1、Parkyard HotelSECTION : EMERGENCY PROCEDURESREFERENCE:TABLE OF CONTENTSTABLE OF CONTENTSObjectives Imp lementation IntroductionFire ProceduresFire In formatio nFire P reve nti on P rogramFire Equipment Safety/Co ntrol AreasFire Brigade Committee Fire Evacuatio n PlanSection 1Bomb ProceduresPBX Dep a
2、rtme nt P rocedures Bomb Threat Check ListBuildi ng Search PlanSection 2Flood ProceduresSection 3Earthquake ProceduresEarthquakesAfter an Earthquake Earthquake Safety P rogramSection 4Typ hoon ProceduresPreparing for a Typhoon Evacuatio nNo Evacuati onDuring a TyphoonSection 5Power FailureBell Cap t
3、ai nChief Engin eerRooms Divisio n Man agerSection 6CODE:REFERENCE : TABLE OF CONTENTSSECTION : EMERGENCY PROCEDURESTABLE OF CONTENTS CON 'Section 7Water Shortage Chief Engin eerSection 8Political CrisisStaffi ngIn formatio n PersonIn formi ng the GuestEmerge ncy Service and Supp liesReviewing t
4、he PlanSection 9Devel oping an Emerge ncy P la nP romoti ng a Safety Attitude EverydaySECTION : EMERGENCY PROCEDURESREFERENCE : OBJECTIVESCODE:OBJECTIVES OF THE EMERGENCY PROCEDURE STANDARDThe objectives of the Sta ndard are to :1.Assist the GM in impi eme nting an emerge ncy p rocedure system that
5、p romotes the safety of guests, staff and hotel prop erty.2.Prepare staff in handT ing an emerge ncy.3.Assist each dep artme nt in trai ning their staff to un dersta nd the emerge ncy p olicies and p rocedures.CODE:SECTION:EMERGENCY PROCEDURESREFERENCE : IMPLEMENTATIONIMPLEMENTATION OF THE STANDARDT
6、o better un dersta nd the Sta ndard, pl ease become familiar with the table of conten ts. Each sect ion outli nes what role each department must take in an emergency. The first section, “Fe Procedures g oes into great depth detailing all the standard emerge ncy p rocedures.The sam pie evacuatio n p
7、la n that is pro vided in the “Fe Procedures Secthn” must be customized by hotel in order that the plan meets the n eeds of the hotel. The plan meets the n eeds of the hotel. The plan should the n be reviewed on a regular basis as part of emerge ncy planning and prep aratio n.The GM, Rooms Divisio n
8、 Man ager, Chief Engin eer and Security should become familiar with the Stan dards. Each in dividual secti on should the n be p assed on to the approp riate mange through training.CODE:#SECTION:EMERGENCY PROCEDURESREFERENCE : INTRODUCTIONThe followi ng emerge ncy p rocedures outl ine how to react in
9、 the eve nt of a fire, bomb threat, flood, earthquake, or water shortage.1.Because disasters ofte n hit us whe n we are least prepared, it is important that staff is familiar with the p rocedures and equipment to avoid con fusi on and to con trol and mini mize damage.2.Every hotel must have an overr
10、id ing paging system which can be heard in all areas of the property. These areas in clude outdoor, back-of-house, fron t-of-house and guestRoom. Every hotel must also have wireless com muni cati on for use duri ng the emerge ncies.3.Code nu mbers must be uniformly used on the overrid ing paging sys
11、tem to alert staff of an emergency situation and are as follows:4.Con tact the followi ng people in the eve nt of an emerge ncy (in order of seque nee):GMChief SecurityChief Engin eerRooms Divisio n/Reside nt Man ager/EAM Food and Beverage Man agerIf the GM is not on the prop erty, con tact the n ex
12、t person on the list.CODE:5Resort n ameCODE:SECTION : EMERGENCY PROCEDURESREFERENCE : FIRE PROCEDURESFIRE INFORMATIONHOW FIRES BURN1. To produce a fire, FUEL, HEAT, AND OXYGEN must be simulta neously p rese nt.Without anyone of them, a fire cannot start or con ti nue to burn.2. Fires may be placed i
13、nto one of three classifications based upon their source of fuel. For each, a differe nt method of exti nguishme nt must be used as show n below:CLASSFUELEMETHOD OF XTINGUISHINGTYPE OF EXTINGUISHERAPaper, cloth, wood, rubbishQuen chi ngWater, Dry chemical.BLiquids (gas, oil, pain ts, Cook ing oils)S
