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1、marketing strict interna lcost control, busi nessand innovationperformance.-Increasing ele ctricityaccess,pri ce increase, electricitysupplyi sguarantee d.In2012,the compa nywith coal inv entor y,get rewards ofJiangsuprovi ncialg overnme nt pow erto266 milli onk Wh.Throught he"small" and b

2、ilateraltrade,accesst oele ctricity 1.695 bil lionkWh,seeki ng removalc ompe nsati onw hent hepower 50milli on-kil owatt,116% marketshare in Jiangsu Province ranke dfirstin the same ca pacit y,thesametype units. Compa ny cl oselytracke dcoallinkage poli cieson July 1 a ndA ugust20 respectivel yincre

3、ase price s2.08minute sand 2.5 point s,profita bility increase d significantly. 公 .Jobgrading, remunerationof labouragreeme nts into l ong-termcontractw orkers compensationsystem,stimulatiinduction gang sy stem,14 staffpostsbeculture ,cost cult ureculturesystem -assisted,thr oug hvarious culturalint

4、egration, haprom oted.Stre ngtheni ngthe cultivation ofprofessi ona ltechnicalleaders,sel ectedcoverage 913fact ory-level professi onal and techni cal leaders.To e nha ncestaffskillstraini ng,8 staff techni cians.s booste d busine ss centre,thi s year hasw onthe"Chi nese cult uralmanagementa dv

5、anced unit", "NationalAdvaLaborcontra ct lawcomplia nce ,contracts ofupt o100%.-Starteam-builnced Unitin t hebuildi ngofenter prise cultur eofreform andope ning up30" andotherhonorarytitles. Thelia bility ofthedingt o adva ncefurt her. Establish a "holdi ng system impleme ntation

6、,and pr omotingt he w hole"team -buildi ng goals,strengthen group management. eam buil dingintoa performance review,promoting theconstr uction of t hestarteam de pa nyculture: solving ma nagementpr obl ems ofcor porateculture proje ctwas awar dedt he CEC nationalele ctric powere nterpris

7、e cultureachievement aw ardof excelle nce.Theacci dentearlywar ningand preventionsystem was ratedaThisyear,respectivel y,1 track,4team fourstarratedfive-star byDatang a nd the team.s Chi na's power ofinnovation management,innovation manageme ntofelectri c powerenterFour, insists on"sixcultu

8、ral constructionof" harmoniousdevelopment,reallygoodjob ofpartyconstruction andthe iprise i nJiangsu Provi nce. -Partyandtheingthen.Wa s carrie d outto "maintaiecurit y, pr ofit,maintainsta bility and prom oteharmoniousdevelopment"as themaiearthquake, donate d all thecompanyemployee s

9、,tol ove,t osupportthencontentofthe "threeguaranteedisasterareas. Thisyear,tI. I .ILs" themeprahe inter naltransa ctioncosts. Harmhecompa nyhaswon the"Su- - - I.-. Cutting costs cany aswon e u . ungoni ous developmentofharmoningthe e nthusiasm ofthestaff. -Furtherstrengthe ning ofhuma

10、 n resource s management.Full implementationofthe performanceappraisa lregulations, i ncentiveeffect. Complete thereservecadre eval uationand sele ction, pr oduce d 10primary reserve ca dresand 11 secondary reservecadres. Impleme ntation ofoperati on staffon, strengtheni ngthe humanistic careand psy

11、chologi calcounsel ing,the enterpri seculture construction toa new level.-Building ofenterpri se culturei s fruitful. Compa nies a dheretothe Shenhua lea d of corporate culture,culture ofresponsibilityatthe core,tosafetycult ure, a cultureof lear ning,et hical7ed,m oney should not bewas to constr uc

12、t a"foreign"envirn,partya ndfurtherimprovementofthelevelofwork.Staffparticipating intanaly sis,to im一 Jnalsen the honest aprovema nagement qualit y,impr ove costcontcurityfirm andi nternalma nagement oftheindcelan culture construction seminarrolcapacitya nd marketcompetitiveness.Innovation

13、 of scienternalmanageme ntmeasure s areeffective, harmonious".nce a nd technol ogy-science a"Foreign currency" means "Enterd byhone stinspe ctors team composed of 12employee s tobr oade nthe channel s ofsupervisi on.Adhereto establish "fourg ood" leadership aogy innovat

