1、公允價值計量1.公允價值在國際財務(wù)報告準則中的規(guī)定在 2005 年11月,國際財務(wù)會計準則理事會為注解準則發(fā)表了一個討論意見,以財務(wù)會計為基礎(chǔ)的公允價值的初始確認和計量,由加拿大會計準則委員會的全體職員編寫。雖然意見包含了對于公允價值的討論,但它的主要目的是討論哪些計量屬性適合初始確認。意見是不斷更新的概念框架項目的一部分。這個概念框架項目致力于構(gòu)建一個為財務(wù)報表服務(wù)的計量概念。因為意見范圍和意圖的不同,它不在此論文中討論。然而,關(guān)于那篇討論意見的評論將會在國際財務(wù)報告準則的公允價值計量披露草案和美國財務(wù)會計準則概念框架計劃的第1號第157條以及現(xiàn)行公允價值計量指南。這篇討論意見是關(guān)于公允價值
11、性的, 有關(guān)于財產(chǎn)或負債的合理理解和交易事項基于所有的可得數(shù)據(jù), 包括通過應(yīng)有的合理方式和習(xí)慣而取得的數(shù)據(jù)。3)能夠為持有財產(chǎn)或承擔負債辦理。4)愿意持有財產(chǎn)或承擔負債; 即他們是主動的而不是強迫這么做。通過比較,公允價值在國際財務(wù)報告準則中的定義設(shè)計是“在一系列正常交易中理性的、有意向的第三方”為國際會計準則第40號第42至44段投資性房地產(chǎn)的定義提供了具體解釋。公允價值的定義中所指的“理性的、有意向的第三方”,在文中“理性的”意味者投資性房地產(chǎn)的買房和賣方對于其的屬性和特征的信息是對稱的,并且在資產(chǎn)負債表日它的實際和潛在的使用年限和市場行情雙方都能獲取合理信息。有意向的購買者指的是購買者是
13、有意向的相關(guān)方的一系列合理交易的概念是一致的。然而,在國際會計準則理事會看來,被提議的定義將更清楚地在 國際財務(wù)報告準則中體現(xiàn)。3.公允價值會計的應(yīng)用和實施的障礙這一直是一個有爭議的問題。即是否繼續(xù)使用傳統(tǒng)歷史成本會計措施還是選擇使用公允價值作為計量基礎(chǔ),并且反對者和支持者就這一問題提出了幾點質(zhì)疑。國際會計標準第39號(第9段)把公允價值定義為:在一項公平交易中,熟悉情況并且自愿交易的雙方交換一項資產(chǎn)或清償一基本原則債務(wù)所使用的金額。3.1對于公允價值的理解雖然在理論上看起來比較簡單, 但在實踐中這個定義需要進一步的理解。學(xué)者Barth 和Landsman認為,它可以被應(yīng)用在完全競爭市場上,但
14、事實并非總是如此。公允價值會計準則的應(yīng)用應(yīng)遵循三個步驟。市場價格是公允價值的最佳估計。第二個最佳選擇, 在找不到所計量項目的市場價格或市場信息質(zhì)量不高的情況下,可以使用所計量項目類似項目的市場價格作為其公允價值。最后,如果以上兩種價格都得不到的話,應(yīng)當考慮采用適當?shù)墓纼r技術(shù)來確定資產(chǎn)或負債的公允價值。因此,確定公允價值可能是通過使用幾種不同的方法,包括發(fā)公布的市場價格,未來現(xiàn)金流貼現(xiàn)或估值方法。最近發(fā)布的國際財務(wù)報告準則第9號準則的提案對金融工具的公允價值在交易成本可以被合理估計的情況下公允價值的計量做出指導(dǎo)。(例如在在廣泛意義上存在計量公允價值的可能性并且在這個范圍內(nèi)成本可以提供對公允價值的
16、前的市場對經(jīng)濟狀況的影響, 而不是它們之前的歷史成本或企業(yè)的持有成本。因此可以說公允價值能夠被視為反映經(jīng)濟實質(zhì)。Barth得出結(jié)論,認為對決策有用的公允價值會計準則已經(jīng)解決了其是否應(yīng)該用在財務(wù)報表中以及應(yīng)該如何應(yīng)用在財務(wù)報表中的爭論。3.2公允價值應(yīng)用的障礙公允價值計量也并非是沒有受到爭議。諸如此類的批評觀點包括公允價值計量可能扭曲凈收入(主要是未實現(xiàn)的持有收益和損失方面的確認),并不是很準確,并且易受認為操縱和產(chǎn)生高額的成本。Benston 認為市場價值的實現(xiàn)是有缺陷的。這樣的缺陷除了在持有至到期資產(chǎn)的升值時,還有在計量衍生金融工具的公允價值時如果財務(wù)經(jīng)理有回旋余地的情況。因為公允價值預(yù)期估
17、值的偽造可能導(dǎo)致實務(wù)操作時錯報的風險。 反對觀點主要集中于資產(chǎn)價格和公平的股東價值的直接關(guān)系的并不總是發(fā)生。Benston批評把賣出價作為公允價值計量來計量某些資產(chǎn),如專用機床和在制品庫存,這些資產(chǎn)的賣出價可能為零或負數(shù)。最后Ronen就公允價值的會計計量的相關(guān)性提出了質(zhì)疑,認為它們不足以成為估計現(xiàn)金流量的可靠基礎(chǔ)。他還對公允價值計量的可靠性提出了質(zhì)疑主要是由于評估存在的主觀性。這種主觀性可能會導(dǎo)致財務(wù)經(jīng)理道德風險的提高。由于投資者的非理性和市場的低效導(dǎo)致公允價值會計計量的扭曲也是其受到質(zhì)疑的方面。 反對公允價值計量的行業(yè)主要是銀行業(yè),銀行也反對公允價值會計,并且游說來反對全面實行公允價值會計
18、。據(jù)報告銀行業(yè)反對公允價值會計會導(dǎo)致收入的波動的增加,而這種波動與銀行業(yè)日常經(jīng)營業(yè)務(wù)的波動無關(guān)。并且這種波動會導(dǎo)致低效的資本配置,增加銀行的資金成本。歐盟銀行業(yè)也對國際會計準則(特別是第39號準則)公允價值會計提出強烈反對。3.3 公允價值會計的應(yīng)用實例涉及公允價值的價值相關(guān)性的研究表明對于投資性房地產(chǎn)估值,公允價值會計比歷史成本會計更有說服力。研究還表明公允價值由于對未實現(xiàn)的持有收益和損失的確認使其在收益方面比歷史成本會計存在更大的波動性。某些研究還表明公允價值會計的計量在價值相關(guān)性在低效的市場環(huán)境下也會發(fā)生。例如,有學(xué)者認為以公允價值計量的證券并沒有消除增量資本的影響。這個結(jié)果在證券的公允
19、價值和公允價值計量的利得和損失都適用。 然而,其他研究的結(jié)果并沒有證明公允價值的積極作用。例如,研究發(fā)現(xiàn)歷史成本法在某些情況下核算的相關(guān)增量價值要比公允價值計量的要高。并且,研究表明公允價值計量的投資性證券相對于賬面價值在增量價值方面更有說服力,這樣的結(jié)論至適用于投資性證券,并不適用于銀行存款、負債或長期負債。最后還有研究表明對于小型銀行的控股公司和沒有財務(wù)分析師的公司,在對負債和銀行存款的公允價值的會計計量方面能獲取的有用信息比歷史成本法要少。 國際財務(wù)報表準則在歐盟國家的應(yīng)用,這其中包括國際會計準則第32號和第39號,對歐洲的資本市場也產(chǎn)生了影響。例如研究表明歐洲資本市場表現(xiàn)出了應(yīng)用準則的