14、motheri ngDry chem.CFire in live electrical equipmentNon-con ductorDry chem.SECTION : EMERGENCY PROCEDURESREFERENCE :FIRE PROCEDURESIF YOU DISCOVER A FIRE1. Stay calm and do not panic.2. Once a fire is sus pected in an area, do not open any doors without first check ing to see if they are warm. If s
15、o, leave the doors closed.3.Never open a door if smoke is coming out.4.Activate the internal fire alarm system.5. locati on of the smoke or fire.Con tact the op erator and give your n ame and the exactFIRE FIGHTING TIPS1.Try to remove flammable materials from the fire zone (i.e. curta ins, sheets, t
16、able cloths, pain ts, clea ning supp lies, oil, gasoli ne, fuel, light wood, pl astics, etc.).2.Atte mpt to fight fire with available ext in guishers un til help arrives.3.If a person catches on fire, cover them with bla nkets or sheets. This will ext in guish the fire since fire can not burn withou
17、t oxyge n.CODE:7Resort n ameCODE:SECTION : EMERGENCY PROCEDURESREFERENCE : FIRE PROCEDURESFIRE PREVENTION PROGRAMFIRE DRILLSSecurity Dep artme nt should con duct fire drills every two mon ths to en sure that staff knowHow to res pond in the eve nt of a fire.FIRE TRAINING PLANIt is imp Orta nt to edu
18、cate all staff in p reve nti ng fires. This invo Ives training and drills on a regular basis as follows:1. The gas valves must be turned off by the Chef at the end of each day. A hanging chart should be kept in the kitche n and sig ned once the valves have bee n turned off.Engin eeri ng must test th
19、e fire alarm con trol systems weekly and test the fire hose and ext in guishers quarterly. They should be checked for both p ressure and content.2. Although the tanks may be p ressurized accordi ng to the guage, the content may comp ress and not be usable. Huma n Resources should test the p erforma
20、nee of the fire brigade mon thly. Thus, the fire brigade will be called using Code Red'.3. Drill should be con ducted bia nnu ally. (Guests must be no tified p rior). The p agi ng system must be tested in every gues room and all p ublic areas. Three ran dom sprin kler systems should also be chec
21、ked.FIRE EXTINGUISHIERSFire extinguishers are supplied throughFire extinguishers are set through the property in relevant areas to ensure the safety of our customer's property and associates alike.The responsibilities for the upkeep and checking is done through our security office who is assigne
22、d to the personnel department.Each extinguisher should have a bin card attached with the date of inspection, also indicated would be the typed of extinguisher.The procedure would be that on a monthly basis our security officer shall check each and every extinguisher in the resort, on doing so he sub
23、mit a check list indicating he has checked all.Those that need changing must be done right away and replaced with a full extinguisher.The report will be sent to the followingGeneral ManagerFinancial controllerResident managerPersonnel managerEngineering departmentOne copy will be with the security o
24、fficer for inspection form the health and safety officers who will inspect the property as and when required.CODE:9Resort n ameSECTION: EMERGENCY PROCEDURESREFERENCE : FIRE PROCEDURESKITCHEN FIRE TRAINING PROGRAMThe majority of hotel fires occur in the kitche n. Therefore kitchen staff should be tra
25、ined thoroughly and regularly. The training p rogram should be coordi nated by the corpo rate Chief Engin eer, the Corporate Executive Chef, and the Trai ning Man ager.Kitche n staff are still requested to p artici pate in the regular training p rograms.FIRE EQUIPMENTFIRE TROLLEYEach property should
