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1、4. Where will the tour meet ing take place?5. How will teachers know who wants to atte nd their revisi on class?6. What is Lili' s problem AND how might this be resolved?Paper II: Read ing (65 minu tes 54 marks)A. For questi ons 1-10, please look at the sentences below about a journey to the Arc

2、tic on board a ship. Read the follow ing text to decide if each sentence is correct or in correct.If it is correct, mark T on your an swer sheet.If it is not correct, mark F on your an swer sheet.1 This trip is for people who like peace and quiet.2 Many differe nt activities are orga ni zed on board

3、.3 The voyage begi ns in Scotia nd.4 The ship follows a fixed route.5 There are differe nt types of accommodati on.6 Passe ngers serve themselves in the dining room.7 Whales can be see n in the morni ng n ear Tromso.8 There are some examples of traditi onal buildi ngs in Tromso.9 The ship stays over

4、 ni ght in Tromso.10 Bear Isla nd used to be a busy fishi ng cen tre.Explori ng the ArcticThe Arctic is one of the few places in the world untouched by pollution where you can see nature at its wildest and most beautiful. Join our ship the Northern Star from 2 to 18 July, for a 17-day voyage to the

5、Arctic. During the voyage you are able to relax and get away from it all. There are no parties or film-shows to attend, quizzes to enter, or entertainers to watch. However, we do have specialists on board who are willi ng to an swer any of your questi ons about the Arctic and who will talk about the

6、 ani mals and birds that you see on the trip.After setting off from Scotland, we go north along the coast of Norway to Bear Island. Along the way youll see thousands of seabirds and wonderful scenery, with rivers of ice and huge cliffs. You will have the cha nee to see rein deer, polar bears, and ot

7、her Arctic ani mals. Although we have a timetable, experience has shown that we may have to change our direction a little, depending on the weather and on which animals appear.The Northern Star is a very special ship and our past voyages have been very popular. Our cabins all have the same excellent

8、 facilities, which include a private bathroom and refrigerator. Our chefs are happy to prepare any food for people on special diets.Day 1Days 2 一Day 8Days 9 0Days 11 -6Day 17Choose just what you want to eat from the wide variety available from the dining room buffet. There is a library, shop, clinic

9、 and plenty of space for relaxation. If you need some exercise, why not go jogging every morning around the decks, or do some swimming in the indoor pool.Prices include economy class air travel and 16 nights on board the Northern Star, all meals and excursions and all lectures.Board the Northern Sta

10、r.We sail slowly north along the coast of Norway, stopping at places of interest.Tromso. You need to get up at sunrise to see the whales as we sail towards Tromso. Visit Tromso to see the Arctic Museum, the cathedral and the beautiful old wooden houses. In the evening we sail away along the west coa

11、st to Bird Island, which is excellent for bird-watching.Bear Island. We arrive here in the early evening and stay overnight. Bear Island once had an active fishing industry, but today little of this remains. We will explore the island, looking out for Arctic flowers.Spitsbergen. A place of mountains

12、 and rivers of ice, it is home to a large variety of animals.Leave the ship in Spitsbergen and fly to London from Troms.B. Please read the text about behaviors on airplane and answer questions 1-8.Air rage is the current expression for aggressive or disruptive behavior of airline passengers. It come

13、s from the term road rage, used to describe drivers whose rude and hostile attitude toward others can lead to serious accidents or violence.Major airli nes are beco ming in creas in gly concerned about air rage and are trai ning their staff to deal with it. At the same time, they are introducing tou

14、gher policies and supporting legislation that will allow local police to arrest often ders whe n they land. A special agreeme nt, known as the 1963 Tokyo Convention, allows for the arrest of troublesome passengers on landing, even if they are not citizens of that country and did not technically comm

15、it a crime there.The problem of air rage may start before passe ngers eve n board the pla ne and may become worse on board. Reas ons for air rage in elude heavy traffic on the way to the airport, I ong check-i n lin es, the amount of alcohol available both in the waiting area and given out free on b