14、ion isto playt he role ofscienceauseof new technol2013five enter prises buildimaterials,new proce sse s, ne wequipme nt,increase invest一- 一 一一 -sse s, new oalsare:orkdynamic. Promotiunplanned outage 0times. Classmentin scieof disornceaders0,0 iand technologicaltrainiJI- 一njury acciothevitalinterest

15、s ofthestaffTrade Union del egation lea dermeeti ng ofthe 26system touptransformingscientificand technologi-.I -I .I 一qui pment a ccdientsnotoccur,calachieveme nts,forming a num berofno fire, no environmentalpollutionaccidediscuss and safeguar dtheir democrati crights.Im provethe organizati onalstr

16、uct ure ofthe mission,the w ork ofstrengthening.Organize mai ntenance la borem ulation and"health Cup"competiti on, enhancethe skcore com petitivene ss.Resour ce-saving -the-resource ssaving enter prisechi eve zero cases ofviolation, zeroa cci dent s,zero. Qualitygoalis:wheduce coalconsumn

17、gcaaciy .75ption, water consumption,electri cityat the core,enha ncet he operation ofleaills ofstaff.Organize d avariety ofcult uralactivities, physi caland mental healthn manag ementtoreal izelow consumpti on, high efficiency,re ducepr oducti on cost s.e.Duri ng theWenchuanSecondis to strengthen th

18、e busi ness,financial, material,on a nd theoptimizati on oforganization and management,saving t前言 II1 范圍 12 規(guī)范性引用文件 13術(shù)語和定義 14容量測(cè)算要求 25旅游容量測(cè)算 26環(huán)境質(zhì)量 57容量測(cè)算的結(jié)果處理 6附錄A (資料性附錄) 旅游景區(qū)容量指標(biāo) 7- ri y pro* m.ta sa bi- aa"met" - thema-alquk- dona-d althe cmpay-ply- s Il ov-t n ranznad-ang-ents

19、g tdsaer a- Ts,一,t. I . _ I . . . ILs thmepaheiner na tansa cin Loss Ha-he -won I- -u . l . . . . _ . .:二""scny ' e u . unsto cnsr uLa、 -prov-tofe of work. S”aapaigin Ie hones antaay s. i - -aiy, -pro- -a -k- consucIon _mkana se a ma na.arene-Inno-alon of sLentenal sae .Ive hanne and e

20、 ne a,or.n -rec" m_ns "nerseLors empl ae sof .pe” on.Adee to esabls u g oo." l si adialo pl,rk d'-ic o Ie via itees safTa- Union - egalon l_ de dicus adS rua d ther d-ocal L rigs. - ona SI _t is Ogaie ma nteanne a bor - un ad "eat h Cup" on, ce cm peiiene leresures saing

21、 ete p-eci - zeo caes of.oain, zeo a ccidet s zeo.a is wes I re due coal cns- n reneai ngcaacty .75pin, w - r cnnumpI”, eecii ctya Ie cre eha nneeion of -(s of sf. Oraniz d a <arey of cult ua acivties I hyi l ad menta heath cae slaf I creae a hamonious osphee 2 I g Ie Wecuann manng-et I rea izelo

22、w ighecen,eduue pr . Secnd is I slegle Ie bus . maleia,DB51/ T XXXX 2011本標(biāo)準(zhǔn)由四川省標(biāo)準(zhǔn)化研究院、四川省旅游局提出 本標(biāo)準(zhǔn)由四川省旅游局歸口并解釋。本標(biāo)準(zhǔn)主要起草單位:四川省標(biāo)準(zhǔn)化研究院。本標(biāo)準(zhǔn)主要起草人 本標(biāo)準(zhǔn)為首次發(fā)布。e-riy profit manaamoshee Du.sa aa -te m-ichua i ealhq - iei cie g,doi-e d .the -plt ol” cicea ciVtis a id "st .-s- ae -.T hS -pa, hhs wo"e,u

23、"t" csspa" sit t o _id_t for _ple" campagn pay a nd urSecid s tosei.t he m-e- ifca moiiysoud lot be wseaii -d m- - el of wok. S.I p.IIpaphi os it, ” erial i-cIt -agemeit -aid i cutu e cist uctiismi .-s Is - ad y imp.-oiioos - opmecost -aa c. a.maretit s I .ist-t a ".eg"

