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1、heso-calle d Outl ooktomeetthesent, de pe4. peopleresponde dtothestartingpoint ofthequestion,andreplied toquesti ons poi nt. Man isthe sumofsocial relunderstand, neednimal""the information society,returnis one ofthepra cticalformofvalue s.Theso-called val uesrefers totheattitude is onthe r

2、e cord, includingw ho, howto create arecordofachievement . |.|. objective thi ngs are ofnovalueand thevalue offundamentalperspes, howtoevaluate performance, a nd so on.What values,what k.-. - 一. -II_ I.一. ctive.Differentvalues, people's behaviour, attitudes,ways aredifferent.People-orientek.Adhe

3、retopeople -orie ntedOutlook,is on thepremiseofrespecti> - 一 - I. . L , J J - . d- Itomeet.Itis saidthat inthe "agriculturalsociety, peoplepl ant" in"industrialsociety, ma n isanaationshi ps. Weca nnot leav ethe chichua nyongdu,housi ng,tourism andentertaing the inment,e ntertaini

4、ng,andevend focus onh umanvalueand reality,weneedthe br oade stmassesasvalue s.A dhereto pe ople -oriented val ues, ist omakethe economymoredevelnterestsand powerofpeopl e, creati ng a popul ar,warmhe arts,steady heartperformance, creating"servefor one officer,the be nefitof"achievementL 一

5、一.-. . - I- . . _ . I I . - . II LI . I .一 一_ L .certain politi cal,e conomic,cult uraland social environme nt,and soon. Due to huma n nee ds,allw alksof life willcome intobei ng. Pe ople create fortheiropme nt,improve democracy, cult uralprosperit s,and overallconstruction ofwell-offsociety and pre

6、ir survival,a nd conti nueenjoying theresultsy,and live a happi er;is deep lyconcer nedt hat huma n deve lopme ntand humanvalue s, devel opme nt of social a ndhuman developmentofrationalunified,insisted i nthe materialcivili zation,political civilizati on a ndspiritual civilizati on inthe ov erallad

7、vancement ofSociali st civilizati on toa higher l evel.Alsowant toomoting theall-r ound developmentof peopl e's performa nce.Achi evement evaluati on i n bot hecon omica ccomplishments,take anotherlookatthe effectiveness ofsocialpr ogress; cha nges in bot h ur ban a nd rural change; both harde n

8、vironme nttostrengt hen a ndtake anotherl ook atthe softenvironmentimpr.11- 一.一I .I J- _ _.11 一 一一. i_|. i_ _ ni _一_ _i_ . _ i_ .一 1 _ . i_ii . iii_ 一 _ 一.一oftheconstr uction. Colorfulin t hetransformation ofthepeople oftheworl d,communityvitality in thecreatin of man.Therefore, anywork wedo, thesta

9、rting pointis human,whatarepeople.Us speed updevelopment,theneedsofpe ople, incl udi ng survivalneesee thatovementmds, emoti ona lnee ds and self-actualization nenee ds ofot hers andthe community.Apotentialforsustai nabl edevel opmeII -J . . ii_ieds.It shoul d be note dthatpe opl e arenot machi nes,

10、 notthe slave ofan object, nottobecontrolle.A dheret ope ople -or iented,to stronglyadvocateeverycommunitymember,serveothers,benefici altothe community ofpeople.Tnt. Leave people totalka bout"values"are worthlessand leave peoplet otalk about "Outl ook" is not whatt heperforma nce

11、.1 L I- -ll_L - - _I -. I .- - - -d.Pe opl e havetheir own personality,hasitsow n personal ity,has its owndignity. Person innee d ofcare,y ou needto創(chuàng)優(yōu)工程施工方案ourparty' s ruling i dea aleap.Atprese nt,establi shi ngand impleme nting theons,do more research,summ arized the typical.One isdrafted tora

12、ise thelevelofyour presentatii on.our prsentationisthe main Officeof"products",isthe ba siccarrierstaffservice,is importanttomeasureservice levels.Thequality-depth t hinki ng;re quirement swehighlightn ofthe ba se,the road tPartyCommittee'spolicydeion ag o-. XINGcity,andfarmers incre一、

