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1、Creat ing a Sales OrderUseIn this first step you receive an inquiry from a customer and create a sales order. This document is an SD document and does not yet lead to posting in Financial Accounting. It is, however, the basis for sales processing as a whole.Procedure1. Call up the tra nsacti on as f

2、ollows:Menu PathLogistics Sales and Distribution SalesOrder CreateTran sacti on CodeVA012. En ter the followi ng data:FieldEuropeNorth AmericaOrder typeORORSales orga ni zati on1000 (SD org. Germa ny)3000 (SD org. USA)Distribution channel10 (end customer sales)10 (end customer sales)Divisio n00 (cro

3、ss-divisi ons)00 (cross-divisi ons)4. The division 00 is used to simplify the entry. The correct allocation of a sales order to a division does not occur until the product ordered is entered on the following screen. The correct allocation is made by default, so that it is possible to create articles

4、 from different divisions in one sales order.5. Choose .6. En ter the followi ng data:FieldEuropeNorth AmericaSold-to party10003000Purch.order no.Anything (in formative en try)Anything (informative entry)Purchase order dateToday' s dateToday ' s dateReq.deliv.dateProposed by systemProposed b

5、y systemPric ing dateProposed by systemProposed by systemMaterialP-109P-109Order qua ntity22(Sales un it) SUPCPC7. Note the required delivery date proposed by the system.8. Choose .9. In the dialog box, double click on customer 1000 (IDES-DE) or 3000 (IDES-US).10. Con firm any messages withAfter the

6、 docume nt en tries have bee n processed, the net sales price of the sales items en tered appears in thenet value. Furthermore, a descripti on of thetop right fieldmaterial ordered is displayed.If the material ordered is not available at the requested delivery date, the system automatically branches

7、 to another screen with availability information. Here, you can select a delivery opti on ( proposal ). The system the n returns to the order11. Select your item, the n chooseThe system displays the earliest delivery date for the ordered qua ntity in the Delivery proposal area.12. Note t

8、he date and select On e-time deliveryFurther details regarding availability information can be found inProcess ing and Subseque nt Fun cti ons14. Note down the order number.15. Chooseuntil the overview tree appears.In the Exit Order Process ing dialog box, choose No.Picki ng and Delivery of the Sale

9、s OrderUseFor this sec ond step, we shall assumed that the pumps ordered are now available in the fini shed goods warehouse. The goods are put together and delivered to the customer. A goods issue is posted. Several docume nts are created in this procedure, including a material, accounting and Profi

10、t Center document.Procedure1. Call up the tra nsacti on as follows:Menu PathLogistics Sales and DistributionShipp ing and Tran sportati onOutbo undDelivery Create Sin gle Docume nt With Refere nee toSales OrderTran sacti on CodeVL01N; LT032. En ter the followi ng data:FieldEuropeNorth AmericaShipp i

11、ng point10003000Selecti on dateRequired delivery date no ted dow n earlierRequired delivery date no ted dow n earlierOrderOrder nu mberOrder nu mberFrom itemEmptyEmptyTo itemEmptyEmpty3. Choose .Create tran sfer order .4. Choose Subseque nt Fun cti ons5. If the Exit Docume nt Process ingdialog box a

12、ppears, choose Yes.6. Note this delivery nu mber.7. En ter the followi ng data:North AmericaWarehouse nu mber010300Pla nt10003000Proposed by system DeliveryProposed by systemProcess FlowBackgro undBackgro undAdopt pick ing qua ntity228. Choose9. Choose un til the overview tree appears.Billing the Sa

13、les Order (SD)UseBilling is the concluding activity in Sales and Distribution. When you create a billing document, you always refer to a referenee document, i.e. in this case to the delivery of the 2 pumps. The sale is not posted in Financial Accounting until this process. A customer receivable is t

14、hus created.Procedure1. Call up the tran sacti on as follows:Menu PathLogistics Sales Billing Billing document CreateTran sacti on CodeVF012. The nu mber of the delivery you just created is displayed in theDocume nt field. If this isnot the case, cha nge the entry accord in gly.3. Choose .4. Select

15、the billi ng item you created and choose.The system displays detailed billing document data, price data, accounting data, and order data for this item.The system displays the various part ners conn ected with this bus in ess tran sacti on here. The bill-to and sold-to parties have the same customer

16、nu mber. The payer (pays the bill) has the nu mber 1050 (IDES DE) or 3050 (IDES US).6. Choose twice.7. Choose8. Note the nu mber.The transaction does not only mean that the billing document has been saved in the SD system but that the billing data has also been transferred automatically to Financial

17、 Accounting, the Profit Center and Profitability An alysis. The data also goes to the Treasury; however, a docume nt is not created.9.9. Call up the ©tran sacti on as follows:Menu PathOn the Create Billi ng Docume ntscree n,select Billi ng docume ntDisplay.Tran sacti on CodeVF03; FB03; KSB510.