20、積極性的交易活動的增加的跡象,消極影響的交易減少的跡象。這樣的結(jié)果更導(dǎo)致了銀行投資者對于準則應(yīng)用的公開反對。此外學(xué)者發(fā)現(xiàn)在歐洲,實務(wù)界認為國際會計準則第32號和39號在操作上太過復(fù)雜,并且會成為國際財務(wù)報告準則應(yīng)用上的障礙。在西班牙的一項研究表明公允價值會計在金融工具方面的應(yīng)用會導(dǎo)致財務(wù)數(shù)據(jù)在短期內(nèi)不具有可比性,并且不能表明財務(wù)報表與與當?shù)毓墒械穆?lián)系。在固定資產(chǎn)的計量方面并沒有發(fā)現(xiàn)相似的問題。公允價值計量模式的可選擇性導(dǎo)致很多企業(yè)拒絕其的理由。3.4國際財務(wù)報告準則在新興經(jīng)濟體中的應(yīng)用對于國際財務(wù)報告準則在新興經(jīng)濟體中的運用歷來為一些研究的對象。學(xué)者Peng 和Bewley公允價值會計在中國的
21、應(yīng)用情況,他們發(fā)現(xiàn)盡管國際財務(wù)報告準則對于2007年中國新企業(yè)會計準則具有適用性,但在中國的上市公司并沒有得到廣泛應(yīng)用。盡管中國在成本計量中應(yīng)用了公允價值的計量方法,并且在企業(yè)會計準則中也設(shè)置了相關(guān)科目,但學(xué)者們斷言盡管中國會計準則與國際會計準則趨同,但在實務(wù)操作上由于政治、經(jīng)濟、文化和歷史的原因還是會有很大差別。研究表明國別的差異會成為國際會計準則施行的一項重大障礙。阿拉伯聯(lián)合酋長國不得不開發(fā)一套監(jiān)管系統(tǒng)來處理準則實施過程當中相關(guān)的信息安全和欺詐問題。附錄B:外文文獻原文Fair Value Measurements1.Fair Value Required in SFRS and IFRS
22、In November 2005 the IASB published for comment a discussion paper, Measurement Bases for Financial Accounting Measurement on Initial Recognition, written by the staff of the Canadian Accounting Standards Board. Although that paper contained a discussion of fair value, its primary purpose was to dis
23、cuss which measurement attributes were appropriate for initial recognition. That paper is part of the ongoing Conceptual Framework project that seeks to establish, among other things, a framework for measurement in financial reporting. Because of the different scope and intent of that paper, it is n
24、ot discussed in this discussion paper. However, comments on that discussion paper relating to the measurement of fair value will be considered in the development of the exposure draft of an IFRS on fair value measurement as well as in the Conceptual Framework project. Issue1.SFAS 157 and fair value
25、measurement guidance in current IFRS.IFRSs require some assets, liabilities and equity instruments to be measured at fair value in some circumstances. However, guidance on measuring fair value is dispersed throughout IFRSs and is not always consistent. The IASB believes that establishing a single so
26、urce of guidance for all fair value measurements required by IFRSs will both simplify IFRSs and improve the quality of fair value information included in financial reports. A concise definition of fair value combined with consistent guidance that applies to all fair value measurements would more cle
27、arly communicate the objective of fair value measurement and eliminate the need for constituents to consider guidance dispersed throughout IFRSs. The IASB emphasises that the Fair Value Measurements project is not a means of expanding the use of fair value in financial reporting. Rather, the objecti
28、ve of the project is to codify, clarify and simplify existing guidance that is dispersed widely in IFRSs. However, in order to establish a single standard that provides uniform guidance for all fair value measurements required by IFRSs, amendments will need to be made to the existing guidance. As di
29、scussed further in Issue 2, the amendments might change how fair value is measured in some standards and how the requirements are interpreted and applied. In some IFRSs the IASB (or its predecessor body) consciously included measurement guidance that results in a measurement that is treated as if it