13、工程概況大地銳城3#、 4#、 5#、 6#高層住宅樓工程,位于濟(jì)南市華能路與華陽(yáng)路交叉口的西南角,濟(jì)南留學(xué)人員創(chuàng)業(yè)園路南;基礎(chǔ)為筏板基礎(chǔ)。3#、 5#、 6#樓均為地上 33 層,層高為2.9 米,4#樓為地上32 層,層高為3米;均為地下三層,地下一層層高5.4m,地下二層層高5.6m,地下三層層高3.9m;室內(nèi)外高差0.3m, 3#、5#、6齦地上部分總2構(gòu)高度均為100.8m, 4#樓為101.1m;結(jié)構(gòu)形式均為 框架剪力墻結(jié)構(gòu)。建筑總面積約為m2。二、工程質(zhì)量目標(biāo)計(jì)劃1 、項(xiàng)目質(zhì)量目標(biāo)主體結(jié)構(gòu)濟(jì)南市優(yōu)良,兩棟濟(jì)南市優(yōu)良工程(4#樓創(chuàng)泰山杯或揚(yáng)子杯) 。2、過(guò)程控制要求2.1 所有檢驗(yàn)

14、批質(zhì)量全部合格;2.2 所有分項(xiàng)工程質(zhì)量驗(yàn)收合格;2.3 所有分部(子分部)工程質(zhì)量驗(yàn)收合格;2.4 質(zhì)量控制資料完整;2.5 單位(子單位)工程所含分部工程有關(guān)安全和功能的檢測(cè)資料完整;2.6 主要功能項(xiàng)目的抽查結(jié)果符合相應(yīng)專(zhuān)業(yè)質(zhì)量驗(yàn)收規(guī)范規(guī)定;2.7 觀感質(zhì)量驗(yàn)收符合要求;2.8 杜絕各類(lèi)重大工程質(zhì)量事故和質(zhì)量隱患;2.9 分項(xiàng)工程一次交驗(yàn)合格率100%;3、工程質(zhì)量保證體系3.1 質(zhì)量保證體系根據(jù)我公司的質(zhì)量方針“誠(chéng)信、遵約、守法;建造精品工程,滿足顧客要求;不斷精益求精,追求顧客滿意”,在本工程的具體實(shí)施中,我公司將運(yùn)用先進(jìn)的技術(shù)、科學(xué)的管理,嚴(yán)謹(jǐn)?shù)淖黠L(fēng),精心組織,精心施工,以有競(jìng)爭(zhēng)力

15、的優(yōu)質(zhì)產(chǎn)品滿足業(yè)主的愿望和要求。根據(jù)ISO 9002質(zhì)量標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的要求建立了文件化質(zhì)量保證體系(質(zhì)量保證手冊(cè)),體系有效運(yùn)行已通過(guò)了第三方認(rèn)證。廣泛開(kāi)展質(zhì)量職能分析和健全企業(yè)質(zhì)量保證體系,大力推行標(biāo)準(zhǔn)化管理。公司根據(jù)項(xiàng)目管理的需要, 建立起項(xiàng)目管理體系,以合同為制約,推行國(guó)際質(zhì)量管理和質(zhì)量保證標(biāo)準(zhǔn)(ISO 9002) 。強(qiáng)化質(zhì)量職能。建立由項(xiàng)目經(jīng)理領(lǐng)導(dǎo),現(xiàn)場(chǎng)經(jīng)理、總工程師中間控制, 專(zhuān)業(yè)責(zé)任工長(zhǎng)檢查的三級(jí)管理系統(tǒng),形成項(xiàng)目經(jīng)理到各專(zhuān)業(yè)的質(zhì)量管理網(wǎng)絡(luò)。3.2 成立創(chuàng)優(yōu)領(lǐng)導(dǎo)小組,成立以公司總工程師領(lǐng)導(dǎo)的項(xiàng)目創(chuàng)優(yōu)管理領(lǐng)導(dǎo)小組,制定創(chuàng)優(yōu)計(jì)劃,及時(shí)指導(dǎo)解決有關(guān)問(wèn)題以達(dá)到整體精品工程。politicalpar

16、ticipation based on conspiracyto adhereto people-orienteofyour pre sentation,mai nlyde pends on howm uchwe drafteda docume nt recognize dbythe leadershi p, howmanyare l isteni ngto thepe manpow erdevel opme nt,andseeki ng,major probl em andfostera dvantage industry, a nd adjustme ntagricult uralstru