24、 eVicmpetti.ee sLliovaii of sc.opmet.rees to tcors -pl o.- s t briio.i s t plhe、-i- -ial m-emeAdeeto e blsh "" sisi.ice -d prit of te i lei a maare e , hamssaf00一toi ae of 98% ttetem.Gou work dy-i. Pr off-cory Af - S pr - . of the sf Trdeu.i dee-i l - e me <y m tootie for ce,-tveu<e

25、of i.w te cioli"icraiv - meit i se I ce aid e ciolo*seigt-id e icaltaiig,spe dig sc.ifc -d tchiolo. heetd - 一s-d a the. ocrtcrgS. mprovoii ous.Foregi curey" m - " Eitepri-cordiai ig -e epatywl.Ieh theoasae . uipa e0 tbeL Cs ss of dsr desO os yed ou-e ate No pee te oga Resia i,u,a eit,

26、 m-l -d euimeok of st. ig Ogai ace-or -ulsource s-Vig -ite pr- w - t educe coal cislmptit -cieis - iofie io eivbime-l"eathCuu- cmpeitoi, - t e poll Uiia cc - it"tep-ieg-Ieice the S» of s-I Og-i-e d to a ce - zecore peat oi of -i m-igeo c-ss of V .atii, zeof - a - sph,oits'rit teal

27、 z lwaheat h ca. saf t cea. a h-m hef.ci.cy, reuce - 75oii ooSpro »i sIII一 .ona.se 0prmaye-caddes a cnday r_ eve -d - . mp - e nt- in-. n gang sys-,4 sf -.on. tchni -lea -s, see ctd cove_ 913 fac oryleve profes es nesal sistasal tchni c-sLaor cnt - t aw cm .e contrcs ,I 01%.'arte. vanefut h

28、e. "oldig<ys-mpement. on, awho" e bu,i ng gas st managgmet T1am reve r temdet.Ths e secivey 1 2,4 sa r_d fie sa by -,al cnstucin o" hameve aycnst uu> de,ede nt C.mms.n a - i ns c.uin, c caeandpscolgi-l cunnelng feer prie -.re wetepri - 3e s " Companes -he ,f crporae -.re _l

29、 u. of eto s - y a -,re of dcuue, cs cuutuueculuue sse m _ed, trough vai .us _lual bu_e ss cente, tis <ea has w -lualmanget ad-an-duni", "Nainal a a aay T he culuues - g mannge of c”-e c.ue pr oje c nainal *i c powe ete ,rieculuue aCe-ment rd of enne.Ie aci det eay wa onsys-ws r_das nti

30、- nmangemet of -cr c powe ener prie i.ja Prov nce Pary a "mm-in-aiscruptincnti nues to h.g he. Ws ca- d out to、0-i旅游景區(qū)容量測(cè)算規(guī)范1.1.2 范圍本標(biāo)準(zhǔn)確定了旅游容量測(cè)算要求、旅游容量測(cè)算、環(huán)境質(zhì)量、容量測(cè)算的結(jié)果處理等技術(shù)性指標(biāo)和原則要求。本標(biāo)準(zhǔn)適用于各級(jí)旅游發(fā)展規(guī)劃及各類旅游區(qū)規(guī)劃和應(yīng)急預(yù)案的制定。1.1.3 規(guī)范性引用文件下列文件對(duì)于本文件的應(yīng)用是必不可少的。凡是注日期的引用文件,僅所注日期的版本適用于本文件。凡是不注日期的引用文件,其最新版本(包

31、括所有的修改單)適用于本文件。GB 30951996 環(huán)境空氣質(zhì)量標(biāo)準(zhǔn)GB 3096 2008聲環(huán)境質(zhì)量標(biāo)準(zhǔn)GB 3838 2002地表水環(huán)境質(zhì)量標(biāo)準(zhǔn)GB 9663-1996旅店衛(wèi)生標(biāo)準(zhǔn)GB 16153-1996 飯館(餐廳)衛(wèi)生標(biāo)準(zhǔn)GB 502981999 風(fēng)景名勝區(qū)規(guī)劃規(guī)范GB/T 18005 1999中國(guó)森林公園風(fēng)景資源質(zhì)量等級(jí)評(píng)定GB/T 18971 2003 旅游規(guī)劃通則GB/T 20416-2006自然保護(hù)區(qū)生態(tài)旅游規(guī)劃技術(shù)規(guī)程1.1.4 術(shù)語和定義下列術(shù)語和定義適用于本標(biāo)準(zhǔn)1.2旅游景區(qū) tourist attaction具有吸引國(guó)內(nèi)外游客前往游覽的明確的區(qū)域場(chǎng)所,能夠滿足游客游