30、 were fair value even though the guidance is not consistent with the fair value measurement objective.For example, paragraph B16 of IFRS Business Combinations provides guidance that is inconsistent with the fair value measurement objective for items acquired in a business combination such as tax ass
31、ets, tax liabilities and net employee benefit assets or liabilities for defined benefit plans.Furthermore, some IFRSs contain measurement reliability criteria. For example, IAS 16 Property, Plant and Equipment permits the revaluation model to be used only if fair value can be measured reliably This
32、project will not change any of that guidance.Rather, that guidance will be considered project by project.However, the IASB plans to use the Fair Value Measurements project to establish guidance where there currently is none, such as in IAS 17 Leases, as well as to eliminate inconsistent guidance tha
33、t does not clearly articulate a single measurement objective.Because SFAS 157 establishes a single source of guidance and a single objective that can be applied to all fair value measurements, the IASB has reached the preliminary view that SFAS 157 is an improvement on the disparate guidance in IFRS
34、s. However, as discussed in more detail below, the IASB has not reached preliminary views on all provisions of SFAS 157.2.Differences of The Definitions of Fair Value In Two StatementsParagraph 5 of SFAS 157 defines fair value as the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer
35、a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date. Bycomparison, fair value is generally defined in IFRSs as the amount for which an asset could be exchanged, or a liability settled, between knowledgeable, willing parties in an arms length transaction (withsom
36、e slight variations in wording in different standards). Thedefinition in SFAS 157 differs from the definition in IFRSs in three important ways:1)The definition in SFAS 157 is explicitly an exit (selling) price. Thedefinition in IFRSs is neither explicitly an exit price nor an entry (buying) price.2)
37、The definition in SFAS 157 explicitly refers to market participants. The definition in IFRSs refers to knowledgeable, willing parties in an arms length transaction.3)For liabilities, the definition of fair value in SFAS 157 rests on the notion that the liability is transferred (the liability to the
38、counterparty continues; it is not settled with the counterparty). The definition in IFRSs refers to the amount at which a liability could be settled between knowledgeable, willing parties in an arms length transaction.These differences are discussed in more detail below.2.1 Exit Price Measurement Ob
39、jectiveThe Basis for Conclusions of SFAS 157 are stated below: The transaction to sell the asset or transfer the liability is a hypothetical transaction at the measurement date, considered from the perspective of a market participant that holds the asset or owes the liability. Therefore, the objecti
40、ve of a fair value measurement is to determine the price that would be received for the asset or paid to transfer the liability at the measurement date, that is, an exit price. The Board of FASB concluded that an exit price objective is appropriate because it embodies current expectations about the