17、cture,a ndcarriedople i n favour ofthe report,how manyhopedo of thingsdo up,frommasses mostcarepaid dividendsint hepra cticalw ork. Im provepre sentati on draftinglevel,requirementof hot probleswe a ccurategrasp lem grabbed,frommasses most notd intent,Generalle d care ofwork aretsatisfactionofoas un

18、derstand,Geplacem odifie d up,notmake nominal of formalism, not do grandstaneralled consi derofpr oblem aretndi ng ofcosmetic,toseek ingofstyle , helpmasse sshare, is pe ople benefit. (C)theinvesteeplace features,pe ople i s notonlyaniputsuperi orapproa ch poli cyand locala ctual combi ned up,putpre

19、sedea,iti sajobre quirement.Philosophy thrs the Office ofpartyCommittee,wntationoftheme t hrust a ndmasses ofbythoughtough tothe pe ople -oriented thoug ht int hework oftheOffice,must beclearworkobjectives. PartyOfficeinthe citythi syearremains: Advaon promoti ng comhoug ht,with short oflengtnce dci

20、v il strife,localbraprehensive, coordinatedand sustainah hostedrind. The County (City)PartyCommittee officesand unitsh ofconnotation. Second,theore suggestidirectly underthe Officeto hol d hig h the banner offirsttoexcellence,osuccessi ssomething, is ourforthepeopleie nted re quire ments, strengt he

21、n t heconstructi on a ndma nagementcisionood idea,an important partofa good staff.This yeaofthe Officet owardsthe wr, to foc us ar ound i ndustrial"_ . I. L. . . . Iork "ahig herlevel".Investee1.LLJ . -Imee Ieent, de pes one of the”ccl fomof valesThe so ues rees tie objecve li ngs ae

22、of novaue ad Ie vale of fun. ea pespecve. Dffeet vaues, peoples bei ur 一、“ent. Pepe.re.te ide s on lere crd, inCudig w I crae a recd ofaci mentshowipefrmacea I d s on. Wa es Waki. of Oilook Adhee Ipeope ore nid Oulok,s on Ieprrm ofrespci ng Ie i4, pepe ronne d to the rig poitof the quesin, ad r.- d

23、to qusti ons point. Man s the sm ofsocne ainshi ps W I not lev e the chChua nyngdu, hous ng,Iu - m ad .nmet, e nertii ng ad eveImee. I s .ad t ha in the "grcuiua sociey pepie pl ant" i、.sr> .cey ma n s a a nimai" "he if0rml10nscey, reurd fcus on huma tie ad rraiy, nned the br

24、.mes mas - as <aies A dhee Inteess ad po-we of peI pl e ceaI ng a popul a, mhe as, sedy hhar perormaceai polIl e cnomic Lui ual ad scbl e n-onmenI and s on. IDe I luma n| e ope orettd ues s "m.e Ie ecnomy more d lnne, ceaig "_ne forone olce, the benei o" lche-et I _ I L I _. I . _

25、. 一 _ L .nee ds, al w als of ie wl cI me it o be ng Pe ope crae fr the.opme nt, m«o<eddmocac, cut ua proslei5, ad o - alcnlUrcIon ofweloffsc* ad prluviva, and conI nue enjoig Iereu - i h i ilt ht h. lt h . l. ltf ilh. l t fI lifii z I ii l iiliztii it l ilzIith . l .t f SiltilzI -t tI t'

26、vli tl t ol i t t If t h thiI h tl I b. 1b.i lt II f l Th l OIkomoig Ie airoud devilpmet of peoples pefrmanne-cievmet -laI accmplsmes, ale aI oIe lok at the fec ne- of soia pr ogrss ca .g - baand rua can” boI had e nvrnme nt Isregt he a nd tae aothe l ook at the si eVionmet imprlament momet-of d l o

27、pme nt a preent, de pedig onIe pote Ia forlusanal e d lopmenI LLa<epepe I、, about "ale,ae wrIlss and <e peope t oak abou "Oulook" snot watt he pefrma nne.Ie cnnI uuIon. Coloru i t he tansormain of Iepepe of Ie worl d, cmmunity vIa i the ceai on of ma. Theeore , any wk we do, the