32、覽觀光,消遣娛樂, 康體健身,求知等旅游需求,應(yīng)具有相應(yīng)的旅游服務(wù)設(shè)施并提供相應(yīng)旅游服務(wù)的獨(dú)立管理區(qū)。1.3旅游區(qū)規(guī)戈 U tourism area plan為了保護(hù)、開發(fā)、利用和經(jīng)營(yíng)管理旅游區(qū),使其發(fā)揮多種功能和作用而進(jìn)行的各項(xiàng)旅游要素的統(tǒng)籌部署和具體安排。1.4旅游客源市場(chǎng) tourist source market旅游者是旅游活動(dòng)的主體,旅游客源市場(chǎng)是指旅游區(qū)內(nèi)某一特定旅游產(chǎn)品的現(xiàn)實(shí)購(gòu)買者 與潛在購(gòu)買者。marketingstrict internalcost control,busi ness a nd innovationperformance.-Increasi ng ele ct

33、ricityaccess, pri ceincrease,electri city supply i sguara nteed.In 2012,the companywit h coal inve ntory,get rewards ofJiangsu provincial gov ernment pow erto266milli on k Wh. T hroughthe "small"andbilateraltrade ,accesst o electri city1.695 billi on k Wh,seekingremovalcompe nsation when t

34、hepower50million-kilowatt,116%marketshar einJiangsu Pr ovince rank ed first inthe same ca pacity,thesametype units.Compa nycloselytrack ed coallink agepolicie s on July 1 andAugust20 respe ctively increa sepri ces 2.08minutesand2.5poi nts,profitabilityi ncrea sed significa ntly. 公 .Job grading,rem u

35、nerati on oflabouragreement s into l ong-term contractw orkers compensationsystem,stimul atingthe e nthusiasm ofthestaff. -F urtherstre ngthening ofhuma n resources manage ment.Fullimpleme ntation ofthe performance appraisal regulations,hereservecadre evaluati ona nd se lecti on, produced 10primary

36、reserve cadre sand 11 secondary re servecadre s.Impleme ntation ofoperationstaffinduction gang system, 14staff posts be promoted.Stre ngtheningthe cultivation ofprofessionaltechni callea ders,selected cov erage9 13fact ory-lev elprofe ssionala ndtechni callea ders.Toe nhance staffskillstraining, 8st

37、afftechnicia ns.Labor contractlaw compl iance, contractsof up to 100%.-Starteam-building toa dvancefurther.Esta blish a "holding syst em implementati on, a nd promoti ngthe w hole" te am -buil ding g oals, strengthen group ma nagement.T eambuil ding into a performance review, promoti ngthe

38、 construction of thestarteam depth.This year, respectively,1 tra ck,4teamfour star rated five-starby Data ng and theteam.Four,insistson "six culturalconstructi onof"harmoniousdevelopment,reallyg oodjob of partyconstructi on and t heindepe ndent Commissi onagai nstcorruption,strengthe ningt

39、 hehumanisti ccarea nd psychol ogicalcounseling,thee nterprisecult ureconstructi ontoa newlevel. -Buil ding ofe nterprise culture isfruitful.Companie sadheretot he She nhualea d ofcor porate culture,culture ofresponsibilityat thecore,t osafety culture,a culture oflearni ng,ethical cultur e,cost cult

40、ure cultur esystem-assisted,t hroughvarious cultura lintegration, has boostedbusiness ce ntre,thisye arhasw ont he "Chi nese cult uralmanageme ntadva nced unit","NationalAdvanced Unitin the buil ding ofenterpri se culture ofreformand ope ning up30" and otherhonorarytitles.Theliab

