1、采購意向書英文【篇一:model loi 采購意向書英文模板】dated: to : dear sirs:herebydeclare that we are ready, willing and able under the act of perjury to purchase the following commodity as specified below and certify that we have available full funding for the purchase: name of the product : specifications :- quantity: q
2、uantity per shipment per month: quantity the letter of credit will be issued for: port of delivery: contract duration: packing:discharge rate per day at port of delivery: price: terms of payment: please specify the type of lc/payment you wish to offer: dlc, rlc, ffdlc, ffrlc, or sblc full name of th
3、e bank : full address of the bank:bank telephone no: bank fax no: bank account no : account name: bank swift/sort code no:buyers full name :companysealcompany:position:signature:below is the loi format that we can accept. please follow the format to prepare loi for the product you want to purchase.s
4、hould be on the buyer s letterheadonly buyers and/or their authorized power-of-attorneymandates are authorized to issue loi and sign all necessary documents including contract + opening of l/c in sellers favor.this is to confirm that our mutual clients (buer s name/company) maintain a banking accoun
5、t with us. at their instructions we, (full name of the bank) with full authority and mandate hereby confirm that the said clients are willing and financially able to initiate the process of purchasing of (product quantity) metric tons of (product name) during the next (number of years and months). w
6、e understand the total value of imports under the (payment term) on (fob, cf or cif) basis is in the region of (total us dollars value of the order). we certify that our clients named above have sufficient funds and/or have credit line with our bank to complete the proposed transaction within the ti
7、me period shown above.our clients hereby give authority to the sellers to procure usualbankers references. signed full name of thesignatory: title: model_loi_ 采購意向書英文模板】dated: to :dear sirs:hereby declare that we are ready, willing and able under the act of perjury to purchase the following commodit
8、y asspecified below and certify that we have available full fundingfor the purchase:name of the product : specifications :quantity:quantity per shipment per month:quantity the letter of credit will be issued for: port of delivery:contract duration: packing:discharge rate per day at port of delivery:
9、 price:terms of payment:please specify the type of lc/payment you wish to offer: dlc, rlc, ffdlc, ffrlc, or sblcfull name of the bank :full address of the bank:bank telephone no:bank fax no:bank account no : account name:bank swift/sort code no:buyers full name :companysealcompany:position:signature
10、:information.only buyers and/or their authorized power-of-attorneymandates areauthorized to issue loi and sign all necessary documents including contract + opening of l/c in sellers favor.this is to confirm that ou r mutual clients (buer s name/company) maintain a banking account with us.at their in
11、structions we, (full name of the bank) with fullauthority andmandate hereby confirm that the said clients are willing and financially able to initiate the process of purchasing of (product quantity) metric tons of (product name) during the next (number of years and months). we understand the total v