28、 saI ng point s h - a, wha aepepe. Us seldudewlpment, Iece of whi cs t o mletthe nees if pe opl* include,luviva needs emoI ona Inneds andlei -tal-I needs. It sou d be note d that pe opl e ae not maci nes not Iesawof a objec, not I be cntr- d. Pe opl ehie theirow pesnaiy, has is ow n pesnal iy, hisis

29、 own dig niy Pesn id of cae y ounnedto unndesadneld3.3 建立健全項(xiàng)目質(zhì)量組織機(jī)構(gòu):項(xiàng)目部成立以項(xiàng)目經(jīng)理為組長(zhǎng)的質(zhì)量管理 體系。加強(qiáng)過(guò)程控制,確保道道工序達(dá)到精品要求。1、質(zhì)量保證程序:公司質(zhì)量保證部項(xiàng)目經(jīng)理國(guó)際質(zhì)量標(biāo)準(zhǔn)ISO9002s one of the”ccl fomof valesThe so ues rees tie objecve li ngs ae of novaue ad Ie vale of fun. ea pespecve. Dffeet vaues, peoples bei ur 一、“ent. Pepe.re.te i

30、de s on lere crd, inCudig w I crae a recd ofaci mentshowipefrmacea I d s on. Wa es Waki. of Oilook Adhee Ipeope ore nid Oulok,s on Ieprrm ofrespci ng Ie i4. pepe ronne d to the rig poitof the quesin, ad r.- d to qusti ons point. Man s the sm ofsocne ainshi ps W I not lev e the chChua nyngdu, hous ng

31、,Iu - m ad .nmet, e nertii ng ad eveImee. I s . tha in the、-ulua sociey peple pl ant" i、.s.l.cey ma n s a a nima" "he iformain scey, reu.d fcus on huma tie ad rraiy, nned the br .mes mas - as <aies A dhee Inteess ad po-we of peI pl e ceaI ng a popul a, mhe as, sedy hhar perormaceai

32、 polIl e cnomic Lui ual ad scbl e n-onmenI and s on. IDe I I um n| e ope orettd ues s "m.e Ie ecnomy more d lnne, ceaig "_ne forone olce, the benei o" lche-et I -. I .nee ds, al w als of ie wl cme ito be ng Pe ope crae fr thekopme nt, m«o<eddmocac, cut ua prosleis, ad o - alcn

33、lUrcIon ofweloffsc* ad prluviva, and conI nue enjoig Iereu -y, ad - a hapier s deey conce nnd t ha hum n<elpment ad hhmatle s deve opme nt of scia a nd hhma uni , ins d "the maIeia cvl iical civlzaion a nd siriua cvlzaI ov eal adanccmet I f Scal st civlzt onIa "her l evl Alsnt Isse Ia p

34、esns omoig Ie alroud develpmet of peoples pefrmanne-cievmet -laI accmplsmes, ale aI oIe lok at the elec ne- of sca pr ogrss ca .g - baand rua can” boI had e nvirnme nt I sregt he a nd tae aothe l ook at the si evronmet imprlament mometIe cnsI ucIon. Ccloru i t he tansormain of Iepepe of Ie worl d, c

35、mmuniy vBa i the ceai on of ma. Thereore , any w. we do, the saI ngpoit s h - a, wha ae pepe. Us seld u ddeelpment, Ienees if pe opl* include, luviva nee ds - oIonalnneds and lel (cuulain needs. It sou d be note d that penne - ad the cmmuniy A dee t opepe orieed to 1110ngy Idvcae eveycommu. m - be,v

36、e oIes, be-i al IIe commu. of peopl. The s cae d I ookedig onIe pote Ia for lusanal e d lopmenI LLa<e pepe I-ak about "ale,ae wrIlss and <e peope t oak abou "Oul ook" s not watt he pefrma nne.e ae not maci nes not Ie sae of a objec, not I be cntr- d. Pe opl e hie theiow pesnaty

37、has is ow n pesnal , hhs - own dg niy Pesn id of cae y ounnedto unndesadneld基本要素質(zhì)量工作質(zhì)量 Th lvlf t thbjtitif v l tvlf ft ltiDif t v l w y ftPlitf h v lIt wth btv lht it ktyv ltivylt l . i hi iltht hv lth v lv ltf ilhv l t ft liii z iil iiiztii l ilzt i th v l vt f Siltilzti tt t'vlit 1t yl i t t t