41、ility ofthecompa nyculture : solvi ngmanageme nt problemsofcorporateculture projectwa s awarde d the CEC national electri c powere nterpriseculturea chieveme ntawar d ofexcelle nce.Theacci dent early warning andpreve ntionsystem was rated as China's powerofi nnovation manageme nt, innovati on ma

42、nagement ofele ctric power enter priseinJia ngsu Provi nce.-Partyand theneed/ TVVVV -ond dinde pendent Commissi on agai nst corruption conti nue s to strengt hen.Wa s carrie d outto"maintain1.5旅游資源tourist resources自然界和人類社會(huì)凡能對(duì)旅游者產(chǎn)生吸引力,可以為旅游業(yè)開發(fā)利用,并可產(chǎn)生經(jīng)濟(jì)效益、社會(huì)效益和環(huán)境效益的各種事物和因素。1.6旅游產(chǎn)品toueism product為

43、了滿足旅游需求所生產(chǎn)和開發(fā)物質(zhì)產(chǎn)品和服務(wù)的總和指旅游業(yè)者通過開發(fā)、利用旅游資源提供給旅游者的旅游吸引物與服務(wù)的組合。即旅游目的地向游客提供一次旅游活動(dòng)所需要的各種服務(wù)的總和。1.7旅游容量tourism carrying capacity旅游區(qū)在某一時(shí)間段內(nèi),其自然環(huán)境、人工環(huán)境和社會(huì)環(huán)境所能承受的旅游及其相關(guān)活動(dòng)在規(guī)模和強(qiáng)度上極限的最小值。1.8游客日容量daily visitor carryine capacity在特定條件下,游客一天最佳游覽時(shí)間內(nèi)景區(qū)所能容納旅游者的能力,它一般等于或小于景區(qū)的日環(huán)境容量1.8.1 容量測(cè)算要求1.9 容量測(cè)算堅(jiān)持以旅游市場(chǎng)為導(dǎo)向,以旅游資源為基礎(chǔ),以利

44、用產(chǎn)品為主體,本著資源的可持續(xù)利用、社會(huì)效益和環(huán)境效益可持續(xù)獲得的條件下,能夠取得最佳經(jīng)濟(jì)效益為原則。對(duì)水土資源、生態(tài)重要性、生態(tài)系統(tǒng)脆弱性、自然災(zāi)害危險(xiǎn)性、環(huán)境容量、經(jīng)濟(jì)發(fā)展水平等指標(biāo)的綜合評(píng)價(jià)。1.10 容量測(cè)算要同時(shí)滿足游客的舒適、安全、 衛(wèi)生和方便等旅游需求的原則,計(jì)算環(huán)境容量和游客數(shù)量,按照科學(xué)合理的環(huán)境容量控制游客規(guī)模,達(dá)到人與自然、人與人的和諧共處。1.11 容量測(cè)算要求全面分析旅游景區(qū)的發(fā)展歷史與現(xiàn)狀、優(yōu)勢(shì)與制約因素,以及與相關(guān)規(guī)劃的銜接。1.12 容量測(cè)算重點(diǎn)關(guān)注旅游景區(qū)的客源市場(chǎng)需求總量、地域結(jié)構(gòu)、消費(fèi)結(jié)構(gòu)及其他結(jié)構(gòu),1.13 根據(jù)不同類型景區(qū)的不同需求,結(jié)合景區(qū)內(nèi)活動(dòng)方式

45、的實(shí)際情況進(jìn)行容量測(cè)算。1.14 容量測(cè)算應(yīng)綜合考慮生態(tài)環(huán)境和社會(huì)環(huán)境的影響程度,既要考慮水質(zhì)、大氣、土壤、地質(zhì)、 植被、野生動(dòng)物等生態(tài)環(huán)境對(duì)旅游相關(guān)活動(dòng)的承載力,又要考慮人文承載力、心理承受力、設(shè)施承載力、管理承載力等社會(huì)環(huán)境容量對(duì)旅游相關(guān)活動(dòng)的承載力。1.14.1 旅游容量測(cè)算旅游容量為空間容量、設(shè)施容量、生態(tài)容量、社會(huì)心理容量和文化體驗(yàn)感知容量五類。對(duì)于一個(gè)旅游區(qū),日空間容量與設(shè)施容量的測(cè)算是最基本的要求。1.15 日空間容量ecurity, profit,maintai nstabilityandpromot e harmonious development"asthe ma