26、 have a fire trolley for use in kitche n fires. The Chief Engin eer should con trol and equip it with the follow ing equipment: 2 liters of water5 kilograms dry chemical5 kilograms CO2 first bla nket flashlight can of sand gas masks with 4 cani sters bolt cutter sprin kler wrench gloves for han dli
27、ng asbestos hard hats sprin kler pl ugs box assorted sprin kler heads hydra nt reducers n ozzle fire axeOriental Hos pitality Consultants OrientalHos CODE:SECTION : EMERGENCY PROCEDURESREFERENCE : FIRE PROCEDURESFLASHLIGHTSEvery outlet, office, kitche n and guest room must have a flashlight. The fla
28、shlights should be hung n ear the entrance of each area exce pt in the guest rooms. The flashlights should be checked regularly to en sure that the batteries are still fun cti oning.BACKPACKEach prop erty should have a fire fighti ng back pack for use in all other areas of the hotel with the followi
29、 ng equipment:emical5 kilograms5 kilograms500 meter rope (200 lb. load) flashlightfire axe (short) gas mask asbestos gloves hard hat sprin kler wrench bolt cutterFIRE EXIT PLANEvery guest room must have a fire exit plan on the back of the entrance door with a highlighted route of evacuati on from th
30、e room. Housekee ping is res pon sible for the maintenance of the plan.CODE:17SAFETY/CONTROL AREASEach prop erty must have a desig nate safety area in the eve nt of an evacuati on. This area should be away from the buildi ng and in an open area.Use the lobby as the comma nd post to cen trally locate
31、 all com muni cati on.FIRE BRIGADE COMMITTEEEach prop erty should have its own in-house fire brigade committee. The followi ng must be members of the fire brigade committee:GMRooms Divisio n/Reside nt Man ager/EAM F&B Divisio n Man agerExecutive ChefChief Engin eerHuma n Resources Man agerChief
32、SecurityThe committee is responsible for establishing fire prevention p rograms and fire fight ing regulati ons for:Equipment:1. Ext in guishers2. Hose reel3. Pump4. Alarm systemTrai ning :1. Classroom2. Op erati on of equipment3. Evacuati on trainingTELEPHONE OPERATORALARM 1. Upon rece ipt of emerg
33、e ncy call or fire alarm, you must immediately inform the GM of the fire and its locati on. If the GM is not on the prop erty, inform the first available person accord ing to the followi ng list:EAM/Reside nt/Rooms Divisio n Man ager F&B ManagerChief EngineerDuty Engin eerChief Security/Duty Sec
34、urity2. Call engin eeri ng to verify that they have also received the alarm or no tify them of emerge ncy calls.FIRE BRIGADEThe appro val to call the paging system Man ager/EAM, orthe in-house fire brigade committee over must come from the GM, Reside nt Chief Engineer if an actual fire is found.Op e
35、rator should use Code Red followed by the locatio n o, fire.EVACUATION 1. The guests must the n be give n immediate in structio ns from the GM using the overrid ing paging system.2. Switch on all switch-boards for house calls.GENERAL MANAGERYou will be alerted by the op erator.FIRE 1. Go to locati o
36、n of fire and give assista nee.2. You must decide whether to no tify the op erator to call the in-house fire brigade committee on the overrid ing paging system. If you do, you must five immediate in structio ns to the guests to kee p them calm (they will hear thQode Red call).3. Discuss the situati
37、on with the in-house fire brigade committee. Then decide if it is n eeessary to call the fire dep artme nt.EVACUATIONIf evacuati on is advised by the fire team, no tify the op erator to give the evacuati on no tice on the overridi ng p agi ng system.EAM/RESIDENT MANAGER/ ROOMS DIVISION MANAGER F&
38、;B MANAGERIf the GM not available, you will be con tacted in the eve nt of a fire. Follow the p roceduresOutli ned for the GM.SECTION : EMERGENCY PROCEDURESREFERENCE : BOMB PROCEDURESPBX DEPARTMENT PROCEDURESWhen a person calls with a bomb threat, try to record message on the an sweri ng machi ne.1.