18、The document number is already entered in the field.11. To display the billing item again, choose.12. Choose Accounting .13. In the dialog box, choose Accounting document.14. Double-click on the customer account.You can see that the receivable and the sale have bee n posted in the bus in ess area 10

19、00 (mecha ni calengineering). The material P-109 was produced in the plant 1000 (Hamburg) and belongs to the division 01 (pumps). This comb in ati on led to the posti ng in this bus in ess area.15. Note the bline date for payment.16. Choose twice.17. In the dialog box, chooseProfitability Analysis.1

20、8. Choose the Characteristics tab page.19. To display invoice header data like customerm'es a nad sales order number, chooseThe material P-109 is allocated to the Profit Ce nter 1010 (3010). This was automatically copied to this ProfitCen ter.22. In the dialog box, chooseCost accounting doc23. C

21、hoose .The object type PRw means that this concerns a profitability segme nt. The sale was copied to the cost eleme nt800000 in the accou nting Profitability An alysis.24. Choose .25. In the Display Actual Cost Documentsdialog box, choose Yes.26. To close the dialog box, choose.27. Chooseuntil the o

22、verview tree appears.An alyz ing Customer Line ItemsUseThe receivable from the customer has now bee n posted with the billi ng. The payer is not the same as the customer and the inv oice recipie nt. Therefore a sold-to party nu mber must be en tered that differs from that of the customer.Procedure1.

23、 Call up the tran sacti on as follows:Menu PathAcco un ti ng Finan cial Acco unting Acco unts ReceivableAcco unt Display/Cha nge Line ItemsTran sacti on CodeFBL5N2. Enter the following data:FieldEuropeNorth AmericaCustomer acco unt10503050Compa ny code10003000Ope n itemsSelectSelectOpen at key dateN

24、oted baseli ne date for payme ntNoted baseli ne date for payme ntThe system displays a list of ope n inv oices for the customer for the selected docume nt date. The delivery docume nt nu mbers (delivery note nu mber from the sec ond procedure) can be see n in theAllocati onfield .4. Positi on your c

25、ursor on the docume nt that you have just posted.5. Choose .The system displays the first item in the document. This concerns the posting of the receivable. The sold- to party ' s reconciliation account in the balance sheet is the account 140000 (domestic receivables) in G/L acco un ti ng.Furthe

26、r in formati on is provided in the form of the cash disco unt base and the terms of payme nt .The baseli ne date is the date to which the limits for the cash disco unt and net due dates are related.6. Note the cash disco unt base, the terms of payme nt and the bli ne date as you will n eed these en

27、tries for posti ng incoming payme nts.7.ChooseMore data7. The system displays a dialog box show ing the pla nning date on which update of the8. expected incoming payme nt occurs in cash man ageme nt and forecast.10.The system determ ines the date un der con siderati on of various in formatio n such

28、as "baseline date in the FI billing document" and "previous payment history of sold-to party". The in flue nce of these two comp onents (previous payme nt history) in particular, mea ns that at first glance the planning date is possibly not traceable. To do this, you first have t

29、o go into customer credit con trol.Note the pla nning date.11. Double-click on the sales reve nue line (2nddocume nt item).12. ChooseMore .The Profit Center 1010 or 3010 stands for sales order data.superior pumps and was derived from theThe system displays a dialog box with information about the der

30、ivation of characteristics on the profitability segment.14. ChooseCon ti nue15. Choose16. Chooseun til the overview tree appears.Display ing Cash Man ageme nt and Forecast,Summary Prese ntati on of Payme nt ScheduleUseThe sales process (from sales order entry through goods issue to billing) is fully

31、 integrated with cash forecasting.Accord ing to the phase in the SD process, the expected cash receipts are either expelled to Cash Man ageme nt or to aCash Man ageme nt positi on.Procedure1. Call up the tran sacti on as follows:Menu PathAcco un ti ng Treasury Cash Man ageme nt In formatio nSystem R

32、eports on Cash Man ageme nt LiquidityAn alyses Liquidity ForecastTran sacti on CodeFF7B2. En ter the followi ng data:FieldEuropeNorth AmericaCompa ny code10003000Cash positi onDo not selectDo not selectLiquidity forecastSelectSelectGroup ingPers ons (all types of receipts and expe nditures)Pers ons

33、(all types of receipts and expe nditures)Display as ofNoted pla nning date from FINoted pla nning date from FIdocume ntdocume ntDisplay inEURUSDScali ng0/0 0/03. Choose .4. En ter the followi ng data:FieldEuropeNorth AmericaDelta display with bala ncesSelect (display cha nges per value date as oppos

34、ed to cumulative display)Select (display cha nges per value date as opposed to cumulative display)If the date you en tered as the pla nning date falls on a public holiday, the expected incoming payme nt is reproduced on the n ext work ing day depe ndent on the value date.6. Double click on Reve nue

