



1、雙語美文欣賞When Grand pa Died祖父死了的時候 蕭紅Somehow or other grandpa was n't quite himself. He was ofte n in tears and forgett ing things eve n imp orta nt thi ngs of the p ast. For exa mple, in telli ng a story that he had ofte n used to tell, he would give up halfway and sigh, "I've forgotte n

2、the rest of it."祖父總是有點變樣子,他喜歡流起眼淚來,同時過去很重要的事情他也忘掉。比方過去那一些他常講的故事,現(xiàn)在講起來,講了一半下一半他就說:我記不得了?!監(jiān)ne ni ght, he fell ill aga in. After recoveri ng, he said to me, "Write to your third aunt and tell her to come see me. I have n't see n her for four or five years, have I?" But the aunt he me

3、ant had died five years before.某夜,他又病了一次,經(jīng)過這一次病,他竟說:給你三姑寫信,叫她來一趟,我不是四五年沒看過她嗎? ”他叫我寫信給我已經(jīng)死去五年的姑母。It gave me much pain this time to leave home. Grandpa's condition was going from bad to worse when I received a notice from my school in formi ng me of the beg inning of the new semester.7那次離家是很痛苦的。學(xué)校

4、來了開學(xué)通知信,祖父又一天一天地變樣起來。Whe n he was sound aslee p, I lay beside him sobb ing bitterly as if he had already p assed away. I raised my head to fix my tearful eyes on his retracted lips. His death would mea n the death of a p ers on most imp orta nt to me all my life. It would, as it were, put an end to

5、what "love" and "warmth" there was in this world. My heart was in a turmoil as if entan gled with silk stri ng or iron wire.祖父睡著的時候,我就躺在他的旁邊哭,好像祖父已經(jīng)離開我死去似的,一面哭著一面抬頭看他凹陷的嘴唇。我若死掉祖父,就死掉我一生最重要的一個人,好像他死了就把人間一切愛”和溫暖”帶得空空虛虛。我的心被絲線扎住或鐵絲絞住了。The n I remembered how, after mother's death

6、, father had remarried and ofte n beat me. My new mother was seem in gly po lite and n ever beat me. Eve n whe n she cursed me, she would do it in a roun dabout way by referri ng to somethi ng else, say, a chair or table. Polite as she was, we were stra ngers yet.我聯(lián)想到母親死的時候。母親死以后,父親怎樣打我,又娶一個新母親來。這個母

7、親很客氣,不打我,就是罵,也是指著桌子或椅子來罵2我。客氣是越客氣了,但是冷淡了,疏遠(yuǎn)了,生人一樣。Go and play in the courtyard, said grandpa giving me a rap on the head. "Look! What's this?" He thrust a golde n orange into my hand.到院子去玩玩吧! ”祖父說了這話之后,在我的頭上撞了一下,喂!你看這是什么? ”一個黃金色的桔子落到我的手中。At ni ght, being afraid to go to the latri ne, I

8、 asked my ste pm other, "Mom, will you acco mpany me to the latri ne?"夜間不敢到茅廁去,我說:媽媽同我到茅廁去趟吧?!盢o, I wo n't.我不去!”I'm afraid.那我害怕呀! ”What!怕什么? ”What! Afraid of ghosts and sp irits? father cut in, his eyes shooti ng me an icy stare over his glasses.怕什么?怕鬼怕神? ”父親也說話了,把眼睛從眼鏡上面看著我。It was

9、 a cold win ter ni ght. Grandpa rose from his bed and walked me barefoot to the latri ne, his jacket un butt oned.冬天,祖父已經(jīng)睡下,赤著腳,開著紐扣跟我到外面茅廁去。I was four days late for school. I n March, I retu rned home for a short visit. While knocking at the gate, I heard my younger brother shouting, "Here com

10、es sister! Here comes sister!" The moment the gate was open ed, I directed my eyes far ahead straight towards the room where grandpa lived. Sure eno ugh, I saw the glim pse of his face and beard beh ind the win dow pan es. I dashed into his room beam ing delightedly. But sorrow, in stead of joy

11、, came over me whe n I saw an eve n more sickly p allor on his face. Whe n I was left alone with him, he quickly wiped away his tears with his sleeve and said with his lips quiveri ng, "Gra ndpa is dyin g. It won't be long no w. I had a n arrow esca pe from death the other day whe n I stumb

12、led and fell."學(xué)校開學(xué),我遲到了四天。三月里,我又回家一次,正在外面叫門,里面小弟弟嚷著: 姐姐回來了!姐姐回來了! ”大門開時,我就遠(yuǎn)遠(yuǎn)注意著祖父住著的那間房子。果然祖父的面孔和胡子閃現(xiàn)在玻璃窗里。我跳著笑著跑進(jìn)屋去。但不是高興,只是心酸,祖父的臉色更慘淡更白了。等屋子里一個人沒有時,他流著淚,他慌慌忙忙的一邊用4袖口擦著眼淚,一邊抖動著嘴唇說:爺爺不行了,不知早晚前些日子好險沒跌跌死?!盚ow did you fall?怎么跌的? ”I was at the back of the room whe n I felt like relievi ng myself.

