1、Part III Liste ning Comp rehe nsionSection A 短對話Directions: In this sect ion, you will hear 8 short con versati ons and 2 longconversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the con versati on and the questi ons will be sp oke n onlyon ce
2、. After each questi on there will be a p ause. During the p ause, you must readthe four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.11.W: What's wrong with your phone, Gary? I tr
3、ied to call you all ni ght yesterday.M: I'm sorry.No on e's able to get through yesterday.My tele phone was disc onn ectedby the phone company.Q: What does the woma n ask the man about?12.W: I fin ally found a really nice ap artme nt that's with in my price ran ge.M: Congratulations!Affo
4、rdable housing is rare in this city.vebeen looking fora suitable place since I got here six mon ths ago.Q: What does the man mea n?13.M: I got this in my mailbox today, but I don't know what it is. Do you have any idea? W: Oh, that's your nu mber for the new p hotoc opi er. It acquires an ac
5、cess code.Every one got one.Q: What do we lear n from the con versati on?14.W: Jane told me that you'll be leavi ng at soon. Is it true?M: Yeah, my wife's mater nity leave is close to an end. And since she wants to go back to work, I've decided to take a year off to raise the baby.Q: Wha
6、t does the man mea n?15M: We'll n ever find a parking space here. What about dropping you at thesouth gate and ril find parking somewhere else.W: Well, OK. It looks like every one in tow n came to the mall today.Q: What does the woma n mea n?16W: When will the compu ters be back on li ne?M: Prob
7、ably not un til tomorrow. The p roblem is more comp licated tha n I thought.Q: What does the man mea n?17M: Did you catch P rofessor Smith on TV last ni ght?W: I almost missed it, but my mother just happened to be watch ing at home and gave me a call.Q: What does the woma n imply?18M: May I get this
8、 prescri ption refilled?W: rm sorry, sir, but we can't give you a refill on that. You'll have to get a new p rescri pti on.Q: What can we infer from the con versati on?d be in terestedCon versatio n OneW: Well, it ' s the South Theater Company. They want to know if wein spon sori ng a to
9、ur they want to make to East Asia.M: East Asia? uhh and how much are they hoping to get from us?W: Well, the letter mentions 20,000 pounds, but I don' t know if they might settlefor us.M: Do they say what they would cover? Have they anything sp ecific in mind?W: No, I think they are just ask ing
10、 all the firms in ton gue for as much money as they think they ' ll give.M: And we are worth 20, 000 pou nds, right?W: It seems so.M: Very flatteri ng. But I am not awfully happy with the idea. What we get out ofit?W: Oh, good p ublicity I suppo se. So what I suggest is not that we just give the
11、m a sum of mon ey, but that we offer to pay for someth ing sp ecific like travel or something, and that in return, we ask for our name to be printed prominentlyin thep rogram, and that they give us free advertis ing space in it.M: But the travel bill would be eno rmous, and we could n ever man age t
12、hat.ourselvesp rese ntedW: I know. But why don' t we offer to pay for the printing of the programs on condition that on the front cover there's something like This program is with the comp lime nts of Norla nd Electro nics, and free advertis ing of course.want willM: Good idea. Well, let
13、9; s get back to them and ask what the program they cost. Then we can see if we are in terested or not.Questi ons 19-21 are based on the con versati on you have just heard.19. What do we learn about the South Theater Compan y?20. What ben efit does the woma n say their firm can get by spon sori ng t
14、he TheaterCompany?21. What does the woma nsuggest they do in stead of paying the South Theater Company s travel expen ses?Con versatio n TwoW: Rock stars now face a new hazardvoice abuse. After last week's announcementthat P hil Colli ns might give up touri ng because live con certs are ruiningh
15、is voice,doctors are coun seli ng stars about the dos and don 'ts of voice care. Here in the studio today, we have Mr. Paul P hilli ps, an expert from the High Field Hosp ital.Paul, what advice would you give to sin gers faci ng voice p roblems?M: If pop sin gers have got voice p roblems, they r
16、eally n eed to be more selectiveabout where they work. They should n't work insmoky atmos pheres. They also n eedtothink about resting their voices after a show. Something else they need to be careful about is medici nes. Aspirin, for exa mple, sin gers should avoid aspirin .It thins the blood.