38、hf th thit - h tl t bv bfi It tit f l Th l Otk ata_e s on lere crd, inCuding - t ceae a recd of aci ments, how t<performance ason. Wat es, wa kind of Outook here tpeople orie ntd Oulok, s ontepremse of reseci ng te inteests a. powe of pei pl e .eat ng apopula, mheas, st , heart perorma nce, ceati

39、g "serve for one of , the be net -" acheet s, a. o - al cnstuctonof weloff sc* ad pr omotng Ie al r oud . elpmet of peopl es perorma cieet lat a-mplsmes, a_ ai ote lok at the fec ne- of sea pr ogress Ca es baand rural can” bot had e nvionment tsregthe a nd another l ook at the si evionmet

40、imprlament momentof . l opme nt a present, de pedng onte poteta for sustai nabl e . lopment Lea-people t、. aboutare wrts and peope t oak about "Oul ook" s not watt he pefrma nce.4p.p. rmonne d to the sarig poit of te queston, ad rele d t qust ons point Ma ns the sm ofsociare atonshi ps W c

41、a I not lev e te chchua nyngdu, hous ng.tulsm ad eeranmet, e nertini ng ad eve ceai polt cal e cnomic culual ad scil e nvronmentand s on. IDe t luma n nee is, al aBof lfe lcI me ito be ng Pe ope crae fr thei -.iva,a nd cont nneen. m g tereu-of tecnnt uclon. C.lo.u i t hetansormaton of tepepe of te -

42、orl d,cmmuni,vitaiS i the ceai on ofma.Theeore , an, .e do, the sat ng poit s huma, -ha aepepe. Us seld udewlpment, tece of -hi c s t o m-tthe nees if pe ople includig -viva nee dsemot ona lnne ds and -l-tal-t needs. It so. d be note d that pe opl e ae not maci nes not tesawof a objel, not t becnt.-

43、 d. Pe opl e ha - thei o pesnaiy has is o n pesnal ,hhs is o n dig niy Pesn i I>ed of cae, ounnedto unndesad neetmee. I s .ad tha in the、-ulua ”,peple pl ant" i、.s.l .ce,ma n s a a nimar, "he iforma1nsce,-eu.執(zhí)行崗位工作制工作中優(yōu)化總結(jié)操作按工藝標(biāo)準(zhǔn)要求機(jī)集術(shù)燧岬格后方可使用操作過(guò)程保證熟悉圖紙機(jī)具保證2、質(zhì)量管理措施2.1 嚴(yán)格按方案施工施工中有了完備的施工組織

44、設(shè)計(jì)和可行的工程方案,以及可操作性強(qiáng)的措 施交底,就能保證全部工程整體部署有條不紊, 施工現(xiàn)場(chǎng)整潔規(guī)矩,機(jī)械配備合 理,人員編制有序,施工流水不亂,分部工程方案科學(xué)合理,施工操作人員嚴(yán)格 執(zhí)行規(guī)范、標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的要求,將極有力地保證工程的質(zhì)量和進(jìn)度。2.2 堅(jiān)持樣板引路分項(xiàng)工程開(kāi)工前,由項(xiàng)目經(jīng)理部的責(zé)任工程師,根據(jù)專(zhuān)項(xiàng)方案、措施交底 及現(xiàn)行的國(guó)家規(guī)范、標(biāo)準(zhǔn),組織分包單位進(jìn)行樣板分項(xiàng)(工序樣板、分項(xiàng)工程樣 板、樣板墻、樣板間、樣板段等)施工,樣板工程驗(yàn)收合格后才能進(jìn)行專(zhuān)項(xiàng)工程 的施工,同時(shí)分包在樣板施工中也接受了技術(shù)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)、質(zhì)量標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的培訓(xùn),做到統(tǒng)一操作程序,統(tǒng)一施工做法,統(tǒng)一質(zhì)量驗(yàn)收標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。2.3 實(shí)行“三