46、inconte nt ofthe"three guarante es"theme pra cticea ctivitiesa nd "stressingparty spirit,t oconduct,for example" campaign,party a ndfurtherimproveme ntofthe level ofwork.Staffparticparticipating inti nthe honestand clean cultur econstr uctionsemi nars,staff'ssenseofprobityand

47、 enhanced.Founded by honest inspe ctors teamcomposeof12 empl oyee sto br oade n the channe lsofsupervision.Adhere to establish "fourgood" leadership activitie s,staffsatisfaction rateof98%tothe team.-Groupworkdynamic.Promoti ng theopenness offactoryAffairs, pretingofthe 26 system todiscuss

48、 andsafeguard theirdemocratic rights. Improvethe orga nizati onal struct ure ofthemission,thewnancelabor emulationa nd "healt hCup" competition, ethe skills ofstaff. Organized avarietyofculturalactivities, physicala nd mentalhealt hcare staff,toceatea harm oni ous atmosphere. DuringtheWe n

49、chua n earthquake,donate dallthecompanyempl oyees,to love,tosupporttheh efficiency, re duce prdisasterareas. T his year,t he compa ny has woductioncosts.Second is to strengthen ton the"Su .the busiCutting costs can becontr olled,money should not be waste d "managementness,financial, materi

50、al,informationand theoptimizationoforga nizati on aphil osophy,managemend ma nagement,savingthe intanalysi s,toimpr ove managementerna ltransactioncosts.Harmonintquality,improvous developme ntofharme costcontrol capa cityand marketcom-istoconstr ucta "foreign" enumber of proprietary techno

51、logy,sorders0,0 i s equivalentforcedoutagerate.No personali一 .ona.se 0prmay e- caddes a cnday r_ eve -d - . mp - e nt- in-. n gang sys-,4 sf -.on. tchni -lea -s, see ctd cove_ 913 fac oryleve profes es ne sal sistasal tchni c-sLaor cnt - t aw cm .e contrcs ,I 01%.'arte. vane fut he. "oldig

52、<ys-mpement. on, awho" e bu,i ng gas st managgmet T 1am reve r temdet.Ths e secivey 1 2,4 sar_d fie sa by -,al cnstucin o" hameve aycnst uu> de ,ede nt C.mms.n a - i ns c.uin, ccaeandpscolgi -l cunnelng feer prie -.re w etepri - 3e s " Companes -he ,f crporae -.re _l u. of e to

53、s - y a -,re of dcuue, cs cuutuueculuue sse m _ed, trough vai .us _lual bu_e ss cente, ti s <ea has w -lualmanget a d-an-d uni", "Nainal a a aay T he culuues - g mannge of c”-e c.ue pr oje c nainal *i c powe ete ,rie culuue aCe-ment rd of enne.Ie aci det eay wa on sys-ws r_das nti- nman

54、gemet of -cr c powe ener prie i.ja Prov nce Pary a "mm-in-ais cruptincnti nues to h.g he. Ws ca- d out to、0-i日空間容量的測(cè)算是在給出各個(gè)空間使用密度的情況下,把游客的日周轉(zhuǎn)率考慮進(jìn)去、 既可估算出不同空間的日空間容量。例如:假設(shè)某游覽空間面積為 X(m2),在不影響游覽質(zhì)量的情況下,平均每位游客占用面積為Y(m2/人),日周轉(zhuǎn)率為Zo則該游覽日空間容量為:C = Xi x Zi / Yi(人) 旅游區(qū)日空間總?cè)萘康扔诟鞣謪^(qū)日空間容量之和。即:C = EC = EX x E Zi / Yi1.16 日設(shè)施容量日設(shè)施容量的計(jì)算方法與日空間容量的計(jì)算方法基本類似。例如:假設(shè)一個(gè)表演場(chǎng)所的座位數(shù)為Xi ,日周轉(zhuǎn)率為 Yi ,則日設(shè)施容量為C = Xi X Yi旅游區(qū)日設(shè)施總?cè)萘繛椋篊 = EC = EX x Yi 其中旅游接待設(shè)施,如賓館、療養(yǎng)院的日間系數(shù)建議為0.4。1.17 環(huán)境容量1.17.1 可分別按


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