17、And if a sin ger coughs, this can result in the bruis ing of the W: And is it true that some sin gers use drugs before con certs to boost whe n they have voice p roblems?M: Yes, this does happen on occasi on. They are easily-available on the continent and they are useful if a sin ger has p roblems w
18、ith his vocal cords and has to sing that night. But if they are taken regularly, they cause a thinning of the Most pop sin gers suffer from three thin gs: lack of training, overuse and abuse of the voice, esp ecially whe n theyare young. They have difficult lives. When theyon tour, they do a vast nu
19、 mber of con certs, singing in smoky pl aces.vocaltheirvoicecords.voicesmuscle.goW: So, what would you advise the sin gers to do?M: Warm you voice up before a show and warm it dow n after.Questi ons 22-25 are based on the con versati on you have just heard.22. What does last week's announ ceme n
20、t say about rock star, Phil Coll ins?23. What does Paul Phili ps say about aspirin?24. What does Paul Phil ips say about young pop sin gers?25. What are the sp eakers mai niy talki ng about?Passage 1Would you trust a robot to park your car? The questio n will confront New Yorkers in February as the
21、city's first robotic parking opens in Chin atow n.The tech no logy has bee n successfully app lied overseas, but the only other p ublic robotic garage in the Un ited States has bee n troublesome, dropping vehicles and trapping cars because of tech ni cal p roblems.Non etheless, the deve lopers o
22、f the Chin atow n garage are con fide nt with thetech no logy and are coun ti ng on it to squeeze 67 cars in an ap artme nt-buildi ngbasement that would otherwise fit only 24, accomplished by removing a maneuver space no rmally required.A human-shaped robot won't be stepping into your car to dri
23、ve it. Rather, the garage itself does the parking. The driver stops the car on a flat p latform and gets out.The p latform is lowered into the garage, and it is the n transp orted to a vaca ntparking space by a compu ter-c on trolleddevice similar to an elevator that also runssideways.There is no hu
24、ma n sup ervisi on, but an atte ndant will be on hand to acce pt cash andexp la in the system to n ewly users. Parking rates will be attracted about $400 mon thly or $25 per day, accord ing to AriMilste in, theParking Systems, which is the U.S. subsidiary built automated garages in severalcountriesr
25、eside nts of a Wash ington, D.C. ap artme nt build ing.director of planning for of a German company. This overseas and in the UnitedAutomati oncompany hasStates forQuesti ons 26 to 29 are based on the p assage you have just heard.26. What do we lear n about the robot parking in the U.S. so far?27. W
26、hat adva ntage does robotic parking have accord ing to the devel op ers?28. What does the atte ndant do in the automated garage?29. What does the company say about the parking rate?Passage 2A recent study shows that meat consump ti on is one of the main ways that huma n can damage the environment,se
27、cond only to the use of motor vehicles. So how can eatingcommongree n that methanethe use ofmeat have a n egative effect on the environment? For a start, all ani mals, such as cows, pigs and sheep, always gas limed methane, which is the second most house gas after carb on dioxide. Manyen viro nmen t
28、al exp erts now believe is more respon sible for global warm ing tha n carb on dioxide. It is estimated that 25% of all metha ne that released into the atmos phere coming from farm ani mals. Another way in which meat production affectsthe environment is throughourwater and land. 2,500 gallons of wat
29、er are needed to produce one pound of beef. While 20 gall ons of water are n eed to p roduce one pound of wheat. One acre of farmla nd use to for rais ing cows can p roduce 250 pounds of beef. One acre of farmla nd use to for crop p roduct ion can p roduce 1,500 pounds of tomatoes. Many people now s
30、ay the ben efits of switch ing to vegetaria n diet which excludes meat and fish. Not just for health reasons, but also because it p lays a vital role in p rotect ing the en viro nment. However, some nu triti oni sts advise aga inst switch ing to a totally strict vegetaria n diet. They believe such a
31、 diet which in cludes no p roducts from ani mal sources can be deficie nt in many of then ecessary vitami ns and mi neralsbodies n eed. Today many people have come to realize that help the en vir onment and for the huma n race to survive, more of us will n eed to become vegetaria n.Questi ons 30 to
32、32 are based on the p assage you've just heard.30. What does the recent study show?31. What do some nu triti oni sts say about the strict vegetaria n diet?32. What does the sp eaker think more people n eed to do?Passage 3drink.liver,Alcoholism is a serious disease. Nearly nine millio n America n
