



1、精選優(yōu)質(zhì)文檔-傾情為你奉上1. F. de. Saussure is a (n) _linguist.A. American B. British C. Swiss D. RussianSwiss linguist. The founder of structural linguistics, he declared that there is only an arbitrary relationship between a linguistic sign and that which it signifies. The posthumously published collection of

2、 his lectures,Course in General Linguistics (1916), is a seminal work of modern linguistics. 索緒爾,費迪南德·德:(1857-1913) 瑞士語言學(xué)家,結(jié)構(gòu)主義語言的創(chuàng)始人,他聲稱在語言符號和其所指含義之間僅有一種模糊的關(guān)系。他死后,他的講演集出版為普通語言學(xué)教程 (1916年),是現(xiàn)代語言學(xué)的開山之作2. N. Chomsky is a(n) _linguist.Canadian B. American C. French D. SwissAmerican linguist who rev

3、olutionized the study of language with his theory of generative grammar, set forth inSyntactic Structures (1957). 喬姆斯基,諾阿姆:(生于 1928) 美國語言學(xué)家,他在句法結(jié)構(gòu) (1957年)一書中所闡述的關(guān)于生成語法的理論曾使語言學(xué)研究發(fā)生突破性進展3. _is the study of speech sounds in language or a language with reference to their distribution and patterning and

4、to tacit rules governing pronunciation.A. Phonology B. Lexicography 詞典編纂 C. lexicology詞典學(xué) D. Morphology詞態(tài) 詞態(tài)學(xué)音位學(xué)研究的是一種語言的整個語音系統(tǒng)及其分布,包括某一特定語言里的語音和音位分部和結(jié)合的規(guī)律。4. Which of the linguistic items below is best described as the smallest unit of meaning?A. The word B. The morpheme 詞素C. The phoneme 音素 D. The

5、clause詞素是語言中最小的有意義的單位。Word是單獨出現(xiàn)在口語或者文字中的最小語言單位。音素是最小的語音單位,可以表達意義上的區(qū)別。5. The morpheme “cast” in the common word “telecast” is a(n)_.A. Bound morpheme B. bound form C. inflectional morpheme D. free morpheme自由語素,可單獨作為詞使用的詞素。B 粘著語素,不能單獨使用,只能與另一個語素連用。C屈折語素,表示數(shù)、人稱、格等的變化。6. The branch of linguistics that s

6、tudies how context influences the way speakers interpret sentences is called_.A. Semantics 語義學(xué) B. pragmatics 語用學(xué),研究語言在交際中的運用,尤其是句子在使用時與上下文和情景之間的關(guān)系。 C. sociolinguistics D. psycholinguistics7. According to Krashen, _refers to the gradual and subconscious development of ability in the first language by

7、 using it naturally in daily communicative situations.A. Learning B. competence C. performance D. acquisition習(xí)得是指通過接觸語言來學(xué)習(xí)語言,無意識的逐漸張掌握語言規(guī)律。美國語言學(xué)家可拉申在二十世紀七十年代提出了“語言習(xí)得”理論,認為人們掌握語言有兩種主要方式:一是習(xí)得,另一中是學(xué)習(xí)learning。一般指母語之外的第二種語言。8. Synonyms that are mutually substitutable under all circumstances are called _.

8、A. Dialectal synonyms 方言同義詞 B. stylistic synonyms文體風(fēng)格上不同的同義詞 C. collocational synonyms 在搭配上不同的同義詞 D. complete synonyms 在所有情況下都可以互相替換的完全同義詞。9. In general, the _stage begins roughly in the second half of the childs second year. A. Babbling 咿呀學(xué)語 3-6個月 B. one-word 12個月 C. two-word 兩詞階段 大概在18個月左右。 D. mul

9、tiword 10. The distinction between langue and parole is similar to the distinction between _. A. Prescriptive and descriptive B. competence and performance 語言和言語是索緒爾提出的,前者指的是一個社會所有的成員所共享的抽象的語言體系,后者指的是語言的實際運用。它們之間的區(qū)別類似于喬姆斯基提出的語言能力和語言行為(performance)的區(qū)別。 C. speech and writing D. synchronic and diachron

10、ic 11. The feature that distinguishes “hotdog” and “hot dog” is _.A. Tone B. stress C. intonation D. aspiration 重音。Hotdog是合成詞,重音在第一個音節(jié),意為熱狗。Hot dog是名詞詞組,重音在其中心詞dog上。12. The pair of words “borrow/lend” are called _.A. Synonyms B. relational opposites 關(guān)系反義詞,不僅表示相反,而且表示有一種語義的互相依存,多半設(shè)計社會關(guān)系和空間關(guān)系。 C. comp

11、lementaries D. gradable opposites 13. Speech Act Theory was proposed by _in 1962. A. Saussure B. Chomsky C. Jane Austin D. John Austin 言語行為理論是由英國哲學(xué)家奧斯汀提出的,認為人們在說話時同時實施的三種不同的行為:言內(nèi)行為, 言外行為,和言后行為。14. A special language variety that mixes or blends languages and used by people speak different language f