39、 Ask the follow ing principal questi ons:WHERE WHEN WHAT WHO WHYis the bomb located?will it exp lode? kind of bomb is it?are you? have you plan ted the bomb?2. Obta in detailed in formati on from caller(use the check list on the follow ing p age).3. Try to remember the exact words of the message. Ma
40、ke no tes as caller is tak ing or write the message as soon as caller hangs up.4. After or during the threat, you must immediately inform all the follow ing people in this order of seque nee:GMEAM/Reside nt/Rooms Divisio n Man ager F&B Divisio n Man agerChief of SecurityChief Engin eerFront Offi
41、ceExecutive Housekee perComp troller5. The local bomb squad can only be con tacted with approval of the GM.6. Upon in struct ion, beg in the evacuati on p rocess (refer to Fire P rocedures).CODE:23SECTION : EMERGENCY PROCEDURESREFERENCE : BOMB PROCEDURESSECTION : EMERGENCY PROCEDURESIF AN OBJECT IS
42、FOUND1. Do not touch it, move it, han die it or smoke n ear it.2. I nform the GM through the Front Office.3.CODE:27SECTION : EMERGENCY PROCEDURESREFERENCE : EARTHQUAKE PROCEDURESGENERAL PROCEDURES TO FOLLOW1.Do not panic and remai n calm.2.For those in side, sta nd un der should be poin ted out by E
43、ngin eeri ng Dep artme nt to all staff duri ng Earthquake Drills.3.For those outside, do not sta nd n ear hanging trees, fence areas or buildi ngs. The ideal locati on is an open area without structures, tall trees or wires overhead.4.Do not use can dles, matches or anything which causes a spark.5.I
44、nform drivers to stop their car and stay seated in side whe n an earthquake beg ins.6.At seaside prop erties, do not go n ear the ocea n to avoid the risk of tidal waves (ts un ami).7.At seaside prop erties, in struct boat drivers to go out to sea duri ng an earthquake. They should not app roach the
45、 land fo the durati on of the earthquake.AFTER AND EARTHQUAKEAfter an earthquake tremor has en ded, the follow ing ste ps should be announ ced on the overrid ing paging system or bullhor n:1. Check for those people around you.room atte ndants to check their guest room floors to en sure alemerge ncy
46、exit lights and lighti ng is fun cti oning prop erly.SECTION : EMERGENCY PROCEDURESREFERENCE : WATER SHORTAGEWashi ng machi nesF&B Dep artme ntDish washi ng machi nesHousekee pingUse less water for clea ning bathrooms Stop using water for garde ning Stop all outside clea ningemerge ncy committee
47、. Make cha nges where n ecessary by con sideri ng the follow ing:SECTION : EMERGENCY PROCEDURESREFERENCE : REVIEWING THE PLANWHO1. is assig ned to key res pon sibilities?Who is the desig nated leader? If that person is not there, who is in charge?Who is the media sp okes person to en sure
48、 that all stateme nts to the p ress are accurate.Who no tifies p olice, fire, other authorities, or guests? Who should make an in vestigati on after an emerge ncy, e.g. a crime -take pictures for evidenee etc.Who are the local age ncies that can help in the eve nt of6.an emerge ncy, e.g. p olice etc
49、.?7. Who is res pon sible for making the decisi on to no tify the guests?CODE:39WHAT emerge ncy supp lies will we n eed?What in-house equipment do we have?What com muni cati ons equipment do we have?What pap erwork should be comp leted?What strategy is in p lace to combat?What is ou
50、r p ost emerge ncy strategy?Section 6Section 7GeneralKitchen SafetyPreve nti ng Burns Preve nti ng Cuts P reve nti ng FallsLaundry SafetyWorking Area SafetySection 8Section 9Engineering Safety Fire System MaintenanceREFERENCE : OBJECTIVESSECTION : SANITATION AND SAFETYOBJECTIVES OF THE SANITATION AN
51、D SAFETY STANDARDThe objective of the Sta ndard is to:1. Assist the GM in imp leme nting a safety and san itati on system that pro motes a safe en vir onment for guests and staff2. Prepare staff in han dli ng an emerge ncy situati on that could result form an un safe work environment.3. Assist each
52、dep artme nt in trai ning their staff toun dersta nd san itati on and safety p olicies and p roceduresREFERENCE : INTRODUCTIONSECTION : SANITATION AND SAFETYINTRODUCTIONSan itati on and safety p lay an imp orta nt role in the hotel. We have an obligati on to pro vide a sage and clea n en vir onment
53、for our guests and empio yees. Serious accide nts can be a result of unsan itary and un safe work en vir onmen ts.Although we want to p rotect and look after our equipment, no risk should be take n that could harm a person.Furthermore, we n eed to un dersta nd huma n limits and realize that long shi
54、fts without breaks in crease the risk of accide nts.The San itati on and Safety Sta ndard starts by emp hasiz ing basic personal hygie ne sta ndards. These good habits can the n be brought into the work p lace. These are no ticed by guests and form the basic for their imp ressi on and opinions.To pro vide a safe en vir onment all staff should know emerge ncy p rocedures for reporting accide nts and fires ( See Security, Rooms Divisio n, Volume C). They should also know the locati on of fire exti nguishers and fire exits.11.clea n freezers and sto
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