35、.7. Double-click on the level F1 ( FI customers ).The value of your billi ng has flowed into the value date depe ndent bala nee of the E6 group on the pla nning date you en tered, as the sold-to party contains the pla nning group E6 in its summary record. If the amount show n there does not corresp

36、ond with the billi ng you just created (pla nned amount is greater tha n your billi ng), the n you need to look for the reason for this in the summary presentation of the planned data. Note the planned amount displayed. You will see the follow ing cha nge after the incoming payme nt has bee n made:

37、The amount displayed is reduced by this amount exactly.8. Choose un til the overview tree appears.Maki ng a Fast -Entry Incoming Payme ntUseA few days after sending the inv oice you will receive payme nt for the forwarded pumps. You now en ter this payme nt in acco unts receivable.In this process, y

38、ou will require the baseli ne date and the cash disco unt base you no ted in the 4 th step. We will assume that the customer will pay 14 days after the invoice is sent. (Base date + 14 days). The customer has differing payment terms accord ing to the type of product and intern ati onal subsidiary co

39、ncern ed. Depe ndent on the payme nt terms, the customer can deduct cash disco unt from the cash disco unt base if he pays with in 14 days of the inv oice being sent.Procedure1. Call up the tran sacti on as follows:Menu PathAcco un ti ng Finan cial Acco unting Acco unts ReceivableDocume nt En try Pa

40、yme nt Fast EntryTran sacti on CodeF-262.En ter the follow ing data:FieldEuropeNorth AmericaCompa ny code10003000Posti ng dateBline date + 14 daysBline date + 14 daysBank acco unt113109113109CurrencyEURUSDRefere neeAny nu mberAny nu mberDocume nt dateBase date + 14 daysBase date + 14 daysValue dateB

41、ase date + 14 daysBase date + 14 days3. Select En ter payme nts .4. Choose to bypass any warning messages.The Incoming Payments Fast Entry: Header Data screen is only displayed the first time that you call up the tran sacti on. To main tai n or verify your en tries, choose Specificatio ns.5. En ter

42、the follow ing data:FieldEuropeNorth AmericaCustomer (payer)105030506. Choose Process ope n items.The system tells you that the document date is in the future.The system displays the ope n items for the customer.8. Double-click on the gross amount of the item to be cleared. The line will change colo

43、r.Any other lines should be colored black. (If this is not the case, deselect the lines that you do not require by double-clicki ng the EUR/USD gross amount field).9. Choose .The system con firms that the docume nt has bee n saved.10. Chooseun til the overview tree appears.Display ing Cash Man ageme

44、 nt & Forecast, CashMan ageme nt Positi onUseAs already men ti oned in the previous process on Cash Man ageme nt, Cash Man ageme nt & Forecast/Cash Man ageme nt Position are updated during the whole SD procedure - starting with the order, then billing document, followed by cash receipt. The

45、following sub-process will now present the cash receipt in Cash Management Position and those changes in the planning totals connected to the cash receipt, which are formed through open billings.Procedure1. Call up the tra nsacti on as follows:Me nu PathAcco un ti ng Treasury Cash Man ageme nt In fo

46、rmatio nSystem Reports on Cash Man ageme nt LiquidityAn alyses Liquidity Forecast2. En ter the followi ng data:FieldEuropeNorth AmericaCompa ny code10003000Cash man ageme nt positi onSelectSelectLiquidity forecastSelectSelectGroup ingTotal (all types of receipts/expe nditures and bank data)Total (al

47、l types of receipts/expe nditures and bank data)Display as ofDate of i ncomi ng payme ntDate of incoming payme ntDisplay inEURUSDScali ng0/00/03. Choose .4. En ter the followi ng data:FieldEuropeNorth AmericaDelta display with bala ncesSelect (display cha nges per value date as opposed to cumulative

48、 display)Select (display cha nges per value date as opposed to cumulative display)5. Choose .If the date you en tered as the pla nning date falls on a public holiday, the incoming payme nt is reproduced on the next work ing day depe ndent on the value date.6. Double-click on Banks .7. Double-click o

49、n B9 (Cash rec).The system displays the bank acco unts on which the cash receipts are recorded.The cash receipt you posted has flowed into the value date depe ndent bala nee of the DBGEING (Europe)/CBGEING (North America) group on the pla nning date you en tered.In DBGEING (for Europe) or CBGEING (f

50、or North America), select the amount in the column for the planning8. date you en tered and chooseDisplay list .You should be able to find the incoming payment you posted in the list of displayed documents on the Line Items (Module Pool ) scree n.9. Choose 3 times.Fin ally, you still n eed to check

51、whether the amount in short-term cash man ageme nt (=prese ntatio n of the expected cash receipt from the billi ng) has bee n reduced as a result of the incoming payme nt.10. Choose New display11. In the dialog box, en ter the follow ing data:FieldEuropeNorth AmericaDisplay as ofNoted pla nning date from FI docume ntNoted pla nning date from FI docume ntCon ti nue12. ChooseIf the date you en tered as the pla nning date falls on a Saturday o


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