



1、Unit 15 Lear ning Less on 1 Life-1 ong Lear ning課題Un it15 Less on 1 Life-l ong Lear ning課型Readi ngandspeak in g第 1 課時(shí)1. To practice readi ng for specific in formatio n.知識目標(biāo)2. To develop and practice the strategies outmeanings and making inference.for prediction,workingA教學(xué)3. To practice using Third C

2、on diti onal Sentences.I目標(biāo)能力目標(biāo)1.To practice using Third Con diti onal Senten ces.2.To practice stude ntsexpress ing ability_ _ 亠、情感目標(biāo)To get the students realize toolate to learn.the importaneeA*of study and its never內(nèi)容重點(diǎn)To develop and practice the strategies for meanings and mak ing inference.predic

3、t ion.working out難點(diǎn)To practice using Third Con diti onal Senten ces.分析*1A關(guān)鍵點(diǎn)The grammar in this unit教法學(xué)法Team-work andcom mun icati on1 尸 XIapproach.嚴(yán)教具學(xué)具M(jìn)ulti-media A tape recorderX 教材處理師生活動(dòng)修改與創(chuàng)新I. Warmi ngI . Warming up:upT: Since childhoodwe began tolear nwritingand drawing.Now we workevenharder f

4、oren teri nguni versity,is ittrue? I know you all work hard, sometimesyou feel tired. Once yougraduatefromuni versity and get a job, do you think it2n ecessary to con ti nue lear ning someth ing n ew?T: Look at pictures about middle-agedpeople hav ing class. Ask stude nts“ whatdo you think of them”

5、“why do they learn?“ Is it true that as long as you live youmust learn? ” Many adults are sadly too busy todevelop learning skills once they start work andhave family to support.You are young and n aturally more ope n tolearning.T: Now let s read an articleLife -LongLearning. You will learn some new

6、 thoughts andideas about life-lo ng lear nin g. It is valuable foryour growth.II Read ing1 Read the text silently and find the an swers to thequesti ons.1.) When did he find time to study ?2) What did he think of his four years hard work ?3) When did she layoff ? 4) How did shefeel about it ?5) Why

7、did she lay off ? 6) Did she dosometh ing wrong ?7) How did Grandpa Chen connect his daughter inthe US in the past ?8) What do you thi nk of them ?II Reading32.Find the in formati onto fill in thetable. Do the exercise 3, the n check thean swers as a class.3. Do the exercise true or false1. ) Sun We

8、n can t graduate from Qin ghuaUn iversity.2. ) Ms Tang didn t lay off 3 years ago.3. ) Ms Tang didn t get bored or decidedto do a bus in ess course.4. ) Gran dpa Chen is teach ing himself newtricks every day.5. ) Grandpa Chen isn t doing an English course on the Intern et.An swers: 1. F 2.F 3. F 4.

9、T 5.FT: draw a con clusi on:1. The world is developing so fast that you must lear n all the time, even ifyou graduated from uni versity otherwise youfallbehind others. If you don t learn youcan t un dersta nd thekno wledge in yourwork ing field, you will lose your job.2.All jobs ask you to in vestti

10、me incon ti nu ous lear ning.3. Life-l ong lear ning can keep yourselfup-to- date with the cha nging world.4. Newchallenges , competitive job market and tech no logy revoluti on askyou as4IIILan guageskillslife-l ong lear ner.III Lan guage skills1.Lan guage points and some usefulexpressi ons1.) be a

11、bout to I was just about to ask youthe same thing.Cv2.) a sec ond 3. )worth doing 4.) prove tobe 5.) get +pp 6.) go up 7.) in pers on 8.)All you can do is switch off your brain9.)switch off 10.) All you can do is switchoff your head2 . Do exercises 6IV3. Do exercises8 . Which of the conditionalAn al

12、yzeandsenten ces is correct in each con text?、1un dersta ndA /I八勺1/ p-fIV An alyze and un dersta nd ZJZ/転fDo exercises 4 In pairs, discuss ways thatyou can take part in lifelonglearningafter you finish school or uni versity.V HomeworkExample: A: Lear ning ano ther Ian guage isa good way to keep on learningafter5finishing school.6憂bbsr.Jm nc館ys c e間nn妣eeghh,wnn s .rnlssm佃也nnoo 9伽lea述訕帥rom艸昭ssccisinhtLfrya du o


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