41、future inflows associated with the asset and the future outflows associated with the liability from the perspective of market participants. The emphasis on inflows and outflows is consistent with the definitions of assets and liabilities in FASB Concepts Statement No.6, Elements of Financial INVITAT
42、ION TO COMMENT Statements. Paragraph 25 of Concepts Statement 6 defines assets in terms of future economic benefits (future inflows). Paragraph 35 of Concepts Statement 6 defines liabilities in terms of future sacrifices of economic benefits (future outflows).Paragraph 49 of the IASBs Framework for
43、the Preparation and Presentation of Financial Statements similarly defines assets and liabilities in terms of inflows and outflows of economic benefits. The majority of IASB members believe that a fair value measurement with an exit price objective is consistent with these definitions and is appropr
44、iate because it reflects current market-based expectations of flows of economic benefit into or out of the entity. Other IASB members agree with this view, but in their view an entry price also reflects current market-based expectations of flows of economic benefit into or out of the entity. Therefo
45、re, they suggest replacing the term fair value with terms that are more descriptive of the measurement attribute, such as current entry price or current exit price.An entry price measurement objective would differ from the exit price objective in SFAS 157 in that it would be defined as the price tha
46、t would be paid to acquire an asset or received to assume a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date. Some members of the IASB are of the view that an entry price and an exit price would be the same amount in the same market, assuming that transaction c
47、osts are excluded.However, an entity might buy an asset or assume a liability in one market and sell that same asset or transfer that same liability (ie without modification or repackaging) in another market.In such circumstances, the exit price in SFAS 157 would be likely to differ from the entry p
48、rice.Some fair value measurements required by IFRSs might not be consistent with an exit price measurement objective. In particular, the IASB observes that this might be the case when fair value is required on initial recognition, such as in:1)IFRS 3.2)IAS 17 for the initial recognition of assets an
49、d liabilities by a lessee under a finance lease.3)IAS 39 Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement for the initial recognition of some financial assets and financial liabilities.In developing an exposure draft, the IASB may propose a revised definition of fair value. If so, it will complete
50、 a standard-by-standard review of fair value measurements required in IFRSs to assess whether each standards intended measurement objective is consistent with the proposed definition. If the IASB concludes that the intended measurement objective in a particular standard is inconsistent with the prop