12、alue of imports under the (payment term) on (fob, cf or cif) basis is in the region of (total us dollars value of the order). we certify that our clients named above have sufficient funds and/or have credit line with our bank to complete the proposed transaction within the time period shown above.ou
13、r clients hereby give authority to the sellers to procure usual bankers references.signedfull name of thesignatory: title: 【篇三:英文投資意向書】投資 意 向 書letter of investment intent 甲方: party a:乙方: 有限公司party b: 丙方:上海市party c: shanghai jiading district foreign investmentpromotion bureau 甲、乙、丙三方本著平等互利的原則,經(jīng)丙方介紹、協(xié)
14、調(diào),就乙方在甲方批租土地投資建廠的相關事項達成如下協(xié)議:abide by the principle of equdlityand mutual benefit, under the introductionof party c, three parties have reached an agreement on investment as follows.一、乙方項目概況:i project of party b:二、乙方注冊資本:ii register capital of party b:三、乙方選址及土地價格:iii location of party b land fee:四、丙方
15、免費為甲、乙雙方提供政策咨詢、業(yè)務協(xié)調(diào)及跟進服務。iv party c supply policy inquiry service of project and related service for partya b for free.本意向書僅作為政府內(nèi)部統(tǒng)計、考核之用,無商業(yè)上的法律意義。本意向書一式三份,經(jīng)三方代表簽字后生效。2005- 篇二:中英文合同意向書范本中英文 :合同意向書范本business: date:20this is a non-binding letter of intentthat contains provisions that are beingdiscuss
16、ed for a possible sale of the business named above from the possible sellernamed above to the possible buyer named above. this is not a contract. this is nota legally binding agreement. this is merely an outline of possible contract termsfor discussion purposes only. this is being signed in order to
17、 enable the possiblebuyer to apply for financing of the purchase price. this letterof intent isconfidential and shall not be disclosed to anyone other thanthe parties and theiremployees attorneys and accountants and the possible lenders of the possible buyer.the terms of the transaction being discus
18、sed are attached hereto but the terms andthe possible sale itself are not binding unless and until theyare set forth in awritten contract signed by possible seller and possible buyer. the word shall is usedin the attached terms only as an example of how a contract might read and it does not mean tha
19、t the attached terms are or ever will be legally binding.witnesseswitnesses( 合同意向書范本) 潛在資產(chǎn)出讓合同意向書潛在賣方 潛在買方 交易事項 日期 20 本意向書不具有約束力所包含之條款有待上述潛在賣方與買方就可能發(fā)生之交易本處應指 “資產(chǎn)出讓”進行磋商。本意向書不應被視為任何合同、或具有法律約束力的協(xié)議而應視作僅為磋商之目的而訂立的有關本意向書項下可能達成之合同的條款概述。簽署本意向書之目的是為了能夠便于潛在買方就購買價格籌措資金。雙方應對本意向書之內(nèi)容保密且除了本意向書項下雙方及其雇員、律師、會計師和潛在買方
20、之潛在貸款方之外不得向任何其他第三方透露。本次磋商之交易條款隨附其后但是除非且直到潛在的買賣雙方簽署書面協(xié)議這些條款及潛在賣方自身將不具有約束力。隨附條款中“應該 ”一詞僅為合同閱讀之慣例并不意味隨附之條款具有或?qū)⒁哂蟹杉s束力。簽字 簽字 篇三:中英文投資合作意向書agree customary legal opinions must be delivered the contentof which shall bemutually agreed upon. 雙方同意遵守交/投資的法慣,其內(nèi)容必須為雙方所共同認可。5.this loi is in duplicate one copy fo
21、r each party each of whichshall be deemed anoriginal when executed. 本意向書一式兩份,雙方各持一份,執(zhí)時效等同于原件。party a:party b: 甲方:乙方:signed by: signed by: 委托人簽字:?.委托人簽字:?.date : date :日期:日期:page 2 of 2篇四:采購意向書中英文對照date: april 22nd, 2013 to,tel:fax:address:日期 : 2013 年 4 月 22 日 致 :m/s.* 有限公司致:先生電話:傳真: 地址:主題:采購意向書dear
22、mr. *, 我方公司有能力與意愿,準備依據(jù)下列規(guī)格和所示條款條件來采購如port of delivery:dubai 交貨港:迪拜inconterms: cif 出貨條款:cifpacking:standard export packing 包裝:標準出口包裝shipping: within15 days after receipt of 30% deposit. 船運:收到30%訂金后 15天內(nèi) .terms of payment: t/t 30% in advance and 70% balance whensee the b/l copy. 付款方式:電匯預付30%,收到提單后付清余下