13、I called, but no body an swered. I p ressed the electric bell, aga in no body came.So I had to feel my way out. Hardly had I reached the door whe n my legs began to tremble, my heart beat hard and I felt dizzy and fell.Luckily, I did n't break my back. I'm old, no good for any thi ng!Grandp

14、a's already eighty-one.就是在后屋,我想去解手,招呼人,也聽不見,按電鈴也沒有人來,就得爬啦。還沒到后門口,腿顫,心跳,眼前發(fā)花了一陣就倒下去。沒跌斷了腰人老了,有什么用處!爺爺是八十一歲呢?!盰eah, grandp a's eighty-one.爺爺是八十一歲?!眗m no use. Imag ine an 81-year-old man feeli ng about on the groun d. I thought you would n't be able to see me aga in. But stra ngely I surviv

15、ed and slowly hobbled back to the kang.沒用了,活了八十一歲還是在地上爬呢!我想你看不著爺爺了,誰知沒有跌死,我又慢慢爬到炕上?!盩he day whe n I left for school, I saw the same silhouette of a p ale face moving beh ind the win dow panes as upon my arrival.我走的那天也是和我回來那天一樣,白色的臉的輪廓閃現(xiàn)在玻璃窗里。I could still see it whe n I looked back from the centre o

16、f the courtyard.It remained visible even when I got close to the gate. Then it was compi etely shut out of view as soon as I ste pped out of the gate.在院心我回頭看著祖父的面孔,走到大門口,在大門口我仍可看見,出了大門,就被門扇遮斷。As a matter of fact, I parted from grandpa this time never to meet again. Of course, I said nothing to that

17、effect when bidding him farewell. On my next return home, I found musicians blowing the suona horn at the gate and fun eral streamers hanging high above the houset op so high that I had see n it from afar whe n I was arriv ingin the carriage. My carriage pulled up amidst the mournfulblare of the suo

18、na. There were white streamers, white scrolls in scribed with coupiets in commemoration of the deceased, the mourning shed in the centre of the courtyard and no isy crowds of people.6從這一次祖父就與我永遠(yuǎn)隔絕了。 雖然那次和祖父告別,并沒說出一個永別的字。我回來看祖父,這回門前吹著喇叭,幡桿挑得比房頭更高,馬車離家很遠(yuǎn)的時候,我已看到高高的白色幡桿了,吹鼓手們的喇叭愴涼的在悲號。馬車停在喇叭聲中,大門前的白幡、白

19、對聯(lián)、院心的靈棚、鬧嚷嚷許多人,吹鼓手們響起烏烏的哀號。Now, in stead of sitt ing beh ind the win dow pan es, grandpa was lying dead on a plank bed in the cen tral room of the house. Eager to take a last look at him, I removed the sheet of paper coveri ng his face. Alas, his beard, eyes and mouth were all stiff and insen sitiv

20、e. I reached my hand into his sleeve to feel his hand, but it likewise was insen sitive. O grandpa was really no more!這回祖父不坐在玻璃窗里,是睡在堂屋的板床上,沒有靈魂的躺在那里。我要看一看他白色的胡子,可是怎樣看呢!拿開他臉上蒙著的紙吧,胡子、眼睛和嘴,都不會動了,他真的一點感覺也沒有了?我從祖父的袖管里去摸他的手,手也沒有感覺了。祖父這回真死去了啊!The morning whe n grandpa was laid into the coffi n, the rose

21、bush in our back garden had just come into full bloom. I held a corner of grandp a's quilt in my hand while he was being carried towards the coffi n. Mean while, the musicia ns had gathered before it to blare the suona aga in.雙語美文欣賞祖父裝進(jìn)棺材去的那天早晨,正是后園里玫瑰花開放滿樹的時候。 我扯著祖父的一張被角,抬向靈前去。吹鼓手在靈前吹著大喇叭。Seize

22、d with a sudde n fear, I broke out howii ng.我怕起來,我號叫起來。Bang, bang! The 7-i nch-thick black coffi n lid was put in p lace.咣咣! ”黑色的,半尺厚的靈柩蓋子壓上去。At lun ch, I dra nk wine using gra ndp a's cup. After lun ch, I lay un der the rose bush in the back garde n where, like whe n mother died ten years befor

23、e, bees and butterflies were flying and the air was filled with the refresh ing sce nt of gree n grass. After mother's death, I had continued to dash at butterflies in the back garden. Now after grandp a's death, I drank wine.吃飯的時候,我飲了酒,用祖父的酒杯飲的。飯后我跑到后園玫瑰樹下去臥倒,園中飛著蜂子和蝴蝶,綠草的清涼的氣味,這都和十年前一樣。可是十

24、年前死了媽媽。媽媽死后我仍是在園中撲蝴蝶;這回祖父死去,我卻飲了酒。The Past ten years had witnessed me at loggerheads with father. I learned how cold-hearted man could become. Father was unkind to8me, our servants and even my grandpa alike. He ill-treated us because our serva nts were poor, grandpa was old and I was a mere child, o

25、r, in other words, because we were the unprotected un derdogs. Later, whe n he had my ste pm other in his han ds, he would be kind or unkind to her by turns, depending upon his changing moods. So my ste pm other also gradually became scared of him.過去的十年我是和父親打斗著生活。在這期間我覺得人是殘酷的東西。父親對我是沒有好面孔的,對于仆人也是沒有好

26、面孔的,他對于祖父也是沒有好面孔的。因為仆人是窮人,祖父是老人,我是個小孩子,所以我們這些完全沒有保障的人?就落到他的手里,后來我看到新娶來的母親也落到他的手里,他喜歡她的時候,便同她說笑,他惱怒時便罵她?,母親漸漸也怕起父親來。How did it come that my ste pm other, being n either po or, nor old, nor a child, should also have become scared of father? And I lear ned that my female n eighbours too were afraid of their husba nds and so was my aunt afraid of my un cle h


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