51、osed definition of fair value, either that standard will be excluded from the scope of the exposure draft or the intended measurement objective will be restated using a term other than fair value (such as current entry value). To assist in its review, the IASB would like to understand how the fair v
52、alue measurement guidance in IFRSs is currently applied in practice. It therefore requests respondents to identify those fair value measurements in IFRSs for which practice differs from the fair value measurement objective in SFAS 157. 2.2 Market Participant ViewSFAS 157 emphasises that a fair value
53、 measurement is a market-basedmeasurement, not an entity-specific measurement. Therefore, a fairvalue measurement should be based on the assumptions that marketparticipants would use in pricing the asset or liability. Furthermore, evenwhen there is limited or no observable market activity, the objec
54、tive ofthe fair value measurement remains the same: to determine the price that would be received to sell an asset or be paid to transfer a liability inan orderly transaction between market participants at the measurementdate, regardless of the entitys intention or ability to sell the asset ortransf
55、er the liability at that date.Paragraph 10 of SFAS 157 defines market participants as buyers and sellers in the principal (or most advantageous) market for the asset orliability who are:1)Independent of the reporting entity; that is, they are not related parties.2)Knowledgeable, having a reasonable
56、understanding about the asset or liability and the transaction based on all available information, including information that might be obtained through due diligence efforts that are usual and customary.3)Able to transact for the asset or liability.4)Willing to transact for the asset or liability; t
57、hat is, they are motivated but not forced or otherwise compelled to do so.In comparison, the definition of fair value in IFRSs refers toknowledgeable, willing parties in an arms length transaction.Paragraphs 42-44of IAS 40 Investment Property provide a description of this concept.The definition of f
58、air value refers to knowledgeable, willing parties.In this context, knowledgeable means that both the willing buyer and the willing seller are reasonably informed about the nature and characteristics of the investment property, its actual and potential uses, and market conditions at the balance shee
59、t date. A willing buyer is motivated, but not compelled, to buy. This buyer is neither over-eager nor determined to buy at any price.The assumed buyer would not pay a higher price than a market comprising knowledgeable, willing buyers and sellers would require.A willing seller is neither an over-eager nor a forced seller, prepared to sell at any price
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- 企業(yè)員工培訓(xùn)合作協(xié)議合同
- 股權(quán)激勵實施合同協(xié)議
- 施工領(lǐng)域農(nóng)民工勞動合同模板
- 汽車購銷合同其一:條款解析
- 小學(xué)生心理課件
- 無線廣播電視傳輸中的信號傳輸信道分配考核試卷
- 天然氣儲層滲透性改善技術(shù)考核試卷
- 初三語文月考質(zhì)量分析
- 《天才少年維克多》
- CH:火花塞功能、結(jié)構(gòu)類型及檢測
- 信訪工作課件
- 物資盤點工作步驟與細則
- “中小學(xué)教師全員遠程培訓(xùn)”的實效性研究-以山西省J市為例的中期報告
- 工業(yè)旅游項目策劃
- 視頻監(jiān)控入門基礎(chǔ)教程視頻監(jiān)控系統(tǒng)
- 國家基本藥物臨床應(yīng)用指南1
- 自主選擇頂崗實習(xí)申請表
- 報驗申請表模板