33、s alone suffer from the ill ness. Many scie ntists disagree about what the differe nces are betwee n the alcohol addict and social drinker.The differeneeoccurs whensomeone needs toAnd this n eed gets in the way of his health or behavior. Alcohol causes a loss ofjudgment and alertness.After a long pe
34、riod, alcoholism can deteriorate thethe brain and other parts of the body. The ill ness is dan gerous, because it isin volved in half of all automobile accide nts. Ano ther p roblem is that the victimoften denies being an alcohol addict and won t get help. Solutions do exist. Many hos pitals and cen
35、 ters help p atie nts cope. Without the assista nee, the victim can destroy his life. He would detach himself from the rout ines of life. He may lose his employment, home or loved on es.All the causes of the sick ness are not discovered yet. There is no sta ndard for aperson with alcoholism. Victims
36、 range in age, race, sex and background. Somegroups of people are more vuln erable to the ill ness. People from broke n homes and NorthAmerican Indians are two examples. People from broken homes often lack stable lives. Indians likewisehad the traditional life taken from them by white settlers who o
37、ftenen courage them to con sume alcohol to prevent them from fight ing back. The p roblem has now been passed on. Alcoholism is clearly present in society today. People have started to get help and information. With proper assistanee, victims can put their lives together one day.Questi on 33 to 35 a
38、re based on the p assage you have just heard.Q33. What is the p roblem of the victims about alcoholism accord ing to the sp eaker?Q34. Why did white settlers in troduce alcohol to In dia ns?Q35. What does the sp eaker seem to believe about those affected by alcoholism?復合式聽寫Self-image is the pi cture
39、 you have of yourself, the sort of person you believe you are. In cluded in your self-image are the categories in which you p lace yourself, the roles you p lay and other similar descri ptors you use to ide ntify yourself. If you tell an acqua intance you are a gra ndfather who recen tly lost his wi
40、fe and who does volunteer work on weekends, several elements of your self-image are bought to light the roles of grandparent, widower and con scie ntious citize n.But self-image is more tha n how you picture yourself; it also in volves how otherssee you. Three types of feedback from others are in di
41、cative of how they see us:con formati on,reject ion,and disc on firmatio n.Con formati on occurs whe n othersyou in a manner con siste nt with who you believe you are.You believe you have leadership abilities and your boss put you in charge of a new work team. On the hand, reject ion occurs whe n ot
42、hers treat you in a manner that is incon siste nt with yourself defi niti on. Pierre Sali nger was appoin ted sen ator from Califor nia but subseque ntly lost his first elect ion. He thought he was a good p ublic official,treatotherbutTheir vote was incon siste nt with histhe voters obviously though
43、t otherwiseself-c oncept. The third type of feedback is disc on firmati on, which occurs whe n others fail to respond to your no ti on of self by responding n eutrally. A stude nt writes what he thinks is an excelle nt compo siti on, but the teacher writes no en couragi ng remarks. Rather tha n rely
44、i ng on how others classify you, con sider how you identifyyourself. The way in which you identifyyourself is the best refectionof yourself-image.2013年6月英語六級聽力復合式聽寫題目+答案+解析Self-image is the pi cture you have of yourself, the sort of person you believe youare.in your self-image are thein which you p
45、lace yourself, theroles you p lay and otherdescri ptors you use to ide ntify yourself. If youtell anyou are a grandfatherwholost his wife and who doesthework on weeke nds, several eleme nts of your self-image are bought to light roles of grandparent, widower and con scie ntious.But self-image is mor
46、e tha n how you picture yourself; it also in volves how others see you. Three types of feedback from others areof how they see us:con formati on,reject ion, and disc on firmatio n.Con formati on occurs whe n others treatyou in a manner con siste nt with who you believe you are.On the other(44) .hand
47、, reject ionoccurs whe n others treat you in a manner that is incon siste nt withyourself defi niti on. P ierre Sali nger was appoin ted sen ator from California but subseque ntly lost his first elect ion.Their vote was(45) .incon siste nt with his self-c oncept. The third type of feedback is disc on firmati on, which occurs whe n others fail to respond to your no ti on of self by responding n eutrally.(46) Rather than relying on how others classify you, consider how you identify yourself. The way in which you ide ntify yourself is the
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