12、or restricted purpose is _.A. Pidgin B. creole 指以法語或西班牙語為基礎(chǔ)語的混雜語言 C. dialect 方言 D. blend 緊縮詞混雜語;混雜行話:由兩種或多種語言混合而成的一種簡化的說話方式,語法和詞匯較初等,被用于不同語言者進行交流,不作為第一語言或母語。混合語 接觸語15. The major new development in linguistics in the 20th century was _grammar. A. Speculative B. traditional C. structural D. transforma

13、tional-generative 轉(zhuǎn)換生成語法 以喬姆斯基為代表。16. According to Searle, those illocutionary acts whose point is to commit the speaker to some future course of action are called_.A. Expressive B. directives C. commisives D. declaratives 語用學(xué)中, J R searle將言語行為分成五類:受約行為,宣布行為,表情行為,表達行為,指令行為。17. The relationship betwe

14、en words and things in the world is established by means of _.A. Reference 所指或參照,是指詞和它們所代表的客觀事物或現(xiàn)象的關(guān)系,即詞與詞所表示的事物、行為、及屬性之間的關(guān)系。 B. sense C. concept D. meaning 18. English consonants 輔音can be classified into stops, fricatives, nasals, etc., in terms of _.A. Manner of articulation 發(fā)音方式,英語中的輔音按照發(fā)音方式分為八大類

15、型,即爆破音,鼻音,邊音等 B. openness of mouth C. place of articulation D. voicing 19. _is a design feature of human language that enables speakers to talk about a wide range of things, free from barriers caused by separation in time and space. A. Cultural transmission B. duality C. displacement 語言的不受時空限制性,是指人們

16、在交際中可以談?wù)撨^去與將來的事物,其容易程度如同人們談?wù)撗矍暗氖挛铩?D. productivity 20. _is a phenomenon that L2 learners subconsciously use their L1 knowledge in their learning process. A. Language transfer B. blending C. interference D. Cooperative 語言遷移,指一種語言對學(xué)習(xí)另一種語言的影響。一種是負向遷移,一種是正向遷移。21. Morphemes that represent “tense, number,

17、 gender, case and so on” are called _morphemes. A. Inflectional B. free C. bound D. derivational 曲折語素所展現(xiàn)的是通過增加詞綴類表現(xiàn)詞語在句子中的語法關(guān)系,詞綴的增加往往表示數(shù),人稱,體,格等的變化。22. The opening of the vocal cords is sometimes referred to as _.A. Vocal activity B. glottis C. pharynx喉 D. uvula 小舌聲門:聲帶之間的縫隙。23. _are written identi

18、cally but sound differently. A. Homographs 同形異義詞 B. Homophones 同音字 C. Homonyms同音異義 D. Synonyms 同義字24. Japanese is the only major language that uses _writing system. A. A word writing B. a logographic C. an alphabetic D. a syllabic 音節(jié)文字,日語的片假名和平假名都是音節(jié)文字。25. _refers to the tendency of many learners to

19、 stop developing their interlanguage grammar in the direction of the target language. A. Fossilization B. Error analysis C. Overgeneralization D. Interference 僵化,二語學(xué)習(xí)過程中常出現(xiàn)的一種現(xiàn)象:有些語言錯誤成了一個人使用該語言時永遠改不掉的語言特征。26. Of the following linguists, _should not be grouped into American school. A. Firth B. Sapir

20、美國語言學(xué)家 人類學(xué)家 C. Bloomfield 布龍菲爾德 美國語言學(xué)家,美國結(jié)構(gòu)主義語言學(xué)奠基人 D. Boas 美國 認為語言學(xué)是人類學(xué)的一部分Firth 英國語言學(xué)家,創(chuàng)立弗斯語言學(xué),倫敦學(xué)派的創(chuàng)始人。27. “This orphan has no father” is a case of _.A. Inconsistency 矛盾 B. presupposition 假設(shè) C. semantic anomaly 語義不規(guī)則 D. tautology 同義反覆28. Of the following words, _is an initialism. A. UN B. NATO 北約

21、 C. BASIC D. UNESCO 聯(lián)合國教科文組織(United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization)Acronyms只取首字母的縮寫詞和initialism 都是詞首字母縮略詞,區(qū)別在于前者可以通過發(fā)音讀成另一個詞。=Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code BASIC 語言(初學(xué)者通用指令碼)29. Which of the following words is created through the process of back-formatio

22、n?A. Televise B. bilingual C. balanced D. component 逆構(gòu)法 通過去掉現(xiàn)有的詞綴,構(gòu)成新詞televise是 television 逆構(gòu)而成。30. In the sentence “ The angry man went furiously through the room.”, the first division into immediate constitute should be between _.A. Angry and man B. man and went C. furiously and through D. the and angry 直接成分分析法是將句子分成連個部分,然后再把這兩個部分的每一個部分再分成兩個部分,然后再分,直到不能再分為止31. “Old and young” are a pair of _opposites. A. Complementary B. relational C. converse D. gradable 可分等級反義詞,其特點是語義歸一性和相對性,及語義的兩極比較而存在,在他們的中間有許多中項,如middle-eaged, mature, 等。32. Systemic-Functional Gramma


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