16、oard the plane, and strict enforcement of no-smoking laws at the airport and on the flight itself.Airline staff are trained to spot a potential troublemaker and to deal with violent behavior by talk ing to the pers on. For more serious cases, han dcuffs and straitjackets are kept on board, although

17、these are used only as a last resort. Fortunately, incidents involving serious violence are rare, but air rage is in creas in gly beco ming an issue of concern for all airli nes.1、Air rage and road rage refer to aggressive behavior bya. passe ngers in cars or pla nes.b. airli ne passe ngers and car

18、drivers.c. car drivers and airli ne pilots.d. airli ne passe ngers and crews.2. Accord ing to this passage, air ragea. is a more serious problem today than it was 25 years ago.b. is a problem that more and more airli ne compa nies are deali ng with.c. is a problem that became very serious in the 196

19、0s.d. occurs more on certa in airli nes tha n on others.3. The Tokyo Conven ti on en ables local policea. to in troduce tougher policies.b. to arrest people while flyi ng over their cou ntry.c. to arrest aggressive passe ngers of any n ati on ality.d. to use han dcuffs and straitjackets to restra in

20、 aggressive passe ngers.4. Accord ing to this passage, which of the followi ng factors con tributes to air rage?a. a difficult jour ney to the airportb. smok ing on boardc. restrict! ons on alcohold. han dcuffs and straitjackets being kept on board5. From this passage we can un dersta nd that airli

21、ne staff will watch out fora. heavy smokers.b. heavy dri nkers.c. people who are n ervous about flying.d. people who start talk ing to aggressive passe ngers.6. The phrase as a last resort in the last paragraph meansa. in a far-away vacati on spot.b. if the plane cannot return to the airport.c. afte

22、r everyth ing else has failed.d. with pote ntial troublemakers.7. What might the airline crew do to control air rage on the plane?a. allow the passe nger to smokeb. arrest the passe ngerc. restra in the passe ngerd. behave rudely to the passe nger8. The writer's main purpose in this passage is t

23、oa. discuss the phe nomenon of air rage.b. expla in the reas ons for air rage.c. suggest soluti ons for airli ne staff faced with air rage.d. war n passe ngers about air rage.C. Please read the following article about men who hunt for birds 'ests in caves inThaila nd, and the n an swer questi on

24、s 1-9 in your own words on a separate an swer sheet.The Nest Hun ters of Tam YaiSwiftlets are shy birds that make their nests in the remotest corners of deep caves. They have the ability to fly fast and straight like arrows around the interior of the cave walls. Like some other birds, they build the

25、ir n ests with their saliva, the juicy liquid from their own mouths. This juice harde ns quickly to make a small nest, shaped like a cup. These nests are called “ white gold '', because they ca be sold for thousa nds of dollars in the Chin ese food markets. It is these n ests for which the h

26、un ters of Tam Yai are prepared to risk their lives.Tam Yai cave in souther n Thaila nd is the largest n etwork of caves in side a limest one mou ntai n, known as Suwan Kuha, meaning “ cave temple It has been given this name because it contains a large area decorated with statues of Buddhas. High ab

27、ove the statues, in the far cor ners of the cave complex, is where the n ests are to be found.The n est hun ters climb barefoot up dan gerous bamboo poles hun dreds of metres above the grou nd to collect these valuable nests. They rarely use safety equipment, and if they fall, they will die instantl

28、y. These nests can only be reached by the bravest and most skilled climbers, and they are often only able to reach the highest n ests with the aid of a stick and a n et.Price (in dollars of birds1 nests per kilogramDates (in years)Nest hunting is a skill passed down in families from father to son. B

29、ecause of the profits that can be made, the competition among rival climbers is fierce. There are armed guards at the entrance to the cave to protect the nests from thieves. In Tam Yai, there are also strict laws to prevent illegal hunting and to ensure proper collec ting, or “ harvesting ” , of the