23、70%.this is for your information and action. best wishespage2of 2 篇五:termsheet -投資意向書 甲方(你的公司)和 乙方( vc ) investment termsheet (投資意向書)20xx 年 01 月 01日被投公司簡況xxxx 公司(以下簡稱“甲方 ”或者 “公司 ” )是總部注冊在開曼群島的有限責任公司,該公司直接或者間接的通過其在中國各地的子公司和關聯(lián)企業(yè),經(jīng)營在線教育開發(fā)、外包和其他相關業(yè)務??偣?、子公司和關聯(lián)企業(yè)的控股關系詳細說明見附錄一。公司結(jié)構(gòu)甲方除了擁有在附錄一中所示的中國的公司股權(quán)外,沒
24、有擁有任何其他實體的股權(quán)或者債權(quán)憑證,也沒有通過代理控制任何其他實體,也沒有和其他實體有代持或其他法律形式的股權(quán)關系?,F(xiàn)有股東目前甲方的股東組成如下表所示:股東名單股權(quán)類型股份股份比例 黃馬克 /ceo 普通股 5,000,000 50% 劉比爾 /cto 普通股3,000,000 30% 周賴利 /coo 普通股 2,000,000 20% 合計: 10,000,000 100% 投資人 / 投資金額某某 vc ( 乙方)將作為本輪投資的領投方(lead investor) 將投資:美金 150 萬 跟隨投資方經(jīng)甲方和乙方同意,將投資:美金 100 萬 投資總額美金 250 萬 上述提到的所
25、有投資人以下將統(tǒng)稱為投資人或者a輪投資人。投資總額250 萬美金(“投資總額”)將用來購買甲方發(fā)行的 a 輪優(yōu)先股股權(quán)。本投資意向書所描述的交易,在下文中稱為“投資 ”。 投資款用途研發(fā)、購買課件80 萬在線設備和平臺55 萬全國考試網(wǎng)絡45 萬運營資金 45 萬其它 25 萬總額 250 萬詳細投資款用途清單請見附錄二。投資估值方法公司投資前估值為美金350 萬元,在必要情況下,根據(jù)下文中的“投資估值調(diào)整”條款進行相應調(diào)整。本次投資將購買公司股a 輪優(yōu)先股股份,每股估值0.297 美金,占公司融資后總股本的41.67 。 公司員工持股計劃和管理層股權(quán)激勵方案現(xiàn)在股東同意公司將發(fā)行最多1,76
26、4,706 股期權(quán)(占完全稀釋后公司總股本的15)給管理團隊。公司員工持股計劃將在投資完成前實施。所有授予管理團隊的期權(quán)和員工通過持股計劃所獲得的期權(quán)都必須在3 年內(nèi)每月按比例兌現(xiàn),并按照獲得期權(quán)時的公允市場價格執(zhí)行。a 輪投資后的股權(quán)結(jié)構(gòu)a 輪投資后公司(員工持股計劃執(zhí)行后)的股權(quán)結(jié)構(gòu)如下表所示:股東名單股權(quán)類型股份股份比例黃馬克普通股 5,000,000 27.63%劉比爾 普通股 3,000,000 16.58% 周賴利 普通股 2,000,00011.05% 員工持股普通股1,764,7068.75%a 輪投資人(領投方)優(yōu)先股 5,042,017 25.00% a 輪投資人(跟投方)
27、 優(yōu)先股 3,361,345 16.67% 合計: 20,168,067 100% 投資估值調(diào)整公司的初始估值(a 輪投資前)將根據(jù)公司業(yè)績指標進行如下調(diào)整:a 輪投資人和公司將共同指定一家國際性審計公司(簡稱審計公司)來對公司2010 年的稅后凈利(npat )按照國際財務報告準則(ifrs )進行審計。經(jīng)ifrs審計的經(jīng)常性項目的稅后凈利(扣除非經(jīng)常性項目和特殊項目)稱為 “ 2010年經(jīng)審計稅后凈利”。 如果公司“ 2010年經(jīng)審計稅后凈利”低于美金150 萬( “ 2010年預測的稅后凈利”),公的稅后凈利。a 輪投資人在公司的股份也將根據(jù)投資估值調(diào)整進行相應的調(diào)整。投資估值調(diào)整將在出
28、具審計報告后1 個月內(nèi)執(zhí)行并在公司按比例給a 輪投資人發(fā)新的股權(quán)憑據(jù)以后立刻正式生效。公司估值依據(jù)公司的財務預測,詳見附錄三。反稀釋條款a 輪投資人有權(quán)按比例參與公司未來所有的股票發(fā)行(或者有權(quán)獲得這些有價證券或者可轉(zhuǎn)股權(quán)憑證或者可兌換股票)。在沒有獲得a 輪投資人同意的情況下,公司新發(fā)行的股價不能低于a 輪投資人購買時股價。在新發(fā)行股票或者權(quán)益性工具價格低于a 輪投資人的購買價格時, a 輪優(yōu)先股轉(zhuǎn)換價格將根據(jù)棘輪條款(ratchet )進行調(diào)整。資本事件(capital event)“資本事件”是指一次有效上市(請見下面條款的定義)或者公司的并購出售。有效上市所謂的 “有效上市”必須至少滿
29、足如下標準:1. 公司達到了國際認可的股票交易市場的基本上市要求;2. 公司上市前的估值至少達到5000 萬美金;3. 公司至少募集2000 萬美金。出售選擇權(quán)(put option) 如果公司在本輪投資結(jié)束后48 個月內(nèi)不能實現(xiàn)有效上市,a 輪投資人將有權(quán)要求公司 -在該情況下,公司也有義務- 用現(xiàn)金回購部分或者全部的a 輪投資人持有的優(yōu)先股,回購的數(shù)量必須大于或等于:1 a 輪投資人按比例應獲得的前一個財年經(jīng)審計的稅后凈利部分的10 倍,或者2 本輪投資總額加上從本輪投資完成之日起按照30的內(nèi)部收益率(irr)實現(xiàn)的收益總和。 拒絕上市后的出售選擇權(quán)本輪投資完成后36 個月內(nèi),a 輪投資人
30、指定的董事提議上市,并且公司已經(jīng)滿足潛在股票交易市場的要求,但是董事會卻拒絕了該上市要求的情況下,a輪投資人有權(quán)要求公司在任何時候用現(xiàn)金贖回全部或者部分的優(yōu)先股,贖回價必須高于或等于:1 .本輪投資額加上本輪完成之日起按照30%內(nèi)部報酬率(irr)實現(xiàn)的收益總和;2 a 輪投資人按比例應獲得的前一個財年經(jīng)審計的稅后凈利部分的25 倍。 未履行承諾條款的出售選擇權(quán)如果創(chuàng)始股東和公司在本輪投資完成后12 個月內(nèi),沒有完成下文“簽署和完成交易的前提條件和交易完成后的承諾條款”中定義的投資后承諾條款,公司必須按照 a 輪投資人要求部分或者全部的贖回本輪發(fā)行的優(yōu)先股;贖回的價格按照本金加上本輪投資完成之日起按照30 %內(nèi)部報酬率(irr)實現(xiàn)的收益的總和。創(chuàng)始股東承諾所有創(chuàng)始股東必須共同地和分別地承諾公司將有義務履行上述出售選擇權(quán)條款。轉(zhuǎn)換權(quán)以及棘輪條款( ratchet ) a 輪優(yōu)先股股東有權(quán)在任何時候?qū) 輪優(yōu)先股轉(zhuǎn)換成普通股。初始的轉(zhuǎn)換率為1:1 。 a 輪優(yōu)先股的股價轉(zhuǎn)換率將隨著股權(quán)分拆,股息,并股,
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