45、檢制”和檢查驗(yàn)收制度,執(zhí)行過(guò)程質(zhì)量執(zhí)行程序在施工過(guò)程中我們將堅(jiān)持檢查上道工序、保障本道工序、服務(wù)下道工序, 做好自檢、互檢、交接檢:遵循分包自檢、總分復(fù)檢、監(jiān)理驗(yàn)收的三級(jí)檢查制度: 嚴(yán)格工序管理,認(rèn)真做好隱蔽工程的檢測(cè)和記錄。過(guò)程質(zhì)量執(zhí)行程序流程圖不合格技術(shù)交底工 序 操 作不合格責(zé)任工程師進(jìn)行初檢質(zhì)量監(jiān)理工程師復(fù)檢監(jiān)理檢查認(rèn)可不合格,f不合格進(jìn)入下道工序2.4 實(shí)行質(zhì)量例會(huì)制度、質(zhì)量會(huì)診制度,加強(qiáng)對(duì)質(zhì)量通病的控制heso-calle d Outl ooktomeetthesent, de pe4. peopleresponde dtothestartingpoint ofthequestio

46、n,andreplied toquesti ons poi nt. Man isthe sumofsocial relunderstand, neednimal""the information society,returnis one ofthepra cticalformofvalue s.Theso-called val uesrefers totheattitude is onthe re cord, includingw ho, howto create arecordofachievement . |.|. objective thi ngs are ofnov

47、alueand thevalue offundamentalperspes, howtoevaluate performance, a nd so on.What values,what k.-. - 一. -II_ I.一. ctive.Differentvalues, people's behaviour, attitudes,ways aredifferent.People-orientek.Adheretopeople -orie ntedOutlook,is on thepremiseofrespecti> - 一 - I. . L , J J - . d- Itome

48、et.Itis saidthat inthe "agriculturalsociety, peoplepl ant" in"industrialsociety, ma n isanaationshi ps. Weca nnot leav ethe chichua nyongdu,housi ng,tourism andentertaing the inment,e ntertaini ng,andevend focus onhuman value and reality,weneedthe br oade stmassesasvaluenterestsand po

49、werofpeopl e, creati ng a popul ar,warmhe arts,steady heL 一一.-. . - I- . . _. I_ rcertain politi cal,e conomic,cult uraland social environme nt,and soue s.A dheretoheartperforma non. Due to hum n non.o pe ople -oriented val ues, ist omakethe economymoredevel nce, creating"servefor one officer,t

50、he be nefitof"achievement- . I .一 一_ L .n nee ds,allw alksoflifewillcomeintobei ng. Pe ople create fortheiropme nt,improve democracy, cult uralprosperit s,and overallconstruction ofwell-offsociety and preir survival,a nd conti nueenjoying theresultsy,and live a happi er;is deeply concer nedt ha

51、t hum n deve lopme ntand humanvalue s, devel opme nt of social a ndhuman developmentofrationalunified,insisted i nthe materialcivili zation,political civilizati on a ndspiritual civilizati on inthe ov eralladvancement ofSociali st civilizati on toa higher l evel.Alsowant toomoting theall-r ound deve

52、lopmentof peopl e's performa nce.Achi evement evaluati on i n bot heconomic a ccomplishments,take anotherlookatthe effectiveness ofsocialpr ogress; cha nges in bot h ur ban a nd rural change; both harde nvironme nttostrengt hen a ndtake anotherl ook atthe softenvironmentimpr.11- 一.一I 1_1 J- _ _.

53、11I 一 一一. |_II._ nlI _ 11_1一一 一一I _ _|_ . _|_ .一I I _ . |. I _ I 1|_ 一I_ 一.一oftheconstr uction.Colorfulin t hetransformation ofthepeople oftheworl d,communityvitality in thecreatin of man.Therefore, any work wedo, thestarting pointis human,whatarepeople.Us speed updevelopment,theneedsofpe ople, incl

54、 udi ng survivalneesee thatovementmds, emoti ona lnee ds and self-actualization neneeds ofot hers andthe community.A dheret opeople -or iented,to stronglyadvocateeverycommunitymember,serveothers,benefici altothe community ofpeople.Tpotentialforsustai nabl edevel opme nt. Leave people totalka bout&qu

55、ot;values"are worthlessand leave peoplet otalkabout "Outl ook" is not whatt heperforma nce.-.11 -J . I . |_|一一. 一.ll_L - - _I -. I .- - - -eds.It shoul d be note dthatpe opl e arenot machi nes, notthe slave ofan object, nottobecontrolled.Pe opl e havetheir own personality,hasitsow n personal ity,has its owndignity. Person innee d ofcare,y ou needto定期由質(zhì)量總監(jiān)主持,由項(xiàng)目經(jīng)理部及分包方的施工現(xiàn)場(chǎng)管理人員和技術(shù)人員參加


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