30、 nests. As a result, the birds are a protected species and the n umber of swiftlets is grow ing. Nest harvest ing beg ins in March and if the harvest is collected at the correct time of year, each swiftlet will lay eggs three times a seas on. Once the you ng birds have hatched and flow n, the n ests

31、 can be collected and sold to the Chin ese food in dustry as the vital ingredient in bird 1 s nest soup.The recipe for the highly valued bird' s nest soup is centuries old, and thecBbavesasaid tvalue in prolonging life. Chinese doctors often prescribe it for people who are suffering from skin co

32、n diti on s, lu ng disease and breathi ng problems.It is imports nt to prepare the n ests thoroughly whe n they arrive in the restaura nt kitche ns. Firstly they are washed, soaked and boiled until they have a soft, rubber-like texture. Then they are mixed with meat and coconut and all the ingredien

33、ts are cooked together. The nest itself is not delicious, in fact it has hardly any taste. As one Chin ese chef says: "It is the other in gredie nts which give the soup its flavour. The nest is soft and crunchy, and when you prepare it you must be careful to remove all traces of the bird, such

34、as bones or feathers. This is because Chin ese people appreciate the way it feels in their mouth rather than the taste and smell. ”It is an exotic dish in a multi-million dollar market. The nests themselves are small; they weigh less tha n 10 grams and measure just a few cen timetres. But for the n

35、est hun ters the risks are great in deed.Questi ons:1. What happe ns to the saliva whe n the birds build their n ests?2. Why do the hun ters take such great risks to collect the n ests?3. Which country buys most of the birds' n ests?4. Why is Suwa n Kuha regarded as a temple?5. What makes the jo

36、b of n est hun ti ng particularly dan gerous? Give TWO details.6. Accord ing to the graph, how does the price of birds' n ests in 2008 compare tothat of 1968?7. How is the bus in ess of n est hun ti ng in Tam Yai con trolled? Give TWO details.8. How is b ird ' s nest soup important for healt

37、h?9. How does the soup get its taste?Paper III: Use of En glish (20 min utes 60 marks)A. ClozeSchool r s Art SaleLast Friday parents helped collect lots of money for a school by buying children's pictures. Aprimary school in Bicester used its classrooms as an art gallery for a day and (1)parents

38、 tocome and look. All the pupils (2)a work of art and (3)pain ti ng went on sale at 5.Hun dreds of pare nts and relati ons came and, together, they spe nt (4) 2,000.£Now the school is (5)of making the exhibiti on bigger n ext year by also con tact ingbus in esses (6)operate in the local area. O

39、ne of the schoolchildre n's pare nts firs(7) after going to (8)exhibiti ons in her home cou ntry, South Africa.The school has decided to (9)the money to buy books and CD players. The Head Teachersaid he was delighted to see the school (10) fulland he was very proud of the children.1A hopedB invi

40、tedC pleasedD wished2A operatedB playedC performedD produced3A fewB someC eachDall4A overB moreC closeD near5A planningB thinkingC consideringD wanting6A whatB whoC whichD whose7A memoryB ideaC habitD choice8A sameB likelyC similarD equal9A bringB addC joinD use10A soB tooC suchD enoughB. Grammar an

41、d Vocabulary Multiple Choices1. We don't have any milk left.?a. don't youb. are wec. do wed. have you2. I tried on two sweaters, but I didn't buy of them.a. eitherb. nonec. neitherd. any3. If they the car earlier, they wouldn't have gotten stuck on the road.a. were checkedb. did chec

42、kc. had checkedd. checked4. I saw every episode in that television series.a. ten-partsb. tens-partc. tens-partsd. ten-part5. “How are you managing with the new computer program?11 HNot great. I to figure it out yet.”a. can't have managedb. haven't managedc. don't managed. haven't been managing6. I've been trying Sue all morning.a. to callb. callingc. calld. to have called7. You close all the windows before you leave the house.a. needb. shouldc. oughtd. mightstealing money f


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