance accumulates the mire, and try the ameliorative pond internal water dint term!':". 4.4 Current velocity is not all and the dirty

56、mire sinks to accumulate the problem In Carrousel oxidize ditch, for acquiring its special admixture with handles result, mix with liquid must with certain current velocity is in ditch circulate flow.Think generally, the lowest current velocity should should attain for an average current velocity fo

57、r, doing not take place sinking acccmutetmq 0.30.5 msl s.The spirit equipments that oxidize the ditch is general to turn to brush for the spirit of to turn the dish with the spirit of , turning to brush of immerse to have no depth for 25 0 300 mms, turn the dish immerse to have no depth for 480"

58、;'530 mms.With oxidize the ditch water the deep(3.03.6 ms) comparing, turn to brush occupied the deep 1 / 1 0 in water 1/12, turned the dish to also occupy the 1/6'" only 1/7, therefore result in to oxidize the ditch upper part current velocity bigger roughly 0.8"'1.2 ms, even larger, but the bottom current velocity is very small( especially at the water is deep 2/3 or 3/4 below, mix with the liquid has no current velocity almost), causing ditch bottom large quantity accumulate the mire( sometimes accumulate the


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